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PR Updated to - Post any bugs here

=VG= SemlerPDX

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The VG PR COOP Server has been updated to

We will be starting this new thread for bug reports and feedback regarding this most recent patch.  If you have previously reported an issue, please attempt to recreate it and see if this updated fixed it, and if NOT, please re-post details here so we can get the info to the proper individual(s).

Thank you all for your patience (I had no internet for the past 3 hours, fun story for a different day - Cheers!)  :hi:


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PR contains no bugs only unplanned features “quote entire Dev team”

outpost is missing a CA, as result no mumble. Is been fixed for next update along with some other “features” that didn’t behaved as they should’ve.

the bluefor chopper might get shot in main. I am going to see how this will evolve before patching it. Note that map is of similar construction as Shahadah so you must destroy emplacements and assets as bots can always spawn on them (up to 5 flags back have spawnpoints on them)

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1 hour ago, Xenalite said:

You can build FOBs without crates.

You can build razor wire without shoveling.

I heard Ranger say there are no kit restrictions?

Basically it's just a standard COOP on local game or in some server. VG is one of the servers that using the deployment setup for COOP (FOB require crates, kit restrictions/limitations, only razors that require shoveling instead of other deployable assets which builds instantly etc.)


And back before the updates, some emplacements like HMG, TOW, Mortars etc. isn't able to use either. Is it fixed now?

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Yes this should be fixed. The python coding defines that humans could not use any asset that had the code _sp in them. However the emplacements also contained this and this prevented humans from using them. 

This bug was caused by the new coop vehicle group _PRSP that I am making. however due to miscommunication the _SP assets also got tweaked while they shouldn’t have. These _prsp assets are unlike the current asset 100% made for bots and cannot be operated by humans. The backing reason for this new group is that _SP is used by deployment vehiclewarefare and so I cannot optimise then. 

The new assets have some small tweaks as no warmup delay and no fire delay. This as bots have problems keeping the mouse clicked to fire (for example: the Milan bots use does not have hold click). Additional transport slots are removed (so no 8 bots in 1 BMP3) and weapon templates are changed to be compatible for bots using smoke. (Currently working on bots not seeing to smoke bla bla bla that’s all I’ll spoil for now) 

all just to make your lives on the server more hard xD

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On 20/08/2018 at 12:45 AM, =VG= Double_13 said:

Outpost crash reason is not defines so I put it under random crash unless it happens more often. (Please keep track where in the map and what (ingame) time)

the other 3 issues are server related config settings 

Is it possible to track crashs in local coop server ? 

if so, is there any local log file we can send you after the crash ? cz i know when you run a map in local, the game behaves like a server.

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Simple answer no.


Complicated answer

you could run in debug mode with a debug account. However you need to play in windowed mode and even then the error might not be registered.  This added with the 100 to 200 errors per min coop normally generates makes it kinda impossible to track what’s the cause of the crash. 


If you can systematic redo the crash you can simply report the steps and the devs could look at it

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I asked Arab to see if we can delete the decay on assets. If this decay is removed it should be possible to shovel a fob by one person. it will also allow to exit an sparking asset without blowing up. However other projects such as smoke for bots took priority over this.

For bots. I could modify the live server files to tweak the botsettings to make them more lethal. (Fix cas bombs and ai target values so they actually kill stuff rather then giving an air show). However I do not have permission to modify these files on the VG server so these changes cannot be done. My current workaround is to modify the official server files and await an update to apply them. This will means that the changes I made will take quite some time to take affect as updates tend to happen slowly.

i would still suggest to upper the bots to 60 to have more enemies to fight. This with the knowledge that a bot takes 2.5 min to respawn explains why maps can be steamrolled. 

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Not really important bug, but:


Ural-4320 Logistics truck decaying fast when someone left it behind after driving on Grozny INF. I did check that while yesterday/2 days ago. It bleeds... (even with a Repair station deployed)


Geroy, Limony are witnessed this too if i'm not wrong


- Inch

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4 hours ago, =VG= Double_13 said:

Yea some vehicles destroy themselfs quite fast after leaving. Take the boats on pavlosk INF they explode in 10 sec after exiting. 

It is a setting that is linked to the individual asset so I could fix it 

What about some Iron bots who needs full mag to be killed ?? and what about the Medic in Hamas forces who can wipe 2 full squads with the M4 rifle in 3 seconds ?? LOL im not complaining but its just Ugly. 


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On 9/3/2018 at 7:42 AM, =VG= Double_13 said:

Yea some vehicles destroy themselfs quite fast after leaving. Take the boats on pavlosk INF they explode in 10 sec after exiting. 

It is a setting that is linked to the individual asset so I could fix it 

In configs or game files?  If it's in the game, is it separate for COOP?  Because if we could alter that, it would be awesome!  That asset cleanup came in one of the recent updates and I was concerned when I saw it if it would become a problem.  I assumed it was connected to all assets across all game modes, so couldn't be messed with...

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You can’t alter it as it is packed inside the zip files (md5 checksum checker stops server from launching). This unlike the ai files that are editable.

melon might be able to bypass it as he did before.

I shall make a note that I have to adress this issue and push it official.

the asset cleanup has always been present and we trying out best to see if we can remove it.


with removing I mean adjust the settings to match deployment settings 

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20 minutes ago, =VG= Double_13 said:

You can’t alter it as it is packed inside the zip files (md5 checksum checker stops server from launching).

I do not know if you can fill these files with "garbage" but there are MD5 manipulators that can generate the checksum you need ...

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Well other methods could be done (bypassing the entire checksum script) but technically changing these files are in violation of the PR server rules. However minor issues like these might even be modifyable without it changing the md5 checksum. 

As melon and me are part of the Development team these small fixes should not be an issue when bypassed (don’t quote me on this). However I would like a more permanent solution meaning push it on an official update.

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