Hey sorry guys, I don't need it for 3d printing or anything like that, just need a drawing and blue prints for it so I can take it to go fund me and the manufactures so I can get started on the project, if you can help I can PM you with more detail thanks.
I had these bugs before I did a fresh install of pr again, it has something to do with the chaches not clearing after a certain point when it lands it could also be that the helicopter is at the ending of a map and you're on the opposite edge
Any one up to play some deployment tonight? We can have disrupt the whole hog server with our coop tactics lol, a cas Apache flying 50 feet off the ground killing armour would be hilarious.
Seems like anyone who is flying on khami kashan and gets near the enemy airfield starts to rapidly drop frames, I observed it happening 1 week ago and since then it has happened to others.
I'm just saving up here to get a license in Canada but I'm trying not to go into passenger airlines I'd much rather get into cargo planes (working for DHL etc) and after that slowly going to get a helicopter license as well.
I've seen reviews of it and I feel you would get hooked just like how you got hooked on pr, if only my PC could upgrade from a potato to a sweet potato
I loved this game, it's honestly what got me into battlefield in the first play, too bad it's gone tho, I was like 12 when I used to play it so don't really remember alot anymore.