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Strange Crash Issues


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Hey this is Aori the noob again I recently have some strange crash on the game. First the game turn off and said the game is closed cleaning up resources. I try to turn the game on again and then it do the same stuff. This was on the heli. The last time I was on the Apc and the game stun I have to turn it of with the Task Manager 

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@=VG= Double_13 said, take a look at resources that you are using on your PC,  open up TASK MANAGER and see what processes/services are running.

One of the other things is a known memory leak that happens in PR when it runs and causes people to crash to desktop for unexpected reasons.  This has no permanent fix, all you can do is reload back into the game and play on.  

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One trick that I learned when Windows XP was the best OS is that you can kill the explorer.exe process to remove your entire desktop and save some RAM and if you need it again just create a new task and type "explorer". In case you accidentaly close the task manager you can open it again with CTRL+SHIFT+ESC or the "run" window with WINDOWS+R (the button near CTRL that looks like a flag depending on your keyboard)

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Then again, every system is different, too..... I'm running a terribly optimized OS, the Windows 10, and I've had a Chrome browser open playing a YouTube playlist on a loop for the past 17 days, and I've played a game or two to break the silence and monotony without issue.  As I look at my stats now, I'm sitting at a nominal 4.3/15.4 GB RAM (I have many other programs/windows open, just minimized) and CPU usage is sitting at 11%, currently with a 64 day up-time.

I've also experienced the Chrome RAM gobbler happen myself, but there doesn't appear to be any rhyme or reason to it going haywire.  One tip for Twitch and YouTube in Chrome is to ignore "Auto" for quality, and force it to HD 1080p+ when you want it, and when it's a small window just on the side, manually set it to 360p or 480p - there is very slight audio degradation below HD, but it's barely noticeable.


Monitor your temperatures while playing!

When I had a laptop that struggled with PC gaming and Project Reality, I created a dual boot with another OS (WinXP) that was dumbed down to only run PC games with all sorts of utilities disabled, no background programs, a single temperature monitor, and a "Free My RAM" utility that could scrape RAM away from temp processes that allocated space but then stopped using it -- the more for available for the game, the better (when running a 4GB RAM lappy c.2007, that is).  I never let Windows update that secondary OS partition, it didn't run security software, and I kept a fan blowing on the laptop for cooling.

And PR still crashed from time to time...


I believe the official PC gaming philosophy applies, by notorious poets The Beastie Boys,  "You gotta fight... for your right... to party"

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RAM always crucial for this game, but sometimes when your PC got hotter? Needs a better cooling system for that. Some processes like browser (Chrome as      @=VG= Kavelenko said), can hamper your memory works as well.

OR cheaper way is what i did here- (in PC Gear)


I would advise you not to try this at home :P, i've been playing it on Low Quality until now, usually crashes when it comes to maps like Kashan or some other random 4km maps like Shijia (1km/2km to 4km after couple of rounds sometimes crashes the game, randomly can occur when entering vehicle, spawns, in mid game etc.)


- Inch

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10 hours ago, InchPincherToo said:

RAM always crucial for this game, but sometimes when your PC got hotter? Needs a better cooling system for that. Some processes like browser (Chrome as      @=VG= Kavelenko said), can hamper your memory works as well.

OR cheaper way is what i did here- (in PC Gear)


I would advise you not to try this at home :P, i've been playing it on Low Quality until now, usually crashes when it comes to maps like Kashan or some other random 4km maps like Shijia (1km/2km to 4km after couple of rounds sometimes crashes the game, randomly can occur when entering vehicle, spawns, in mid game etc.)


- Inch

My device work fine on high, not get any hotter but thanks for the tip it not crash any more meoww

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Here is the reshade I use.

I use it on my laptop to boos performance so not using any shaders of reshade. (settings Medium all with shadows low 

I use it on my main gaming rig to make it more fancier 


Reshade main core


Additional shaders


Its highly suggested you delete the shaders you do not use as it reduces the loading time.

My laptop uses no shaders so i removed all 165 shaders.

My main computer uses 15 shaders so the other 150 i removed so they dont get loaded every time i open the game. what shaders you pick is up to you.


Note: Senshi noted on the PR tournament that reshade is not a cheat tool aslong you use the shaders provided. And its allowed to use in tournament battles. 

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On Ngày 19 tháng 1 năm 2018 at 5:41 PM, =VG= Double_13 said:

Here is the reshade I use.

I use it on my laptop to boos performance so not using any shaders of reshade. (settings Medium all with shadows low 

I use it on my main gaming rig to make it more fancier 


Reshade main core


Additional shaders


Its highly suggested you delete the shaders you do not use as it reduces the loading time.

My laptop uses no shaders so i removed all 165 shaders.

My main computer uses 15 shaders so the other 150 i removed so they dont get loaded every time i open the game. what shaders you pick is up to you.


Note: Senshi noted on the PR tournament that reshade is not a cheat tool aslong you use the shaders provided. And its allowed to use in tournament battles. 

Wow i though you talk about the reshade by vivid definitely try it out

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