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Everything posted by Vanillapop

  1. You could use software that helps recognize your mouse as a joystick and run it that way, although probably might not work
  2. I'm interested I know nothing about coding, but as long its just right clicking.
  3. I will give it a go next month and see what happens.
  4. Sounds like a solution for every gamer £30 a month and you get to play high end games,edit videos, us 3D modelling programs etc, of course you would have to test if you get and stutters,lag spikes, how good your ping is and if it's good to play games,if not it's good for graphic and cpu intensive programs, and you would not have to worry about upgrading ever again. https://youtu.be/zLDWNBAUnPo https://shadow.tech/gben/
  5. Can we start playing outpost right away, or does the server need some changes to accommodate it. It would be a good map for small pop.
  6. Youd have my donation support if it was made in a different server that ran every weekend.
  7. You could tie in extraction and vehicle warefare together into an operation, on ramiel the vehicles can clear prop roadblocks and heavy fighter resistence and checkpoints then in the second part the infantry can come in for an extraction, thought this would be a cool idea got the insiration from a syrian operation that took place on April 19 2018- liberating yarmouk of isis etc. Ps shahada or sbneh might be a better map for this.
  8. Its a great idea but semler summed it up pretty good why it couldnt work, but over the past couples days ive really gotten into a coop modded server on insurgency its exactly as what you described GRN just a more moddern shooter. The bots there are set to like brutal and even worse then what we have at pr with the insta headshots lol, you can check it out the groups name is WE THE THREE, and id love the company of pr friends.
  9. He was the funniest guy to play with on the server, didnt know him much but he brought alot of joy into this game. Condolences to his family and his closest friends.
  10. You know for me games have always been something you learn your self, weather its an arcade shooter, modern fps, or flying games like ace combat ive always learned how to do things my self, a big example is all the puzzles in resident evil, my first game on pr was me jumping in on deployment in karbala joining a squad, and instead of pulling a medic bag out i blew my self up with a grenade and ever since then ive been learning, even now just three months ago i learned how to fly helicopters after repeat crashes and messing with sensitivity. so in my no one cares opinion i dont think classes would fun at all its learn as you go just like any other game.
  11. Its in one of the buildings that surrounded by trenches right after gas station
  12. This is actually in alot of the other maps, ive seen it in 3 dont reember which tho.
  13. You guys have probably seen this but im going to leave it here anyways.https://youtu.be/rXL-HYKs4zw
  14. I played yeterday all day with 15 to25 fluctuating every hour, now its the weekend so it should pick up.
  15. Vanillapop


    I have become the predator
  16. Nice i see that night vision actually works everyrging is green
  17. Hey if your ram (memory bar) was the problem you can probably get it replaced by the manufacture with the stickers attached shoot them a message.
  18. just get a ryzen 5 cpu and any am4 botherboard, your ram and graphics card should be fine and this build is pretty good for playing modern game too, if you need later on you can upgrade the graphics card and have a killer pc, and looking into a ssd is not a bad idea either. It should only cost you about 3 or 400 if you just get a motherboard and the cpu, id just use the same power supply, ram and graphics card until later when you save up and have money to upgrade those components.
  19. Could be the storage and ram, had something similar you could also just take it to a reapair place depending on where you live, you could save a lot of money instead of getting a new one, and trouble shoot each piece of hardware switch out ram from any old pc u have or borrow start it without the graphics card switch storage etc.
  20. I think doing it suring the holiday times when the player pop peeks is the best time so sighn ups would be a good start.
  21. I just thought it would be fun as a community thing ik almost all the regular people who play on this server and most people know each other so as a gaming community it would be a fun event.
  22. Even better, lets show em nato power lol
  23. Hey so i know there is currently an event going on right now, but this could be an idea for the next one. I was wondering if we have enough people playing from different countries that we could have war against different countries ex russians vs polish or nato in general, it would be a deployment war i guess but i thought it would be something fun to do.
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