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Everything posted by Johnny__Rico

  1. Couldn join at first. I had to manually delete map folders and re-unpack the files again, restart game and then I could join
  2. I managed to completely miss this. Didn't even see the announcement until now Such is life when you have a life I guess.
  3. Sadly, I cant join. Already have other plans. Already missed last time
  4. Hello. Today I played a few maps on PvPvE server. Observations: 1. The majority of the maps was designed for PvE and therefore have a heavy bias regarding assets and flags in the beginning. Few maps are balanced. We will need careful map selection for even matches, and possibly remove some maps from rotation. Example: Asad Khal is very balanced and offers a good fight in the middle. Silent Eagle Std is not really balanced but still offers a great fight for the city in the middle. Jabal al Burj is totally unbalanced. WW2 maps like Reichswald and Merville look like great maps to play on this server setting Point is: lets not throw every unbalanced map off the server, because some unbalanced maps still make a great fight. Will need testing 2. Team selection. Everyone seems to go Opfor (=side we usually don't play in COOP). This makes for unfair team balance right from the start. Dont know if this will even out. 3. The fighting was really different. I move very carefully always expecting to be shot at any moment. In COOP I know exactly where the fighting gonna be. Here, I don't. Interesting fact is that you have mixture of bots and humans against you, so you never know what you are up against. Treating everything with the same caution. 4, One potential problem I see in the bot+player mixing is maps with heavy foliage. Bots shoot right through it, humans cant see you. So this means you cant rely on lying down in some forest expecting the (human) enemy to not see you. Might be annoying in the future, because I usually adapt my playing style towards bots OR human players. But it was great fun altogether. I see a lot of potential in this. Logistically it makes sense to leave the PvPvE server on at weekends or specific dates. Because otherwise we might end up with two servers filled with <20 people and will slowly kill our community.
  5. Really nice. Consider me envious. One day I will make a trip like this in south east asia.
  6. My 2 cents: Ramiel was a great design. Even though I am a person that likes tactical freedom, I like levels that force you to walk through "corridors" and protecting assets. I remember an event map where we had one tank and only it could capture flags and we had to protect it. That was great. Here you tried doing the same. And I saw one squad going for the desired cap order. While my squad, for example, was being flown in to one of the crash sites were we just sat around doing nothing. I kinda felt sad, that I couldn't go for the natural cap order. My point being here is that you have two options to "force" people into playing the map how you want it to: 1) Do a premap briefing where you quickly talk the do's and dont's of each map, because most guys simply wont read your forum descriptions. Or at least make sure beforehand in the event thread, that you have prechosen squadleaders who have read and understood what the maps are about. Something like that. 2) Force the ppl through choice of assets. On Ramiel it might have been good to have 1-2 Humvees right from the beginning, because it appeared ppl were just too lazy to walk all that way from main to first cap point. And it might have been a good idea to let trans spawn with a heavy delay, so people get bored and stop lazily standing around main waiting for someone to take them by the hand. People are sheep and you need to herd them the right way. Do so more forcefully in the future, And thanks for making events. I really enjoy them.
  7. Fuck yeah, this looks good from the maps already Anything with an MP5 I will play.
  8. Why is the relationship that bad? I always remember us being seen like the retarded child of the community (because we play against bots I assume), but why so much disdain? We have been pulling in new players pretty much daily for the last 6 months or so. Because everyone first tries to play coop, and we are a rather welcoming community. And then some move on to deployment and some stay with us. They should be thankful. But I guess I miss out all the drama behind the curtains between all these development divas.
  9. Hey man, just wanted to say a big thank you for your work! I only played Adak twice, but I really enjoyed strolling around in that eastern city. That part might look a bit monotonous or repetitive, but it has a great feel to it. Whole map feels like a nuclear test site, with an artificial town built next to it. Great work.
  10. No. On a wasd layout this leads to uncomfortable little finger acrobatics. Same with sprint on shift. I put it on x so I can hit it with my thumb. Same for c as my crouching key. Such is life
  11. Thank god, fucking finally. I changed my keyboard layout to have crouch on c from whatever it was , so my hand wont get tired when I crouch all the time
  12. We all do that now, but what made you come here for the first few times , Skit?
  13. In another life, a long time ago I used to play in a clan in Battlefield:Vietnam. I was quite good, and so was my clan. Since I always had to play against other humans I felt obliged to always play at my best, and never let go. Always trying to give the best performance. Needless to say my life started revolving around giving the best performance in some shitty online game, and it didnt serve me well. Because gaming grew to stress me out that way. On the other hand I always digged games that had a survival theme to them, or some sort of seriousness. Like you walk for 10 minutes and you get shot if you dont pay attention. I played a lot of STALKER in my time in single player but always missed the experience of playing with other guys on multiplayer again. Fast forward a decade, I started looking to play in some tactical shooter, and decided to try out PR, which I had heard about for so long. Tried out Multiplayer and I liked it, but I had the same old feeling of stress, that I know. Like I have to perform really good. Every minute of the hour long games was stressfull, and I was looking for something to relax me. So I tried COOP to calm me down, since you are playing only against bots. And it did calm me down, by a lot. I also found a really fucking great community in it. Grown men that dont give a fuck about competitiveness and just wanna have a good time. Felt welcomed and decided to stay and learn the game. Never went away again, because I found a community so cool, I never wanna trade it away for anything. Nowadays I play PR in COOP with some youtube music mix running in the background, and it actually calms me down after a long stressfull day (not everytime though). Thats also one of the reasons why I solo so much, just playing the game with some music running in the background. Anyways I use this game as a mean to calm me down nowadays, and it is fine. I can just talk with "random" people I have known for years about shit that is happening in game, and most f them appear to be as autistic as I am. Thats ok. tl;dr was stressed out by competetive online gaming, came for relaxing times, stayed for the community
  14. On one hand I really like CAS being targeted more, resulting in more challenging situations for INF, which is just what we want. On the other hand I really enjoy being shot at as INF with an RPG. Tough call.
  15. I think he means that the bots on one certain flag dont spawn on the exact same three spots but rather in a designated area around the three spawn spots. Example: Pavlovsk bay, Construction site, house of pain. Bots all spawn in the exact same spot on the second floor of that building --> Volod lies there and kills them all Now make them spawn everywhere in a 10m radius around this spot, and you will have them spawning everywhere in this building --> Volod has to run around and possibly would get rekt and needs dependable team mates and communication to cover the spawn. This makes the game more unpredictable and you have to adapt every single time you play this map. If something like that would be possible to program, it would be awesome. I'd donate a lot of money to this server just to see this and I am a rather poor person.
  16. Really liked that German Map. It looked great atmosphere wise and the messed spawns proved to be a challenge in the end. On the pics our squad covers the advance of some other squad across the street. And if I recall correctly the tank is all the way in the back of the street. 7 That Style of mission is really well suited for coop mode. 8/10 would play again.
  17. Fools Road Alt has a problem: Militia Fortress has a spawn point inside the fortress where the bots just keep spawning and instantly dying leading to 1. an uncappable flag --> map cannot be finished 2. horrible perfomance for everyone due to the ragdolls being pushed into some surface
  18. I wont be able to make it in time. A shame, because the first map looks really promising.
  19. So did you make any changes regarding capping time / neutral time?
  20. The new Beirut Large is quite cool. A bit much of a tank spam, but in the beginning you have a nice chokepoint with the bridge. And later on you get two tanks. Needs a good teamwork though.
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