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=VG= Kavelenko

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Kavelenko

  1. If you want an honest opinion, Arma3 is too complicated for new players me included. I spend most of my time fighting with the controls, setting up kits, and needing to ask people how to do this and that. I've done tutorials and it doesn't help so I walk away from it to something a lot easier like PR. I already fly BMS and that is complicated enough so it puts me off playing ARMA when ever we have an event and a whole lot more shit gets added. Couldn't we have a basic vanilla set up that we can just fight missions without all the extra modding?
  2. ok so long as I get to play "Highway to the Danger Zone" when I fly Jets its cool. ROFL!
  3. Hi Rizla, I don't think its a good idea to spam the chat with music in a TRANS chopper, we need to be able to communicate with the pilot so he can drop us where we need to go.
  4. A really detailed ramp start for the F-16 by Supanova. He does a great job of explaining the controls in the cockpit.
  5. Here's a checklist for the Harrier Ramp Start Tutorial. Harrier_RampStart_BMS_4_34_4.pdf
  6. Just adding a place to store tutorials for Ramp Starts.
  7. 40% off Falcon 4.0. US$5.97 https://store.steampowered.com/app/429530/Falcon_40/
  8. Excellent work Melon! Great to see the Beirut Russian version back that will be hugely popular, I never understood why that was reversed. Really looking forward to these maps in the up coming updates well done! A map that I really hate is the Falklands Infantry Coop map, what a pain that thing is no wonder its not played very often. Not enough vehicles, why don't we have a STD, ALT, & LRG layer for this legendary Battle? Surely we could have Carriers with CAS Harriers, Air to Air dogfighting between Harriers and Mirages on the large layer, how difficult would that be to do?
  9. I think this is a great idea Sem, and is a natural progression from what started as a private message thread between Stark and myself 12 weeks ago. We've been training together every week since then just learning how to ramp start, communicate with the tower correctly, navigate to a target, drop our bombs and return to base and land safely. Several players have joined our unofficial group since then which is fantastic! This simulator is a huge challenge for new players and its very easy for them to get discouraged and give up so in my opinion we do need some sort of organised training "school" to get players up and running as quickly as possible without over stressing them. I remember Stark telling me one time he was actually "sweating" under the pressure rofl! Anyway we persevered and he's going well and hooked. This is a brilliant game but seriously complicated which is one of the draw cards for me. We know you and BLuD have been doing this for years so it would be great to see you guys take us to the next level. Currently we train at 15:00:00 ZULU because it suited both Stark and myself (12:30am for me) on Sunday mornings, perhaps someone could start another training session time slot for others who find this time difficult to attend?
  10. Welcome back Connor, I remember you, there are a few more new maps since you last played the game, enjoy!
  11. Team work will solve that issue on the last flag. Laze targets for CAS, tanks stand off and infantry move in to cap, pretty simple really.
  12. Added the pre-release to my Origin account.
  13. I hope this is not as disappointing as Battlefront.
  14. Add Operation Falcon Coop ALT to that list, there are no Logi's on that map therefore you cannot build FOBs, Melon knows about it and will fix it in time.
  15. Be great to see some Army Jeeps too. Love this historical map.
  16. There's a good idea that adds to the theme of D-Day, you could still leave it so the support ships show up once the trenches have been secured and also have the tanks spawn inside the ships as well as the logis. I don't know if the tanks would fit though?
  17. I think this would be worse because once that OPFOR armor turns up to WN72 and you have no tanks to combat them, you're screwed unless you have a full server. What would be an improvement would be Logi's spawning once we capped the beach not the bunkers especially once the server settings go back to the large crate deployment for building FOBs. At the moment we can spawn them without a crate which is handy but it would kill the server if we reverted to our normal settings.
  18. Bollocks! That doesn't count, you gotta cap all the flags to meet my expectations!
  19. Karbala STD is working again folks, this should make @=VG= Skitalezhappy. The server did crash about half way through the map so its not perfect but at least its not crashing immediately.
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