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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. In todays Event at one point, Poffadder had manned a Stryker, with Iffn on the gun, and 2 Fire Teams in the back. Kinda cool to look down the rows and see everyone with their personal rifle - very Spec Ops!

    We investigated a reported IED outside the Green Zone, and met some contacts there. We then proceeded to the site of an ambushed friendly convoy, and were attacked by guerillas who had stolen 2 Strykers - a M2 and a Mk19 variant. Needless to say, chaos ensued when we came under fire from what sounded like BLUFOR weaponry. If those ex-farmers had any idea how to use them with any effectiveness, we might not have survived such a 'surprise'.

    My AT4 made short work of the Mk19 Stryker, once we had shaken off the fog of war, and Poff finished off the M2 one with an RPG he stole off a dead OPFOR - Now that's poetic justice!

    Views from inside the Stryker:

    The Team on the perimeter before we came under 'friendly' fire from the stolen Strykers:
    (check the wheels on the Stryker - apparently they came from "South Park's Canadian Wheels Mod" or something! haha)

    Poffadder lead us through hell, and came out looking like it:
    (dare I say, 'slashed up like medical malpractice')

    You know how when you're taking pictures, and there's always that one guy who pops into the photo yelling "WOOOOO!" ?
    Gotta love that lean in, and what looks like a smirk on the dudes face, as I photograph Poffadder's lacerated mug...

    Good games today! Can't wait till the next ACRE Event!
    Thanks to all who participated!


  2. Great songs, Outlanders!
    Since we're all "coming out" of the classical closet, here is my very favorite Violin piece. I used to play the CD for my daughter back in '02 when I'd drive her from Brown Deer all the way to Waukesha for daycare - she called the allegro part the "funny song" as if it were a different song altogether. Always asked me to play the "funny song" when we got into a car.

    Now she's 13 and is in middle school Orchestra, and plays Violin. I am the proud Dad. !medal

  3. Random LAN_WROTE ...

    Heya guyz, been playing on your insurgency server for several months and more recently playing ACE with Jager and LAMBS. Is this OP open to anyone that signs up or VG members only??

    Yes, if you want to join us, we'd be happy to have you!
    Please install those mods now, ahead of time, and be sure your ACE and ACRE are updated. See top post for mod list, and as Outlanders stated, most of us use client side mods as well, most important, @sthud and @stmovement.

    @st_interact is good, to, it allows you to re-form a group in the field (say, the team lead gets killed, someone else can take command of group and it alters the st_hud accordingly)

    Again, for last minute joiners, install mods now! No last minute problems - that's what the warmup time is for!

    See you on the battlefield!

  4. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    Sorry for the last minute event.. better than nothing, right??


    Saturday September 29th
    18:00 GMT - warmup and troubleshooting (1pm EDT)
    19:00 GMT - Mission start (2pm EDT)


    Veterans-Gaming Events Server port 2312
    Password: vg

    Server is now up and running please make sure you can join BEFORE tomorrow's start time.


    The Namalsk Campaign
    Mission One

    There is little to no intel on the situation on Namalsk. A Russian military company called the NAC is known to be conducting 'experiments' on the island but up until recently those activities were limited to small unit training exercises involving new firearms and ammunition types. The UN closely monitors the situation on Namalsk and has an officer on the island under an observational capacity.

    Last month a shipment arrived escorted by Russian naval vessels and construction began on a massive underground structure. Nothing was known about this structure, and when the UN asked for more information they promptly lost all radio contact with their officer.

    Last night a US escort carrier off the coast of Namalsk picked up a large... 'event' of sorts. Not quite an explosion but more of a huge power surge originating somewhere on the island. No further communication with the island has been possible.

    Command has tasked us with a recon mission to get a better handle on the situation.

    Mod List:

    (both ACE and ACRE have had recent updates!! Make sure you have teamspeak closed when updating ACRE!!)



    Of course all client-side mods are allowed:

    Blastcore, JSRS, st_movement, st_hud, etc.


    Roster so far:
    (scratch the 14 player version - I made the 20 player version work for any size group)


    Team Leader POFFADDER
    Corpsman WOOZ

    Fire Team Leader SEMLER
    Automatic Rifleman SAM
    Grenadier OUTLANDERS
    Saboteur ECLIPSE

    Fire Team Leader MURDERFACE
    Automatic Rifleman MORRISON
    Grenadier IFFN
    Saboteur SAVAGE

    Fire Team Leader GAZ
    Automatic Rifleman LUPAGO
    Grenadier RANDOM
    Saboteur FASTJACK

    Fire Team Leader
    Automatic Rifleman

  5. Point well taken. Jerry did say "mods/addons etc."
    And we say "false advertising" not "fake publicity" here in the States. !lol

    Here (was) the title as Fallujah (2nd revision):
    Please use the next photo with ACRE/Blastcore

    And another with ACRE and Blastcore Mod Logos:

    And here the postcards in an .rar file:


    And can we get the transparent PNG's of the logos and banner so we can play in GIMP?

    Here's an .rar of VG logos in png and various other formats (can be converted to PNG w/MSPaint):

  6. Okay, I don't have photoshop, and I suck at this kind of stuff - but I had this pic from Saturday's event with Outlanders and Wooz in my AT Fireteam. Perfect photo for a postcard. Oh, and I realize it's on the custom map Fallujah, but seeing as how that's a mod, I put the title as Takistan (who's gonna know?).

    I had to use MS Publisher and then use MS Snipping Tool to actually capture the mat. I'd love it to be included in the 3 to be sent to Jerry:

  7. Well, it looks good. Fast, buttons where you'd expect them. Tabs for all thing's you'd want - music, video, blog, etc.

    I've signed up, and found most everyone on this list. Hard to imagine a clan based website built out of that, not that I lack vision, but it seems social sites feature the "home page" as either my own profile page, or a mass wall page like facebook that shows all my friends and follows activity.

    Right now, we have a main page (veterans-gaming.com) that has a chat bar, featured news items, and a forum list of top 10 popular threads. I wonder how this new site's main page will compete with this, in features or looks.

    There was a joomla template from a ways back that I liked a lot, but this is very well done as well.... Gonna keep playing with it, and will post another reply with more thoughts later.

  8. Now...hold on there. We have an 8 core beast with 32 GB of RAM - surely I could set up a "custom server off the grid" that players can join (say, 5 slot map/mission) loaded with all the mods needed, and people could use it during the week leading up to the event to Sync and be sure their ACRE is working with a friend. It could run on 1 core, again, tiny "mission".

    No real mission, just 5 slots, a gear box with the radios, and a server with all the mods.
    We could call it the VETERANS-GAMING COOP 1.62 | EVENT SYNC SERVER or something...I dunno, first cup of coffee...
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