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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. After these here holidays, I'd be happy to help you troubleshoot your problem - I'm good at it.

    I cannot imagine what could be wrong, but these things happen (across many PC's and across many games). I haven't met one that I couldn't eventually fix yet. In the past I've offered to use TeamViewer to assist my friends and colleagues with great success, and fast, too.

    Let me know - VG is a helpful group, and we want to help you get into our server. After X-Mas, we'll start step by step and I assure you, we will get you into the server once again. Sometimes, it's really just a small oversight, or such.
    Talk to you soon! Happy Holidays!
  2. The_BrentP LAN_WROTE ...

    Go to Saitek.
    Click on downloads.
    Click on "Choose your Product"
    Click "Joystick"
    Click "X52"
    Select OS
    Go to your windows temp files
    Click on Saitek
    Search there for a .msi file
    Execute that file
    Profiler will then work.

    I know you figured this out, but some people still have this problem a lot.

    Also, make a folder for profiles and any profile you download, add it to that file. In the profiler, select "Open" and choose the profile you want. Once it's loaded in the profiler, select "Profile Now"

    *Go to your windows temp files
    *Click on Saitek
    Search there for a .msi file

    (*or to the folder your downloads go to - this may be different by default depending on OS, browser, etc.)

    Thank you so much for the help - no one should have to go through that mess, it's rather confusing at first! It was quite a headache for a few days there. Also, still have problems with the controller locking up when using some programmed commands (Shift / for my HOTAS NWS/AR Disc/Missile Step Command in Falcon 4 BMS), ends up in an OS Restart to unlock it (or a nice BSOD - blue screen of death). Poffadder has also noted these problems. I guess I'll try some macros - already found out that the "mouse cursor" isn't all that good, and some programs have a fit with it such as Planetside 2.
  3. Remember the Kaleidoscopes?

    This is really incredible! How amazing that someone could not only create this, but make it to change when you move your mouse/cursor...or you can just sit back and let it change by itself.
    Either way it is awesome!!! Very nice.........and pure genius!


    Be sure to run your mouse over the screen slowly..

  4. Complaints have been mentioned. I have nothing further to add on that account, therefore I'll just sent my praise for what it is. Good work, Melon and the rest of the PR Dev team! I know what it's like to donate time to make a vision into reality - I also will look forward more to the PvP than COOP, because that is the main focus. I could hope for a playable COOP, too, perhaps it can be improved on later? So much to do just to get the PvP working, few workers, lack of time - I could understand the reasoning, and won't toss sour grapes around. I feel the same as those previous posters, though - I'm a COOP nut for sure, and only really, REALLY good games (and good teams) will pry me out into in the PvP World from whence I came.

    It's the gameplay system that I truly admire in Project Reality - we watched as they tried to implement it in Arma 2, still a work in progress. Perhaps it will work better in the Arma 3 engine... time will tell.
    The balance, the tactics, and the style of PR will always be a guiding set of concepts for any mission or game I work on for the rest of my life. Like many other great game systems, such as Planetside 2 (which I've recently been turned on to), and even Command & Conquer, there are a few games that set the bar for what should be expected by a gamer.

    Battlefield 2 Project Reality will always hold such a place for me, gameplay standards that I as a mission maker will always need to measure up to.

    Congrats, and looking forward to the release, for what it is.

  5. Seems like we'll be waiting awhile longer for the next Arma - if you haven't read about it, here is the news post: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/news.php?item.125.6

    I am sad we won't see Arma 3 as soon as previously stated, but I can understand that internal changes, compounded by the situation in Greece, could complicate this production.

    What do you think?

  6. Unfortunately, no. It does not recognize the controler at all. The install on the included disc recognizes the controller, but says (example):
    "Gunslinger.pr0 does not contain a profile for this device
    This device has not been profiled"

    When I download the Saitek 64-bit drivers from their site, it won't even recognize the controller as attached or programmable.

    I'll put some more time into my online research, and perhaps figure something out. If anyone has any ideas, I'm shooting in the dark here.


    (on a side note - I wonder what happened to my Sig?)
  7. I have been having issues with this x52 in that the SST programming software seems to think I have an x52 Pro - I have researched this online, I'm not alone:


    Problem is, this guy fixed his issue by uninstalling the drivers, and software, and then reinstalling.
    I've done that 5 times! With more than one version of drivers/software. I do have a 64-bit system, which I have found causes some problems, but still.... I know how to clean my system, I've removed everything Saitek on each attempted reinstall (reg keys, Sys32 drivers, old program folders left over, etc.)

    If anyone has any other tips, I would greatly appreciate it. I can't be the only one running a non-Pro x52 in a 64-bit environment....

  8. I've been wanting to find a way to mount these two USB MFD controllers to a monitor to fly in Falcon 4.0 BMS since I bought them well over a year ago.

    I've made a simple brace for them to slide over the monitor and with an "H" support to bridge the gap between the screen and the brace.
    Looks pretty cool so far, still need to tweak the size of the MFD displays to match the window, but all in all, a fun project. Gonna trim off the margins and paint it black eventually.


    (the product name is Thrustmaster MFD Cougar and they come in a pack of two for around $50-60)

  9. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    ...I dont think its a good idea due to the massive amount of games we are playing already.

    On just space and power alone, it is possible to cram tons of old favorites on our servers - this is just one of many that is coming. It will be there for people who wish to play it a lot, and would make for some fun events being that most everyone can run such a game with good graphics and such nowadays. VG has gamers who play many different games, it's a pretty large, international community. Won't hurt a single thing to toss up any server you can think of - that's why BLuD threw up the old VG Arma 2 Domination. I'm thinkin Terraria and a few Team Fortresses, too. Planetside 2 is an MMO/RPG/FPS so it's servers are their own, or we'd already have one of them somehow.

  10. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    You do NOT need any coding knowledge (I am a shining example of this!!!) but after a few basic sessions we will get into scripting and how to integrate existing scripts into your missions.

    I am also an example of this - I knew NOTHING about coding at all when I picked this up last year, October 2011. You can do anything you can imagine in this game through scripting - that should be passion enough for anyone to take their first steps into Arma 2 scripting. Only difference for you all is the added benefit of having people like SavageCDN, Poffadder, and myself around to answer questions as you trod along. I have internet links to nearly everything on nearly every subject - if one of us can't help, we know where to go to read about it.

  11. Been working on a set of GUI backgrounds for use in Arma 2 by us VG mission devs to replace the default brown ones. I love the dark blues, greys and golds of the VG website - so I cracked open some Arma game files under ui\ca\data and found the actual ones used.

    Just a matter of following the size template, and I can easily make my own GUI backgrounds!

    Here's what I've made so far today, to take the place of the brown one for Primary Weapon selection and info:

  12. Gonna review the changelog this morning. Just FYI - it failed all feasibility tests back in August with rediculous server and client loads even in a best case scenario with barely any of the MSO modules active.

    VG Edits were mostly cosmetic, i.e. we used @Rangers once or twice - maybe a map marker or other, not functional scripts or anything of the sort. My point - VG Edits were not the cause of the serious stuttering and lag problems most every player had, regarless of enemy numbers or civis On/Off.

    For me, personally, I was not going to revisit MSO until the new Beta concept of a Headless AI Client became possible - either full, official BI patch or a clear system to implement.

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