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Everything posted by asko___

  1. Can i get a spot as a rifleman? I assume it is not a super important role, because I don't have a lot of experience with Arma.
  2. Nice event. Enjoyed it very much. I especially liked the suspense when we knew that there was a player controlled enemy around us.
  3. Some of those maps were visually very stunning. I hope we will repeat this event sometime.
  4. Some bombastic content in this one. I'm gonna try making more videos but with fewer clips from now on.
  5. LOL, imagine how bad (=funny) it gets in those videos that I don't share to the public
  6. This silly AI post rustled a few jimmies
  7. All of the hidden tapes? That would be self incrimination
  8. asko___


    When Helpman has 3 logis
  9. Can the spawn rate of enemy grenadiers be toned down a bit? I feel like there are too many of them lately. Yesterday on Operation Falcon std, three grenadiers were shelling our building at the same time with amazing accuracy from 150-300m (while seeing through a whole forest of course but that's nothing new). I believe they have infinite ammo which makes them even stronger. Also makes teamplay hard because in a building, if he hits somebody, everybody in the room can take damage.
  10. I don't exactly know which difficulty setting was on this time, but I felt that they were too extreme. One example I had was on Ulyanovsk, hiding in a pillbox. The same second I peeked my head through the windows, about 6-7 rifles would open fire at the same time. And since this pillbox was in the forest, of course I had no chance of firing back. Or another example on Khamisiyah. I was laying prone on northern part of Chemical, watching through the steel bridge towards Bunker complex. A bot waltzed into my scope picture and before I could even fire a shot, he downed me with two bullets. This was about 250-300m away. I feared the bot infantry more than the players because I know what a player usually is capable to do. Anyways, just kinda felt like sharing this. Would be nice if this went somewhere
  11. Hello, I'm Asko. I discovered PR like 5-6 years ago and I keep coming back because no other game scratches the itch that PR does. My favourite class is the medic because then I don't have to deal with shooting the enemy (and I like listening to people scream for medic while in agony)
  12. Interesting, eager to test this
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