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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Sniper Package sneaks into the Arma 3 Alpha

    Prague, Czech Republic, Wednesday 6th June 2013

    Right before heading out to Los Angeles for the E3 Expo, Bohemia Interactive released a content update for the Arma 3 Alpha. The ?Sniper Package? includes two powerful sniper rifles and supplementary ghillie suits

    The first rifle, the Gepard GM6 Lynx, is a semi-automatic anti-materiel rifle using 12.7x108 mm ammo. Its purpose is to stop or disable targets such as light armored vehicles, armored rifle troops, light shelters and helicopters from 600?800 m range.

    The second weapon, the M320R Long Range Rifle, is a .408 caliber sniper rifle, valued for its accuracy up to 2000 meters.

    Furthermore, besides new camouflage clothing (ghillie suits), the Sniper Package also features sniper optics (long range scopes) and a rangefinder (special binoculars). All content will be added automatically via a Steam update (0.60), which also includes the ?stance indicator? and several other game improvements and fixes. The full details are listed in the changelog.

  2. Just remember that the more powerful tools we provide or allow tend to make the game play more like "just going through the motions" of an attack, and though it is important to have fire support and close air support for our e-soldiers, it is equally important to have a proper degree of a challenge for players as well.

    Just being able to be killed by the enemy is not a challenge enough, IMHO, and a degree of fear is a good thing in a realism game such as Arma. No one should feel comfortable popping their head up while deep in the shit, and they should have to think on how to act and react, instead of just scoping inept AI bots with high power assault rifles FTW.

    Balance is difficult to achieve, and props to all those working on this/these missions to create that sense of balance and challenge.

  3. Sneak peek at Arma 3 Beta in livestream

    Prague, Czech Republic, Wednesday 29th May 2013

    Gearing up for the E3 exhibition, the Arma 3 development team is hosting pre-E3 livestream hangouts ? offering a glimpse of what will be on display in Los Angeles. Both sessions are scheduled for 17:00 UTC on Saturday June 1 and June 8, and will be hosted on the official Arma 3 channel on Twitch.tv.

    For the first livestream, on Saturday June 1 at 17:00 UTC, Mission Designer Thomas Ryan (supported by several others Arma 3 developers) will give a basic tutorial in scenario editing - using some of the weapons and vehicles from the upcoming Arma 3 Beta.

    The second livestream, scheduled for Saturday June 8 at 17:00 UTC, consists of a playthrough of the brand new Combined Arms showcase mission, which is also scheduled for release in the Arma 3 Beta.

    Both sessions are expected to take about one hour and will be streamed live from Bohemia Interactive HQ in Prague. The setting is casual and viewers are welcome to ask developers their questions via Twitch.tv chat and/or Twitter.

    Last but not least, those who want to make sure they will not miss anything can already enlist for the official event via Arma 3?s Facebook page.

  4. =VG= T.E.D.F. wrote ...

    ... players are still forcedto Team 1 (blufor) when they join or die

    Melon, can you perhaps fix this? I've done some publicity on this, but (see chatbox) in game messages should also be adjusted to reflect this event, and give players a heads up. In game rules need to apply, and messages should say "No teamswitching to bot side" of course, and if you fix the above issue TED mentioned, it will be "automated", eh?

  5. ...be forewarned - i44 Domi Port has poor garbage collection, server FPS will go down and down until it needs a manual restart.

    Still an awesome Domi port, but needs manual attention from an active admin at times. Have fun!
    Hope you get more numbers tomorrow - remember, you can post up on the actual I44 site and get their I44 community involved if you want more numbers.
  6. BTW - Falcon BMS is wayyyyy better, and more stable. We all fly it now, and it's free! Just download the BMS installer, and point it to your Falcon 4 .exe - if you do not have the original Falcon executable, you do not need to purchase the original game, just download the executable from our Falcon BMS section, then when installing BMS, you just point to where it is on your PC. Eazy Peazy.
    Again, feel free to post up any questions, we are always happy to help.
  7. www.veterans-gaming.com/download.php?list.62

    Called Gunslinger X52 Pro 1.3 - from the included readme:

    "Paste the ?GunslingerX52F4.key? file in the C:\Program Files\Lead Pursuit\Battlefield Operations\config folder"

    Follow the instructions in the readme and if you have any further questions, feel free to post them up here.

    I found it very helpful, and even printed out the pages with the keys layouts and the joystick images with button function labels.

    Good luck!

  8. Arma 3 Alpha updates to version 0.58

    Prague, Czech Republic, Thursday 23rd May 2013

    Bohemia Interactive has released a major new update for the Arma 3 Alpha. The most notable improvements in version 0.58 involve the new dedicated combat and stealth radio protocols, plus all-encompassing tweaks to lighting and audio. Also, Multiplayer Dedicated Server administrators now have access to a separated executable to host such servers more conveniently.

    The complete changelog for 0.58 is provided together with the update and can also be found on the official Arma 3. The Arma 3 Alpha will update automatically via Steam.

    To participate in the Arma 3 Alpha, people can choose from the Arma 3 Alpha (24.99 EUR/19.99 GBP/32.99 USD) or Arma 3 Digital Deluxe Edition (39.99 EUR/34.99 GBP/49.99 USD) on Steam or Store.bistudio.com. Prices will increase once the Arma 3 Beta and full game become available. For a complete overview of the separate editions, be sure to visit the Arma 3 website.
  9. Jager LAN_WROTE ...

    Guessing that it has to do with the rotation, and if one mission crashes it'll revert to the starting one.

    ^^ Yes - exactly that. ACR was second in rotation, never gets completed due to crashes, and reverts to US - BAF was third in rotation. I've just changed it, now it's:

    1. US
    2. BAF
    3. ACR


    *won't take effect until server is restarted by an admin in TCAdmin Panel - do so when ACR is ready to crash, or has been up awhile, ask an admin in TS3 or Steam.
  10. Terremer =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    also i was thinking about maybe doing something like this but i dont know java and didnt know what to make. ive got shitloads of time this summer and learning java couldnt hurt so if you want help just let me know.

    I'm in TeamSpeak today, down in Coding channel creating an outline for this Arma gear selection app idea, and will make a proper project post later. With Java, it's not hard to make it work on Smart Phones and in a website, too, if I am not mistaken.

    I appreciate all the info on phones! Keep it coming!
  11. I've been getting into the idea of making Smart Phone Apps for VG that may connect gamer website content and even function in real-time with the game being played. I'm sure that even Arma 2 and the upcoming Arma 3 will allow for many functional apps for Smart Phones and Tablets, and I'd like to get an idea of what kinds of mobile platforms this gaming community and it's friends are currently using.

    I've got a real POS that I got on sale, a Huawei Ascend M860 (Android) on a Cricket wireless network. A terrible example, and as it's not even 4G, don't be ashamed of your tech - I've already set the bar as low as it can go for a "Smart" Phone.
    So what does everyone else have these days?

    Be sure to post up your model number - versions can vary in one product name! (usually found under Settings)

    **EDIT: IF YOU DON"T HAVE ONE - POLL IT! I also want to get an idea of how many even have these phones! thanks!!
  12. It's important to note that you should check through your falcon bms.cfg file if you have modified it, as this can revert after an update, and it may end up logging useless things again. Here's the info Rebel had to do again after his update:

    Copy and paste,the following two variable(lines) to your Falcon BMS Config file located in your USER\Config folder and save the file. It can be opened with Wordpad or Notepad. These variables prevent BMS from creating Packet logs in your User\Logs folder that are genertated when MP'ing and can become extremely huge in disk space. They are not essential to the end-user.

    set g_bMessageStatistics 0
    set g_bEnableRakNetPacketLogger 0

  13. Bobbus LAN_WROTE ...

    To be honest I've heard nothing but bad things about Dwarden (and more specifically his competence) from people involved in arma modding / server adminning.
    I'd be inclined to take anything he says with a few tubs of salt.

    I'm not gonna step to defend or vouch for him, but I have dealt with him plenty, read many of his writings and posts, even played Planetside 2 with him, and never had that issue - but - when shit happens in A2 (or A3A now), people tend to flood him in particular, and in a way, I think he cannot help but take it a little personally. Not that anyone is directly telling him that HE fucked up, but I can imagine having to discuss and explain over and over again with many, many curious individuals and how tiresome it could become - and we know how text is so horrible at conveying correct emotion.
    Then again, maybe he just has sand in his cracks...

    I myself saw how rustled PITN's jimmies had gotted last night when he came into my TS3 channel last night to discuss a potential hack/hacker. These things do happen, have happened, from time to time. And though I like excitement as much as the next guy, I've never seen the sky actually fall.....yet.
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