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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Yea, but you're honorable. And I trust you.

    If you mean solely for situations where you're in-game, and everyone there is like, hey - "let's do opfor on this one", then do it. That is not such a big deal at all.

    That's why you have the admin login pw, or at least several people do. It will automatically revert to default upon loading the next map. Same thing, you can login and set the parameter.

    Note that if enough of the players wish to stop doing that, then take that into account on the next mission to load, and let it be COOP again. Feel free to give the players online what they want, either way that is. Whatever. Anything goes when you are actually on the server, with the players, and talking with them.

    We do that on i44 - it has been set to run Domi, but we get a good group online, and everyone is down for a custom mission or whatever.

    Also, I thought that CAS was relegated to a select few, with you being one of them. If this changed, we can fix it for sure.

    Voting is disabled for map rotation reasons only.

    And I do play Insurgency, for the record. We just don't have logging in GameTracker yet, till we claim the server.
    I haven't seen you online at same time yet, but I only play at certain random times cuz I don't have air conditioning and it gets very hot mid day.

    Also, I've been loving the Mustang in i44 with my TrackIR. So fun! !cp
  2. With regard to Savage's reply:

    Again, most Insurgency players don't know rules - specialized rules would be hard to enforce.

    Also, the server clears out, people complain to high hell, when OPFOR is enabled. This is particularly true when the OPFOR is manned by players who know how/what to do to maximize pwnage. They deal it so swiftly through teleport respawn that BLUFOR can never "keep a good man down" - meaning that BLUFOR never gets a chance to send the Human OPFOR back to "spawn" to regroup. They are instantly harrassed by them within seconds, and again, the returning OPFOR player has intimate area knowledge, including BLUFOR positions, to exploit upon respawn.

    OPFOR should be it's own thing, on it's own server...

    (again, not trying to shut down a discussion - these are simply my opinions, and I feel strongly about them)
  3. I don't want to shut you down, because we all value input. It is just that my/our goals for that server differ.

    Not sure about adding OPFOR playable - for one simple reason you put up already:
    "For a successful Bluefor vs Opfor sessions both sides need to have some decent players that know what they are doing"

    And they do not know or follow any special rules we lay down on the website because:

    "the majority of players playing on the regular server are serverhoppers... ...most of them has no clue they are even on a clan server even less know of the webpage or ts."

    People aren't interested in anything but pwning BLUFOR and they do so with a frustrating precision because when they die as OPFOR, they teleport into a soldier in the same AO, with new area knowledge of where BLUFOR are, and exploit that knowledge to ambush or otherwise counter attack in a way that is more disruptive to teamplay than it is tactical. It's straight cheating, in many ways.

    If you want to make the caches take longer, we need to remove SpaceBar Scanning. Removing BLUFOR Mk19 and other grenade launchers is a good idea, losing scoped weapons is not.
    Also, would like to remove server messages as well. No need for JIP GUID's to be broadcast all over the screen...

    We play COOP here, and it's an open public server. If we were to run a PvP server, we'd have to do it with a crowd that actually uses teamwork, and would do so on a mission that wasn't so unbalanced. Taking Insurgency and trying to balance it so that PvP is possible would change the game entirely.

    As I see it, Vanilla COOP Insurgency is already very popular, and I'm loath to change anything major without good reason. As you said yourself, "there has been about 3-4 times this last weeks that there has been a wait time on Bluefor side since the server has been full"

    Seriously, look at these numbers:

    If you make an Insurgency Revision that makes OPFOR less OP, and balances things on BLUFOR (no Mk19, etc), I would try it out on it's own server before changing VG COOP Insurgency.

    That is gonna stay very much like it is, with any revisions well thought out and carefully implemented - ready to roll back at the first sign of popularity loss.

    VG COOP Insurgency will always be COOP Only - never PvP.
    We can, however, run a PvP version or game on a different server at some point to try it out. I'm busy with other missions, but you can submit one to us, and we'll try it out if you wanna do the coding/scripting.


  4. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    quick request! could you guys add the AK-74m with GPO-30 and ironsights to the game? I keep dying without it (lol dunno why) and it has a different sound compared to the regular AK-74, if not possible any 5.45 mm Caliber Kalashnikov will do.

    EDIT: If not could we Please even enable LEA on our server?

    We will not be using LEA on the MSO Beta Testing Server for good reason - I know the bigger picture is hard to see at this stage of testing, but this particular server is to be the far end of the spectrum from "Vanilla COOP" through to "RPG Realism COOP". The ACE/ACRE Fallujah Insurgency being the middle ground.

    If that AKM you described is a standard or ACE weapon, we can totally add it to the crate. But if it's part of an RH mod, know that we most likely will not be running a ton of weapons mods (like RH) on the MSO server.

    The concept here is to create an Arma mission powered by an SQL Database, similar to DayZ, where progress and many player variables are saved constantly.

    A day in the life of a Patrol Ops Soldier, if you will:

    Yesterday, I spent my time patrolling towns around the US Main Base. I found a suicide bomber, killed him, swept and cleared the town, finding 3 other IED's. After safe detonation, the town influence changed. I returned to base, and filed an AAR.

    I then went to the Base Logbook, entered my status, current radios and channels, and that I was going back out on local Patrol Ops on an ATV.

    On that patrol, I found a group of Takistan Army in Anar. I called in CAS Apache, 6+ confirmed hostiles eliminated, but I was KIA. On return to base, I noted this in my AAR, and then added entry to Logbook that I was returning to the area to recover my ATV and ensure the area was clear.

    Like Poffadder said, a rules set and better description will show new players the bigger picture of this RPG Multi-Session Operations "realism game mode". More to come...
  5. SolarFlame =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    Wait, when is this event? Saturday or today?

    Lol nvm - seen date in forum title. Derp

    Wish we had weekday events. I never can get online on a Saturday :(

    We will be having events during the week, possibly starting this week. We don't want to exclude anyone, and will run repeats of same events so the roster has a chance to change and other players who missed out can play through the mission. Some are small, like this one, others are larger. But these pre-made ACE missions abound!

    Anyone can feel free to find one, and post up an event listing for any time/date you want, we will make a calandar event out of it for you, if needed. You can copy the format from the first post in this thread, and use this link to create a free emebed countdown clock for it:

    Also, all day events can become more common - for group play on our 24/7 persistent servers:
    Project Reality COOP
    Arma 2 Vanilla Insurgency
    Arma 2 ACE Fallujah Insurgency

    and even testing events such as:
    Arma 2 ACE MSO Beta Testing Operations

    The best times we've found for an international crowd are between 16:00-20:00 GMT (clock: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/ )
  6. We are testing MSO functions (Multi-Session Operations) today, and for the next several days, using ACE and ACRE on the custom map Reshmaan. This MSO features RPG elements that will remember player state (including gear loadout, etc.) and a very dynamic environment filled with enhanced AI enemies and civilians. Eventually, we will host a private database to store game information, similar to DayZ, where regardless of server restart, data is not lost.

    Log in, grab some medical supplies, your favorite weapons, and make a presence in the towns. Simply being in a town or hamlet will change the influence of that area from White to Green, then to Blue, with Red indicating enemy influence.

    Yes, this game mode is so in-depth that we are putting this link in all events or posts - do it:

    If you are new to MSO please RTFM:

    The mission can us an in-game squad creating/joining function, but choosing your role or squad prior to loading into the mission is important - please ask members in game if you are unsure. You will be able to heal yourself fully should you get hurt, and friendly civilians may help you as well so mind your ROE's. Only kill armed persons, but know that suicide bombers are a threat, however infrequent.

    IED's are a major threat, travel slowly on roads and watch for rusty vehicles or mounds of garbage, etc.
    Some vehicles do not "respawn" for over 12 hours!
    Go slow, savor the moments, watch your six and group up whenever possible. Create your own "objectives", or squad up and have a team leader Request a Patrol Op. You can even call in a CASEVAC for yourself or other WIA, or call in CAS of an A-10, Apache, or Littlebird to protect you. Time on Station is limited, so use these features wisely, or you'll find yourself waiting for them to become available again at a crucial moment.

    This is supposed to be a very "real" seeming world. Civilians will behave properly when you point that M2 at their car! Full base building functions allow you to store, load, transport, and set up many types of key defensive structures like Hesco Barriers, Sandbag Walls and Bunkers, Razor Wire, Tank Traps, and more.

    We will have more training and notes to describe this game mode as we continue working with it.
    You can even go to the FOB and "Sign in to FOB" to save respawn location to the FOB.

    Poffadder, Savage and Whiztler are leading the way - if you have any issues or concerns, please do not tell them in teamspeak - make a post here and add your thoughts. We will have a few restarts and "resets" before we get a fully working database that remembers your gear and state after restart - for now, it only works if we do not restart the mission. This will hopefully change sometime real soon.

    See you in Reshmaan!

    Server Name:

    TeamSpeak3 Channel:
    MSO Project *(see channel description for further information)

    *mod list subject to change
    Reshmaan MSO ACE with ACRE
    Required Mod List:


    Allowed (and recommended) Mods:

    JSRS (sound mod)
    BlastCore Visuals
  7. and for good measure, you can flush your PC's DNS Resolver Cache. It is a simple procedure that won't harm anything.
    Here it is:
    Start by opening a command prompt in Windows (c:\> prompt)<br />From the prompt type:<br />ipconfig<br />(and press enter)<br /><br />then type:<br />ipconfig /flushdns<br /><br />Press enter, and you're done!<br />

    Good luck, let us know if it fixes it!
  8. I would like anyone who has not already installed these mods, and been on the map before, to arrive in the TS3 channel 30-60 minutes before the event.

    There may be troubleshooting problems, or perhaps an installation issue, version conflicts, etc.

    We want to get these out of the way well before the event starts. I personally have had to sit out of an event because of such a conflict once, and it sucks! Please take the time to join me in the channel so we can get you all set up before hand.


    We have no info as far as I know as to whether the new TS3 update affects ACRE, good or bad. For the time being, I recommend no one update TS3 yet; if you already have, don't worry.

  9. I think I see your point.

    Nah, we actually say the hour first, then minute.
    It's Eight O'Six AM right now. (8:06AM)
    And our digital readout reads like that. Cleverness doesn't enter into the equation, but familiarity does.
    I don't prefer anyone's standard over any other, even my own. I'm just used to it, familiar, of course.
    *I do think that smaller to bigger is the most clever - the day/month/year format. I can respect that.

    But it would sure be a lot less confusing if standards were global, no matter which one of the formats was chosen for it.

    See you all in Vietnam!!
  10. Calv LAN_WROTE ...

    The weird one is the standard US method of Month/Day/Year. Makes no sense and just complicates everything. ;)

    Makes no sense?! It's July 26th today. If we said it the other way, we'd have to add a word, (of), as in 26th "of" July.
    Hence, July Twenty-Sixth Two Thousand Twelve rolls off the tongue better, faster. Us Americans are all about better/faster.

    Halloween is on October 31st and the readout in our date format follows like we say it = 10/31/2012

    But I suppose no matter where you are from, what is familiar is familiar, and what isn't, isn't ever gonna be familiar.
  11. 2 Fixes/Additions that Every Player should notice within the first few games played:

    Map Markers placed by players will now show up to a player just joining the match, after the markers were placed.

    Mission builders can add line to description so that no player loses his/her gear while swimming.

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