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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Yea, we need to work with these Vietnam mods a bit more. It is such a sad loss that the AI uses one of the mod's over the other when both are employed.

    We'll have to tinker a bit and see, because it is true that one has best maps, and one has best items/guns. If we could find some way to combine them without the AI reverting to the worse of the two, it would be best.

    As it is, just use the one that you know works well, to get a taste out to we the peoples. We'll worry about details later - hell, we may even be able to use AI mods on top of Vietnam mods to stop them from acting stupid. Savage is more familiar with the different Arma AI mods out there...
  2. I sympathize with you.

    I married my high school sweetheart - thought it would be forever, we even had a baby. But, divorce was in our future, and it took many years of patience and separation for us to become friends again. There is no one on this planet who knows me better than her, and though we've grown over the years, we both agree on one thing -
    We are both nuts and divorce was the right choice, especially for our daughter. Kids don't need to be around needless drama.

    I'd be lying if I said we didn't both love each other still, but we know the futility of trying to live together.

    Tragic... c'est la vie

    Hang in there bro, you are not alone! See you soon!
  3. Logged in for the first time in over a month. Character was alive for 35 hrs +, had AKM, some mags, trusty Colt 1911, plenty of medical, all gear of the time (matches, knife, etc.), multiple water bottles, food, and soda.

    And a shiny GPS.

    I am happy to report I have all my gear still, minus food and soda - "respawned" on the SE coastline due to old patch bug, but still alive with the same character, and have made my way to the treeline leading to the interior of Chernarus.

    Looking forward to running around again, and seeing the new additions to the mod. I'm on my way to the water source East of Dolina right now, and will most likely be looking to get back in a position of self sufficiency with full hunting gear, so I can once again have no need to forage in towns for food/drink.

    Off for now, see you all tomorrow!
  4. Great to hear! Yes, Arma is certainly rewarding. I am one of the many who owned the game when I had an older PC, and had to make plenty of concessions in order to play it. I found it so amazing that I did anything I could to build an Arma capable gaming PC (and on a budget, too).

    Like you said, it still can be buggy at times, but for anything necessary to get this game to play well, it is so very worth it!!

    Poffadder and I have had several discussions of PC builds that would run this game sick and slick, and surprisingly often, the total costs tend to be near $1000. Not several thousand, is my point. I may yet move up myself, from this "Arma capable" machine to a purpose built Arma gaming PC - perhaps when Arma 3 comes out...

    See you in Takistan, Badploy!!
  5. just saying that it's that time of year for heat watch, and an 80(F) degree room means the case is bringing in warm air with which to cool your case. Cards overheating as you have described can be attributed to rises in ambient temperatures from seasonal changes, as well as the build up of dust on the card itself. Even a very fine layer of dust is still a jacket of insulation that will lead to heat buildup.

    Unless you have changed any settings on the card, or your in game settings, I can't see how the culprit would be anything but standard heat issues. [edit note: if you feel it's a driver/controller issue, you can eliminate that by uninstalling the card and drivers, and re-installing them.]

    If you really want to get into self-servicing your own graphics card, you can take off it's heat sync, clean off the thermal grease or paste, and re-apply some arctic silver for a new thermal contact.

    Good luck!
  6. Gaz LAN_WROTE ...

    Mr Nixxen would like too join us, His ability to go on the forums is gone because of missing cookies or something but he said too put his name down as a fire team member ;-)

    I'll do my best to make sure he gets there on time.

    How do you know this is not because he was banned from the website? He should use a different browser, and come sign up, or go to his internet options and allow cookies to be set by websites or at least this website. That's not much of an excuse, just saying....

  7. If anyone experiences connection issues, please post them here and we will help you get connected!


    Our TeamSpeak Address is Changing!
    You can now connect with the simple address:


    It's essentially the same as it was, but without the :9176 port numbers after the address. New permissions will be assigned to verified members, moderators, channel admins, and friends. During the migration, our other TS3 server will remain active for a short period to help buffer our change. Please use the new TeamSpeak only, as we will be monitoring the old one to bring your friends to the proper address as soon as they join.

    A New Golden Age Begins...

    This change marks a new step forward for VETERANS-GAMING, and your continued support has brought us here. We are proud to announce that our game server hardware is now better than ever, with nearly every game we play taking advantage it. The specs include an i7 2600 Quad-Core CPU, 32GB of DDR3 RAM, a massive 2 x 3TB SATA 6 Gb/s HDD array in RAID-1, and more bandwidth and speed than we'll likely ever use!

    Our initial tests were jaw droppers, and you can expect to see a dramatic decrease in server lag, congestion, and downtimes on a more stable platform. Basically, as one of our Arma mission makers, I sum it up to mean that most any problems or issues can now be directly attributed to the game engines and specific missions we play before we have to blame anything on the internet itself, or our hardware.

    VG Game Servers Affected:
    Project Reality - Forgotten Hope 2 - ARMA 2 - MineCraft - Left4Dead 2

    We hope we can keep counting on your support as we move into the Summer months, and as we begin to offer more gaming contests for gaming gear, such as TrackIR and others, we hope you continue to enjoy our growing community, awesome servers, and fun games!
    Thank you all, and see you on the battlefields!
  8. Murderface LAN_WROTE ...

    using different BAF units than the Bohemia ones would work pretty well i reckon lol. i can NOT stand poor textures

    Me too. That's why I dished out the whopping $10 for BAF DLC so my favorite game is all it can be.
    (just kidding, I got my BAF and PMC for free - but still, they are both worth their $10 each)
  9. Please set me as Fire Team 1 Leader again.

    This week prior to the event, I'd like to run a small re-training with members of Charlie Squad so as to bring any new players up to speed.

    Also, I'd like to have any new players, or those who've had technical issues, meet up for a test joining and troubleshooting session to make sure we are good to go on Saturday morning. (nuthin worse than things not working when we're all trying to start the main event)
  10. Thank you so much for your report! We will always deal with this asap - like murder said, even faster if you hop onto TS3 while it is happening (or post up in chatbox here on site that admin is needed).

    Next time, a screenshot would be helpful, one showing the teamkilling - also, please nab GUID when able (also, screenshot when able)
    To display players GUID (press / Page Up to scroll up text):
    / #beclient players 

    It makes it easier on me to swiftly process these asshats. Not always a fast process, reviewing logs like this; but this is enough for me to believe your report:

    class Player30











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