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Operation Orthodox - Arma Event

=VG= Sausag3

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Operation Orthodox

Arma 3 Event

30th May 2020


Max 20 Players

Large Operation - 2 to 3 Hours Long



I'd like to thank Blizzard for putting so much work onto making this mission. Without him this event probably would have been delayed another century. Thanks for those who tested it out too.


While the Soviet Union and the Germans were fighting each other in Poland, late 1944. Their fighting tactics were more desperate and more fierce. Both sides used Scorched Earth tactics against each other which inevitably resulted in the destruction of some Orthodox churches. This in turn angered the Orthodox population, As the population had nothing better to do they gathered a small platoon of armed priests. Small, but holy shit were they fierce, Not one man had the balls to stand up against the power of the priest. Some say that a group of priests once raided a company HQ and baptized them with lightning bolts and 50. Cal bullets. They are not to be messed with.


Your Team: The Orthodox Priests


Enemy Teams: 

Ze Germans


Soviet Union - Red Army (Cyka Blyat)




Using the recently captured airfield. Use teamwork to assault and secure multiple objectives. There are some additional side objectives that can be completed to benefit your team.

Due to lack of accurate intelligence we only know briefly that both factions have AT Capabilities, Heavy Anti Air Weaponry, Heavy Armour, Half tracks and machine guns. Numbers Unknown. Due to this there will be scouting missions in each objective to be able to reorganize and prepare for assault. 

Infantry and Vehicle Respawns are going to be limited, so scout, listen to orders and fight effectively to have the highest chance of making it out alive.

Only the squad leader will have access to a radio to communicate to high command and nearby squad leaders. With TFAR and ACE enabled you WILL need to stick together, listen carefully and encourage teamwork.

You will have a high commander in charge (Me), he is responsible to assigning you tasks, issuing you assets, re-arming you, etc. However he cannot assume everything so always communicate with the commander if you require any support.


You will not know the assets available until it is time for the event and are in game.


You will need to be in Teamspeak for this event

The Basic common sense ARMA rules apply.

Only WW2 Gear is allowed on the event, Exception is the short range radio



Please use this link and subscribe to all the mods required for the event - DOWNLOAD AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE.


TFAR - If you have not got it set up, you will need to download a plugin for your teamspeak.

Please follow this tutorial awesomely made by Binkle the habibi


Squad Selection:

Commander: =VG= Sausag3


Squad 1 - Will Rename later:

Squad Leader:


Pioneer / AT:  



Squad 2 - Will Rename later: Fanny Pirates

Squad Leader: =VG= m823us

Medic: Nero

Pioneer / AT: =VG= asquirrel456

Machine Gunner: =VG= Orracis


Squad 3 - Will Rename later:

Squad Leader: =VG= .Blizzard.

Medic: Hoops0320

Machine Gunner: =VG= I3RY4N

Machine Gunner:


Squad 4 - Will Rename later:

Squad Leader: 


Pioneer / AT: =VG= SemlerPDX

Pioneer / AT:


CAS / Trans Squad - Will Rename Later:

CAS / Trans Leader: =VG= Deathdealer

CAS / Trans Pilot: =VG= TEDF

CAS / Trans Pilot:




More Info Will be added soon, This dude needs some rest for now lol

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3 hours ago, =VG= Jaki said:

Is this for VG community only? If you want more people, you can always post the event it in IFA3 discord.

We will likely need more men - but certainly would hate to get a flood of people to where VG community regulars are unable to get a slot in a squad.  Any suggestions?  Should we make it RSVP via the Calendar event with a maximum number of RSVP's hard-set?  This website has features like that, we just use them rarely, if at all.


OT:  Also I really need to get our new groups and applications going -- hoping to have it done before end of June...

need names for them still... we have a few, like VG Air Force.... VG PR Army?   VG Regular Army?  not sure if the FPS server's we run should hold a single group, A3/PR/SQUAD, or each have their own "regulars" group.  Either way, the thought is to have it as an open enrollment to any who apply, gets them a fancy website role (with access to that group's private forums, just a board for discussions among them not visible to public) but essentially not much different than the current standard 'member' role at VG website.   Thought of making each group a 'custom homepage' at VG, too, looking pretty much the same as our normal home page, but with a second topic feed above the standard 'top 12' (shortened to 5 or 6 instead), linked only to that group's private forums feed, and maybe a few other group-specific blocks or elements.

Roles would not come with in-game tags, but could allow use of them on voluntary level but we'd not want them to resemble the =VG= tags... maybe VGAF or VGAR (no "=") ... still in the discussion phase, but this would be the route for any member to start, to allow a commitment to our rules & spirit, as a flag for a member to say, "I like it here, I'd like to get known"... as the initial route before they can then use a new In-Game Admin application to join yet a higher role at VG (In-Game Admins), and from there, a jumping off point that leads to =VG= Clan Membership potentially.


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On 5/25/2020 at 5:01 PM, =VG= Jaki said:

Is this for VG community only? If you want more people, you can always post the event it in IFA3 discord.

That would be sick, Is it alright if you can let them know for me? If we can get 5 players from IFA3 and the rest VG that would be sex.


23 hours ago, =VG= l3RY4N said:

Trans.. pilots? Now I can just imagine airborne priests falling from the sky like it's time for the rapture.

What you never seen a flying priest before? :D lmfao

21 hours ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

We will likely need more men - but certainly would hate to get a flood of people to where VG community regulars are unable to get a slot in a squad.  Any suggestions?  Should we make it RSVP via the Calendar event with a maximum number of RSVP's hard-set?  This website has features like that, we just use them rarely, if at all.

Give it a shot. I didn't even know it existed until the weekly squad event started. I would be awesome if the RSVP showed on the front page where the event calendar sits. Giving the event name and underneath it promts you if you want to attend or not. 

21 hours ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

OT:  Also I really need to get our new groups and applications going -- hoping to have it done before end of June...
need names for them still... we have a few, like VG Air Force.... VG PR Army?   VG Regular Army?  

Mong Habibis? 

Tag - (MONG) :lol:

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9 minutes ago, =VG= Sausag3 said:

would be awesome if the RSVP showed on the front page where the event calendar sits

That's something it can't do*.  That's only visible in the actual event pane view.

*(out of the box, as it is - ...I would need more experience with IPS plugin and component customization in CSS etc. - we'll have to deal with it as is for the foreseeable future) 

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