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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. If you patch your Arma to the current BETA build, you may not be able to go back. This means all the servers running the official, current release version of the game will not allow you to play, or kick you for missing/corrupt data.

    "BI Studios is moving into new territory with the BETA's. This means they are departing from where the game structure is, and has been, to a new level. Gone are the days when we can choose to start Arma 2 as itself (v1.60) or as the current dev's BETA Build.

    The BETA will now, and from now on, need to overwrite core files of the game, and they cannot be reverted without re-installing the game. This means that a copy patched to the most recent BETA is now a different game than Arma 2 was, and cannot ever be Arma 2 again.

    One thing you can do, albeit rather involved, is a multi-boot OS. If you have room, parse off a partition of HDD space, install Windows on it, and install Arma 2 (and the BETA patch). Keep Arma 2 at v1.60 (current version) on your main boot of Windows, that way you can choose when you turn on your PC which version you want to interact with.

    Other than that, I can only suggest you wait until they release the BETA as the next official patch. "
  2. BLuDKLoT =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    Hey guys I know someone from Twitter that is trying to get us introduced to the people from the Clancey series of games. Here is what she sent:

    Scott: Thom is a new client of mine. He's the son of the author - has a background in games testing and was responsible for helping his Dad through some hoops during the Ubisoft deal for Ghost Recon. Think you guys should be connected. I've sent your profile to him - so you'll likely get an invite from him. What do you think about an interview or something?since his Dad's novels and subsequent games were often centered around military themes, it could be fun for you to do something w/Thom on the site. He's a big fan of MMOs. He's starting his consultancy - writing, some media things, advising devs. Kinda leaving it with you to see if you could find a creative way to utilize him in a way that could be a draw for both of you. M.

    What are your thoughts guys?? Post your ideas!!! Thanks.

    Awesome!! I'd love to work with, or even just chit-chat with Thom about military games and the MMO experience! I have a dream that the FPS/MMO genre will meld into some amazing RPG games one day, similar to how DayZ has brought those elements to Arma.

  3. COUNT ME OUT - cannot join the game: Corrupt Memory Error #1
    Cannot run Beta/expansion to fix it: JayArma2Lib not compatible version of Arma 2 or some bullshit error
    (downloaded working versions of these mods from the server FTP itself - nothin doin)
    Have fun guys!
  4. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    @Calv alright, that makes sense.

    BTW: I wont be able to attend due to personal issues, see you guys some other time!

    All this worry about command structure, essentially me, and now you're gonna bail? Ha ha ha! I could really use people who know how to play well, so I don't have any desire to micromanage.

    This isn't my first tour in Fallujah either, btw.
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