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=VG= Skiddles

VG Immemorium
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Everything posted by =VG= Skiddles

  1. Hello Masrey, Below is a listing of your actions on the server that required admin intervention. You will, I'm sure, notice you regularly break rules and as such demonstrating your reluctance to follow server rules you claim to understand. This in combination to complaints received from other players resulted in you and Wolf being placed on our watch list. When someone is on this list your actions are WATCHED by all admins with far more scrutiny and zero tolerance for infractions come into play. Everyone is welcome to play on VG provided they play within the rules and conduct themselves in a respectful manor not only to admins but other players. The ladder of which has been the focus of other player complaints about you and Wolf. You conduct yourself arrogantly and with a sense of self importance with respect to assets. You regularly report players for rule infractions while absolving yourself of your own actions. With respect to QOUTE "message seems to be that you don't like us to continue playing on your server", I would have to say yes. My job as an admin would have a lower work load not having to keep an eye on you all the time. I don't appreciate your arrogance and I am very sure the player base won't miss you either. But, this is up to you. Leave your ego at the door, play nice, stop breaking rules and we all can have a great time playing PR. Skiddles [2022-06-10 00:39] !WARN performed by '=VG= 0100011000101' on ' Masrey': Teamkilling of ANY kind is strictly forbidden! [2022-06-07 03:40] !WARN performed by '=VG= 0100011000101' on ' Masrey': Your vehicle needs 2 people to operate! Return to base now! [2022-06-07 03:40] !REPORT performed by 'R-CON LangMaster': Masrey onemannig cas [2022-06-06 22:24] !WARN performed by ' Hoops0320' on ' Masrey': Unlock your squad! You need more members or have empty assets! [2022-06-04 00:58] !WARN performed by '=VG= Zeee' on ' Masrey': Unlock your squad! You need more members or have empty assets! [2022-05-23 03:22] !WARN performed by '=VG= Whiskey-Mike' on ' Masrey': Unlock your squad! You need more members or have empty assets! [2022-05-17 18:19] !WARN performed by '=GNR= TROJANEXE' on '[U777] Masrey': You are not in the correct squad to use that vehicle! [2022-04-03 07:41] !WARN performed by ' Zviking' on '[U777] Masrey': You are skipping flags! Fall back and attack flags in the right order [2022-02-13 18:31] !WARN performed by '=VG= KaraMara' on ' Masrey': Unlock your squad! You need more members or have open crewman seats! [2022-02-10 20:01] !RESIGN performed by ' Spartanish' on ' Masrey': Are you AFK? [2022-01-28 00:51] !WARN performed by 'PRISM user m823us' on ' Masrey': Teamkilling of ANY kind is strictly forbidden! [2022-01-26 19:32] !WARN performed by '=VG= The_Polish_Guy' on ' Masrey': You are skipping flags! Fall back and attack flags in the right order [2022-01-19 21:06] !WARN performed by '=VG= KaraMara' on ' Masrey': You are not in the correct squad to use that vehicle!
  2. That was good fun! Thank you ZEE and MELON for all the hard work! Cheers
  3. Zee, own the maps you made. "made by request" just don't cut it. You have worked bloody hard and deserve the accolades from your fellow players for your efforts. So much learning, countless hours put in to it. OWN it my friend, you deserve it. Love ya!
  4. Great that it's on sale but if you are not ready to spend MOST of your life working out its complexities, pass on it. DLC alone are enough to drive one to implode.
  5. UGH! That makes it a 5 AM start Sunday morning for me. Don't know how well I will play trying to see with blood shot eyes!
  6. Rack of lamb with all the trimmings. There is nothing that beats a properly prepared lamb rack seasoned and cooked to perfection. Sliced and eaten from the bone every bite is glorious, nearly orgasmic.
  7. Crazy medic kits would be issued without smoke. Medic death toll will be over the top!
  8. Early day's with the new map. https://youtu.be/ubPQF62vpMs ( was captured before I installed OBS so there are glitchs)
  9. With respect to BOT ability, accuracy etc. Is it possible to set different levels for different BOTS? Say 10% at level 10, 20% at level 9, 30% at level 8, etc etc etc? So they are more like the human players? Some really good, most kinda average and few noobs?
  10. Playing around with some new video editing software. Thought I would share my first attempt. Couple of issues in the production process. Seems YouTube compresses oddly so some effects didn't come out as intended. I welcome comments and any advice from seasoned video producers. Cheers!
  11. Now that I've had a few hours game play on different maps I will say the changes are great. Game play is much more challenging and I love that seasoned players are not "owning" the top score list anymore. Seems that now things are less predictable the playing field is a little more equal between seasoned and newish players. The negatives for me is a: how much I get suppressed by enemy I can not even see. I'm using a scoped weapon getting suppressed by iron sights from 1/2 way across the map. And b: the amount of whining coming from seasoned players about it being to hard, LOL
  12. I am really enjoying the change(s). It can be a slog when we have a lot of inexperienced players in the population who don't understand the game let alone the strategy needed to win the map. From an ADMIN perspective, it is a nightmare ATM. The combination of new players, changes and people who just don't know what they are doing is causing me to increase my blood thinners in order to maintain my alcohol system balance. I'm lov'in it Melon and thanks for all the hard work and thought you are putting into this and thank you ZEE for the changes you are making! It is all working GREAT!!
  13. IMHO, statistics, like these, are useless when there is little or no balancing with respect to server population, player ability, map voting, server crash. It is like that stat that says most car accidents happen within 10KM of home. Seeing that your car spends most of its time within 10KM of home, where else are you "most likely" to have a crash? I think the ADMINS do a great job picking the right map for the circumstances at the time. Interesting read thou, oh, note these numbers are over a three month period.
  14. Thanks for the promotion to membership! Very cuff! 

  15. Some recent things from work. We work with brass and aluminium.
  16. =VG= Skiddles

    PSU help

    My rule of thumb for power supplies regardless of application has always been 1.5 X maximum current draw. Reduces PSU failure, gives me peace of mind should I choose add anything later.
  17. I'd like to see a planned speed run on any of our more difficult maps. When I say planned, I really mean planned in that the team formulates an attack plan in TS before we venture on to the battle field. Maybe get Melon involved to "crank up" difficulty, change spawn points so we don;t know where they are, even lay un-marked enemy mines/IED's. Then lets see how fast we can do it!
  18. Thrilled to hear you are enjoying the VG server and our crew. Welcome and I look forward to popping some bots with you!
  19. Just saying that if the files were compressed using the "self-extracting" option then a double click is all that's needed to extract the files. No "un-zipping" software needed. I still can't work out why there is/was an issue with the event files. I got 7 WIN installed and it worked fine. Just not in time to get into the match. (sad face)
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