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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. I'm not sure what could be the issue. I may be able to help, but we'd need to be able to talk. I'll be online tomorrow in TeamSpeak 3 - I'll look for your name, and if you see mine, right click on it and Poke me.
    Our TS3 address is: ts3.veterans-gaming.com

    Perhaps I could host a TeamViewer session and get to the root of the problem fast.
    [EDIT: I used to use that same controller before I got an X52. I know it does work for sure...]
  2. Oh yeah! I got a well trained British squad in a Hurricane and a few medium bombers (Beufort FTW!)

    You can find the Aussies' playing it often, too - jump in TS3 and we'll get some flights going. Can't wait till it's out of BETA and we don't have to fly against aircraft in other classes/eras. I hate getting shot down by that Me262 while flying a Bi-Plane.

    I have an uncompressed jpg that is 3mb. This coveres the entire object. A tiny texture can be less than 100kb. The xml is the only way that I know of to superimpose an image on the current texture.

    That Squad XML image on the vehicle is only present when a player is in the vehicle. And it will be overwritten by the highest ranking unit in the vehicle each and every time. Anytime your "medic" vehicle takes on a customer that outranks him, his vehicle will change from a medic symbol to some dudes Squad XML image.

    Besides the obvious, trying to use the Squad XML system to behave in this way just to keep down on some file sizes is not really the way to go. When you load into a game with players who have their Squad XML images at various .com's, all those images are sent to your computer, in a folder called Squads. I guarantee you have mine and L.A.M.B.S. in your folder, so next time you join with us, it will only call that image from your PC, not the website URL it originated from.

    YES- - that image must exist on every players machine before it shows up in game. If you want to use tiny image files like that and attach them to vehicles, you could do this via scripting, and I can tell you right now that you will not be able to interrupt the Squad XML system in Arma to become a triggered image system without making your system a Mod, a Mod that breaks the Squad XML system completely to accomplish this goal. And if you are going to make it a Mod, why mess with the Squad XML system? You'd just make an area on a vehicle that will take an image, somewhere empty, and designate it as a spot for your dynamic tiny images, to be called on conditions you scripted.

    People use Mods for heavy image manipulation - like Camo packs - to keep mission file size down, and to make it multi-mission friendly. This is the only way to go to get this idea you want done. It is not possible to call an XML image thru Persistant Database for the purposes you have described, not without modding at the very least.


    yeah, that's what I thought. But an XML type texture would be an awesome way to make a mission that was not texture heavy.

    The XML is still a .paa graphic just like any image in the game, and still needs to sit somewhere for it to get into the game. Our Squad XML image, squad_logo.paa sits here on the website at the link we use in our settings, and the actual XML file in there tells Arma personal info about each player that matches the player in the XML file. It's basically a table of names and id's, and a pointer to an image. The exact same kind of thing happens in missions, they pull images from files.

    All this is way too over the top for just some in-mission image manipulation. Right now, even MSO only pulls in strings of data, not files or actual images - and we can do the opposite, too, like the MSO Leaderboard test. That's about it.
    Whatever it is you want to do would not be hard, or hard on mission updates. Just not in any "XML" way, as that's not really a thing.

  5. Reconnect would be needed to update any changes to the XML. There are other ways to accomplish your goal, if I understand it correctly. You'd just include an alternate skin for the vehicle with your medical cross on it, and call the image to be placed over/instead of the default whenever a medic is driving, or however you want that to work.

    XML is not quite the way to go for that stuff, IMO.
  6. BLuDKLoT =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    1. Which Arma server did this violation occur on.

    2. Players name.

    3. Players BattleEye GUID. (You can get this by typing #BECLIENT PLAYERS in the in-game chat window)

    4. What happened?

    5. Witnesses. Were any other players online that can verify what happened?

    Remember, we need the offending players BE GUID to ensure that we ban the correct individual.

    Jager LAN_WROTE ...

    1. Pub2
    2. Henk
    3. unknown
    4. Blew up transport helicopter when it was taking on passengers
    5. Rob, Marc, J.Pedro [USMC/TF91] etc

    Jager LAN_WROTE ...

    1. Pub2
    2. YI9I9=) or some variation of the name.
    3. unknown
    4. Took out a full Ka-60 with troops leaving the ao.
    5. Rob, kilgore ++

    Jager LAN_WROTE ...

    1. Pub2
    2. Sector 7
    3. unknown
    4. Blew up 5-6 players in base before leaving
    5. Rob

    ciro LAN_WROTE ...

    1. Public (Vetran) Server 3 Domination session.
    2. Ishamale Johanson
    3. Ishamale Johanson Guid ...
    4. Deliberate vehicle ramming of an evac chopper with 6 players onboard, player logged before he could be kicked.
    5. Unsure if anyone else witnessed.

    1 - pub1 or pub2
    2 - Lukus
    4 - Ramming full choppers with vehicle
    5 - snowflake

    1. Public server 1 & 2
    2. (multiple names)Tim_K. Tim-K
    3. ...
    4. Team Kill for Heli.
    5. Blud, Ciro, few others...

    1. Public server 1
    2. .=BRA=.SD Jackall
    3. ...
    4. Team Kill for Heli.
    5. Ciro, Pigeon...

    1. Public server 1
    2. OILBOSS, oILBOSS, OilBoss
    3. ...
    4. Team Kill for Heli.
    5. Ciro

    1. Public server 1
    2. Infinitefast
    3. ...
    4. Team Kill for Heli.
    5. Ciro

    1. Public server 1 & 2
    2. -acroshard
    3. ...
    4. Muliple Team Kills.
    5. Ciro,Gaz

    instant LAN_WROTE ...

    1. Pub 3 (9:40PM)
    2. Littleprod
    4. Shooting at the stationary chopper in airbase with hunter hmg
    5. instant, longrusty monk

    Lester LAN_WROTE ...

    1. Public (Vetran) Server 3 Domination session.
    2. Juhno
    4. Yesterday, March 31 somewhere between 6 - 7 PM GMT+0 when we played Domination mission on Pub#3 Server Veteran Mode, there was a guy with nickname Juhno who subsequently
    shooted with rpg or smth at heli from the hill near the airbase and downed it several times. Personally I voted him to be kicked off from the server (after I had asked him about the reasons and marked his location on map).
    5. Unsure if anyone else witnessed (maybe guys with nicknames iceman, snake, coyz or smth similar who remember that).

    instant LAN_WROTE ...

    1. Public 3 - Veteran
    2. Martin
    4. Teamkiller from Hunter HMG while stationary at Vehicle repair pad.
    5. instant

    ciro LAN_WROTE ...

    1. Public server 2 domi
    2. shitcrazy
    3. 76561198024913755
    4. Muliple Team Kills in a captured AO while people were getting evac.
    5. Ciro,Bobbus

    ciro LAN_WROTE ...

    1. Public server 2 domi
    2. sean
    3. 76561197990370930
    4. Muliple Team Kills with silenced rifle.
    5. Ciro,Bobbus

    ciro LAN_WROTE ...

    1. Public server 2 domi
    2. Alex
    3. 7656119796641623
    4. Muliple Team Kills in a captured AO.
    5. Ciro, blizzard99

    ciro LAN_WROTE ...

    1. Public server 2 domi
    2. SiegeEngineer
    3. 76561198043556253
    4. Muliple Team Kills, destroying assets at base and server had to be restarted.
    5. Ciro,Bobbus

    reV LAN_WROTE ...

    1. Pub1
    2. Conner
    3. unknown
    4. Takes one heli after another and crashs its near base
    5. nic, NaOH

  7. I also thought that it was already present, but if not, ACE will come out, eventually, to fix it.

    By the way, not a fan of mediafire for DL's. I've gone ahead and hosted that file here*. Let me know if you ever update it, I'll swap it out. And if you have any more, we'll just start a User Mission set in the Download area for them.

    [EDIT: *and I've already adjusted your link in the first post]
  8. Rebel LAN_WROTE ...

    Is this server stil online?
    I'm looking for people to play F4AF online.

    ^What TAC-1 said - it's all BMS now, much better game. VG BMS Info: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?17419

    *note: I can help anyone to set up an X52 or MFD's with "shift states" all in DirectX (as opposed to Alt+G this and Shft+Alt+P that - buttons only) I'll be around....

  9. First impressions? Two words -

    Shock and Awe!

    I cannot believe how great the optimization is already, even at this early stage - reports are coming in from A2 players that they have better frame rates, and can dial in to perfectly playable graphics settings.

    To me, gunplay is now as I've always dreamed it! I feel like I am the one doing everything now, instead of instructing my digital avatar to carry out the various movements and actions I'd like to perform in any period of time.

    Finally, I feel I can react and act faster to the stimulus in the world, which most FPS Shooters are known for, in this Mil-Sim Shooter. I have not played with the stances enough yet, but I can see them looking at Mods like SMK and envisioning that kind of control in Arma 3. I can imagine the grenade throw options increasing, too.

    For now, we gotta play with what is there, keeping an eye on what is not yet modeled while looking for bugs or issues that may become problems. For those out there just looking to play, know that there will be problems, but these will be fixed thanks to the close relationship BI Studios enjoys with their audience. The final release is still scheduled after the coming BETA phase, somewhere in Q3 2013 (September - December), and that they have eluded to a desire to not release it until it is right and true to their vision.

    As a fan of Arma scripting, I am just happy as hell! There are functions not yet demonstrated even in this Alpha that I have read (after pretty much reading through most of BI's code that makes up the game) and found so many gems.


  10. VETERANS-GAMING would like your help!

    We are going to ask the Arma 3 Dev's some questions about Arma 3 - your questions!

    We would appreciate input and questions from gamers ranging from those who have played Arma 2 and it's DLC and Mods, to those who've never played Arma at all. We would like to select questions that are unique, those that may not have been covered already in what we have learned so far, and those that may address specific details relating to new features expected in Arma 3.

    This is a great chance as a gamer to get YOUR questions answered about Arma 3 - please post them up here, and if you think of another, post again. Play the Alpha (or Alpha Lite) and bend the ear of the very people who work on it - when we have a nice selection of questions, they will be submitted to our friends at BI Studios. We will post up the answers here!

    Keep in mind, Arma 3 is an Alpha, and not the best reflection of the final game, but you should still be able to get a great feel for what is to come, and if you are like many of us Armaholics, you'll want to know more about this new game.
    Also, if we get too many questions, we may have to thin it down a bit - either way, we can discuss it all here and learn a little more about the world's next best MMO military simulator!

    I'll start it off:

    I was reading through the Arma 3 scripting commands and noticed "humidity" - returning a value of the current humidity. Is this an element of detailed sniping simulation, or just more detail for dynamic weather and cloud formation on the islands?

  11. whiztler LAN_WROTE ...

    Hiya Semler,

    As you know, I am loving the MSO (event) map/server. I really appreciated all the work that has gone into the development so far. I noticed a few changes recently. resulting in de-spawning of the FOB's/MHQ.
    Since I prefer missions over building FOB's I have put together a few FOB's that can be used as a permanent FOB for the Reshmaan map. Please feel free to implement.

    Please note that the FOB's are 'filled-in' with 'sample' vehicles and MHQ. You might want to removed these upon going final. Also, no ammo boxes are included. Didn't want to screw up any scripts.

    Link: http://www23.zippyshare.com/v/11614886/file.html


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