That's outstanding work from him, Semler.
I dont know if we need this for our server(s) because some maps can be handled with 10 players. Doesn`t matter how many bots are on the other side.
Than we have maps where 40 players aren't enough. The main problems i see are the maps with their asset layout. Khami lrg is horrible. Lashkar Infantry is a meatgrinder (i can and will not understand why we have no logitruck on it).
But the biggest problem is :
Why we have fucking botspawnpoints inside of controlpoint areas? Or why we have active spawnpoints in a flagcap radius that is linked by another flag? To name one, Kashan with his amazing respawntime of the Milan. Those spawnpoint placements only provoking things like spawnpoint camping or causing missing boots on other important places when the server population is low.
What Coop really need is : DYNAMIC GAMEPLAY
A pythonscript that choose randomly some objectspawners and let spawn their shit. Like the ammocaches in Insurgency.
I want more dynamic gameplay and not the static gameplay we currently have in coop.
I will not have anymore what we have on muttrah like : CAS spawning - flying to castle - destroying Milan and AA - 5 minutes later the same again.
Here an excample what i want:
I place 50 mortars, 50 bipods and 50 AA-AT static defense in the GPO but the randomcode will only pick 4 mortars, 10 bipods and 2 Static AA's in a random manner. After one of this asset got destroyed another mortar/bipod/static AA-AT will spawn 5-10 minutes later on a different objectspawner, so not on the same position again.
No one at roundstart knows where the mortars/bipod/static AA-AT's will spawn, so CAS has to be carefully, vehicles have to play carefully and the troops also has to Move carefully. No Round will be the same because the shit that will screw up the humans not spawn anymore on the same places.