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=VG= Kavelenko

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Kavelenko

  1. That map has already been identified by MelonMuncher as a map we should not be setting.
  2. A few of us will be meeting up on the server tonight at 11:00:00 ZULU if you're interested.
  3. Syntax being a bad ass.


  4. @=VG= The_Polish_Guy Do we need to subscribe to the following mod? I have no idea how to use Zeus.
  5. Weekly Campaign Missions on the =VG= Falcon BMS server, 9th Sept 2024.

    OCA strike mission on Kwail AB flown by @AADITYA_31, @=VG= STARK, @JudgeDredd, @=VG= Kavelenko


    OCA strike mission on Haeju AB flown by @JudgeDredd, @Netraider, @=VG= STARK, @=VG= Kavelenko




  6. Shit somethings come up I wont be able to attend this event. Sorry for the inconvenience @=VG= The_Polish_Guy
  7. Hey thanks for organizing this event, I enjoyed it a lot, even the part where I parachute in and fail to open it on time lol. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2227154055
  8. Sign me up rifleman or something. Been a while since I did a jump, what controls do we use to deploy the parachute?
  9. First mission from my perspective. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2209208459 And how we should have done it:
  10. Thanks to everyone involved with making this event, I had some fun after a bit of time away from ARMA 3. Also appreciate the lesson on basic medical training prior to the event, it was very useful to know how to revive a team mate in the field, here's a little bit of our session. Cheers @=VG= The_Polish_Guy https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2209199802
  11. Anything other than Medic preferably, thanks
  12. Added the Map Control feature to my Helios profile yesterday, this is a road test.


  13. An extraction profile I built today specifically for the AV-8B Harrier, that enables me to hit switches that are not available in the pit. Up until now we had to rely on keyboard short cuts, to set IFF, ILS, Landing lights, Oxygen & Anti-Ice switches. Also the RWR is not a feature in the standard Harrier that had been removed but thanks to Helios we have it back. This will replace my RTT Remote Client which seems a little primitive after creating this.


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