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Everything posted by Double_13

  1. Don’t worry I do vehicle warfare after it
  2. Meh extraction it will be for the first one. I have to see how the f I can set this up but sure. I guess the classical crashed helicopter pilot evacuation is in need. Thinking of using Outpost and ramiel for it. More details follow suggestions are welcome
  3. to allow more bots (above 48) \mods\pr\ai\aidefault.ai aiSettings.setMaxNBots 48 to like 60 (do this on both lines) Only then the serversettings.con could go above 48 sv.coopBotCount 60 Modifications of these files are allowed as they are mentioned in it themselfs But what if you are following someone? xD
  4. Semler is correct in the way we shouldn’t split the server. BUT GRNANDGLD is also correct that the maps are quite boring. The best rounds I played where the rounds just after an update came out and the server was unjoinable for people who just updated. While I can make every map as hard as Shahadah or even worse outpost, I won’t because not everybody wants 5 tow rockets spinning at them. With the new events coming up and with me going to create/patch more maps I might be able to create your elite server on 1 day a week. I was already thinking of Salty Sunday where we test new maps and play with extreme unbalance (70 bots 20 humans) on the INS test server (my VG testing server). I do not think this will fracture the coop. If the elite server is only ran on 1/2 days a week it forces the people to play the other 5/6 days on the regular VG server. Other People will talk about it and might be interessted in joining the next Saltysunday. This makes the new people becoming more active within the community (because they might need to download maps and obtain the password) this will motivate them to talk more with the regulars and so they themself can become regular. PR is currently just like COD. People join, they they pew pew pew and they leave. But if we motivate them in joining these special events they will be more active And become better players. i highly want to request that either the player slots on the VG server are reduced to 30 or the bot numbers cranked up to 60. to explain the reason why. When you kill a bot it takes around 2 min for it to respawn while a human can do it in like 1 min. Another problem is that bots stack up in assets quite fast. A BMP3 carries 8 bots meaning if you kill 2 of them you have killed almost half of the bot team. As for stability it should not cause any problem. Danesh server used to run 70 bots and with 20 people it rarely crashed. I think it is worth a test.
  5. I am not allowed to run heavy modified maps on public server without locking the server.
  6. As me (Double_13) and melon are the last remaining PR editors within VG. I guess I shall now have to host the VG events. I would like to see if it would be possible to host an event every 2 weeks. While this is mainly my challenge, I would like to know what you guys want to see. For start I am not going to touch any NON-PR map as it will cause to many problems getting them running stable. The options are Vehicle warfare PvP:Same assets for everybody PvP: Mixed assets on both sides (both sides have same assets but the selection is now APC/TANK/CAS) Multiteam: Each squad is a team on itself you will be able to see all the enemys on the map and you and your squad have to survive/capture an asset and bring it back but so do others have all of the above but with extra bots for more chaos. Opfor Events I am not able to port all the maps to OPFOR on a short notice but I could do some special opfor maps that can be reused. the more often we do the bigger the pick is on the next opfor event. Extraction You have to recover a person/asset and bring him back while having to fight off bot hordes. Testing new maps/layers This should speak for itself. Basically testing the new maps for official PR. If you guys have any more suggestions please share them. Please also inform me what you would like to see so I can start producing them. the poll will be reset after each event without the last ran event.
  7. Double_13

    New PC

    Maybe; but you know infinite poweeeeer!
  8. Double_13

    New PC

    So I ordered all the parts for my new computer. As my current computer passed the age of 6. Here are the new specs Intel® Core i7-8086K, 4.0 GHz (5,0 GHz Turbo Boost) socket 1151ASUS ROG MAXIMUS X HERO, socket 1151Thermaltake View 31 TG RGBThermaltake Toughpower iRGB Plus Platinum 1050W Thermaltake Floe Riing RGB 360 PremiumG.Skill 16 GB DDR4-3200 KitGIGABYTE AORUS GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Xtreme Edition 11G 2x M.2 Samsung 512 GB, 970 PRO SSD Raid0 I specifically picked this CPU because the high clock frequency per core that I need for various tasks and old game. While I know Nvidea is going to poop out a new GPU series I simply cant be asked to wait another half year before the 2nd gen comes out (1th gen always has flaws)
  9. For jabal 16/Inf: gave 2 flags to bots and added more spawnpoints. Fixed human spawning 32/alt: added more spawnpoints. Fixed bot flag priority. Fixed human spawning 64/std: gave all flags to the bots except carrier. Added priority to defend forward flags. Add spawnpoints to various flags. Fixed AI attack order. Fixed human spawning 128/lrg: (new layer) fixed delay times for bot assets. Fixed captimes. Add DOD to various areas. Todo generate new mapimages (loading images) create localisation files. upload to repo I shall try to create more mini maptest events at regular intervals.
  10. Because the carrier is Canadian but the spawnpoint for it is linked to west beach that the FSA has.
  11. Double_13

    7 day chat ban

    Bob you can’t spam meow all the time it does get you banned.
  12. The TK is the odd Friendly fire been disabled on start, dunno why. The spawnpoints been broken is a new one and I shall look at it first thing tomorrow. I am not changing those layers ingame I just modified them to use the actual layers.con function of the editor. It might be it screwed up when I merged the files.
  13. Simi is banned so he won’t be joining You have to see we only had 8 people and more bots so on I think it will be playable on full VG server. You mentioned INF had no spawn are you sure? I haven’t touched it only modify the layer values. i shall try to generate more maps soon and hold more of these testing events.
  14. Here are the files required for the testing event https://www.dropbox.com/s/j6x4ddqx7fsqjs3/D13_jabal.zip?dl=0 unpack the D13_jabal.zip and put it in your levels folder and start PR. The map contrains "fixed" original layers and a new LRG layer. Note that the map is not ready yet but the core works and is in need of testing. Special thanks to ZZANG for providing me with a rough sketch and feedback for this layer. Server password simi
  15. Over the past days I remade the jabal layers and created an new (sorta) Shahadah style layer. So tonight at 18:00 PRT I shall do an testrun on our dev server. Files and more information will be posted at that time. Your all free to join this testing
  16. Well true but I can’t do this on every map because it should still be playable on non VG servers. But even then having a different twists to maps is something fun.
  17. If you wish to join find a member willing of putting you up for vote. The vote will then decide yes or no.
  18. It is technically rendering but it only consumes CPU. With technically I mean that we are making an object but the object has no texture we are only calculating the shape of the object. However this step is not the main problem as I also have some servers that can chew on the data for few days it is the possible editing after it. the navmesh mainly needs some cleaning and checking and this takes time. most help would be thinking of new layouts for maps (flag locations/cap order and assets) even just drawing them out on paint/paper would help because I sadly know the limits of each map and this limits my ideas.
  19. I like to reinstall/ restart from zero. It is the moment you realise the amount of .net redistribution junk you need to install. Prob soon I would have to do the same when I gonna get my new PC
  20. I can teach you the PR editing. But it mainly depends what you want to do. Generating the navmesh is nothing more then having your computer chew on the map for a couple of days and then hope you have no issues in the mesh and that it stays below 700.000 triangles. But the steps you have to do before is the main problem but I got it nearly fully automated. I highly suggest you stay out of this as it is really annoying ass work. The main support would be with fixing the maps in the way of create more spawnpoints for bots. Move assets around and change the temperature values for flag importance. This work only requires you to install the PR editor and have some basic skills with the right click menu and that can be thought in a nights time. For starters start with installing the editor. You have to do every step except the lightmaps. Once you got this running I can show you over teamvieuwer the basics and your set to go editing. most of the how to edit is on the website but it is much quicker to simply show you how to edit and use the documentation next to it. editor files https://www.realitymod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14468 Manuals https://www.realitymod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20862 I am currently on Holliday to zandvoort DTM raceing I will be back Monday. if others are also interested in editing then note it and I shall help you as wel
  21. Wrong. The exact stuff above is why I am R-CON now I am working on it with outlawz I have 2 maps meshed already but not anywhere near my likings. We are having the issue that non of the new buildings have a col3 mesh and this means it will simply cutout the entire building and bots can’t go inside. However slowly outlawz is providing me with the col3 buildings so I can let my computer chew on it for few days. However I am quit frankly not really interessted in all the WW2 maps and I might only do 1 or 2 and wait until the deployment update wave has passed so I don’t have to remesh the map all the time. Note that we still have 1 more non supported map been Iron Thunder Beta. (Outpost is in next update). I rather focus on fixing the current 110+ maps/layers than creating new maps.
  22. Don’t know if you made the joke intentional or not but technically you can’t draw circles cus they polygons (triangles xD) Anyway i use 3dsmax 2018/2019 for modifying the navmesh. It only took me 2 months to find all the correct tweaks for it to work but I manage to do it. i don’t know if you also have more modern 3dsmax installed but you could use this if you do. https://www.realitymod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=145720
  23. VPN increases stability of your entire connection as it creates a tunnel that doesn’t hop to different nodes. It might be his provider tends to reroute busy traffic to other nodes (and those might be ....). from personal experience. when I go on Holliday in Austria or Spain the hotel internet has quite high speed but the stability sucks. After like certain time your connection seems to get throttled it tends to disconnect you. When I use the VPN the quantity of data is heavily reduced (don’t ask how as I don’t know it exactly how it does this) but more important it forces that connection to stay open.
  24. Ranger noted that when he uses my VPN he doesn’t get booted out. So I guess that’s a fix for now (until nov 2019 xD)
  25. Well the devs are just busy with 200 other things. It doesn’t matter if it is official or not aslong you learn and enjoy from it. while I am can’t help you directly with Modeling (cus I don’t know anything about it) I could contact some PR devs directly if you have some specific questions. However most will point to the tutorials online. Whilst this is kinda ... it does contain 99% of the answers. If you get it working I might be able to port it to coop but who knows.
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