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Everything posted by Double_13

  1. Well I hope melon or ted is able to Swing back up the other BF2 server and make it our event server so we could replay the events melon has made so far in weekends orso. This will also give us the opportunity to play the PR mappacks that need additional downloading. It would be a shame of these maps will never be played again. I an looking forward to the next events.
  2. it took 5 min to get the russians to get organised but we got it From the CheekiBreeki Squad we like to thank Melooooon for the event and see you on the next one
  3. Cheeki breeki battleplan for khamI Because PAINT is da best Cheekibreeki lands on LZ and caps the 3 bunker near its position The other 2 squads land on 2 and 3 and push in Once cheekibreeki is done we shall take trans and go to LZ 4 where we expect lots of resistance We shall try to distract the bots so squad 2 and 3 can move in I know Blazer is working on his battle plan but this is what i drew up due to keeds absence BAR Cheeki breeki also working on barracuda battle plan Cheekibreeki squad lands on 1 and secures the north Flag Squad 2 will do the same and secure west flag Once done Cheeki breeki will get combat MG and will stand by on marker Squads 3/4 can support on first push but need to be ready for next push Squad 3/4 need be landed as close to the endscreen bunker as possible the choppers will most likey take heavy damage and can therefor go to the designated area for emergency repairs Since Cheeki breeki is lazy and stuff we only make our area for the battleplan Cheekibreeki will just push to the bunker complex and cap Squad 3 or 4 is suggested to take trans to the other side and attack the flag from that side to prevent getting mowed down and the rest improvise
  4. Hello 22..12 from my point of view ur free to join see ya on the field
  5. Nah i updated the list and now YOU SHALL HAVE YOUR M.A.S.H Squad
  6. Well tedf noted it already. however we can just swap it around on certain maps I think that moving around the Cheeki Breeki squad wont happen since the vodka guys noted they want to play together( shout random russian crap at people prob spam CheekiBreeki in squad chat and be drunk.) Last time skitales was wasted he drove me to some interesting places on kozelsk that where quite useful if it comes to watching threes. However I am sure that if need we can swap squads around. However i hope people are capable enough to make fair squads.
  7. I want the previous 1.3.9 back. There the bots actually gave some resistance rather then the 1.4 bots that keep spawning at the main. Inch we already balancing the maps a bit with assets. on certain layers of khami and kashan the bluefor team has less assets (mainly 1 man assets) to make it more challenging, However we can not change to much without having the clients to update. Hopefully the future coop updates will provide more inf maps for us to play.
  8. I have add a list with currently known squads to melons original post. If you wish to join or run a squad please notify us so we can update the list. For the people who are playing with assets on certain maps please inform your SL that you wont be playing that specific map.
  9. Auw I really hoped using the super fast TS downloaded. I shall download the maps tomorrow and see if they loaduo without crashing good job Melon
  10. Only requirement for joining my squad 1. LISTEN to da SL 2. Have a decent mic (meaning I can hear what you say without having to hear the sound effects of the game) 3. LISTEN to da SL if people able to do that, they can stick around and get taught the way of the warrior. I do not care having a squad full of randoms as long as conditions 1 and 3 are met. However these little requirements seems to be to much for most people and results in removal from my squad. The best way to train people is that they listen to what you say, because it doesn't matter if they don't know how to switch fire mode on joining. As long they listen to the people talking to them they can be taught how to revive, switch fire mode, change kit and other thingymegigs. Talking about Squadleading For me it seems most SL play a tape that represents the flag/map progression. They always go to that certain building then take trans to next point sir on a predefined location. However if for some odd reason the progression is not the same as always they get stuck until the tape can be continued to be played. There is no improvising of the SL as they seem to know only 1 way and refuse to try a different method. I personally know all the easy ways to finish the maps because I have a understanding how the AI works in the game and how to exploit there limitations. However I always try doing something else to find other more interesting ways of finishing the maps. This keeps the game fun for me, even taught I have been playing the game nonstop for over a year. Until now I only seen Kavlenko actively asking me (and possibly others) how to finish certain maps with only a squad of 4. Even on maps I had never played before (goose green/soul rebel) . His openness to other people's way show off in the way he leads his squad in more then one way around the map with limited casualties. I think plenty of SL's can learn from playing with other SL's for a round they often have trouble with. But this is there own choice to make.
  11. I shall be leading the Cheeki Breeki squad with the russians on all the maps except ramiel. For teds requirements 1. Game keeps telling me to read ma field manual, I havnt been able to find it. 2 Me Myself and WHERES MA MEDIC 3. U WOT M8 4. U N**B I TOLD YOU TO USE KNIVE 5. SHOTGUN AND FULL AUTO DLC FEATURES 1. Microphone on other side of the room counts right? 2. How to talk to mah squad. 3. AUW but it does mean i can have push to talk on the fire button and play the sound over the speakers so my mic can catch the ingame sound? 4. No Touching the Childeren? The Cheeki Breeki Squad Contains the following players (can be changed) SL: =VG= Double_13 VODKA Skitalez VODKA Dragovich VODKA Maga VODKA Jersans VODKA Un4given (unconfirmed) Sweetwarrior (unconfirmed) I suggest that people/SL start recruiting there squad members and note it on the forum so we can keep track whos joining. If people are looking for a squad please make a post you searching so SL's can take into consideration of accepting you in there squads. I do like to ask SL to recruit new people and not to get the whole squad with ALL the regulars.
  12. Barracuda Trans ramiel stryker driver #2 plz A10 pilot ramiel
  13. I say we should watch out with getting a protocol for everything, because it gets a point that everything will become over complicated. There will always be a Gray area but it's for the Admin who is there to make a judgement call for that specific situation for that player at that moment. I say use common sense and you define 99% of the rules.
  14. I was planning on editing all the mapfiles and send them over to Melon for checking and implementation, however my sickness past few days prevented me from doing so.
  15. Double_13

    Report on an admin

    I got asked 12 times the question and got reported to open cas for the cobra. Its surly getting to an extend where it gets annoying that people simply do not READ the layer and think that it might be different then the other 200 times we play mutrah. If i am not correct i answered the question why is there no cobra even when you spawned. I find it sad you are reporting this rather then all the other disturbing things that happen on the server simply because someone supposedly offended you. I do not take back what i said because i find, people that ask obvious questions, or questions that are asked 1 min before should not feel offended been call a new guy aka noob.
  16. Server has been updated and the crashing should have been reduced. The flag cap system should be fixed The autobalance is fixed so the server no longer swaps 40 people and crashes while doing so. The bot asset usage is not fixed and we await another hotfix for that. We urge people not to use the bot assets because they shouldn't be used. Admins have the liberty to warn and punish people that are using/abusing the assets (wasting them on purpose or spamming bombs/rockets everywhere). If there are any other server side issues feel free to post them and we shall look in to it
  17. except Melon(who is finally making his return) we do not have any Official devs for PR. All the issues except the bot difficulty are not up to us to fix but up to PR to fix. There is nothing we can do but wait for the devs to fix the issues and release them. The only thing you can do is file bug reports on the PR forum to bring to the devs attention that people still play coop and it should not be abandoned in the state it's currently in.
  18. well its not the real falklands map and you could possible be right its a part of the biggermap. not really looked in that yet. Also quite disturbing, non of the recently add coop map pack maps have been add to the update. I wonder if these maps will ever be able to be properly be played by people if they not in the default game servers.
  19. There are only a few people within the clan that have the connections need to obtain the server files. they have been contacted and we await there reply
  20. Double_13

    Please Unban Me

    While its not my call to make if a person should not get unbanned i do wish to share my thoughts. I think we can all agree that kraus might be an ass time to time and he might be disruptive. But from my point of view i think he should get a chance. Kraus is a person that time to time has some bad moods in where he might do stupid stuff that is not allowed on our server. And I do not want to talk this good. However he is a regular player that is also a good player most of the times. I also would like to note that for a person like him there is no where else to play since we are the last Coop server and not unbanning him will mean he has to quite PR entirely and no longer be able to play with his fellow clan members. PS i just see tedf replyed as i was typing
  21. quoting from the announcement For our COOP players we are also happy to say many new maps have received COOP support including Kashan Desert, Goose Green, Bamyan, Battle of Ia Drang and Operation Soul Rebel. Sadly the map falklands is not mentioned nor can i seem to find it on the just downloaded 1.4 files
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