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=VG= Alucardednoc

VG Clan Member
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About =VG= Alucardednoc

  • Birthday 09/10/1970

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=VG= Alucardednoc's Achievements

Lance Corporal

Lance Corporal (3/18)



  1. server crash twice in kashan std. then server start kicking players same map. zulu 6:52
  2. Hey that depends of your pc specs, also what games are you in to. 3070 is good for almost anything but depends on your taste in games, in my case I have a beautiful bottle neck piece of crap I3 10th gen 16gb of ram with a 3060 12gb and I´m able to run practically anything, and I am sure you have a better cpu than mine that means that if you do not want to wait for the gpu prices to go down. 3070 still good card.
  3. I mean, I wish we could copy the code for those weapons and colors to pr not the maps or the haul but the way it looks.
  4. I love the colors. weapons and grafics
  5. hola, Dani_warrior en efecto en este servidor se toma muy en serio los Team kills o fuego amigo esta en si prohibido, mas si resulta ser un error haz una peticion en este link https://veterans-gaming.com/unban-requests/pr/ EN INGLES puesto que este es un servidor en INGLES y solo 2 personas entendemos español. expon tu caso y sera revisado a la brevedad. good luck.
  6. thank you xor for all the effort you put on the map, thank you all to answer the call. it was a fun mess and I loved it.
  7. Give me a pistol a nail-clipper and 3 power energy bars and I´ll be ready.
  8. My thoughts. if the game mechanics prevent you to: Instant mili second accurate aim in any of its kits and vehicles. ''which I found realistic'' some way. it should be the same for the bots. same disabilities in both sides. that's a perfect balance for me. everything else is just fine. in a real fight you really don't know what you are against to until you there. it could be 20 guys with hat kits or a full army against a single squad.
  9. kav. Day of infamy dlc deluxe is on sale

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