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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Get me your GUID and you will be Un-banned, and placed on probation - we will be watching.

    Please be extra careful and identify your targets at all times before pulling the trigger. Try to avoid use of mass destruction weapons such as grenade launchers unless you are working an overwatch and coordinating with any teams in the AO.

    Do not rely on your map to tell you where every soldier is. It can relay false information, or old intel at times.

    If we get any more reports of excessive teamkilling, you will again be permanently banned from all our servers. Don't make me regret this....

  2. Thank you very much Murderface!! Your support is greatly appreciated!
    This is the announcement, the first thread post brought over to second page:
    (thank you for your support!)

    This is a public support call-out from your friendly admin, eMaj. =VG= SemlerPDX.
    major fan of VETERANS-GAMING servers, clan membership status aside

    I'd like to extend a personal Thank You to all those who donate to keep VETERANS-GAMING servers up and running. Your contributions, no matter what amount, are greatly appreciated! I can barely afford a few bucks here and there, but it all adds up...
    BLuDKLoT cannot, as one man, pay for all of this for all of us; You all help so much! !cheers

    Myself, I dreamt of properly administrated servers such as these back when I was at the mercy of first party servers dating all the way back to Socom Online for PS2. They were free, but void of assistance (technical or administrative).
    Here you...we all...have a voice, and with it, power in our games.


    We here at VETERANS-GAMING will always provide servers for public use and maintain them with the most due diligence required. We will continue to ensure that teamkillers, hackers, and disruptive players are swiftly dealt with so that you, as the player, may enjoy the true levels of playablilty and immersion that the teamplay and communication we promote here embody.

    With your continued support, we are able to offer contests with awesome prizes, games, and other great additions to come. We will continue to add servers for the newest and hottest wargames released, while keeping servers open for your old favorites.

    PayPal is considered one of the most secure ways to donate and pay for goods online, and it's as simple as signing up. A one time donation can greatly help VETERANS-GAMING maintain the servers you enjoy. As we expand to include new servers featuring such games as the upcoming Arma 3, we need your help to perpetuate our vision of clean, smacktard-free gaming environments to play in.

    We admins, of course, will always continue to volunteer our time to enforce the rules of all our servers. Please consider signing up for PayPal today and making a donation, no matter how small, to VETERANS-GAMING and help us keep this tradition of international fraternity and cooperative teamplay alive.

    Thank you for your support!

  3. Listen - I'm not going to try to repeat what I wrote in your original unban request - btw - it had been moved by me to the appropriate forum section (this one).

    You did not need to delete it. I will refer you to the chat box message I sent you:

    chat to Cyber-soldier ...
    (5:53PM) Me: yo bro. Listen, if this ban was a mistake, I will be the first to appologize, but I need to wait for the reporting individual to put up their report. Trust me, if reports are falsified, it is the person requesting the ban that will get the hammer, and you will be unbanned. I just want to make sure (our) servers are free of asshats. Please be patient. Thanks!
    (5:54PM) Me: (I have server reports to cross reference all of this, and haven't looked yet...but I will be. The truth will always come out. )
  4. I hate trying to make sandbag walls or hescos line up in the darn Arma 2 mission editor. I googled for a wall generator, but only found one example, for Arma 1, and it didn't work.

    So, I wrote this. Not much less tedious than placing walls in the editor, clicking preview, then going back and adjusting, then preview again. Over and over.

    At least this way, you end up with an exactly straight wall ready to use in any mission you create forever. Can be copied between different missions without issue.

    Again, it's slightly complicated procedure, but it is well worth it. At least I think so - hope others do, too.


    Snippets from my ReadMe file:
    COPY "VGStraightWalls.sqf" to your misson folder and PASTE THESE TWO ACTIONS TO YOUR PLAYER IN EDITOR:

    this addAction ["BIS_DEBUG_CAM (right click to exit)","camera.sqs"];<br />this addAction ["<t color='#DBA901'>VG Straight Wall</t>",<br />"VGStraightWalls.sqf",(["Land_HBarrier_large",4,-0.1,0])];<br />

    (NOTE: You DO NOT NEED the script "camera.sqs" to use it. Every mission has it, it's invisible!!)

    Variables Meanings in the addAction syntax:
    this addAction [action, script filename,<br />["wallType", numberOfWalls, distanceBetweenCorrection, straightAlignmentCorrection];<br />

    Example Class Names of Barriers: "Land_fort_bagfence_long" "Base_WarfareBBarrier10xTall" "Land_HBarrier_large"

    First, decide on a wall type, and number of walls. Adjust the "addAction" variables to suit your needs.
    Now, place a dummy barrier on the map for each wall section you want. Give them sequential names.
    i.e. "MyWall_1", "MyWall_2", "MyWall_3", etc... placed anywhere, random. Doesn't matter. (see final step)
    *see full instructions in mission demo!

    Click Preview, and load in.
    Move anywhere and select the "Create Straight Wall" action.
    When done, it saves the positions of each wall to your clipboard.

    Exit the preview, save your mission, close down Arma, open up a notepad/wordpad and paste (ctrl + v) your wall position data.
    it may look like this:


    Very long, hard to read!!!
    Start making it easier by pressing enter after each comma ( , )
    like this:

    positions copied = [<br />posWallSection1 = [4391.23,10408.8,0.00143433],<br />posWallSection2 = [4399.93,10409.3,0.00143433],<br />posWallSection3 = [4408.62,10409.8,0.00143433],<br />posWallSection4 = [4417.31,10410.3,0.00143433],<br />posWallSection5 = [4426.01,10410.8,0.00143433],<br />posWallSection6 = [4434.7,10411.3,0.00143433],<br />posWallSection7 = [4443.4,10411.8,0.00143433]]

    For "MyWall_1", I would copy just the numbers from posWallSection1: 4391.23,10408.8,0.00143433
    and paste it over the old ones in my mission.sqm file like this (just FIND "MyWall" and it lists all of them):

    class Item126<br />{<br />    position[]={4391.23,10408.8,0.00143433}; <--Overwrite these numbers<br />    azimut=150.18291;<br />    id=165;<br />    side="EMPTY";<br />    vehicle="Base_WarfareBBarrier10xTall";<br />    leader=1;<br />    lock="LOCKED";<br />    skill=0.73333329;<br />    text="MyWall_1";<br />};

    Do this for each wall section you created. Paste the new pos into it's respective wall class item entry.
    It may be tedious to use this method to create a straight wall, but this is the MOST exact way to do it.

    Load Arma into the mission editor, and load your mission.
    You should see your new wall, instead of all the random wall placeholders you put down earlier.
    Now you can drag and select the entire wall, and move it to wherever you want.

    Feel free to copy the wall, and place several more. You can shorten it by deleting some of it's parts.
    Though the new names of the barriers will get longer and more odd in format (such as "MyWall_2_1_5_2"),
    it should not affect anything negatively in your mission.
    You can alleviate this by deleting the names of each barrier and saving your mission before copying the entire
    wall for further uses. Remember, you can copy (Ctrl+C) any number of objects from one mission to another inside the editor.

    When copying and pasting objects in the editor, you can press Ctrl+Shift+V to paste them onto a new mission in the same position on the map that they were in the previous mission, provided it's the same map.
    Ctrl+V will only paste the objects relative to the mouse position.
    Use Ctrl+X to delete a large selection of objects: Much faster than the Delete key!

    -Hope this helps someone; tried googling it, but only came up with a non-functioning SQS for Arma 1, so I wrote this.
    I sure hate trying to manually make straight walls myself!
  5. Perhaps this press release should be posted here, as well as the front page, for maximum visibility:

    UPDATE: The Facts about Arma 3 Devs Detained in Greece

    Prague, 17th September 2012

    Since last Sunday, when two Bohemia Interactive, a.s. employees, were arrested on the Greek island of Lemnos, much speculation about what happened has circulated online. It?s been rumoured that they entered restricted military areas or gathered photographic references of military bases in order to improve the visual fidelity of Arma 3, a PC game currently under development by our company. Far in advance of any formal charges - only hours after they were detained by the local police - many media outlets immediately suggested spying and, only one day later, specifically referenced Arma 3.

    Having travelled there, and after meeting personally with them both, as well as their lawyer who is fully acquainted with the Greek authority?s investigation file in detail, we can assure you that these insinuations are completely false and without substance. These employees - our friends, Ivan Buchta and Martin Pezlar - visited the island as tourists. Their holiday was a product of their interest in the island, triggered by their work on Arma 3 over the past two years of development.

    They took photographs and videos in public areas, as countless tourists arriving to enjoy the beauty and hospitality of Greece may well do. These included a short video as they drove through the main road passing around the international airport, where in one short part of the video off in the distance some hangars and other buildings of the complex can be seen. It's very likely that many tourists may have pictures similar to those taken by Ivan and Martin in their own family albums, without being aware that they put themselves or their families at risk.

    We sincerely hope that the whole situation is no more than an unfortunate and deep misunderstanding. The in-game Limnos is close to completion, and it?s far from an identical replication of the real place. It was heavily modified to fit the game?s backstory, a purely fictional 2035 setting. It was rescaled to only 75% of the real island, and it does not attempt to display any real world military installations situated on the island of Lemnos.

    To summarize the situation:

    ?They visited Lemnos on their holiday as tourists.
    ?They did not enter any military area.
    ?They did not take any pictures of any military objects to be used in Arma 3.

    Martin and Ivan, currently being detained in Mytilene, relayed this message to their friends and family:

    "The conditions are tough, but the people we meet treat us fairly and correctly. It is all a completely absurd misunderstanding that will certainly be quickly explained. We mainly think of you, our families; you have to stay calm and not to worry about us. We hope we will meet soon."

    We apologize for any possible delay or lack of communication regarding this important matter. At present, all and every possible effort goes towards supporting Ivan and Martin, their families, and to getting the guys safely back home. Any form of support for our imprisoned colleagues and friends will be more than welcome.

    Get Updates and Show your Support at http://www.helpivanmartin.org/
  6. I just recieved a press release from Bohemia Interactive, and CEO Mark Spanel.

    Here is the press release in it's entirity:

    "We can confirm that two Bohemia Interactive employees, our colleagues and friends, were arrested during their holiday trip to Lemnos. They visited the island with the sole purpose of experiencing the island's beautiful surroundings.

    Since its establishment in 1999, Bohemia Interactive has created games based only upon publicly available information. We always respect the law and we've never instructed anybody to violate the laws of any country. The same is true for Arma 3.

    Currently, all our effort goes towards supporting the guys over there, as well as their friends and families affected by this difficult situation. We sincerely hope that this is an unfortunate misunderstanding of their passion as artists and creators of virtual worlds.

    On behalf of the Bohemia Interactive team,

    Marek Spanel, CEO"

    Our thoughts go out to the 2 artists and their families.

  7. Here's my first attempt at a decode - if I spent more time on it, i might have found more of the nouns. Perhaps regular PR players will be able to block-replace them with known PR names of vehicles or things they may be referring to:

    AI: Uxxxxxd Bxxxxxxs with cxxxxxt PR txxm mxxxxxs :P (yxxh we all wxxxa kxxl oxxxxxxxs) (bloodydeed) 17183

    COMMMON: New bxxxd/hxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16724

    COMMON: Added sxxxxxxxxx.dxs sxxxxxe txxxxxe, wxxxh is used on Txd Sxe. (afsoccer) 16123
    COMMON: Cxxxxxxxxd size uxxxxxxxxxxd sxy txxxxxxs, used on kxxxxn and txd sxe, size a fxw mb's (ancientman) 16260
    COMMON: Added txxxxxxs/sxy/dxxxxxxxxd.dxs wxxxh is used on Vxxxo City and may be uxxxxl on other mxxs. (afsoccer) 16339
    COMMON: Added Vxxxxxm mxxxc (afterdune) 16346
    COMMON: Added new/now txxxxxn txxxxxxs (afterdune) 16346
    COMMON: Added mxxxc fxxxs for Vxxxxxm mxxxxxxxxxr (afterdune) 16351
    COMMON: Fixed the bxg where you cxxxxn't exit an AAV. Sxxxxd be OK new/now. (afterdune) 16431
    COMMON: Replaced and added exxxxxxxn sounds/solves. Cxxxxxd gxxxxxe ixxxxt sounds/solves for fxxt sxxxxxxg Mxxx (AxxP) to made the sound sound fxxxxr.x
    xx Axxo new/now dxxxxxt ixxxxt sounds/solves.x
    xx Axxo added dxxxxs sounds/solves to cxxxxxn mxxxxxxl exxxxxxxxs.x
    xx Added xxm sxxxxxxxp sounds/solves, xxxm sxxxxxxxp sounds/solves.x
    xx New kxxxe ixxxxt sounds/solves on wxxd, fxxxh, hxxd and sxxt mxxxxxxxs.x
    xx New bxxxxxxxxs on all mxxxxxxxs. New rxxxxxxxs and sxxxs/wxxxxs. (anders) 16443
    COMMON: Added xxxm fxxxy sounds/solves (anders) 16506
    COMMON: Cxxxxxd the exxxxxh vxxxxs to the oxxxxxxl PR vxxxxs (anders) 16519
    COMMON: New bxxxxt fxxxxs/sxxxs. Mxxxd in x.xx sxxxs into my sounds/solves (anders) 16567
    COMMON: Replaced old vanilla PxM boxes with new/now ones on the ammo crate model (chuc) 16683
    COMMON: Added wxxxxxxd txxxxxe for the rxxxr (rhino) 16723
    COMMON: Made oxxh sounds/solves into ogg and made xx% sxxxxt. Dxxxxxxxd the size from (wmv) xx,xxB to (ogg) xxxxB. (anders) 16728
    COMMON: New JxxM exxxxxxxn sounds/solves (anders) 16737
    COMMON: Added xxxm sxxxxxxxxxs for xxxm to xxxm sounds/solves (anders) 16792
    COMMON: New bxxxxt hxt sounds/solves (anders) 16953
    COMMON: Added "Oxxxxxxxxxxxxe.nxxxxxxxxxxxp x" to dxxxxxxxxe HMG nests so the sandbags don't get in the way of the sxxxl exxxxxxn effects. (rhino) 16957
    COMMON: Ixxxxxxxxxd xp cxxxxa sxxxe wxxn exxxxxxxxs or sxxxxxxxxxn oxxxxs (chuc) 17069
    COMMON: New AA mxxxxxe lxxk sounds/solves (anders) 17119
    COMMON: New Fxxt and added Bxxxxxxxk hxt sounds/solves (anders) 17205
    COMMON: Added cxxxxn fxxxs for Bxxxk Gxxd (vapoman) 17224
    COMMON: Added new/now sxy txxxxxxs for Bxxxk Gxxd (vapoman) 17225

    EFFECTS: Added Vxxxxxm nxxxxm (afterdune) 16352
    EFFECTS: Added Vxxxxxm sound effects (afterdune) 16352
    EFFECTS: New fxxxe exxxxt by sxxxxxxx, cxxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16441
    EFFECTS: Added fxxxxxs to mxxxxxxxxxxxs on AK wxxxxxs, Mxx, AR rxxxxs, Mxxx, Mx, KxxD, PxM and RxK (jxxt for that) (anders) 16502
    EFFECTS: Added new/now LAV xxxm dxxxxxt sxxxxxxxxxs and mxxxxxxxxxh (anders) 16506
    EFFECTS: New bxxxd hxxxxxxt vxxxxl exxxxt (anders) 16513
    EFFECTS: Dxxxxxxxd hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe of exxxxxxxn dxxxxs sounds/solves (anders) 16521
    EFFECTS: Added Mxxx cxxxxn dxxxxxt sound (anders) 16566
    EFFECTS: Added cxxx dxxxxxt sxxxt sound (anders) 16650
    EFFECTS: New dxxxxxt AT sounds/solves (anders) 16727
    EFFECTS: Fixed exxxxxd sounds/solves not sxxxxxg long enough (j.f.leusch) 16787
    EFFECTS: Added new/now sxxxl exxxxxxn gxxxs ixxxxxxxg the x.xxxxxm, x.xxxm, x.xxxm, x.xxxm and xxm rxxxxs. (rhino) 16793
    EFFECTS: Added new/now sxxxl exxxxxxn gxxxs ixxxxxxxg the .xxxxl, xx Gxxxe Bxxk, xx Gxxxe Sxxg, xxxxxxm LxxR Gxxxxxe, xxxxxxm HxxR Gxxxxxe, x.xxxxxm and uxxxxxd the xxxxl lxxk, sxxxxxr axxs lxxk and to uxe the new/now txxxxxe sxxxt, as will as and a lxxx and rxxxxxd the x.xxxxxm rxxxd. All txxxe rxxxxs need cxxxxg, jxxt the pxxxn mxxh rxxxt new/now other txxn the lxxxs wxxxh sxxxxd wxxk as they sound. (rhino) 16795
    EFFECTS: Re-exxxxxxd the new/now sxxxl cxxxxxs, ammo rxxxxxd txxm so they didn't have the _xxxxxg sxxxxx so they where made in lxxe with the vxxx nests, with the xxm and xxxxl sounds/solves oxxxxxxxxxg the vxxx ones, the other sounds/solves will need to mxxxxxxy be added to the exxxxxxn effects. (rhino) 16894
    EFFECTS: Deleted uxxxxd sxxxl exxxxxxxs (chuc) 16971
    EFFECTS: New vxxxxl sxxxxxxxs bxxxxxxxxs (wxp) (anders) 17028
    EFFECTS: New Gxxxxxe exxxxxxxn exxxxt.x(vxxxxl) (anders) 17028
    EFFECTS: Rxxxxxd the RxxB wxxxk txxxxxe from ixs exxxxxxxn pxxxxxxe effects wxxxh wxs cxxxxxg a CxD axxxr the wxxxk txxxxxe wxs rxxxxxd. (rhino) 17053
    EFFECTS: Cxxxxxd the pxxxe sound effects so that they only lxxt x two seconds, not ixxxxxxy seconds as they might be hxxxxxg axxxxd for the exxxxe gone axxxr being pxxxxd, exxn txxu the sound hxs only oxe lxxp cxxxt wxxxh the sound is lxxs txxn xxxxs long. (rhino) 17118
    EFFECTS: New .xxxxl vxxxxl bxxxxxxxxs (anders) 17175
    EFFECTS: Replaced gxxxxxe vxxxxl exxxxxxxn (anders) 17175
    EFFECTS: Took axxxxxt jxt sound and made it an exxxxt so it could be attached to a trigger. (afsoccer) 17218

    FACTIONS: Mxxxxxxd fxxxxxxxxxxt for the wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16285
    FACTIONS: Added fxxxxh fxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16331
    FACTIONS: Added Vxxxxxm fxxxxxxs and sandbags (afterdune) 16355
    FACTIONS: Uxxxxxd all sandbags with new/now sxxxf (bloodydeed) 16433
    FACTIONS: Uxxxxxd vxxxxxe sxxxxxr (bloodydeed) 17238
    FACTIONS: Uxxxxxd sandbags for all fxxxxxxs kits (ancientman) 17244

    FONTS: Added in all Bxx fxxxs to rxxxxe the dxxxxxxxxy of mxxs/bxx/fxxxxxxxxxxt.zxp (ancientman) 16243

    GENERAL: Vxxxxxn bxxp to x.xxx (ancientman) 16082
    GENERAL: New Rxxo bxxxd sxxxxt, lxt me kxxw if txxxe's any pxxxxxxs and sxxxf. (ancientman) 16114
    GENERAL: Uxxxxxd the bxxxd sxxxxt to fxx size ixxxxs with fxxe fxxxxxxxg and axxxxxxxc bxxxxxxg of a lxxxl if it dxxxxxs the exe is in a lxxxxs fxxxxr (ancientman) 16122
    GENERAL: VxxxxxxS Ixxxxxxd GB Txxxk txxxxxxs (rhino) 16133
    GENERAL: Uxxxxxd bxxxd sxxxxt, rxxxxxxs mxxxxd cxxxxt/sxxxxr fxxxxxs to wxxk pxxxxxxy, uxxxxe your exxxxe rxxo fxxxt (ancientman) 16239
    GENERAL: Oxxxxxxxxg axxxxxxs into a sxxxxe dxxxxxxxy for cxxxxxxxxxs (ancientman) 16250
    GENERAL: Fixed up a bxxxh of mxxxxxg sounds/solves and txxxxxxs (ancientman) 16272
    GENERAL: Added size cxxe to BxxxxxR.exe to dxxxxxy an exxxr on any uxxxxxxt exxxxxxxn, to txy and fxxxxe out wxxt's cxxxxxg the cxxxxxs.xx (ancientman) 16289
    GENERAL: Fixed BxxxxxR.exe to not cxxxh on XP (ancientman) 16302
    GENERAL: Fixed an ixxxe where the bxxxd axp wxxxd axxxxxe all lxxxxxxp oxxxxxs ixxxxxd of ixxxxxxg txxm lxxe it sxxxxd (ancientman) 16327
    GENERAL: Uxxxxxd the bxxxd axp's "fxxd mxxxxxg" tanks to only axxxw rxxxxxxe pxxxs (ancientman) 16330
    GENERAL: Added mxxxxxg Dxxs rendered by the PR Bxxxxxr (afterdune) 16347
    GENERAL: Replaced sxxxxxxxxxxxxs.cxn bxxk to pxxxxxxs vxxxxxn. (afterdune) 16379
    GENERAL: Uxxxxxd MxC Hxxxxxxxxr cxxxxxxxxxs. (spush) 16389
    GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Hxxxxxxxxr cxxxxxxxxxs. (spush) 16390
    GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Hxxxxxxxxr cxxxxxxxxxs. (spush) 16391
    GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Hxxxxxxxxr cxxxxxxxxxs. (spush) 16392
    GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxxs Txxxxxxs to fxt the other MxC vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16393
    GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxxs Txxxxxxs to fxt the other MxC vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16394
    GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxxs Txxxxxxs to fxt the other MxC vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16395
    GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxxs Txxxxxxs to fxt the other MxC vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16396
    GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxe Txxxxxxs to fxt other mxc vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16397
    GENERAL: Uxxxxxd/Cxxxxxd the Cxxxxxxn Fxxxxs Lxxxxxd xxxM txxxxxe. The old oxe wxs txxxxxxe. (spush) 16403
    GENERAL: Uxxxxxd, added PxA Vxxxxxe Txxxxxxs, Dxxxxt/Wxxxxxxd. Rxxxxxd the "Bxxxxxxxr" that from the Uxxxxxxxd HxxxV. (spush) 16422
    GENERAL: Fxxxxt to rxxxxe txxm. (spush) 16423
    GENERAL: Fixed up the fxxd mxxxxxg sxxxf axxxn, the axxxxxxe pxxxs sxxxl wxxn't rxxxt, new/now it dxxxxxxxxy is.xx (ancientman) 16426
    GENERAL: I cxxxxxd PR's vxxxxxn nxxxxr to x.x, bxxxxxe I fxxt lxxe it. (afterdune) 16430
    GENERAL: fxxxd the cxxxxxxg (anders) 16448
    GENERAL: Fixed vxxxxxn to x.x.xa (ancientman) 16484
    GENERAL: [WxxxxxS] New PxM xp/xp sxxxt and rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16486
    GENERAL: Fixed #xxx. Oxxxxxxxxh .rxw fxxxs not being added to lxxxl axxxxxxs. (ancientman) 16642
    GENERAL: Fixed #xxx. Gxxe cxxxxxs axxxr pxxxxxxg sound axxxxxxxxt wxxn uxxxg lxw txxxxxn vxxxo sandbags dxe to a mxxxxxg fxxe. (ancientman) 16651
    GENERAL: Added an exxxy vxxxxxn of the new/now lxxxxxxr for txxxxxg. Sxxxl nests lxxs of wxxk, bxt it sxxxxd lxxxxh the gone and have it fxxxy fxxxxxxxxxg. Nxxe, axxxr txxs uxxxxe, you will need to uxxxxe your sxxxxxxxs to mxxs/pxxxxxo/bxn/Pxxxxxxxxr.exe, as mxxs/pxxxxxo/pr.exe hxs bxxn dxxxxxd. (ancientman) 16886
    GENERAL: Fixed the lxxxxxxr to fxxxe axxxxxxxxxxxr and the axxxxxxxxxe cxxxxxxxxxxxy mxxxs on the OS's that sandbags txxm all axxxxxxxc lxxe (ancientman) 17027
    GENERAL: Replaced uxxxg a nxxxr vxxxxxn of OxxxxL, sxxxxxxxxy it mxxxxs with sound qxxxxxy. Gxxxs uxxxg bxx's vxxxxxn will be fxxe.xx (ancientman) 17029
    GENERAL: Uxxxxxd the bxxxd axp. It's new/now in the "bxn" dxxxxxxxy with the lxxxxxxr, as it sounds/solves the size cxxe bxxe. Made a sxxxxxxt if you wxxt to axxxxs it exxxxy :p (ancientman) 17070
    GENERAL: Uxxxxxd bxxxd axp with a bxxxh new/now sxxxf. Sxxe new/now cxxxxxs are fxxxxxxxs are lxxxxxxxxd wxxn added to zxxs, and any fxxe with a sxxxe in the nxxe will not be added to zxxs. (ancientman) 17116
    GENERAL: Made uxxxxxs to the bxxxd axp, wxxxh is gxxxxxg made axxxxxe by the dxy (ancientman) 17153
    GENERAL: Uxxxxxd the lxxxxxxr to hxxxxe the new/now ixxxxxl sxxxxt (ancientman) 17179
    GENERAL: Uxxxxxd Oxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf for uxe in Bxxxxxxr (j.f.leusch) 17201
    GENERAL: Bxxxd axp cxn new/now made fxxl that/rxxxxxe bxxxxs (ancientman) 17206
    GENERAL: Added pxxxxx and pxxxxx for dxxxxe and txxxxe sounds/solves. rxxn pxxxxx and rxxn pxxxxx sandbags txxm. to spawn the sxxxxxxxm pxxxt, uxe rxxn pxxxxxxxt (ancientman) 17236
    GENERAL: Uxxxxxd mxxxxxt.cxn (bloodydeed) 17246
    GENERAL: Fixed bxxxd axp being a dxxk, not bxxxxxxg size lxxxxs fxxxs and fxxxd the lxxxxxxr and dxxxxxxr not wxxxxxg txxxxxxr (ancientman) 17247

    HUD: Rxxxxxxxxxxd SxxR-xx to CxxR-xx (w/ AxxG and Bxxxd) (j.f.leusch) 16095
    HUD: Uxxxxxd sxxxxxxxn ixxn dxxxxxxxxxn for GxxG/x (j.f.leusch) 16105
    HUD: Fixed dxxxxxxxxe Txxs and Mxxxxxs not sxxxxxg up on the mxxxxxp (j.f.leusch) 16145
    HUD: Made ZxS-x AT gxn sxxw up on mxxxxxp (j.f.leusch) 16146
    HUD: Made all sxxxxxxxxy AA and Axs sxxxxxg up on the mxxxxxp (j.f.leusch) 16149
    HUD: Uxxxxxd ZxS-x mxxxxxp ixxn (if not lxxe we cxn rxxxxt!x (j.f.leusch) 16166
    HUD: Uxxxxxd HMG mxxxxxp ixxn (if not lxxe we cxn rxxxxt!x (j.f.leusch) 16166
    HUD: Added mxxxxxxxs to Axxxs and Hxxs (Axs axxxxxy hxd txxm)x(mxxxxxxxs are the sxxxl ixxxs that sxxw up nxxt to your nxxe in the sound mxxu) (j.f.leusch) 16166
    HUD: Fixed the mxxt sxxxxd bxg where x lxxxs cxxxxd the gone to cxxxh wxxn pxxxxxxg exit in the mxxn mxxu, yxt switching txxm axxxxd mxxxs it wxxk jxxt fxxe xx (ancientman) 16287
    HUD: Axxxxxt to fxx Gxxxxn gxxxxr CxD (j.f.leusch) 16983
    HUD: Added mxxxxr mxxu ixxn (a bxxxxr oxe is wxxxxxxd!x (j.f.leusch) 16999
    HUD: Rxxxxxd vxxx vxxxxxe pxxxxxxn ixxxs (j.f.leusch) 17018
    HUD: Cxxxxxd UK UxL dxxxxxxxxxn to Lxxxxx (j.f.leusch) 17067
    HUD: Uxxxxxd Mxxx gxxxxxxxn sxxxxxxxn ixxn (j.f.leusch) 17067

    KITS: Added CF exxxxxxr and sxxxxxxxxt axxxxxxxxxe kits (nests to be uxxxxxd in pxxxxn two) (j.f.leusch) 16100
    KITS: Ixxxxxxxd txxxxxn HxT AxS-xxU mxxs to x (j.f.leusch) 16101
    KITS: Added new/now Mxxxxxs kits txxxxxxs from Sxxxe (hauteclocque) 16119
    KITS: Added Cxxxxxxn kit gxxxxxxxxs (wxxxxxt Lxxs for txxxxxg) (hauteclocque) 16181
    KITS: Added WxP Fxxxxh kits (wxxxxxt Lxxs for txxxxxg) (hauteclocque) 16254
    KITS: Mxxxr fxxxs to fxxxxh kits (no need to that) (j.f.leusch) 16278
    KITS: Added Mxxx SxR oxxo UxxC mxxxxxxn kits, AxT kit is sxxxxxxxxd vxxxxxn (chuc) 16294
    KITS: Added Vxxxxxm kits (afterdune) 16353
    KITS: Replaced Mx Exxxxh with Mx Axxxxxxt on rxxxxxxn sxxxxxxxxt (chuc) 16365
    KITS: Fixed up kit axxxxxxxxxs on the Gxxxxxs with the new/now BxxS Gxxs (chuc) 16383
    KITS: Fixed txxo in gxxxxn kits, sxe hxxp:x/wxw.rxxxxxxxxd.cxm/fxxxm/fxxx-pr-bxx-cxxxxxxxg/xxxxxx-cxxxxxxxg-wxd-xx-jxn-xxxx-cxxe.hxxl. Rxxo sxxxxd lxxd fxxe axxxn :D (bloodydeed) 16405
    KITS: Added/mxxxxxxd sxxxxxl AxT kits (bloodydeed) 16408
    KITS: Rxxxxxd bxxxxxxxxs from all kits (exxxxt sxxxxr, oxxxxxr, sxxxxxr) of cxxxxxxxxxxl axxxxs (afterdune) 16414
    KITS: Rxxxxxd bxxxxxxxxs from all SP kits as will new/now (exxxxt sxxxxr, oxxxxxr, sxxxxxr) of cxxxxxxxxxxl axxxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16415
    KITS: Rxxxxxd axxxxt of pxxxxxs to x for all mxxxc kits. Txxs cxxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16429
    KITS: Rxxxxxd ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxe from AxL kits. Txxs cxxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16430
    KITS: Added MG (GxxG) Kxxs with pxxxxxxxxxr wxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16432
    KITS: Mxxxr fxxxs (no need to that) (bloodydeed) 16440
    KITS: Uxxxxxd Fxxxxh kits (added mxxxxxg Rxxxxxxn AP and Sxxxh txxxxxxs) (hauteclocque) 16475
    KITS: Added rxxxxxn pxxa kits for dxxxe (ancientman) 16480
    KITS: Rxxxxxd ixxxxxxxxy from Fxxxxh kits.x I mxxn kits (afterdune) 16514
    KITS: Gxxe cxxxxxn hxs bxxxxxxxxs bxxk (afterdune) 16514
    KITS: Uxxxxxd GxR, UxA, US, CF pxxa kits to the new/now kit lxxxxt (bloodydeed) 16517
    KITS: Uxxxxxd the Fxxxxh UN kit, old oxe wxs mxxxxxg bxxe UN hxxxxt cxxxr (spush) 16528
    KITS: Added nxxxr (and bxxxxr) UxA Kxt txxxxxxs (spush) 16541
    KITS: Added GxxG to Bxxt, UxxC, US Axxy, IxF and Cxxxxxxn MG kits (chuc) 16551
    KITS: Uxxxxxd Fxxxxh kits cxxxxxxxxe with dxxxxt cxxo hxxxxt and fxxxd bxxxk sxxt on bxxxxxxxs (spush) 16556
    KITS: Rxxxxxd SxD ixxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16558
    KITS: Added new/now MxC kit gxxxxxxxxs (wxxxxxt Lxxs for txxxxxg) KxxS: Mxxxxxxd Fxxxxh kits wxxxxxs (bxxxxxxs wxxe mxxxxd up) (hauteclocque) 16564
    KITS: Mxxxxxxd sxxxxg on MxC kits. I've added it to made kits as will. (hauteclocque) 16583
    KITS: Added sxxxxxh txxxxxe to uxxxxxd MxC kits (spush) 16588
    KITS: Added MxxxB ExxxN and MxxxG AxxG to rxxxxxxxxe US Axxy and UxxC mxxn mxxxxxe gxxxxr kits (ixxxxxxxt vxxxxxxs have gone to the axxxxxxxe MG kits) (chuc) 16590
    KITS: Re-rxxxxxd ixxxxxxxxxxs from MxC kits (chuc) 16592
    KITS: Switched the PxM into the MG kit rxxe (chuc) 16617
    KITS: Replaced PxM with RxK (Axxxxs) on uxxxxxxxxxxxxl ammo rxxxxxxn kits (chuc) 16617
    KITS: Added pxxxxxs in pxxxe of seconds on Mxxxxxe Gxxxxr kits (chuc) 16623
    KITS: Added axxxxxxxe MxC MG kit (chuc) 16623
    KITS: Added Mxx oxxo Mxxxxxa and Hxxxs axxxxxxxe gxxxxxxxr kits (chuc) 16627
    KITS: Replaced Gx with Mxx on MxC AA and HxT kits (chuc) 16631
    KITS: Sxxxxxxy dxxxxxxd txxxxxe on MxC kit gxxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16633
    KITS: Rxxxxxxxxd kxxxxxxs to dxxxxt txn on MxC kit gxxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16633
    KITS: Replaced pxxxxxs on MG kits to seconds (chuc) 16635
    KITS: Uxxxxxd MxC kit gxxxxxxxxs, rxxxxxd bxxxxxxk, rxxxxxd kxxxxxxs and attached the sxxn and hxxxxt pxxxxxxn axxxg other txxxxs (chuc) 16678
    KITS: Uxxxxxd PxM dxxxxxxs with new/now PxM (chuc) 16685
    KITS: Added Rxxxxm to Rxxxxxn ammo rxxxe kits (chuc) 16703
    KITS: Rxxxxxxxxd size wxxxxxs on the uxxxxxxxxxxxxl fxxxxxxs (sxxs me ixxxxxxxxs) (chuc) 16704
    KITS: Added axxxxxxxxxe kits for ME ixxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16714
    KITS: Replaced Gxxxx with Axxx PxO-x on Txxxxxn axt mxxxxxxn (chuc) 16714
    KITS: Added Axxx PxO-x to Mxxxxxa axt mxxxxxxn (chuc) 16714
    KITS: Added RxK to pxxxxxy ammo rxxxxxxn kits on uxxxxxxxxxxxxl fxxxxxxs (chuc) 16714
    KITS: Added Rxxxx to axxxxxxxe ammo rxxxxxxn kits on uxxxxxxxxxxxxl fxxxxxxs (chuc) 16714
    KITS: Added Hxxxx to FR Mxxxxxxn cxxxxxs (hauteclocque) 16761
    KITS: Axxxxxxd Nxxxv ixxxxxxxxs to all IxF ammo rxxxxxxn kits (chuc) 16970
    KITS: Sxxxxxxxxxxd IxF kit pxxxxxy wxxxxn lxxxxxt to be Mxxn x TxR, Axxxxxxe x Mx (chuc) 16972
    KITS: Sxt Txxxx Mxxxxxxxd rxxxxx to only the mxxn Oxxxxxr kit (chuc) 16972
    KITS: Replaced sxxxxd Exxxxxd with Mxxxn ZF on Mxxxxxa, HxxxS and Ixxxxxxxt sxxxxr kits (chuc) 17063
    KITS: Mxxxr txxxxs, cxxxxxxxd CF PxxA Axt Kxxs (bloodydeed) 17171
    KITS: Fixed cxxxh on txxxxxn mxxs (bloodydeed) 17178
    KITS: Added gxs mxxk (axxxxxxxc cxxxxe only) to Mxxxxxa rxxxxxxn (chuc) 17232

    MATERIALS: Uxxxxxd Mxxs with new/now axxxxn will mxt, pxxxxxxxxe pxxxxxc mxt, fxxd gxxxxxc mxt, bxxxxxxxxe dxxr and gone mxxs and a "rxxxxxxxxt" mxt for uxe on jxt wxxxxs so they txxe dxxxxe on nxxxxl txxxxxn. (rhino) 16108

    MENU: Rxxxxxd uxxxxxxd Gxxxl MxR and SxxR-xx w/ MxxS sxxxxxxxn ixxxs (j.f.leusch) 16095
    MENU: Fixed rxxxxxn Sxxx HxD not sxxxxxg up (j.f.leusch) 16110
    MENU: Added hxxxxxr mxxxxxp ixxn (rhino) 16137
    MENU: Added Bxxxxxxg Hi-Pxxxr ixxn to the rxxo, may need to be ixxxxxxd in size axxxs bxxxd fxxe txxxg (rhino) 16192
    MENU: Added in rendered Bxx mxxu sxxxf to rxxxxe the dxxxxxxxxy of mxxs/bxx/mxxxxxxxxxt/sxxxxr.zxp (ancientman) 16244
    MENU: Added in rendered Bxx cxxxxn sxxxf to rxxxxe the dxxxxxxxxy of mxxs/bxx/cxxxxxxxxxxxt/sxxxxr.zxp (ancientman) 16248
    MENU: Added in rendered Bxx oxxxxxs sxxxf to rxxxxe the dxxxxxxxxy of mxxs/bxx/oxxxxxxxxxxxxt/sxxxxr.zxp (ancientman) 16266
    MENU: Added wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxxs to the sxxxxxxxu for all fxxxxxxs exxxxt vxxxxxm and sxxxxxxxxxxr (bloodydeed) 16284
    MENU: Axxxs uxxxxxd with PxM ixxn (chuc) 16304
    MENU: Sxxxxxxd pxxxxxxn of Axxxm. Rxxxxxxn and Sxxxxxxxxt in sxxxxxxxe. Fxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16307
    MENU: Uxxxxxd with pxxxxxxxxxr ixxxs for SxS and GxxG vxxxxxxs (chuc) 16326
    MENU: Added fxxxxh fxxxxs fxxxs (bloodydeed) 16335
    MENU: Rxxxxxd uxxxxxxd fxxxxh fxxxxs axxxs (bloodydeed) 16340
    MENU: Added Vxxxxxm ixxxs to axxxs (afterdune) 16348
    MENU: Added Vxxxxxm fxxg ixxxs (afterdune) 16349
    MENU: Added Vxxxxxm wxxxxn ixxxs (afterdune) 16350
    MENU: Added Vxxxxxm vxxxxxe ixxxs (afterdune) 16350
    MENU: Added spawn wxxxxn mxxxxxxxxxxn to vxxxxxm fxxxxxxs, size sxxxl wxxxxn ixxn fxxxs (bloodydeed) 16406
    MENU: Added vxxxxxxxxxxt ixxn pxxxxxxxxxr (uxxs exxxxxd ixxn) (bloodydeed) 16407
    MENU: Added fxxxxxxe ixxxxxxxr mxxu fxxe (afterdune) 16419
    MENU: Uxxxxxd Gxxxxxxx.txt fxxe (I txxxk txxs is vxxy oxxxxxxd new/now that we no longer ixxxxxe vxxx sxxxf. We need to cxxxk txxs!x (afterdune) 16419
    MENU: Fixed Vxxxxxm fxxxs (they wxxe uxxxxe dxxn)x Fxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16424
    MENU: Added MG kit pxxxxxxxxxr ixxxs, rxxs #xxx. Cxxxxxxxe not uxxxxxd yxt. (bloodydeed) 16434
    MENU: Uxxxxxd cxxxxxxxe with Mxxxxxe Gxxxxr kit, rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16439
    MENU: Added rxxxxxa wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxn and size mxxxr fxxxs (bloodydeed) 16487
    MENU: Uxxxxxd Mxxxx wxxxxn ixxn (it wxs bxxt-uxxy :o)x Txxs fxxxd #xxx bxw. (afterdune) 16512
    MENU: Fixed GxxxxxxA wxxxxn sxxxxxxxn ixxxs, cxxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16516
    MENU: Added new/now mxxxxxe gxxxxr kit ixxn (chuc) 16520
    MENU: Uxxxxxd MG kit ixxxs (chuc) 16560
    MENU: Fixed Gx Ixxxxxxxt sxxxxxxxn ixxn cxxxh rxxs #xxx (chuc) 16622
    MENU: Uxxxxxd axxxs with a fxw new/now wxxxxn ixxxs (chuc) 16705
    MENU: Axxxs uxxxxxd with new/now RxK and Axxx vxxxxxt rxxxxxd ixxxs (chuc) 16713
    MENU: Uxxxxxd Fxxxxh wxxxxn sxxxxxxxn ixxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx (hauteclocque) 16762
    MENU: Added GxC xxx, VxB and VxxI vxxxxxe ixxxs (hauteclocque) 16832
    MENU: Added Lxxxxxc, AxX-xxxC and Pxxxxxr jxxp vxxxxxe ixxxs (hauteclocque) 16834
    MENU: Axxxs uxxxxxd with vxxxxxs ixxxs (chuc) 17084
    MENU: Added MxxxxxxxxxT wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxn (bloodydeed) 17169
    MENU: Uxxxxxd wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxn sxxxxm with the lxxxxt cxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 17176
    MENU: Added pxxxxxxxxxr wxxxxn ixxn for rxxxxxxxxxxxv, fxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxh, ixxxxxxxxxxl, rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 17177
    MENU: Uxxxxxd cxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 17184
    MENU: Added mxxxxxg Sxxx vxxxxxe ixxn (bloodydeed) 17237

    NOTE: Bxxe txxxxxxs wxxe added for txxxe oxxxxxs that nxxxxd txxm bxt no cxxxxm txxxxxxs wxxe added, sxxh as _xxxxxxxd, _xg, exc. (afsoccer) 16338

    OBJECTS: Added fxxxxh fxxxxs cxxxxxd pxxt, fxxxs, bxxxxxxxs, effects, rxxxxxxxxt, cxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16333
    OBJECTS: Added seconds used for fxxxt txxe on Bxxxk Gxxd:x
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxm
    xx mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxa
    xx mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxb
    xx mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxm (afsoccer) 16336
    OBJECTS: Added the fxxxxxxxg oxxxxxs used for fxxxt txxe in Pxxxxxxk Bxy, Op Mxxxxn and Vxxxo City:x
    xx effects/sxxxxxxx/exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe
    xx rxxxs/seconds/bxxxxxxxxxxt
    xx rxxxs/seconds/txxxxxxxxxxt
    xx xxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxn
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxn
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxm
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxt
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xxx(pxxt x of x) (afsoccer) 16337
    OBJECTS: Pxxt x of x added the fxxxxxxxg oxxxxxs used for fxxxt txxe in Pxxxxxxk Bxy, Op Mxxxxn and Vxxxo City:x
    xx xxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx pr/hxxxxr/lxxxxxxxxe
    xx hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx rxxxxxxxxxxxxe
    xx rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx rxxxxxxxxxxxxl
    xx rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxr _xxxxxxxr _xxxxxxxxxxxr
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxr
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxr
    xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxn and all axxxxxxxxd sxb-oxxxxxs (afsoccer) 16338
    OBJECTS: Added Vxxxxxm fxxxs, rxxxy pxxxxs, sxxxxy oxxxxxs and vxxxxxe dxxxxs (afterdune) 16345
    OBJECTS: Added rxxxxxxxxxxxx.dxs txxxxxe. (afsoccer) 16362
    OBJECTS: Ixxxxxxxd the cxxl dxxxxxxe for txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxg from x (xxm) to x (xxxm)x (afsoccer) 16410
    OBJECTS: Cxxxxxd cxxxxm lxxxxxxxs for "pr/ixxxxxxxxl/mxxxxxxxe/mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxm" dxe to oxxxxxxl ones being bxxxxd. (afsoccer) 16413
    OBJECTS: Added xxxxxxxxxxxxxxp, xxxxxxxxxxxxb, and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe for uxe on Fxxxs Rxxd vx.x Added gxxxs (bxxxxxd oxxxxxs) to mxxxxxxxxxp and lxxxxxxxxxxxxxe as the xp vxxxxxxs dxd not wxxk cxxxxxxxy.x Fxr gxxw vxxxxxn, uxe the _xxt sxxxxx. (afsoccer) 16420
    OBJECTS: Added sxxxf used on Sxxxxxxa (exxxxt the tanks, txxxe are lxw qxxxxxy and will be pxxxxd with the mxp, mxxxxxs pxxxxe do not uxe txxm) (outlawz) 16447
    OBJECTS: Fixed pr/bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx so it could be lxxxxxxxxxd pxxxxxxy; ammo ixxxxxxxd cxxxxxxxxxxe from x (xxxm) to x (xxxm) for all vxxxxxxxxs of txxs will so it wxxxxn't dxxxxxxxr at sxxh a crate dxxxxxxe.x Fxxxs wxxe pxxxxxxd by cxxxxxs to Ixxn Rxxxe. (afsoccer) 16545
    OBJECTS: Fixed mxxxxxxy/oxxxxxs/mxxxxxxxxa so it cxn new/now hxxd a lxxxxxxp xxxx New sxxxxxxxxh lxxxs exxxxxy the size and no need to do axxxxxxg to mxxs axxxxxy with txxs oxxxxt.xx bxt if you wxxt to go bxxk and lxxxxxxp it, it's new/now pxxxxxxe. (afsoccer) 16604
    OBJECTS: Added LxD fxxxs and mxxh for wxxxxxxxxxxxxx sxxxe txxxe wxxe nxxe and gone cxxxxxs wxxxxxt txxm. (afsoccer) 16656
    OBJECTS: Added Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxm (amokandy) 17234

    PYTHON: dxxxo's pxxxxc txxxl #x. (dbzao) 16151
    PYTHON: Mxxxxd PR:V pxxxxn cxxxxxs. Mxxxd rxxxxxxxxxxxxm.py cxxxxxxs to rxxxxxxxxxxxxxy.py. Wxxl wxxk on the txxxxxs cxxe nxxt. (dbzao) 16160
    PYTHON: Fxxxxg ixxxe with rxxxxxxg rxxxy pxxxxs. (dbzao) 16165
    PYTHON: Added wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxxs pxxxxn bxxxxxd (bloodydeed) 16286
    PYTHON: Made uxxxxxxxxxxxxr uxxxxe by the IxF. Fxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16321
    PYTHON: Bxxxs do no longer cxxt txxxxxs. Rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16322
    PYTHON: Added Vxxxxxm's Nxxxxm sxxxxxr (afterdune) 16344
    PYTHON: Mxxxxd fxxxxxxd fxxxs, added FR vehicles, rendered size uxxxxxxxxxxd db cxxxxxs. Oxxxr rxxxxxxxxxxxxs will fxxxxw wxxn other pxxxxn cxxxxxs have bxxn dxxe. (bloodydeed) 16398
    PYTHON: UxV dxxxn't exxxxe axxxxxe; x mxn to rxxxxxxe. Axxxxt of nxxxxd ixxxxxxxxs to gone cxxxxxxxr ixxxl rxxxxxd from x to x; txxe for ixxxxxxxxs to dxxxxy rxxxxxd from xxx to xx seconds. (bloodydeed) 16399
    PYTHON: rxxxxxxxxxs no longer exxxxe. Oxxxxxn tanks new/now x effects wxxxxn xxm. No dxxxy bxxxxxn sxxxxxg rxxxxxs. Rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16401
    PYTHON: Rxxxxxd kit axxxxxxxxn dxxxy for all ixxxxxxy kits, fxxxs #xxx. Axxxw two mxxxxs pxr sound, fxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16402
    PYTHON: Replaced size uxxxxxxxxxxd cxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16404
    PYTHON: Ixxxxxxxxxd all lxxxxt cxxxxxs to all pxxxxn cxxxxxs. Rxxs #xxx. (bloodydeed) 16409
    PYTHON: Dxxxxxxd mxxxxr on PYTHON: Rxxxxxd need of mxxxxr fxxxxxxxxxn. Cxxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16412
    PYTHON: Dxxxxxxd kit rxxxxxt at rxxxxxxxxxs; Added kxxxxxxxxt sxxxxm to uxxxxxxxxxv, fxxxs #xxx. (bloodydeed) 16421
    PYTHON: Uxxxxxd pxxxxn with MG kit, rxxs #xxx. (bloodydeed) 16435
    PYTHON: Ixxxxxxxd nxxxxr of L-AT kits to x pxr txxm. Dxxxxxxxd nxxxxr of H-AT kits to x pxr txxm. (bloodydeed) 16436
    PYTHON: Fixed not being able to get any kits from vxxxxxxs (fxxxxxy!xx fxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16444
    PYTHON: Added FF-vxxxxxe kit rxxxxxt (bloodydeed) 16446
    PYTHON: Added dxxxxxxxt dxxxxxxxs to dxxxxxy RP's dxxxxxxxg on mxxxxxe. xxxm on xxm, xxm on xxm, xxm on xxm (might get cxxxxxd)x Nxxxs txxxxxg! (bloodydeed) 16504
    PYTHON: Fixed #xxx. Jumping off tall bxxxxxxxs, out of hxxxxxxxxxs, exc and switching by dropping your kit no longer works. The uxxxxxd kit new/now sounds/solves axxxe you ixxxxxd of bxxxw you, pxxxxxm be sxxxxd. (ancientman) 16686
    PYTHON: Added axxxxxxxxxh x _xxxxxxxxe vxxxxxn to pxxxxn. Fxxxs #xxx,x#xxx (bloodydeed) 17012
    PYTHON: Ixxxxxxxxxd Sxxxxxxh txxxxxs axxxxxxxxt for Fxxxxxxxs. Fxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 17162
    PYTHON: Added axxxxxy to rxxxxxt oxxxxxr kit on cxxxxs (ixxxxxxxxs) (bloodydeed) 17181
    PYTHON: Uxxxxxd kit axxxxxxxxxxs for all fxxxxxxs (ancientman) 17244

    SHADERS: Fixed bxxxk sxxxs on txxxxxn for cxxxxxn gxxxxxxs cxxxs (ancientman) 16212

    SOLDIERS: Added new/now Mxxxxe sxxxxxr txxxxxxs from Sxxxe (hauteclocque) 16118
    SOLDIERS: Added axxxxxxxxxe Mxxxxxs xp axxs from Sxxxh (hauteclocque) 16120
    SOLDIERS: Added two mxxxxxg new/now Mxxxxxs sxxxxxr txxxxxxs (hauteclocque) 16121
    SOLDIERS: Added new/now Cxxxxxxn sxxxxxr txxxxxxs (hauteclocque) 16182
    SOLDIERS: Added Fxxxxh sandbags (hauteclocque) 16253
    SOLDIERS: Fixed fxxxxh sandbags sxxxxg vxxxxs (j.f.leusch) 16279
    SOLDIERS: Added Vxxxxxm sandbags, mxxxxy as they are (afterdune) 16354
    SOLDIERS: Uxxxxxd hxxd txxxxxe pxxxs of Vxxxxxm NxA sandbags (afterdune) 16360
    SOLDIERS: New Rxxxxxl sxxxxm by Fxxxxxxxxxx, cxxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16442
    SOLDIERS: New fxxxxxxxxxxxxs, new/now dxxxxxxxxxxs, dxe sounds/solves exc. New bxxy ixxxxt sounds/solves on cxxxxxn mxxxxxxxs. (anders) 16443
    SOLDIERS: Uxxxxxd Fxxxxh sandbags (added lxxxt sxxxxxr and Sxxxh rxxxxxs) (hauteclocque) 16476
    SOLDIERS: Mxxxr ixxxxxxxxxxs to rxxxxxl, rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16518
    SOLDIERS: Uxxxxxd the Fxxxxh sandbags txxxxxxs, cxxxxxd the cxxxxxxxxe size for dxxxxt and sxxxxxxxd it (spush) 16527
    SOLDIERS: Added nxxxr (and bxxxxr) UxA AxU sxxxxxr txxxxxxs (spush) 16540
    SOLDIERS: Txxxxd up the bxxxxxxxxs on the Fxxxxh sandbags dxxxxt cxxxxxxxxe (spush) 16555
    SOLDIERS: Added DxxK and Mx Bxxxxxxg hxxd pxxxs (Txxxxxn and UxxC rxxxxxxxxxxy) for axxxxg into xp sxxxxxxxxy pxxxxxxn vxxxs (chuc) 16565
    SOLDIERS: Cxxxxxxxd sxxxxxxxxxxxs to bxxxxxxxxxxxs for xp vxxxxxe hxxxs (chuc) 16573
    SOLDIERS: Added gxxxxn hxxxs fxxxxd to the sxxxxxxxxy Mxx (chuc) 16573
    SOLDIERS: Axxxxxr uxxxxe to rxxxxxl, rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16652
    SOLDIERS: Added US hxxd x wxxxxxxd fxxe pxxxt (spush) 16664
    SOLDIERS: Uxxxxe #x to rxxxxxl (by fxxxxxxz)x rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16769

    SOUNDS: Fixed Axxx xp sound (hauteclocque) 16385
    SOUNDS: Mxxxd a sxxxxxxxe of sounds/solves that axxxxs jxxt cxxxxxxxd to txxxr pxxxxr lxxxxxxxs.xx Cxxe on mxn, kxxp it oxxxxxxxd, don't jxxt pxt sounds/solves all oxxr the pxxxe in rxxxxm fxxxxxs.xx (ancientman) 16483

    STATICS: Fixed vxxx dxxxxxxxxxe hxxxxxy sxxxxxn dxxxxxxxxxxg axxxr x hxxr (j.f.leusch) 16125
    STATICS: Added cxxxxxxxxxxxxxs, rxxxxxxxxxl, and lxxxxxxxxxxn seconds. (afsoccer) 16126
    STATICS: Uxxxxxxd txxxxxxs for pr/mxxxxxxy/rxxxxxxxxxl to pr/txxxxxxs. (afsoccer) 16127
    STATICS: Fixed Axxxxn vx cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's cxxx mxxh axxxxxxg pxxxxxs to made ixxxxe the cxxxxxxd and sxxxt out (rhino) 16129
    STATICS: Rxxxxxd UxS Exxxx's cxxl and lxd dxxxxxxxs (rhino) 16134
    STATICS: Fixed ixxxxxxy/ixxxxxxxxxs/cxxxxxxxxx txxxk fxxe so longer pxxxxxxxt didn't crate pxxxxxs to fxxl to txxxr dxxxh. (afsoccer) 16179
    STATICS: Uxxxxxd UxS Exxxx Sxxxxy Oxxxxt Lxxxxxxxs and Rxxxs (rhino) 16194
    STATICS: Uxxxxxd UxS Exxxx Wxxl Dxxk Sxxxxy Oxxxxt, mxxxxg it off the bxxk mxxh, oxxo the ixxxxxxr mxxh and ixxxxxxxg ixs lxxxxxxn and size, as will as mxxxxg it axxxxt bxxh lxxd vxxxxxxs and sxa vxxxxxxs, as will as rxxxxxxg and rxxxxxxxg txxm (rhino) 16196
    STATICS: Added Bxx lxxxxxxp seconds (ancientman) 16274
    STATICS: Ixxxxxxxd cxxl dxxxxxxe for wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd, wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxt and wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxc from x to x so sxxxxc wxxxxn't dxxxxxxxr at xxxm. (afsoccer) 16300
    STATICS: Added all Vxxxxxm seconds (afterdune) 16355
    STATICS: Fixed mxxxxd up txxxxxe pxxxs on Mxxxxxxy axxxxxa (chuc) 16684
    STATICS: Uxxxxxd the UxS Exxxx with fxxxd sxxxxy oxxxxxs with txxxe lxxxxxxxs, tanks out that the rxxxxs sxxxxxg dxxxn't axxxxxxy cxxxxxl that rxxxxs, bxt ixs x/x the rxxxxs, so to get a xxm rxxxxs, you need to sxt it to xm. hxxp:x/i.ixxxr.cxm/Fxxxg.jxg (rhino) 16759
    STATICS: Fixed the sxxxxy rxxxxs's for the mxxxxr pxxxxd sxxxxy pxxxxs, tanks out that the rxxxxs sxxxxxg dxxxn't axxxxxxy cxxxxxl that rxxxxs, bxt ixs x/x the rxxxxs, so to get a xxm rxxxxs, you need to sxt it to xm. (rhino) 16770
    STATICS: Fixed the sxxxxy rxxxxs's for the mxxxxr pxxxxd sxxxxy pxxxxs axxxn, axxxxxxy tanks out that you need to sxt the rxxxxs to xx% of wxxt you need to get wxxt you need, not xx% as I lxxt txxxxxt. So if you wxxt a rxxxxs of xxm you need to sxt your rxxxxs to xxm. (rhino) 16835
    STATICS: Fixed up the Cxxxxxxxp with a new/now vxxxxxn. All pxxxs are new/now oxe, txi cxxxt is xxk and the way it wxs sxt up it wxxn't hxxxxxg the lxxs, only wxxxxxg fxxxs, dxxw cxxxs and LM sxxxe being oxe oxxxxt. We sxxxxd lxxk into rxxxxxxxg the old cxxxxxxxp with txxs vxxxxxn. (rhino) 16879
    STATICS: Rxxxxxd the "UxI" vxxxxxn of the Cxxxxxxxp, wxxxh I'm pxxxxy size ixn't in uxe on any PR mxxs, jxxt txxxxg up sxxxe in the rxxo. (rhino) 16879
    STATICS: Added the cxxxxd vxxxxxn of the that vxb to the rxxo, only the oxxn oxe wxs in bxxxxe. (rhino) 16879

    VEGITATION: Added jxxxxe oxxxxxxxxh (afterdune) 16355
    VEGITATION: Added the Sxxxxs to the rxxo (rhino) 16879
    VEGITATION: Added the mxw sounds/solves txp lxd txxxxxe wxxxh wxs mxxxxxg. (rhino) 17053
    VEGITATION: Ixxxxxxxd cxxl dxxxxxxe on the sounds/solves, may need to rxxxxt for nxxxxl uxe bxt txxs is nxxxxd for PR:F (rhino) 17173

    VEHICLES: Fixed BxP-x bxxxxxxxr sxxt ixxxs being ixxxxxe (j.f.leusch) 16085
    VEHICLES: Fixed txxxxxxxl fxxxxxxxt RxK-xx zxxxxd vxxw (j.f.leusch) 16086
    VEHICLES: Gxxe VN-x and BxxM-x sounds/solves a bxt made lxxxxxl fxxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16097
    VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd Pxxxxxr CxV GxxG mxxs to x (j.f.leusch) 16099
    VEHICLES: Fixed rxxxxxn SU-xx CxD (j.f.leusch) 16109
    VEHICLES: Fixed T-xx cxxxxa gxxxxr axxxxxt sounds/solves (j.f.leusch) 16113
    VEHICLES: Fixed Txxxxxo lxxxxxg gxxr (j.f.leusch) 16124
    VEHICLES: Added new/now MxC dxxxxt vxxxxxe txxxxxxs from Sxxxh (T-xx, BxP-x, Uxxl Txxxk and BxxM-x) (hauteclocque) 16128
    VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd the dxxt bxxr lxxxr off the Sxxxxxr's dxxxxt txxxxxe (rhino) 16131
    VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd.dxs to xxxxxxxxx as pxr the dxxxxt txxxxxe size (rhino) 16132
    VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd UH-xx rxxxr txxxxxxs (by Sxxxh) and added oxn rxxxxs for the IxF vxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16135
    VEHICLES: Oxxxxxxxd Hxxxxxr Fxxl Took lxxs and cxxs and added GB vxxxxxn (rhino) 16136
    VEHICLES: Added VxB AxC (hauteclocque) 16255
    VEHICLES: Added Lxxxxxc Took (hauteclocque) 16256
    VEHICLES: Added VxxI AxC (hauteclocque) 16257
    VEHICLES: Added AxX-xxxC Wxxxxxd Took (hauteclocque) 16258
    VEHICLES: Added Gxxxxx lxxxxxxc and sxxxxxt txxxxs (hauteclocque) 16259
    VEHICLES: Fixed Fxxxxh vxxxxxxs sound pxxxs axxxxxxxg to the new/now PR rxxo fxxe sxxxxm (hauteclocque) 16269
    VEHICLES: Added made fxxxxh fxxxxs vxxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16334
    VEHICLES: Added all Vxxxxxm vxxxxxxs (afterdune) 16355
    VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd txxxxxxs and txxxxxe pxxxs of Vxxxxxm hxxxxxxxxxs (afterdune) 16360
    VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd Hxxy fxxxy (afterdune) 16360
    VEHICLES: Fixed mxxxxxg sounds/solves from Vxxxxxm vxxxxxxs (afterdune) 16372
    VEHICLES: Fixed mxxxxxg sounds/solves from Fxxxxh vxxxxxxs (afterdune) 16373
    VEHICLES: Fixed Sxxxxxr RxM sound (afterdune) 16374
    VEHICLES: Added Uxxxxxxxd HxxxV. Mxxxxxs sxxxxd and uxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd if wxxxxd. Cxxxs/AxT not rxxxy yxt. (bloodydeed) 16418
    VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd Uxxxxxxxd HxxxV Wxxxxxxd txxxxxe (sxxxxd mxxxh other US Wxxxxxxd vxxxxxxs in tanks of bxxxxxxxxs) (spush) 16449
    VEHICLES: Added gxxxxn mxxx from dxxxe and mxxxxd in the txxxk from the ixf vxxxxxn so they've get the size sandbags (ancientman) 16479
    VEHICLES: Added/Uxxxxxd dxxxxt vxxxxxt, lxxt the txxxxxe the nxxxxl size, cxn be rxxxxxd if nxxxxd. (spush) 16491
    VEHICLES: Added dxxxxt vxxxxxt for the Wxxxx and WxxxxA (spush) 16492
    VEHICLES: Added dxxxxt vxxxxxt for the AAV Txxxxx (spush) 16493
    VEHICLES: Fixed up the PxA pxxxxxxxxxr jxxp to fxt the rxxxxxxxxs (spush) 16494
    VEHICLES: New Cxxxxxk sounds/solves (anders) 16503
    VEHICLES: Gxxxxn Mxxx rxxxxxd (amokandy) 16505
    VEHICLES: Added uxxxxxxxxxxx exxxxe sounds/solves (anders) 16506
    VEHICLES: Added HxxxV sounds/solves (anders) 16506
    VEHICLES: Added the re-txxxxxxd Z-xxW, axxxg with cxxxxxt, and nxxxxxs (spush) 16507
    VEHICLES: Added re-txxxxxxd Z-x bxxxd off of Z-xxA (spush) 16508
    VEHICLES: Added re-txxxxxxd Z-xx (spush) 16509
    VEHICLES: New Axxxxxx sounds/solves (anders) 16510
    VEHICLES: GB dxxxxt Cxxxxxk txxxxxe gxxxn a dxxxxxxxt lxxxxxr cxxxxr, txxs wxs dxxe uxxxg the oxxxxxxl PxD.x(txxxe is a txxxxd on the cxxxxr sxxxxxxxe in the pxxxxxe fxxxxs) (rudd) 16515
    VEHICLES: New axxxxxxxxe sounds/solves; uxxx, uxx, mxx, uxxxxxxxxxxxxr, kxxxa, axxxxe, axx, axxz, mxx, mxxx, hxxxc, exxxx, txxxr (ammo fxxxxh)x mxxxxn, lxxx (anders) 16523
    VEHICLES: Lxxxxxd Txxe xx AAV sxxxxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16524
    VEHICLES: New cxxi cxr sounds/solves added (anders) 16526
    VEHICLES: New dxxxxxxe sounds/solves (anders) 16526
    VEHICLES: New bxxxxxxb sounds/solves (anders) 16526
    VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd Mxxxxxa Txx Took txxxxxe (spush) 16552
    VEHICLES: Added RU txxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16566
    VEHICLES: Added Mxxx exxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16566
    VEHICLES: Fixed up the H-xx with new/now lxxs, cxxs and other fxxxs. Axxo cxxxxxd the mxxn pxxxt pxs so txxs nests txxxxh txxxxxg to cxxxk nxxxxxg is out of pxxxe. Sxxe cxxxxg wxxk sxxxl nests to be dxxe. (rhino) 16669
    VEHICLES: Added the rxxt of the lxxxxxxxxxe sounds/solves and cxxxxxd up the txxxxxxxxs (anders) 16672
    VEHICLES: Switched the Exxx Mxxx boxes for the new/now ones (rhino) 16709
    VEHICLES: Switched out old Txxx dxxxxxs for the new/now ones (rhino) 16744
    VEHICLES: Ixxxxxxxd HxxxV mxxxxxd TxW ammo to x (j.f.leusch) 16745
    VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd VxB. Cxxxxs #xxx (hauteclocque) 16764
    VEHICLES: Fixed up the H-xx size made, cxxe is pxxxxy mxxh cxxxxxxe new/now, mxxxxxs txxxxxe sxxxl nests fxxxxg up txxu (rhino) 16780
    VEHICLES: New nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxt exxxxe sounds/solves (anders) 16808
    VEHICLES: New NxA Zxxx exxxxe sounds/solves (anders) 16813
    VEHICLES: Fixed up the A-xH with bxxxxr cxxs, bxxxxr fxxxl lxxs and lxxs of other sxxxl fxxxs. (rhino) 16830
    VEHICLES: Replaced the rxxxxt pxxxxxxxxxs on the A-xH, A-xx and Su-xx with Hxxxa xx or S-x rxxxxxs lxxxxd out of the mxxxxxxs fxxxxr. (rhino) 16831
    VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd Pxxxxxr CxV sxxt pxxxxxxn ixxn (j.f.leusch) 16836
    VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd VxB, VxxI, AxX-xxxC, Lxxxxxc and GxC xxx sxxxxxxn pxxxxxxxs (j.f.leusch) 16837
    VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd VxxI not txxxxg dxxxxe wxxn in dxxp wxxxr/uxxxxxxxxr (j.f.leusch) 16838
    VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd VxxI sxxxxxxxxn, hxxxxxxxy fxxxxg #xxx (j.f.leusch) 16839
    VEHICLES: Added a "GB" vxxxxxn of the RxxB with a Lxxx GxxG on ixs gxn might, nests an ammo bxx and the cxxxxxt ammo bxxt. (rhino) 16842
    VEHICLES: Axxxxxt to fxx xxxxl txxxxxxxxs hxxxxg a ammo ixxxxxxxr. Cxxxxs #xxx (j.f.leusch) 16852
    VEHICLES: Fixed rxxxxxn Hxxxc mxxxxxg rxxxxxxxxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx (j.f.leusch) 16856
    VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd NxA ZxU-xx, T-xx (WxP)x Zxl-xxx and ZxS-x (j.f.leusch) 16857
    VEHICLES: Fixed Mxxxxxxl bxg on the gxxxx of Up-Axxxxxd Hxxxxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx (hauteclocque) 16878
    VEHICLES: Fixed WZ-xxxA gxxxxr axxxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16923
    VEHICLES: Fixed Bxxxx pxxxxxxxr axxxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16981
    VEHICLES: Fixed PxR dxxxxxxxxt axxxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16982
    VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd ZxU-xx-x gxn dxxxxe (j.f.leusch) 16984
    VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd ExC-xx (only lxxt the sounds/solves) (hauteclocque) 16986
    VEHICLES: Fixed Zxs-x CxD (j.f.leusch) 16987
    VEHICLES: Fixed Mxxxxx CxD (j.f.leusch) 16996
    VEHICLES: Added xp mxxh to RxxB, axxxxxxg Mxs to sxxw xp model. (rhino) 17005
    VEHICLES: Fixed CxD from bxd txxxxxe pxxh on the NxA's UxZ's dxxk MG might, bxt uxm, ixs jxxt a cxxe, the MG is hxxxxxxg in mxd axr.xx hxxp:x/i.ixxxr.cxm/wxxxx.jxg (rhino) 17013
    VEHICLES: Txxp fxx to the Axxxxxx sxxxxxxxs ixxxxs, I need the oxxxxxxl sxxxxxxr txxxxxe to made it cxxxxxxxy, as the cxxxxxt oxe is axxxxxxy x/x of the oxxxxxxl fxxxt txxxxxe. Cxxxxs #xxx (hauteclocque) 17017
    VEHICLES: Fixed VxB exit lxxxxxxxs (j.f.leusch) 17050
    VEHICLES: Axxxxxt to fxx txxxxxxxxx RxK sounds/solves off (j.f.leusch) 17051
    VEHICLES: Deleted the uxxxxxxd sxxc txxxxxe from the UxxD, axxxxxxh it's txxxxxxs need a seconds oxxxxxxl, xxxxs at the mxxxxt, mxxt txxxn up by sxxxxw mxxs wxxxh sxxxxd be pxxt of the Dxxxxxe txxxxxxs as AO mxxs. (rhino) 17053
    VEHICLES: Oxxxxxxxd and Fixed up the UH-xD/C txxxxxxs, ixxxxxxxxxg the sxxxxw mxxs into the dxxxxxe txxxxxxs as AO mxxs, and fxxxxg sxxc/axxxa and dxs fxxxxt ixxxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx #xxx (rhino) 17057
    VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd AS xxx Pxxxxxr (WxP) (j.f.leusch) 17066
    VEHICLES: Added the new/now Lxxx GxxG to the WxxxK Lxxxxxxxr. It sxxxl uxxs the old, bxxy GxxG ammo bxx and ammo bxxt, need to lxxk into rxxxxxxxg (not wxxxh rxxxxxxxg the ammo bxxt uxxxl the ammo bxx hxs bxxn rendered)x (rhino) 17117
    VEHICLES: Added FN MxG GxxG added vxxxxxxs of the RxxB Bxxt (only ixxn sxxxt vxxxxxxs, no sounds/solves) (rhino) 17117
    VEHICLES: Fixed CxxxS GxxG oxxxxxxt and sxxxl exxxxxxn sandbags on the Pxxxxxr (chuc) 17122
    VEHICLES: Fixed Axx dxxxy CxD (j.f.leusch) 17182
    VEHICLES: Added new/now rxxxxxxxxxx (vapoman) 17224
    VEHICLES: Added cxxxxxt (not pxxxxxxy could yxt) for fxxxxt fxxe (bloodydeed) 17248
    VEHICLES: Fixed cxxxh on nxa sxxxxxt txxxk (ancientman) 17249
    VEHICLES: Added fxxxxxxxs to bxxxxxxxxs (ancientman) 17250

    WEAOINS: Uxxxxxd the ZxU-xs dxxxxe sandbags (rhino) 17010

    WEAPONS: Sxxxxxxy txxxxxd Mxxxxi/Mxxx sxxxxxxxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16083
    WEAPONS: Added sxxxxxxxxxs to xp fxxxxg sound of hxxxxxxd AA (no need to that) (j.f.leusch) 16084
    WEAPONS: Sxt QxC-xx mxxxxe vxxxxxxy to xxx m/s (no need to that) (j.f.leusch) 16088
    WEAPONS: Fixed dxxxxxxd AR-xxT (sxxxxd and ExxxN) zxxm in sound (j.f.leusch) 16089
    WEAPONS: Axxxxxt to fxx Cxxx/Cxxx sounds/solves axxxxxxxn ixxxe wxxn wxxxxxg zxxxxd in (j.f.leusch) 16090
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd uxxxxxxd ammo cxxxxxr from rxd sxxxxl sxxxe (j.f.leusch) 16091
    WEAPONS: Sxt Mx mxxxxe vxxxxxxy to xxx m/s (no need to that) (j.f.leusch) 16093
    WEAPONS: Fixed sxxxxd Lxe Exxxxxd No.x wxxxg ammo lxxxxt (new/now xx rxs in txxxl) (j.f.leusch) 16094
    WEAPONS: Sxt CxxR-xx w/ AxxG mxxxxe vxxxxxxy to xxx m/s (no need to that) (j.f.leusch) 16096
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd Lxxxx (j.f.leusch) 16104
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd vxxx Gxxx (j.f.leusch) 16105
    WEAPONS: Added new/now QxZ-xx pxxxxl (hauteclocque) 16111
    WEAPONS: Added the new/now FxB xxx boxes to the rxxo for uxe on the Q-x (rhino) 16115
    WEAPONS: Added Mxx xp axxxxxxxn fxx (sxxxxxxxe) from Cxxc (hauteclocque) 16139
    WEAPONS: Added Mxx with fxxxxxxxxl sounds/solves (mosquill) 16140
    WEAPONS: Added fxxxxxxxxl bxxxxp sounds/solves to mxxxxxxe wxxxxxs (mosquill) 16143
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd cxxxxxxxs mxxxxs from sxxxxxxxxy Mxs (j.f.leusch) 16158
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd ZxU-x with new/now dxxxxxxe dxxxxe vxxxxs, so it cxn aim dxxxxxxy up and exit pxxxxs (rhino) 16162
    WEAPONS: Re-Added uxxxxxd and oxxxxxxxd Bxxxxxxg HP xxm Pxxxxl (rhino) 16187
    WEAPONS: Replaced rxxxxxxg cxxxxxxxxxxxxxs from sxxxxxxxxy mg's, it cxxxxxs if it dxxxn't have txxm (ancientman) 16241
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd uxxxxxxd AI fxxxxxs from vxxxxxs wxxxxn (no need to that) (j.f.leusch) 16281
    WEAPONS: Mxxxd HxxxV mxxxxxd TxW ixxxxe the TxW HxxxV fxxxxr (j.f.leusch) 16282
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Mxx axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16293
    WEAPONS: Added Mxxx SxR (chuc) 16295
    WEAPONS: Txxxxxxxd up Qxxxx axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16297
    WEAPONS: Added PxM (chuc) 16299
    WEAPONS: Added MxxxB, MxxxG and GxxG (chuc) 16325
    WEAPONS: Added MxxxB and GxxG sxxxxxxxxy wxxxxxs (chuc) 16325
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd sounds/solves on all sxxxxd wxxxxxs to be hxxxxw in xp (chuc) 16325
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd rxxxxl axxxxxxxxs on mxxt wxxxxxs (not all yxt) (chuc) 16325
    WEAPONS: Fixed up BxxS on Exxxn and SxxxT sounds/solves (chuc) 16325
    WEAPONS: Added fxxxxh fxxxxs wxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16332
    WEAPONS: Added all Vxxxxxm wxxxxxs (afterdune) 16355
    WEAPONS: Fixed a txxxxxe pxxh of cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe.bxxxxxxxxxh (afterdune) 16356
    WEAPONS: Fixed txxxxxe pxxxs of vxxxxxs Cxxxxxe wxxxxxs (afterdune) 16357
    WEAPONS: Fixed txxxxxe pxxxs of axxxxxr cxxxxxxd of wxxxxxs (afterdune) 16358
    WEAPONS: Fixed txxxxxe pxxxs of yxt axxxxxr wxxxxn (afterdune) 16359
    WEAPONS: Replaced #xxxxx to #xxxxx, pxxxxe fxx hxxp:x/wxw.rxxxxxxxxd.cxm/fxxxm/fxxx-pr-bxx-cxxxxxxxg/xxxxxx-cxxxxxxxg-sxt-xx-jxn-xxxx-cxxe-x.hxxl#pxxxxxxxxxx (bloodydeed) 16363
    WEAPONS: Replaced Cxxxxx Axxxxxxt with new/now Cxxxxx Axxxxxxt on Mx, Mx Mxxx (rxxxxxxxg the enough) and Mxxxx rxxxxs. (chuc) 16366
    WEAPONS: Replaced Kxxxxxs Axxxxxxxs Fxxxxxxp with Gxxxxxd on Mx and Mxxxxs (chuc) 16366
    WEAPONS: Exxxxxxd bxxxxl on Mxxx AxxG and ExxxN (chuc) 16367
    WEAPONS: Replaced cxxxh bxg with old xxx rxxxd bxx on the Mxxx ixxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16367
    WEAPONS: Fixed mxxxxxg sounds/solves from Vxxxxxm wxxxxxs (afterdune) 16372
    WEAPONS: Fixed mxxxxxg sounds/solves from Fxxxxh wxxxxxs (afterdune) 16373
    WEAPONS: Fixed Sxxxxxv axxxxg sound (afterdune) 16374
    WEAPONS: Replaced xxx rxxxd cxxxh bxg with xxx rxxxd bxx on Cxxx ixxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16377
    WEAPONS: Exxxxxxd bxxxxl on Cxxx Exxxn (chuc) 16377
    WEAPONS: Hxxxxxxd out made xp sounds/solves (chuc) 16386
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd rxxxxl axxxxxxxxs on MxC rxxxxs (chuc) 16386
    WEAPONS: Added new/now xp bxxt axxxxxxxn for Sxxxx (nests sound to be sxxxxd) (chuc) 16388
    WEAPONS: Rxxxd Sxxxx rxxxxxe (chuc) 16388
    WEAPONS: Added oxxxxp mxxxxxs. Txxs cxxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16400
    WEAPONS: Rxxxd Mxxxn Nxxxxt ixxxxxxxxs axxxxxxxxs (exxxxt rxxxxd for new/now) (chuc) 16417
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd sxxxxd fxxe axxxxxxxxs for dxxxxxxxxe wxxxxxs (Lxxs, Gxxxs and Dxxs) (chuc) 16417
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd rxxxxxe on Mxxx AxxG (chuc) 16417
    WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd size wxxxxxs, so they (don't) uxe a fxxxxxxe ixxxxxxxr wxxn zxxxxd in (afterdune) 16419
    WEAPONS: Gxxe gxxxxxe tanks the "made" cxxxo rxxe bxxxxn (afterdune) 16425
    WEAPONS: Fixed mxxxxxg gxxg txxxxxe (ancientman) 16427
    WEAPONS: Exxxxxxd cxxxxxxg hxxxxe on the Axxx sounds/solves (chuc) 16428
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd the ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxe. It will only be a mxxxxy new/now. (afterdune) 16430
    WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd fxxxxg, rxxxxd and dxxxxxt sounds/solves for mxxt hxxxxxxd wxxxxxs.x(Wxxl pxxt a fxxl lxxt lxxxr) (anders) 16443
    WEAPONS: Mxxxxxxd dxxxxxxxn on Gxxxxn and Rxxxxxn rxxxxs to that in the axxxa as a pxxxf of cxxxxxt. Cxxxxxs are dxxxxxxxd mxx mxxxxxxt dxxxxxxxn by x/x and mxx fxxxxg dxxxxxxxn by x/x; bxt sxxxxe rxxxs are the size, so txxs will fxxl qxxxe axxt made axxxxxxe. Lxxs, Mxxs, Sxxs (pxxxxxs any made Gs that I've fxxxxxxxn?x and dxxxxxxd mxxxxxxn are uxxxxxxxd for new/now. Txxxe cxxxxxs are NxT to be txxxxd in lxxxl as sxxxxe tanks need to be dxxxxxxxt on sxxxxr FxS not your cxxxxxxr FxS. Nxxe that the MxC mxxxxxxn is ammo cxxxxxd dxe to hxw the Gxr Mxxxxxxn rxxxe is not sxxxxxxe, so don't be axxxxxd if uxxxg a MxC mxxxxxxn kit on axxxxxr mxp for new/now. Txxs cxxxxt wxs dxxe axxxr uxxxxxxg axxxr Axxxr's cxxxxt. (rudd) 16445
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd xp hxxxxw sxxxe for the Mxx (chuc) 16450
    WEAPONS: Hxxxxxxd out Hxxx txxe on the Gxxx Hxxx (chuc) 16478
    WEAPONS: Added LxT dxxxxxt exxxxxxxn sounds/solves (anders) 16501
    WEAPONS: Added new/now KxxD dxxxxxt sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16502
    WEAPONS: Added new/now Sxxxxxxn rxxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16502
    WEAPONS: New Mxxx rxxxxd sound (anders) 16511
    WEAPONS: New Mx pxxxxl xp/xp sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16511
    WEAPONS: New MxxxxxW sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16513
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd (Fxxxxh) ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxe (afterdune) 16514
    WEAPONS: New Nxx Exxxxxd rxxxxd and sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16521
    WEAPONS: New PxM bxxxd dxxxxy sounds/solves (anders) 16521
    WEAPONS: New SxS/Sxxxxxv sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16521
    WEAPONS: New SxD sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16521
    WEAPONS: Added new/now xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxxs for AR-xx sounds/solves rxxxxs (chuc) 16522
    WEAPONS: Added uxxxxxd AI rxxxxs from mxxxn (outlawz) 16525
    WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd Mxxx/Axxx sxxxt sounds/solves to be made sxxxxxr to the other Axxx sounds/solves (anders) 16526
    WEAPONS: New sxxxxd rxxxxd sounds/solves for Cxxxs new/now Axxx axxxxxxxxs (anders) 16529
    WEAPONS: New FxxxL rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16529
    WEAPONS: FxxxS rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16529
    WEAPONS: New Nxxxxxo sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16529
    WEAPONS: New FxxxL sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16531
    WEAPONS: Made SxG and other AT wxxxxxs sound made pxxxxxxl with longer tall (anders) 16531
    WEAPONS: Made Nxx Exxxxxd sxxxxxxxxd bxxxxxxr and longer and dxxxxxxxd hxxxxxxg sounds/solves (anders) 16531
    WEAPONS: Made a made pxxxxxxl sxxp sound to Cxxxs new/now Axxx UxL vxxxxxxs (anders) 16531
    WEAPONS: Replaced Mxxx sounds/solves (anders) 16532
    WEAPONS: Replaced Mxxx sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16533
    WEAPONS: Fixed Pxxx cxxxxxxg (Bxg #xxx) (chuc) 16539
    WEAPONS: Added new/now mxxxxxg txxxxxxs from Sxxxe-Oz (chuc) 16542
    WEAPONS: Added new/now xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn and ixxe axxxxxxxxs for Qxxxx (to be rxxxxd out to all pxxxxxs) (chuc) 16543
    WEAPONS: New xp rxxxxd sound for Cxxc's new/now Qxxxx pxxxxl axxxxxxxn (anders) 16546
    WEAPONS: Added new/now xp rxxxxd and ixxe axxxxxxxxs for all pxxxxxs (chuc) 16548
    WEAPONS: Gxxe gxxxxxe tanks the "made" mxxxxr axxxn, axxxxs' mxxxxxe cxxxxt hxd oxxxxxxxxxn my cxxxxxs.xxx Txxs fxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16550
    WEAPONS: Added bxxxc fxxxxxxxxxxxy on the GxxG/Mxxx (chuc) 16551
    WEAPONS: Added up sxxxxxn fxxe rxxxxl (chuc) 16551
    WEAPONS: Added Mxxx AxxG pxxxxxxxxxr (chuc) 16551
    WEAPONS: New FxxxS sxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16553
    WEAPONS: New Mxx sxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16553
    WEAPONS: New pxxxxl rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16553
    WEAPONS: Fixed sxxxxxg on the SxD fxxxxxxp (chuc) 16559
    WEAPONS: New SxD sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16561
    WEAPONS: New AK wxxxxxs sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16561
    WEAPONS: Replaced PxM sxxxt sound to be made bxxxy (anders) 16561
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd FF MxxxxI with Axxxxxxt (wxxn't used and wxn't be used) WxxxxxS: Rxxxxxd bxxxxxt on FxxxS w/ Axxxxxxt (hauteclocque) 16563
    WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxd vxxxxe for Qxxxx rxxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16566
    WEAPONS: Added AK wxxxxxs xp sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16566
    WEAPONS: New Gxxx rxxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16566
    WEAPONS: Added xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn and axxxxxr ixxe axxxxxxxn for the GxxG sounds/solves (chuc) 16571
    WEAPONS: Added Dxxxxr bxxxxp axxxxxxt oxxo Bxxxxxh Lxxxx Axxxs (BxxS fxxxxxxn not dxxe yxt) (chuc) 16574
    WEAPONS: New Mxxx sxxxt sounds/solves, trigger and rxxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16575
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd RxF of AxxxxU to xxxxxM (sound hxxn't bxxn attached) (chuc) 16578
    WEAPONS: Sxxxxd dxxn QxZ-xx xp bxxp txxxxxe (hauteclocque) 16581
    WEAPONS: Fixed vxxxxxe have ixxxxe the exxxxxxn pxxt on the FxxxS sounds/solves (hauteclocque) 16582
    WEAPONS: Fxxxxxxd xp axxxxxxxxs on the GxxG (chuc) 16584
    WEAPONS: Added xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxxs to MxxxB exxxn and MxxxG axxg (chuc) 16584
    WEAPONS: Added fxxxl txxxxxxs to GxxG sounds/solves (chuc) 16584
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd Cx exxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16585
    WEAPONS: Added sxxxl Cx exxxxxxxe cxxxxe (not could or attached yxt) (chuc) 16585
    WEAPONS: Added Cx GxxG (chuc) 16590
    WEAPONS: Added fxxl ammo fxxxxxxxxxxxy to Mxxx SxR (chuc) 16597
    WEAPONS: Fxxxxxxxd mxxxxs on hxxxxxxd GxxG sounds/solves from Txm (chuc) 16598
    WEAPONS: New Txxxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16602
    WEAPONS: New Gxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16602
    WEAPONS: Replaced Mxxx sxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16605
    WEAPONS: Added Mxxx dxxxxy sound (anders) 16605
    WEAPONS: Replaced Mxx and Mxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16606
    WEAPONS: Added new/now xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn for Axxx, AxxxxU, Gxxxl, Sxxxa and Axxx Gxxx (chuc) 16615
    WEAPONS: Added new/now xp dxxxxy and rxxxxd axxxxxxxxs for Mxxx Gxxxxxxxn (chuc) 16615
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd and rxxxxxd PxM to bxxxxe lxxe a GxxG (rxxxxxxg uxxxxxxxxd made exc) (chuc) 16615
    WEAPONS: Fxxxxxxxd SxS and SxS bxxxxxt axxxxxxxxs and mxxh (chuc) 16615
    WEAPONS: Added sxxxxxxxxy GxxG sounds/solves (chuc) 16616
    WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd Mxx Exxxn rxxxxxxxe in the BxxS cxxe to pxxxt to the GxxG vxxxxxt of the Mxx Exxxn (chuc) 16624
    WEAPONS: Added GxxG Mxx with xxx rxxxd bxx (chuc) 16626
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd LxG Mxx Exxxn (chuc) 16626
    WEAPONS: Fixed the UxxC that on the Kxxxr kxxxe txxxxxe (spush) 16629
    WEAPONS: Txxxd dxxn mxxxe sxxxxxxxxxy wxxn zxxxxxg in with uxxxxxxxxd Lxxs (chuc) 16634
    WEAPONS: Fxxxxxxxd axxxxxxxxs on Mxx GxxG (chuc) 16634
    WEAPONS: Added new/now xp Cx sxxxxxl (lxxxe cx pxxk) and sxxxl Cx cxxxxe axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16637
    WEAPONS: Sxxxxd PxM dxxxxy and rxxxxd sound (anders) 16641
    WEAPONS: New AK-xxU, AK-xx and Gxxxl rxxxxd sound (anders) 16641
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd Gxxxl RxF to xxx (chuc) 16645
    WEAPONS: Txxxxxd xp axxxxxxxxs on Axxx ixxxs, RxK Axxxxs and SxD (no sound exxxs rendered) (chuc) 16645
    WEAPONS: Added xp mxxxxs of the new/now QxZ sounds/solves (chuc) 16653
    WEAPONS: Added new/now xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxxs for QxZ sounds/solves (chuc) 16653
    WEAPONS: Added new/now Qxxxx rxxxxd sound (anders) 16655
    WEAPONS: New Qxxxx/Txxxxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16658
    WEAPONS: Added new/now xp AxxxM and AxxxxU dxxxxy axxxxxxxn (chuc) 16660
    WEAPONS: New Cx pxxxt sound (anders) 16661
    WEAPONS: New AK-xxM dxxxxy fxxxxxg sxxxk sounds/solves (anders) 16663
    WEAPONS: New Mxx sxxxt sound (anders) 16665
    WEAPONS: Replaced Qxxxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16665
    WEAPONS: Replaced Mxxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16665
    WEAPONS: New Mxx xp rxxxxd sound (anders) 16667
    WEAPONS: New Sxxxxxv rxxxxd sound (anders) 16668
    WEAPONS: New Gxxx rxxxxd sound (anders) 16670
    WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd the Hxxy Mxx Mxxxt's cxxxxa to vxxw xp model ixxxxxd of xp as it could sxe mxxxxxg fxxxs in the size of size of the cxxxxxxs (rhino) 16673
    WEAPONS: New Gxx rxxxxd and dxxxxy sounds/solves (anders) 16674
    WEAPONS: New Gxxx sxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16676
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd size wxxxxn cxxxxxxxn mxxxxs (hauteclocque) 16677
    WEAPONS: Fixed cxxxh at the exd of lxxxxxg on mxxs uxxxg rendered (ancientman) 16681
    WEAPONS: Replaced Gxxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16687
    WEAPONS: New Qxxxx rxxxxd sound (anders) 16690
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd xxxx on Axxx sounds/solves (chuc) 16694
    WEAPONS: Added RxxxxM and RxxxxM Sxxxxd (axxxxxxxxs not dxxe yxt) (chuc) 16695
    WEAPONS: New Qxxxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16698
    WEAPONS: New Sxxxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16698
    WEAPONS: Sxxxxd xp rxxxxd sounds/solves for Gxx, Qxxxx and Qxxxx (anders) 16698
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd xp hxp-fxxe axxxxxxxxs on mxxt wxxxxxs (chuc) 16701
    WEAPONS: Added dxxxxxxd made for Rxxxxm (chuc) 16701
    WEAPONS: Replaced old PxxH with oxe from BF:Kxxxa (chuc) 16706
    WEAPONS: Added new/now xp dxxxxy axxxxxxxn for the PxxH (chuc) 16706
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxxxd xp hxxxs on PxxH (chuc) 16706
    WEAPONS: Added new/now, rxxxxxd Mxxx xxxxb GxB (Dxxb Bxxb) and the MxC xxxxxb GxB to the rxxo (rhino) 16708
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd the Exxx Mxxx boxes (rhino) 16710
    WEAPONS: New Lxxxx rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16712
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd Axxxxs RxK (chuc) 16715
    WEAPONS: Added new/now RxK (chuc) 16715
    WEAPONS: Added new/now Rxxxx (wxxxxn, not the RxxxxM) (chuc) 16715
    WEAPONS: Replaced PxxH rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16716
    WEAPONS: New Lxxxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16721
    WEAPONS: New Gxxxxxxxn rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16722
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd MxxxxI with Eo-Txxh with new/now mxg (the sxxxxxxt oxe) and new/now xp axxxxxxxxs (rxxxxd oxe nests to be fxxxd) (hauteclocque) 16725
    WEAPONS: Lxxxxxd TxW, Mxxxn and HJ-x lxxxxh vxxxxxxxxs to xx m/s (j.f.leusch) 16726
    WEAPONS: New RxK sxxxxxxxxxs and dxxxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16727
    WEAPONS: New Sxxxxxx rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16729
    WEAPONS: Fixed up the Txxx mxxxxxe, oxxxxxxxd it, added lxxs, fxxxd cxxs and rxxxxxd the txxxxxe size to x/x ixs oxxxxxxl size (rhino) 16743
    WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxd AT-xx Sxxxxr AxxM txxxxxxxg sound to xxx m/s (j.f.leusch) 16747
    WEAPONS: Exxxxxd rxxxxxg pxxxxxs on gxxxxxxs (so that they'll pxxxxxxy rxxl dxxn sounds/solves exc) (chuc) 16752
    WEAPONS: Exxxxxxd Fx gxxxxxe exxxxxxxn rxxxxs to xxm (chuc) 16752
    WEAPONS: Added made sxxxl exxxxxxn rxxxxs (sxxxxxe nests to exxxxe the wxxxxxs mxxxh up with the cxxxxxxxxxxxg sxxxl exxxxxxn. I added a x.xxxxx, x.xxxxx and a x.xxxxx sxxxl exxxxxxn) (chuc) 16752
    WEAPONS: Added Hxxxx for the Fxxxxh Fxxxxs (hauteclocque) 16760
    WEAPONS: Added x.xxxxx TT and x.xxxxx sxxxl exxxxxxxs (chuc) 16765
    WEAPONS: Axxxxxxd sxxxl exxxxxxxs on size wxxxxxs to txxxr cxxxxxxxxxxxg cxxxxxxs (chuc) 16766
    WEAPONS: Fixed up TxW, MxxxN and HJ-x effects (j.f.leusch) 16782
    WEAPONS: Added the nxxxr ammo txxxxxxs to the rxxo, old ones sxxxxd be dxxxxxd and uxxxxxd the GB GxxG xp model to uxe the cxxxxxt sxxxt, axxxxxxh all the mxxxs need to be uxxxxxd with txxs,xx any other wxxxxxs uxxxg the new/now rxxxxs. (rhino) 16784
    WEAPONS: Fixed up ExxX, Pxxxxxxr and Pxf-x fxxxxg effects (j.f.leusch) 16785
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd FxxxS fxxxd bxxxxxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx,x#xxx, and #xxx (hauteclocque) 16789
    WEAPONS: Replaced bxxk the pxxxxxs for hxxxxxxxxxxs and sounds/solves/tanks/exc. (anders) 16791
    WEAPONS: Fixed txxxxxe nests of the Cx GxxG txxxxxxs, _xxxxxxxd txxxxxe wxxn't lxxxxxg bxxxxe, exxxxt sxxxe will need ixs pxxxs fxxxd for the fxxxd nxxe. Axxo fxxxd the Cx mxxh in the rxxo to uxe the new/now txxxxxe and the cxxxxxt ammo txxxxxe. (rhino) 16797
    WEAPONS: New ZxU sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16807
    WEAPONS: New Axx dxxxxy and aim sounds/solves (anders) 16823
    WEAPONS: New Mxxx aim sound (anders) 16823
    WEAPONS: New Mxxx dxxxxy and rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16823
    WEAPONS: New Gxxxxxxxn sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16824
    WEAPONS: Added nxxxxxxxxxxs to the Hxxxa xx and S-x Rxxxxxs wxxxh sxxxxd hxxxxxxxy fxx the fxxxd wxxg axxxxxxt fxxxxg ixxxxxxxe rxxxxxs for pxxxxxs oxxxxxe the axxxxxxt. (rhino) 16831
    WEAPONS: Added the xxxxl pxxxxxxxxe from PR:V and mxxxxxxd the vxxxxs from PR:V to be made in lxxe with the pxxxxxxxxxs size. (rhino) 16833
    WEAPONS: Exxxxd the Mxx Gxxxxxe Lxxxxxxr to uxe the cxxxxxt ammo txxxxxxs sxxxt in the cxxxxxt lxxxxxxn and dxxxxxd ixs old oxe, any other wxxxxxs uxxxg ixs sxxxt nests to rxxxxxxt ixs txxxxxxs to /oxxxxxs/wxxxxxs/cxxxxn/txxxxxxs/ammo/ (rhino) 16841
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Qxxxx xp axxxxxxxxs. ixxxxxxxg rxxxxxxxxd the dxxxxxxd made (chuc) 16846
    WEAPONS: Mxxxxd mxxxxxxs and txxxr vxxxxxxxxs in oxe fxxxxr (j.f.leusch) 16850
    WEAPONS: Added dxxxy to uxe to dxxxxxxe and TxT (j.f.leusch) 16854
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Bxxxxxxxxs and GxxD zxxm seconds to axxxxxxxxy rxxxxxt hxw lxxxxxg txxxxxh a sxt of bxxxxxxxxs lxxxs lxxe (chuc) 16859
    WEAPONS: Added xp dxxxxy axxxxxxxn for Qxxxx dxxxxxxd (nests axxxo sxxxxd) (chuc) 16862
    WEAPONS: Fixed Ixs on sxxxxxxxxy GxxG (rhino) 16863
    WEAPONS: Added a cxxxxa to the sxxxxxxxxy GxxG so it dxxxn't need to be axxxt of the might ixs on. (rhino) 16864
    WEAPONS: Added a Pxxxe Hxxxxr GxxG bxxxd, mxxxxy for PR:F bxt nests wxxk, ixxxxxy sxxxxd uxe ixs oxn bxxxd (cxxxxxxxy fxxxxd up on the model with it sxxxk on axxxxxr) and nests ammo bxxt x bxx/bxg, lxxe the GxxG on the RxxB. (rhino) 16866
    WEAPONS: New FxxxL sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16870
    WEAPONS: Added go pxxxe sounds/solves for GxxG's (anders) 16881
    WEAPONS: Added pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to Gxxxx and Mxxx sounds/solves (chuc) 16887
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd the SxxW/NxxW, rxxxxxxg dxxxxy txxe from xx.xx to x.x seconds (chuc) 16892
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd the new/now ammo txxxxxe sounds/solves to xxxxxxxxxx, all sounds/solves/wxxxxxs uxxxg txxs txxxxxe need txxxr Uxs fxxxd to axxxxxxxxxe txxs cxxxxe. (rhino) 16894
    WEAPONS: New MxxxxG dxxxxy pxxxe and rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16912
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd Mxx dxxm cxxxxxxy to xx rxxxxs (rxxxxxm pxxxxxxs) bxt ixxxxxxxd oxxxxxl dxxxs cxxxxxd by x (x+x lxxxxd new/now) (chuc) 16928
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd uxxxxxxd to have bxxh xp and xp mxxxxs, as will as not to uxe the vxxx mxxx txxxxxe and the gb mxxxxi txxxxxe, and made ixs oxn xxxxxxx txxxxxe. (rhino) 16929
    WEAPONS: Added "Rxxxt cxxxk sxxxt in" to the sxxxxxxxxy Lxxx and Cx Gxxxs. (rhino) 16932
    WEAPONS: Fixed wxxxd fxxe sound fxxe in with the Mxxxx (chuc) 16938
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd Pxxx, ixc axxxxg pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to it (chuc) 16942
    WEAPONS: Added 'wxxe' gxxxxxe wxxxxn (chuc) 16943
    WEAPONS: Added 'wxxe' to cxxxxxxn and uxxxxxd kits (chuc) 16946
    WEAPONS: New Mxxxx rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16951
    WEAPONS: New Mxxxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16952
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd ammo txxxxxe with lxxxxd yxxxxw rxxxd (rhino) 16956
    WEAPONS: Added xxxxl Axxo Bxxt and axxxxxd it to the Hxxs (rhino) 16958
    WEAPONS: Fixed the Mxx Gxxxxxe's Uxs to mxxxh the new/now ammo txxxxxe x rxxxxxd size fxxxs on the lxxx, xp gxxxxxe and made it uxe the gxxxxxe txxxxxe on the xp sxxxt and rxxxxxd xp txxxxxe size to xxxxxxx. (rhino) 16961
    WEAPONS: Added new/now xxxm, xxxm, x.xx x xxxm and x.xx x xxxm rxxxxs (rhino) 16966
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd Exxx, rxxxxxd dxxxxy txxe from xx.xx to x.x seconds (chuc) 16967
    WEAPONS: Added new/now x.xx x xxm cxxxxxs. (rhino) 16968
    WEAPONS: Fxxxxxxd up mxxxn nxxxxt ixxxxxxxxs axxxxxxxxs (nests sounds/solves) (chuc) 16969
    WEAPONS: New Nxxxxt sxxxt and rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16973
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd ZxU-x gxn dxxxxe (j.f.leusch) 16985
    WEAPONS: Fixed up the Mxx txxxxxxs, bxxxxxxg the txxxxxxs dxxn from oxxr xxb, to x.xxb (rhino) 16990
    WEAPONS: Fixed xxxxxs mxxxxxg mxxu ixxn (j.f.leusch) 16993
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd old Mxxx mxxxxr (j.f.leusch) 16995
    WEAPONS: Fixed where bxx in HxD of axxxxt all sxxxxxxxxy and dxxxxxxxxe wxxxxxs (j.f.leusch) 17000
    WEAPONS: Fixed sxxxxxxxxy TxW lxxxxxg wxxxg bxxp mxp (j.f.leusch) 17000
    WEAPONS: Txxxxxd Mxx rxxxxt sxxxxxxy (j.f.leusch) 17006
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd the Mx Gxxxxe Gxn's sxxxl exxxxxxn lxxxxxxn (rhino) 17011
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Mxx with mxxxxg pxxxs and other sxxxl fxxxs, Nxxxs Axxxxxxxxs. (rhino) 17024
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd the Mxx rxxxxt with Lxxs and bxxxxr cxxs (rhino) 17024
    WEAPONS: New dxxxxy sounds/solves for new/now axxxxxxxxs on CxxxxxxxX, UxxxxxxxxxxxxR and Cxxxxxxxx (anders) 17032
    WEAPONS: Fixed switching gxxxxs on the FN FxL sounds/solves as will as a fxw mxxh fxxxs and added xp txxxxxxs. (rhino) 17033
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxe Mxxxn Nxxxxt ixxxxxxxxs axxxxxxxxs (hxxxxxy txxxxxh the Sxxxxd Mxxxn) (chuc) 17038
    WEAPONS: Added a lxxx, xD fxxxl lxd to the FN Fxxs (rhino) 17046
    WEAPONS: Cxxxxxxxd Mxxxn Nxxxxt sxxxxr axxxxxxxxs (Axxo is BxxS cxxxxxxxxe, rxxxxxxs cxxxxg) (chuc) 17054
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd Mxx, mxxxxxxd it into a GxxG-sxxxe wxxxxn (chuc) 17058
    WEAPONS: New Nxxxxt sxxxxr rxxxxd sound (anders) 17065
    WEAPONS: Added new/now AxxxxU from Mxxxxxxa (chuc) 17074
    WEAPONS: Replaced old bxxxxxs with the new/now bxxxxxs on the Axxx sounds/solves (chuc) 17074
    WEAPONS: Replaced dxxxxxt Axxx bxxxxxt with hxxxxr qxxxxxy Axxx bxxxxxt (hxxxxxxd kxxxe wxxxxn that is) (chuc) 17075
    WEAPONS: Fixed up Sxxxxxxxg gxxxxs, bxxxxt Uxs and added lxxxxd rxxxxs on the FN MxG GxxG Sxxxxs. (rhino) 17076
    WEAPONS: Added new/now xp axxxxxxxxs for sxxxxl (chuc) 17078
    WEAPONS: Fixed GxxG and FN FxL fxxxl lxd txxxxxxs and added lxd dxxxxxxxs and uxxxxxd dxxw cxxxs for the Gxxxs (rhino) 17086
    WEAPONS: Added new/now bxxxxxs to Mx, Pxxx, Pxxxxx and Nxxxv LxG (chuc) 17090
    WEAPONS: Added new/now bxxxxxs to a bxxxxxxd of wxxxxxs (chuc) 17093
    WEAPONS: Added Bxxxxxh Lxxx, and Lxxx SxxT (chuc) 17093
    WEAPONS: Rxxxd Mxx xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn (chuc) 17093
    WEAPONS: Rxxxd FN FxL xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn (chuc) 17093
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Lxxx (rhino) 17111
    WEAPONS: Added fxxxxxxxd FN MxG Gxxxs. Txxs ixxxxxxs hxxxxxxd vxxxxxxs, sxxxxxxxxy vxxxxxxs and bxxxd vxxxxxxs. Axxo rxxxxxd all old vxxxxxxs. (rhino) 17117
    WEAPONS: Added a x.xxxm Axxo Bxxt, mxxxxy for the new/now FN MxG Gxxxs bxt cxn ammo be used on other x.xxxm bxxt fxd wxxxxxs (pxxxxxxxg they have bxxn made to the cxxxxxt sxxxs)x (rhino) 17117
    WEAPONS: Re-sound FN MxG GxxG xp txxxxxxs with no mxxs (from .pxxs other txxn the nxxxxl wxxxh didn't have a .pxd)x cxxxxxg the txxxxxe size dxxn from xx.xxb to x.xxb for tanks txxxxxxs (rhino) 17121
    WEAPONS: Txxxxxd cxxxxa pxxxxxxn sxxxxxxy on sxxxxxxxxy gxxxs (chuc) 17123
    WEAPONS: Added pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to the Mxxx SxR (chuc) 17129
    WEAPONS: Added new/now xp pxxxxl rxxxxd axxxxxxxn (chuc) 17131
    WEAPONS: Fixed bxxxd sxxxxxg xp mxxh in xp by axxxxg dxxxy gxxxx mxxh. (rhino) 17133
    WEAPONS: Fixed sxxxxxxxxy gxxg sxxxxxg xp mxxh in xp by axxxxg dxxxy gxxxx mxxh. (rhino) 17134
    WEAPONS: Added a dxxxy lxxx to gxxxx of the sxxxxxxxxy Gxxxs (not the bxxxd vxxxxxxs, they didn't need it)x wxxxh is a crate of the gxxxx lxxx, as dxxxxxs/pxxxxxxxxs in vxxxxxxs txxxe wxxxxxs where mxxxxxd on, lxxe the RxxB where sxxxxg the xp model and txxxxxxs, exxn txxu they where not uxxxg the wxxxxn wxxxh is vxxy bxd for pxxxxxxxxxe and with all the nxn-wxxxxd pxxxs and no mxxs, it didn't lxxk vxxy gxxd exxn from a vxxy sxxxt dxxxxxxe axxy. Txxs new/now lxd mxxxs pxxxxxxxxs don't sxe the xxt pxxxxn model, uxxxxs they get on the wxxxxn, as the cxxxxxs for the wxxxxn fxxxe lxxx, wxxxh is the mxxn xp mxxh and if it hxs a sxxxe, lxxx for the sxxxe model. (rhino) 17135
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd dxxxxxg off of the Gxxxs, wxs cxxxxxg a bxg cxxxxa ixxxe with the new/now "rxxxt cxxxk sxxxt in" sxxxp where the cxxxxa wxxxd sxxy on the dxxxxd cxm axxxr dxxxxxg. (rhino) 17136
    WEAPONS: New pxxxxl xp rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 17139
    WEAPONS: Replaced FxxxL rxxxxxxxxxd (anders) 17141
    WEAPONS: Added AxxxT pxxxe axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 17154
    WEAPONS: Added Axx Pxxxe Axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 17154
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Mxx axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 17156
    WEAPONS: Added Mxxxx (chuc) 17156
    WEAPONS: Added pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to PxxH and Mxx (chuc) 17159
    WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxd mxg lxxxt of Mxx Lxxs to x and added a rxxxxd axxxxxxxn for it (chuc) 17164
    WEAPONS: Added txxxxxxxxxt xp sxxxe and new/now bxxxxxs on the Lxe Exxxxxd (chuc) 17167
    WEAPONS: Rxxxd dxxxxy axxxxxxxn on Lxe Exxxxxd (chuc) 17167
    WEAPONS: Added pxxxe axxxxxxxxs on Lxe Exxxxxd (chuc) 17167
    WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd up axxxxxxxxs on Rxxxxxxxn xxx (chuc) 17172
    WEAPONS: Added pxxxe axxxxxxxxs and new/now sxxxxxn sounds/solves to Sxxxxxxk (chuc) 17172
    WEAPONS: Added pxxxe axxxxxxxxs and new/now sxxxxxn sounds/solves to Bxxxxxi Mx/Lxxxxx, Mxxxxxxg xxx (chuc) 17185
    WEAPONS: New Mxx dxxxxy/rxxxxd and aim sound (anders) 17186
    WEAPONS: New sxxxxl dxxxxy sound (anders) 17187
    WEAPONS: Added new/now bxxxxxs to Nxxxv, axxxxxxxxs to fxxxxw (chuc) 17193
    WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Rxxxx axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 17193
    WEAPONS: New Nxx sxxxxr dxxxxy sound (anders) 17209
    WEAPONS: Replaced the Axx dxxxxy sound (anders) 17210
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd Nxxxv (chuc) 17213
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd AxxG and Mxxxo Nxxxv (chuc) 17213
    WEAPONS: Txxxxxd Mxxxxi sounds/solves xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn (chuc) 17220
    WEAPONS: Added pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to Mxxxxi sounds/solves (chuc) 17223
    WEAPONS: Added pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to Mxx (chuc) 17227
    WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd Rxxxx (chuc) 17227
    WEAPONS: Added pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to AxxxM (chuc) 17230
    WEAPONS: Fixed sxxxxxxxn ixxn on the sxxxxxxn so the nxxxa kit dxxxn't cxxxh (ancientman) 17236
    WEAPONS: New Nxxxv rxxxxd and sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 17241

    Levels 1:348

    LEVELS: Fixed up a bxxxh of mxxxxxg axxxxxt sounds/solves on a fxw mxxs (ancientman) 67
    LEVELS: Uxxxxxd all mxxs sxxxxxxxxxxxxs.cxn uxxxg a new/now mxxxxd wxxxh "sxxxxd" wxxk a lxt bxxxxr in dxxxxxxxxg the sound bxg. (ancientman) 68
    LEVELS: Cxxxxxxe
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