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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    True, luckily the weapons dont have bent barrels !lolol

    The fact that those rifles are zeroed to 300m does not mean that the RH weapons packs are broken. A large majority of standard military rifles are zeroed as such ranges, otherwise the range the round would travel would be far shorter, and it's drop more severe. Certain barrel lengths or modifications may change the zeroed range of some of these RH weapons, but the fact remains that it is not an unintentional outcome or in any way different from the standard BI or ACE weapons and zeroing.

    The barrel is not curved, it's the travel of the round that curves - so rifle barrels are actually pointing up a bit, so much that you can notice it with your naked eye.
    You may see the 3+ inch end of the barrel coming out of the heat shield, but inside it does not travel a straight line back along the line of sight, but falls at an angle straight down above the mag well:

    Here is a simple diagram that will explain better than words (the curved line is the path of the round):

  2. First of all, thank you for being honest and not making excuses. What you did was intentional, grievous against other players just chillin and trying to have a good time in what I consider, even after 1000+ hours in game, a difficult game to get up and go.

    It takes honesty to admit that before all of us and the public. However, that is exactly the kind of behavior that is so disruptive that it is our most important rule. We cannot and will not allow intentional disruptions in our game.

    The fact that you were with a group doing the same things, and after they were gone "(you were) the last to partake in those actions..." makes me feel that you missed every warning sign coming from the Admin trying to regain control and peace in the game server. These are just games after all, and we're all just trying to have a good time.

    Another thing that I appreciate is your honesty with your age, stated on your Profile as 24. If you were much, much younger, I may have considered it as a simple "youth in gaming" mistake. Instead, I agree with the admin who banned you in his request that you remain banned. You are far too old, and should know better than to be so disruptive to your online peers. We are all real people, this isn't random, and I have other things I would like to do with my time. Some have far less of it, but that did not stop you from disrupting theirs.

    Please keep that in mind when you go play on the rest of the servers out there. Good day, sir. !hi

  3. poffadder =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    Also as admins, mission editors and designers, we need to make sure that global and side is either turned off or is reserved for special cases. This is mainly because some people, including myself, don't like the use of map markers (they are fine in close proximity or in the briefing.) Infantry would not have access to data link systems like SADL (well JTACs would but I wouldn't know how to separate it) so points of intrest on the map should be communicated in coordinates.

    We should find a way to implement a data link system for certain vehicles, JTACs and commanders.

    Let me know what you think about not having unit markers and position makers on the map.

    I better return my attention to my computer systems architecture lecture.

    Haha! thanks for the input! Keep up the hard work!

    I have confirmed and tested a new system involving the Map. Players have it, but only 2 channels available are Direct and Vehicle - as in (tested) we are standing next to each other or are in same vehicle, I make a mark on map, it's on your's too.

    If I move away or out of vehicle, and make a mark, only I can see it. Just as if I was standing next to someone and we both make marks on our maps. And if too far away, we need to use COORDS.

    I intend to use or write a "share map" function as well, but what I think would be super cool, would be custom maps that are smaller sections of the full one. Obviously, that is crazy hard work, and would involve 5 different maps (1/4 for each quadrant, and the default "full" map) - just a thought, too hard for me to implement.

    or....new idea where player has no map himself, but it's mounted in the HMMWV:
    usmc_hmmwv_1 addAction["View Map","scripts\view_master_map.sqf"];<br /><br />-inside view_master_map.sqf:<br /><br /><br />player addWeapon "ACE_Map";<br /><br />done_viewing_map = false;<br /><br />openMap [true,true]; //forces map open, cannot close again//<br /><br />hintSilent "When you are done viewing the map, click one time anywhere";<br /><br />onMapSingleClick {openMap [false, false];done_viewing_map = true;true;};<br />        <br />waitUntil{done_viewing_map};<br /><br />player removeWeapon "ACE_Map";<br />OnMapSingleClick {}; //reset//<br />

    Either way - the dependancy on blue marks on map is going away fast. I don't like it, and feel it is only good for "casual games" and other "archade" style game modes for Arma 2. I don't feel in any way that it's "too hardcore" to not have those blue markers in our ACRE styled missions, be they persistant or "1 life to die" Events.

    Am writing a simpler Primary Weapon Selection GUI that should keep people from "suckling at the ammo box teet" for 15 minutes on each RTB - but I gotta say, it's the huge number of different M4's that is killin me here - taking FOREVER!
    Makes me want to write my "scope pack kit" so that people can just "grab a bag of scopes" that fit their rifle, and in the field can "assemble" the rifle with an alternate scope. Just like the Silencer Script, but with Scopes. If it has a varient with several scopes, then they can be attached in the field (will make an appropriate "build animation and timer" so it's not "instant")

    Keep up the input, guys!!

    (@Castor - even if you don't get into the scripting side, I will never discount your ideas for game modes, or anyones ideas - they go onto the back burner in my head, and may very well get implemented or used in some way. Although, if you were to get into it, you could start like Carry, and just play around in the 2D editor in Arma, using triggers and physically placed units to visually describe your mission, and Savage or I could then make it into a full mission. Either way, keep up the cool ideas and different gaming opinions!)
  4. Hazte wrote ...
    Hello, my name is Brandon aka. Hazte in ArmA - I was banned for "Griefing" stated by admin.

    I'm not going to try to justify my actions in any way, just going to say what exactly happened.

    I was playing in the Insurgency server with a few friends. After a while a couple of those guys got bored, Silence and tsmHicks... Silence was crashing the helicopter often and tsmHicks was spawning and blowing teammates with Satchel Charges. After those two got banned I was the last to partake in those actions but was wrong none the less.

    I cannot speak for those two but as for myself... Well before that escapade I was playing 100% legit and having fun. I really enjoy playing on your server and would like the opportunity to do so once again. I apologize for those actions and promise to never commit such acts again. I will play the game as it is meant to be played, follow all rules, and listen to the admins without hesitation.

    I understand my wrongs in this and hope we can come to an understanding - if not I will also understand and gladly accept the permanent ban as a final decision.


    Brandon aka. Hazte (H4zt3)

    Things happen. It's why we have an unban forum section, where you can state your case. We will get on this, but could you please copy and repost this in your own unban thread here:


    (or if that link is porked:
    http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewforum.php?217 )

    I kinda want to lock this one for posterity, as you can see, even people who have eventually made it into our clan as a trusted and welcomed member may have at one point been banned for one reason or another. We police our servers as best we can, but sometimes people get lumped together or banned hastily to regain control over a server.
    (technically, we should have had this particular thread locked already...)

    I'm locking this thread, please re-post and also include a date or approximate date of the incident in question.

    Follow these guidelines:

    If you would like to Appeal your Ban, please provide the following information:

    1. Reason you were banned
    2. Personal Statement ( Why should we unban you? )
    3. What Server(s)?
    4. Banned Username

    As a courtesy we look into all unban requests. The nature of the offense and the information you provide in your personal statement will determine the final outcome of your Appeal. (the admin who banned you must also agree to the terms)

    We try to resolve all bans within 72 hours of the Appeal.

    All unbanned individuals will be placed on a watch list for 30 days. If any further issues occur during this time, your Ban will be reinstated and any future appeals will be denied...permanently.

    Thank you

  5. It takes a real man, and strong character to say the things you both just did.

    It's the nature of social networking on a global level that these things happen (it's why we don't talk politics or religion/philosophy here as a policy).

    And I for one love this thread (skimming past anything off topic) because it shows truth and the different opinions that I, for one, need to hear because I very much DO want to make my own video game (with VG) one day, and will learn anything I need, beit programming or "best practices", and it needs to be a game of the people for the people - This is gold to me, and will direct my efforts for years to come.

    Keep up the great ideas and opinions.

    How about maps, locals, and that kind of variety?

    I found PR cool in that, though one match could take hours, when it was over, it was a new map.

    I also like Arma persistant missions where the "island" stays the same, and I prefer HUGE maps, too. That way, each area is kinda like a new map. But what I like most, and the most CONTROVERSIAL, is that in DayZ I started with NO map, and it was cool to orient. Even with an Online map picture, it was so fun, and when I got a map, I felt I had earned it - that I didn't fully need it, and that it was a luxury.

    Unfortunately, most people don't agree with my opinion, and they always need that map or sometimes even GPS to feel comfortable and entertained as well in any given (random) game. Only in events does it kinda become acceptable to them to not have a map, if say, their FTL had one or whatever the situation may be.

    Anyway, what do you all think about that?

  6. @Murder - thanks, well said.
    Brought over from the last page, because screw it, I can.
    AND it NEEDS to be understood in this forum. Lost in translation can be an issue, so can emotions.... we all need to take both in stride!

    SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    I give up, you know that my english aint that good so I cannot communicate in the way I mean. still you insist raping my comments

    @ Gaz I see you have something personal against me so just PM me and lets get it over with, other wise you could've seen through my post and understood the true meaning behind it (which I guess I cant tell without someone else correcting to me, thanks a gain Semler.)

    Screw Gaz, *(well, not literally, of course), but I have something against you if you are going to take criticism and difference of opinions so personally.

    Time to take some chill pills and remember that this is an OPEN discussion, we are going to have different opinions, and we need to be able to talk to each other about our differences - not to berate or feel berated by the comments and criticisms.
    How else would I know that I had to take off the "Where's the Beef?" T-Shirt when I had been wearing it 5 years after it was old? We need our friends to mirror back at us our flaws at times, and have the maturity to accept it or take it in stride.

    No one hates you, Castor. Stay off the defensive - keep on topic, guys.
    (And please, everyone, continue to try not to be offensive, but be truthful with your opinions on this topic.)
    And, Gaz - I have different opinions than you on one or two matters, but I wouldn't kick you to the curb. Same with anyone who posts in this discussion.

    If you let any of this get to you on a personal level, I will point and laugh at you. !rofl
    Be mature, and be respectful. Basic stuff here.

    PITN and Castor brought up good points -

    PITN is so right about this being a rather limited simulation - we can try all we want, but it does seem the closer we get to any kind of "realistic" large group ops, we find ourselve with the very real (and not so entertaining) aspects such as "dry, dull" ops that need to be done by someone, while the other group "goes in for the glory".

    It's almost like we need a video game reward system for the dull, boring logistics roles if we were to continue on a route to a "full realistic op" scenario to be simulated.

    Castor mentioned that... "also the problem is that we dont learn that much from our mistakes, look at our missions: we do it and then leave. where is the after action report? we did it last time with Calvs missions."

    Well, I feel some learn differently than others. Some prefer a debriefing while others play so often that they are quite clear on what happened, what went well, what went wrong, and what should be done differently the next time for maximum fun/success.

    Since they take up several minutes, or longer, of "non-playing" downtime, I feel this would be more important and should be followed more if we were, say, a competitive clan. As we are casual, but serious about having fun - I suggest we do debriefings when appropriate, like Events or Large ACRE Ops, but nothing to say we can't have a more relaxed debriefing here on the site, over the days following the event, using the forums.

    I can understand how some people may not have time or desire to hang around for 15 minutes after a long, 2-4 hour gaming session with ACRE and tons of restraint and patience. Forum is best bet in that particular example, in my opinion.

    Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    5. I like commanders.

    Me too.

    But, I hate the "automated" commander that is the "Server" in most persistant missions. Rather have a real evolving world with changing front lines, and a human commander offering up some sick ops.


    "He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man" - Huxley

  7. Wow? Really Castor?

    Maybe that is best.... you seem to be taking all this way to personally.....

    (and since we're replying in re-post edits, I'd like to say I'm not a superior officer, but a superior lunatic...)

    oh, and btw - Murderface was trying to inject a little humor to break the tension with his very dry and perfectly appropriate comment: " 68% of all percentages are made up. " - hell, I think that joke was from the Simpsons, if not directly(they have done everything)

    BUT STILL, you took it offensively and threw it back like a hot potato.

    As far as I know, no one is taking any comments out of context before offering up their views on them or their personall feelings on that topic or quote. (except now, I am getting the feeling you are. be mindful of it, no one is attacking you or your opinions by asking, commenting on, or debating them)

    Being called on what one says is not an offense in itself, if it's done with constructive criticism in mind. And that's what this thread is. I don't see any other people getting pissed off here....

    Time to chill and stop taking things too seriously, but still take things seriously - how does that translate?
  8. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    I give up, you know that my english aint that good so I cannot communicate in the way I mean. still you insist raping my comments

    @ Gaz I see you have something personal against me so just PM me and lets get it over with, other wise you could've seen through my post and understood the true meaning behind it (which I guess I cant tell without someone else correcting to me, thanks a gain Semler.)

    Screw Gaz, *(well, not literally, of course), but I have something against you if you are going to take criticism and difference of opinions so personally.

    Time to take some chill pills and remember that this is an OPEN discussion, we are going to have different opinions, and we need to be able to talk to each other about our differences - not to berate or feel berated by the comments and criticisms.
    How else would I know that I had to take off the "Where's the Beef?" T-Shirt when I had been wearing it 5 years after it was old? We need our friends to mirror back at us our flaws at times, and have the maturity to accept it or take it in stride.

    No one hates you, Castor. Stay off the defensive - keep on topic, guys.
    (And please, everyone, continue to try not to be offensive, but be truthful with your opinions on this topic.)
    And, Gaz - I have different opinions than you on one or two matters, but I wouldn't kick you to the curb. Same with anyone who posts in this discussion.

    If you let any of this get to you on a personal level, I will point and laugh at you. !rofl
    Be mature, and be respectful. Basic stuff here.

    PITN and Castor brought up good points -

    PITN is so right about this being a rather limited simulation - we can try all we want, but it does seem the closer we get to any kind of "realistic" large group ops, we find ourselve with the very real (and not so entertaining) aspects such as "dry, dull" ops that need to be done by someone, while the other group "goes in for the glory".

    It's almost like we need a video game reward system for the dull, boring logistics roles if we were to continue on a route to a "full realistic op" scenario to be simulated.

    Castor mentioned that... "also the problem is that we dont learn that much from our mistakes, look at our missions: we do it and then leave. where is the after action report? we did it last time with Calvs missions."

    Well, I feel some learn differently than others. Some prefer a debriefing while others play so often that they are quite clear on what happened, what went well, what went wrong, and what should be done differently the next time for maximum fun/success.

    Since they take up several minutes, or longer, of "non-playing" downtime, I feel this would be more important and should be followed more if we were, say, a competitive clan. As we are casual, but serious about having fun - I suggest we do debriefings when appropriate, like Events or Large ACRE Ops, but nothing to say we can't have a more relaxed debriefing here on the site, over the days following the event, using the forums.

    I can understand how some people may not have time or desire to hang around for 15 minutes after a long, 2-4 hour gaming session with ACRE and tons of restraint and patience. Forum is best bet in that particular example, in my opinion.

    Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    5. I like commanders.

    Me too.

    But, I hate the "automated" commander that is the "Server" in most persistant missions. Rather have a real evolving world with changing front lines, and a human commander offering up some sick ops.


    "He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man" - Huxley
  9. *On the MCC note: I am pushing to have a playable BETA up asap because the initial structure I have made is strictly Infantry oriented - as in, it's a Platoon - max 50 players (I wish we had that, lol) - 3 Squads, 3 Fire Teams in each, FT's have 4 members.

    HMMWV Mounted (M2 only, not CROWS), and the FT roles start at a cool default mix (ex. FT1: FTL, MG, Asst. MG (ammo bearer and takes up MG if MG dies), Rifleman)
    or AT FT example: (FTL, SMAAW Operator, Asst. SMAAW, Rifleman)

    Rifleman is always newest member (noOb, or new to ACRE) and is the FTL's Battle Buddy. You get to choose your role pre-op, wanna change? Jump back to lobby w/your friends and nab another FT. Ezy Pzy.

    If you haven't, this is the coolest guide to skim over or read thoroughly, and this particular page makes huge ACRE missions easy (we ACRE junkies should all at least read this one page, most of it that relates anyway):
    Arma 2 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Guide by Dslyecxi

    (I will add an Armor Platoon and Civs one day,
    teaser img:

    ...but this playable BETA will make for great Inf. focused experiences we can all use to get on the same page, as dman suggested. okay - less talk, more code - back to work with me now. COMING SOON, I SWEAR!)
  10. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    Please note that I haven't joined the army yet and I have played arma for a year only so many of my comments might seem ignorant.

    No worries, Castor, I am getting used to taking what you say with a grain of salt. !crazy

    It's only natural that we will have differing opinions about one thing or another - let's be mindful of our different styles and when we bite each other's heads off, at least have the decency to bite above the nose, so they have a chance to reply again.
    KEEP IT CONSTRUCTIVE - I myself will always welcome criticism if it has a constructive purpose (and it isn't presented offensively).

    2 great points have come up.....OP Weapons, and Small Group Leadership.

    OverPowered Weapons

    While down to the Mission Designer, OP Weapons which have such high superiority can make the game "unfun" for the rest of the group, just like infantry fighting along side a Bradley may feel less danger, shoot less enemies, and have what they may consider a less than awesome video-warfighting experience in said round of gameplay.
    The Persistent missions with repetitive attack styles are the worst for OP Weapons, in my opinion, because the only thing a group has to keep a fresh gameplay style on the next AO is to mix up how they attack - and I feel that OP Weapons, unless agreed upon globally for the assault, can detract from the others "desired difficulty and vulnerability in game".

    I always feel "safer" when I have an overwatch team, perhaps with snipers or CSW all scoped and zeroed in, but not everyone wants a constant "safety bubble", and going through the motions as it were can be boring, and unentertaining..
    Sometimes, we may want a particular kind of challenge, so, that means agreeing on or designing Ops and Missions that either favor them or that do not use them at all. (ahem, again, touting the USMC Platoon Ops (MCC))

    @Murder - "yes i did do brackets inside of brackets.. bracketception" !rofl

    Small Group Leadership:

    Before any of this gets too far out of hand, I think we should all agree on a thing or two: That there will always be times when you will run into some of our regular Arma 2 battle buddies who don't really want to play a longer, structured, ROE and "request permission to fire" kind of match (at that particular moment). This will happen - dude, this is Arma - you could probably get some form of stress from this shit if you pushed yourself too hard and took things too seriously all the time.

    Again, good thing we don't play that super-strict mil-sim style, beleive it or don't, but VG has the most awesome chill to it, and I'd never want to lose that. But as we get into using our Calandar for "all day" or "1 life to die" events, we also need our "Blow off the steam and go grab your favorite Arma toy" missions. Gotta respect when people are in a game like that, and have the personal tact and flexibility to either fall in with what the current group is into, or offer the opposite style yourself on one of our other servers.

    Be grown up, be respectful - if your good buddy =VG= JoeAnyone is happy farting around with an A-10, with three random soldiers also farting around just consider offering an impromptu Event with ACRE and Platoon Structure, on a different server if they don't want to all stop, and if they don't want to join you, there will always be another day.

    Never feel bad for saying, "I just want to play around in Arma 2 right now - I do want to play with Radios and Squads, just not at this time...." !gam
    or my personal favorite, "Not tonite, honey - I have a headache"

    To Quote PITN a year ago - "you can have CAS monkeys, just keep them away from the AO - give them some mission somewhere else, that way they are in the air if needed, but not shooting all our Tangos..."
    (or something to that effect - hell, it was a year ago)

    I know it takes most the team to make a structured game work, but imagine if we had more numbers - more Arma players who hung around, there would be plenty for ACRE Platoon Games and we wouldn't suffer for not having, say, Gaz and Oni and Wooz who are (example) not wanting to do a group thing but fart around.
    (again, MCC can do anything all at once...it may smooth out this very issue...)

    Anyway, there will always be times when we all get together, seems more than once a week now. If it isn't happening - don't whine - fall in, be cool, be patient. Arma ain't goin anywhere - you'll get your fix before too long in any given week.
  11. Briefing.html is for offline/singleplayer - you just want to add "notes" to the player's diary, in some "notes.sqf" or whatever. I will get an example together for you tomorrow that you can customize to any mission.

  12. @Murderface - haha! nothin worse than a self-appointed leader when you're trying to play casual or have been for the game so far. Very True - if we're gonna play casual, we don't need self appointed leaders - and when we could use them, they should be chosen not forced on players. Like in Project Reality for BF2 - you choose your squad, can see it's leader before entering it.

    Democracy in gaming groups seems to work fine with small numbers, on familiar missions or game modes, and non event style play - it becomes more like a "spec-ops" squad than an independant "rogue" team, where input should be encouraged from the members that make it up.
  13. Very good point, Terremer - there is a tendancy to get either a feeling of non-cooperation or anti-solidarity from players who just want to go off alone and try something, or from players who literally want to play alone (say, CAS) while online with an active group of players, even in non-event games.

    When we use ACRE, we almost assume that everyone will be available on some radio, and cooperate directly in the team effort at hand. It's one thing to selfishly spam an AO that infantry players are planning to assault on foot, but to expect full "event" structure in a casual game is another thing entirely.

    Again, not to keep touting about this MCC thing, but it can cater to EVERYONE at the same time - want to snipe with your buddies, but don't want to interfere with the Squads taking an AO? Fine - MCC can drop them somewhere different with a different mission without lagging up the server in any way for the other players.

    Hell, maybe even the sniper mission preludes the Squad's next mission - things can work together even when the are functionally separate.

    keep the discussion going, guys!
  14. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    EDIT: anyways we should remove all these comments and give some suggestions, I dont think Dman meant this kind of conversation.

    Good point - I have assembled all these great discussions to another thread, please keep up the input and discussion there:
    LINK: Open Discussion - Teamplay, Leadership, Mission Variety, and COOP Gameplay in Arma 2


    @dman - do it! I love them old school M113's and barely get to use them cuz we always rock the Stryker's or Bradley's as mech-infrantry. I'll make it to every one you make, schedule permitting!! If you need any access to the dedi, say for a test server to test things as they would be in multi-player, I can hook you up. We have like 2 dev test servers that stay off most times for just that purpose.

  15. @Castor - Well, I can't see how this input would hurt dman's efforts to make missions that cater to our skill levels, and challenge us, too.
    With any luck, this feedback will help us to interact better in his missions, and it's good to get this out now so that we are all on the same page.

    @Castor/Calv/Gaz/Everyone - I am very interested in "mini-missions" because after years of playing, I am all too familiar with each and every sidemission that Domi could throw at us, and Insurgency, though always different in some ways, is also always the same in the same ways - which can make for repetitive gameplay and the dreaded "one or two RIGHT ways to accomplish the tasks".

    When you simply throw a situation at gamers, then they get to react and act on their own decisions. I look forward to any such missions dman can make - and I will try to be there for every one of them.

    I've been busy with 'real life' this week, but at night, I keep working on my opus: USMC Platoon Ops (empowered by MCC)
    I really think it will allow mission makers such as dman, Poffadder, Savage, Calv, Charry, myself, and any others, to instantly (and while in game) send groups out onto fresh, new missions at the push of a button (or three).

    It's the framework and ease of user interface that is needed as a wraparound, and then you will be able to throw anything at them. I studied the ShakTac Platoon manual online, and the F2 Framework (st version) and saw why they did what they did, and made my framework very similar so one could play with us, and them, and say, UO, and structures are familiar. (law of 3: any leader only ever has 3 subordinates to command from PL to FTL)
    -- One of the first things I wrote was a system that anyone can access to tell them what ACRE radios they should have, what channels they should be on, and a list of all active players, the role they are in, pre-made callsigns to use or not, and a channels list that shows every role's radio network.

    As far as leading goes - good leaders are not born, they are made. Democracy has no place in a chain of command, and though we do not play "super strict" mil-sim, we can benefit from trusting each other, and letting go of the control - and handing it off to a trusted leader.

    I personally have become confidant in my leading over the years, but I still love to be the grunt - I don't have to call the big shots, and just have to listen to, say, Poffadder, who tells me to take my Fire Team up a street, and secure a building while the rest of the Platoon moves up.

    This is so easy for me, but when I have to be the guy giving out the orders, I never feel like I need to ask my members what they think will be the best move - if I did, I'd let them lead, and just be a grunt. A leader by definition has the situational awareness, or knows where to obtain it, before making a decision, and unless they needed input, a Leader should never feel so un-confident that they must ask their subordinates what the next move should be.

    If you are a leader, act like one (even if you don't know what you are doin! This applies to life, too, kiddies and gents - Act like you know what your doing, even if you do not. Don't make mistakes as a result, but when you do, learn from them and do not reveal it to your subordinates. They must have a certain trust in you, do not diminish that by admitting fault all the time - save that for the debriefing.)

    Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    we usually get +10 players on arma but if we advertise a bit we could easily get +20.

    personally I think m113 patrol is a good idea because we have no experience on it and its not that hightech so we get a bit more difficulty on it. I'd wish to see more OPFOR and UN missions and possibly German Armor missions, I've actually never played any UN missions, Defend, Ambush and missions where you gotta find something before its too late. Search and rescue missions are cool too!

    complaining from here on forward so cover your eyes kids if you don't want to see.

    It's a shame most of us aren't interested in toning their skills of teamplay, leadership, and their combat effectiveness, I'd really want to see us doing Events with other community's later on.

    for example I've heard the sentence ''we don't need a leader because we are experienced ARMA players''.

    1st of all we aren't, I've seen SO much better people out there that you wouldn't imagine, the ability to use some equipment doesn't make you an experienced player, the ability to use it together with a buttload of other assets like infantry and armor does. I mean C'mon we aren't even good at being Infantry! which is the most basic thing!

    2nd of all a group is ALWAYS better with a leader, even with a bad one because for a multitude of reasons, like the fact that if there is no leader its basicly a democracy: everyone has their vote. ''well I guess we just sit down and vote here!'' <-- not literally but you get the fact that every decision takes longer. also no one is there to tell others to cease fire, take a formation, crouch, lay down etc.

    but this all is only for anyone interested in serious fun, not just ''hey lets fly there and blow up some shit!''

    Note here that I'm not thinking that I'm better than you, in fact I'm worse than most of you but I'm willing to learn.

    TL;DR: frustration because people are not playing for serious fun.

    Gaz =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    I'd like to point out here - I have had no problems leading a team like a democracy... Just for the fact that a lot of the lads are very experienced around here and when your desiding what to do next other people have seen diferent situations and have a multitude of idea's that could be used quickly and effectivly... if under fire. I personally find its better to have everyone shouting out the directions and leading an assault on a position than one person who has half arsed facts on it...

    Im not sure what you mean by we are not experienced INF. For the most part we have been doing it for 2 years, and if you were in a squad with the lads that have done it for that long you would see the experience shine very bright...

    Using armor and INF together dosent make you great at anything.. It just in a sence means you want to use other options to get the job done rather than brawling through with INF. Its not a statement to leadership or how good someone is - I Can tell you i see using inf to take on 50 guys would impress me more than using INF to kill 5 and a tank to blast everything else away.

    I Find your statement about the Leader is kind of true, but voting can be better. In a combat sitaution a leader to call cover - Fire, throw frags - Drop smoke... That is a good call. But having a group that desides where to go next is a good idea in my opinion, thats how i lead my teams...

    Now about the missions - I think 10-15 is our regular amount, maybe another quick whip up of the mision with an extra fire team incase we get more is a good idea...
    Also maybe an op-for mision or two could be quite a fun consept...

    And castor i also agree on doing events with other communities... Me and calv have discussed the consept of doing it with LAMBS some time.

    Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    Gaz the thing is that when you have no leader for, lets say a group of 6, 1 of them usually takes WAY too much gear and will slow the team, 1 dude is the one who runs and guns and dies all the time and the rest of the guys are having a hard time deciding what to do when they're under heavy fire, which brings more casualties.

    But to be honest I play like I'm on an event all the time, trying to everything organized and properly and with a level of professionalism.

    In my mind the more you are able to cooperate with other assets the better, it doesn't matter how many we have against us and how many do we have. all that matters is that they die and we live, the less we lose the better.
    of course this might take the fun part from the infantry but then you can just limit the assets before hand.

    OH but now Im using this thread wrong :) sorry!

    Calv LAN_WROTE ...

    Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    It's a shame most of us aren't interested in toning their skills of teamplay, leadership, and their combat effectiveness, I'd really want to see us doing Events with other community's later on.

    for example I've heard the sentence ''we don't need a leader because we are experienced ARMA players''.

    1st of all we aren't, I've seen SO much better people out there that you wouldn't imagine, the ability to use some equipment doesn't make you an experienced player, the ability to use it together with a buttload of other assets like infantry and armor does. I mean C'mon we aren't even good at being Infantry! which is the most basic thing!

    2nd of all a group is ALWAYS better with a leader, even with a bad one because for a multitude of reasons, like the fact that if there is no leader its basicly a democracy: everyone has their vote. ''well I guess we just sit down and vote here!'' <-- not literally but you get the fact that every decision takes longer. also no one is there to tell others to cease fire, take a formation, crouch, lay down etc.

    but this all is only for anyone interested in serious fun, not just ''hey lets fly there and blow up some shit!''

    Note here that I'm not thinking that I'm better than you, in fact I'm worse than most of you but I'm willing to learn.

    TL;DR: frustration because people are not playing for serious fun.

    Sorry, but neither knowing how to use equipment OR knowing how to practice combined arms makes you an "experienced player". Experience is being able to read a situation and react accordingly, being able to think quickly and make decisions rather than blindly charging into areas or getting people killed as you stand around deciding.
    Applying knowledge with a "buttload of other assets" is neither here nor there, if people can't work together as infantry then there is no point throwing additional assets into the mix. Not to mention that co-ordination between infantry and other assets is usually pretty minimal, as both parties need to focus on their own tasks, and its down to the overall commander to direct each party, not the units themselves.

    I'd disagree, nothing gets people killed quicker than a bad leader. Someone needs to be in charge to make overall decisions, but it is not necessary to have someone constantly yelling and barking orders at everyone and basically micromanaging the entire team because that just leads to confusion, clogged comms and basically lowers everyone's ability to maintain a clear overview of the situation.
    The best leaders rarely need to speak or give orders because they have trained the guys they're leading and trust them to adapt to the situation and adjust themselves without needing to have their hands held.

    Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    Calv, I did forget the most important part yes, by ''buttload of assets'' I meant that you can basicly work with anything, and yes Infantry is an asset too (i think?)

    and about the bad leader when you put it that way I agree, but going without one is pretty bad too.

    Gaz =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    i Dont think you see it like we do, When we leave on domi. Like me, sparky and random usually go after side misions together. There is always a subconcious leader. Usually me or Random but we always clarify who it is. We just never really have to give out orders because we trust each other in knowing exactly what needs to be done.

    Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    that is true, you guys play it like you know it already. which is way too repetitive for me, like you know there is going to be aprox. 1 brdm, 1 bmp and 1 t72 + 2 squads of infantry. you know how they set around the objective and you do almost every side mission in about the same pattern.

    while I try not to think about it and do it outside the box, unfortunately no one wants to do it this way and want to carry silly weapons that we wont be using in proper Events, everything I do in ARMA is to make myself better at missions, trying to evolve and get better all the time, silly me I know :)

    but I guess we can put the blame on DOMI for this.

    EDIT: anyways we should remove all these comments and give some suggestions, I dont think Dman meant this kind of conversation.

  17. Way cool video! I know what it takes to get all the cuts and titles goin - you did an amazing job! Hope you're getting the hang of Sony Vegas - it does get easier, trust me.
    Keep up the good work, bro!

    A side note about monetization of BI Studios Intellectual Properties:
    I noticed you have monetized your video - wanted to take this opportunity to tell everyone who makes Arma 2 videos:

    BI Studios loves us! They have even prepared a license for us to use in YouTube that grants us the rights to make money off our fan videos that include copyrighted Arma 2 objects, images, menus, and even the awesome music by the composer(s) they bought the Arma 2 soundtrack from.

    Normally, you'd have to "lie" to get past the license part in a monetized fan video - but with BI Studios, you just have to paste this bit into your YouTube vid's license area:
    User Monetization of BI's games Audio and Video content(e.g. Youtube Partnership Program)

    You copy the license quoted into your YouTube vid's license area, and you'll notice they want you to DL the PDF document, add your name, and info, and email it to David and Ota both, with the email subject title:

    (example for murder's video:)
    [Audio&Video Monetization]+Veterans Gaming ACE/ACRE Domination Teaser HD

    eazy peazy - but if you want, I can go ahead and do this for anyone, as I submit one myself with each Arma 2 video I produce and then monetize. Just let me know, or do it yourself - no rush, they won't get "sue-y" on you, it's just what one is supposed to do to legally make money off them and their products.

  18. It's not a helpful as you'd imagine - in shouting mode, you simply become louder, but gotta turn it back to normal or people will think you are closer to them than you are.

    It's great for the pre-briefing huddle, when you are trying to talk to 3 other players, in separate groups of 4, you can lower yourselves to a whisper, and not disturb the other teams.

    And since we play vs. AI, instead of humans, it is far less important to "be quite" on the battlefield. You can set off a bot to know your location, but who knows if they react same or different at your different volume levels - it may be straight across the board "enemy spotted" to them...

    Cool new toy, tho! Again, just be sure to set it back to normal when done using it - can get confusing in the "shit".

  19. Those are some cool ideas, many of those have come up on the DayZ forums before, and some are implementations in the upcoming WarZ game - I'd like to see DayZ become more COOP, but with a PvP element.

    If I were to try to improve on DayZ, the first thing I would do would be to remove scoped weapons and NVG or anything thermal or IR. And I'd add a very dangerous AI faction that is not aflicted with the 21st Century Plaque, and the ability to be captured by them and taken to "the island".

    DayZ has proven to be almost impossible to play without safety in numbers, because of the PvP element, but the fat lady hasn't sung yet.... We have yet to see what DayZ will really be in the end, once it is a stand alone game.


  20. =VG= SemlerPDX reply #1 ...
    1. - Are you your own net admin - (router/modem access)
    2. - Have there been any changes since it began (NAT/SPI, etc)
    3. - Can you set up direct port triggering/forwarding to your PC for TS3 Port 9987; Arma 2302; or any other requireds?
    3. You pay good money - call those buggers up, and get a tech sent out to get your money's worth. They tend to get rather responsive when you say you are thinking of another provider... !spite

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