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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. These posts are very welcome! Thank you for your report. It will happen, from time to time, that the server breaks down into chaos, and it can be hard to get it to recover without an admin present. We all have different time zones, and what is 8 am for me is afternoon for UK. But, aside from in-game admins, there may be a PR admin not in game, but online in the VG Teamspeak somewhere, and you will never know unless you try that route as well. Pop into Teamspeak, look for someone with =VG= tags, and kindly ask if they are able to do anything to help, or if they know someone that can be contacted to help. If no one is available, it is helpful as you did to take pictures and get some evidence so that in the aftermath, =VG= Admins can assess what happened and address specific players and violators of the rules. Please feel free to report here anytime you find an issue that cannot be resolved in game at the time you are playing. Thanks again! !hi
  2. VG Admin aliases should be secret and registered in the admin section, at least once some bans start appearing under them, unless you plan do as Robot said... Non-VG Admins beware: You never know when you are being watched!!
  3. Ah - thank you Gaz. I thought I had missed something there. And on that note - I can't wait to take part in this SHAPE thing. I think I had gotten bored back in the day with constant trials and testings looking for that "one good" mission when all along this type of intercommunity large event operations was what I really thought Arma should be. Looks like others had the same mind and created a system to smooth the process of it all. Looks very pro! !2cool
  4. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... ... will be at the admin meeting tomorrow however. ?? I know I'm not around much, but I'd like to keep up and at least listen in - was just talking with Poff the other day about the previous meeting that I had missed while up in the mountains... Not sure why he wouldn't let me know about this one??
  5. "When the sun's comin up I got cakes on the griddle. Life ain't nuthin but a funny, funny riddle... Thank God Ima country boy!"
  6. not NAKED! Geez, Bob! I do have leaves stuck to my nipples, for shit sake! I'm not crazy! !crazy
  7. When we had one of those Super Moons, I put my digital camera up to the lens of my little 70mm Meade telescope to see if I could capture what I was seeing to share it with you all. That evening, the light was so bright, I didn't need any flashlights or lanterns to see, and everything cast shadows like daylight for several hours while the Moon was over my river valley. Only one of the photos actually focused, and this is it. I have 2 lenses for the scope, and with the strongest power one, I can see the ridges of craters, contour lines and heat waves coming off of the surface of the Moon. I recommend clicking on the photo for full size so you can zoom in and see some detail - it seems only the left portion of the Moon in this photo is in focus, and also note that this would be the right of the Moon to the naked eye as this is a refracting scope (we're looking through a mirror at the Full Moon).
  8. Thanks! Here's where I got my drinking water (still ran it through the "Gravity Works" .2 micron filter system for good measure)
  9. So many photos to sort through, gonna add more posts to this thread in the next few days, but this one I remember taking, I'd chill in this spot often and noticed that each day around 4:20 PM the sun would shine though onto this creek and all the shadows of the Red Alder leaves broke up the orange sunlight making it look like a scene right out of Lord of the Rings or something... (click photos for full size images)
  10. This is Betsy. My Generation 4 Glock 17. It's where I keep my bullets! In the pics also are 59 rounds of FMJ, TMJ, and JHP (some badass LE Remington Bonded rounds made to keep their badassitude even after piercing auto glass or the like). Should have taken off the large grip extension with the beaver tail in the exploded picture, but it didn't come to mind at the time. The Gen 4 also comes with a medium grip extension with a beaver tail, and a medium and large without the tails. After hundreds and hundreds of rounds of target practice this summer, I firmly prefer the large extension with the beaver tail. I suppose you'd have to shoot side by side with an older Glock to notice any difference with the new double spring in the Gen 4, but I gotta say, even with 147 grain, this weapon is extremely controllable even with rapid fire. Also comes with a third mag, which is nice - they cost $50 or more if you don't go somewhere nice like AmmunitionDepot.com or the like. What can I say? I'm in love! Eternal thanks to Eclipse for the dog tags - I wear these with pride every day. I might have to make this pic into a signature or something... While I had the camera out, I had a little fun making an Arma-like shot of my "map page". This is a high-res pic, and can be zoomed in close enough to read much of the map, but the lettering of the GPS coords is too small. The "digital GPS" is my Kindle Fire with US Forest Service maps loaded into it in PDF - very detailed, but dating back to 1994, they show roads that do not exist anymore which can get confusing at times. Interesting notes in this pic, my house in Portland is just off the tip of the Humidity dial, and the camp site where I took this picture is just Northwest of the Compass dial, by the word Oklahoma. That giant river mid-map flowing east to west separates Oregon and Washington - top of map is Washington. I love living so close to the mountains! Makes me feel I'd have a slight chance to get the fuck out of Dodge City if the shit ever hit the fan.
  11. Obviously, this entire page is a function call for spawning, and it evaluates conditions. that line you ask about "_process" becomes a trigger near the bottom of that script page... it is a boolean == true or false. Also, the reason for the ' instead of " is because that section is inside a "compile" format, therefore, any " would be incorrect useage that would indicate the end of the compile format block, so one must use ' instead. I've used compile format a lot, this was my bible: ofpec.com/COMREF/ Those "percent 1" calls always annoyed Poff I remember... They are wildcards that pull the first variable at the end into the compile format at the beginning - so, "percent 2" would be the 2nd listed variable at the end of the code block, in this script, that would be the variable IEDList. (also, the script block for this forum is kinda fubar - page is too wide now...) Best of luck to you! !cheers
  12. Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead Update 1.63 Prague, Czech Republic, Monday 30th June 2014 Bohemia Interactive is pleased to announce the release of update 1.63 for Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead (changelog). Besides the numerous fixes and optimizations which were introduced during the 1.63 beta program which covered almost a 2 year period for this iteration of the engine, the update focuses on the transition of the multiplayer from GameSpy matchmaking to Steam. As you may have heard, GameSpy is discontinuing its services and it was therefore of paramount importance to offer an alternative for the passionate Operation Arrowhead players who have supported our game and our company for so many years. Due to the fact that Steam based matchmaking requires Steam to work, this update is only available through Steam. If you have purchased a retail copy of the game, please do not despair. As announced previously all Arma 2 (including DLCs and Operation Arrowhead expansion) keys may now be activated on Steam. Just follow this walkthrough (link), take your Arma 2 CD key, use it as a Steam product key, and the game will be added to your library. For our other games affected by the GameSpy shutdown, but not updated to work with Steam (Arma 1, Arma Cold War Assault, Take On Helicopters), and also for those players who wish to stick with the older non-Steam version of the game, we have implemented a system to help host and connect to servers even without a functioning GameSpy - http://master.bistudio.com/. Here server owners may add their servers and players may use the listed IP addresses to connect to them. Also to help players overcome difficulties we have added a number of articles for each game to our FAQ (link) and as always our technical support staff is ready to help via support@bistudio.com. For more information about Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, please visit the official website at www.arma2.com.
  13. Yes - we have a dedicated server with a 24/7 Korean War campaign open to the public. Feel free to form up flights or whatever. VG could use some more pilots on the front lines... !cp
  14. Shouldn't this be on a case by case basis? There is a rule about this - it is spelled out as "any disruption to players"... So, when done right and rarely, and not loud volume that is disruptive, who cares - but if you ask someone to cut it out or turn it down, and they do not, ask an Admin to enforce the "no disruptions" rule. I enjoy it too, though I've not played in a long time, when a short bit of a song can be heard over local and it's appropriate (and not overly disruptive) - but I voted no in this poll. It has to be a case by case thing, and if some people find it disruptive, it shouldn't be done around them out of respect for your fellows... JMHO !hi
  15. i was wondering if that thing would roll out okay. I thought that thing looked pretty cool when it was previewed. I wonder if you are having a DirectX issue - you could troubleshoot that by installing the stick on a different PC/laptop and see if the problem is consitent. **Also note - Saitek has always had some issues with it's programming software, to the point where I started making shift state mappings inside the games I used it for, instead of having master profiles created with Saitek Programming Software. I can show you how to manually create a BMS control profile with multiple shift keys and most anything you can do with Saitek, except for maybe Axis Bands with multiple keys at various Axis percentages. There are a lot of resources available to learn this process, and it may look complex at first, Example: SimTriggerFirstDetent 96 -1 -2 0 0x0 0 //CURSOR AND CMS// SimCMSDown 371 1072 -2 0 0x0 0 SimCMSRight 372 -1 -2 0 0x0 0 SimCMSUp 373 -1 -2 0 0x0 0 SimCmsLeft 374 -1 -2 0 0x0 0 ///AutoPilot/// SimToggleAutopilot 104 1076 -2 0 0x0 0 SimLeftAPSwitch 105 -1 -2 0 0x0 0 SimTransmitCom1 106 -1 -2 0 0x0 0 SimTransmitCom2 107 -1 -2 0 0x0 0 SimCommsSwitchLeft 108 -1 -2 0 0x0 0 SimCommsSwitchRight 109 -1 -2 0 0x0 0 but after a few times, you will know what you are doing. I promise you, I am so very thrilled to be able to just launch BMS and it already knows all my keys, shift keys, etc. I lose one or two of my X52 Saitek functions doing this, the 3 "modes" red, green and orange, and that is about it. Video gamey stuff - my stick is still programmed to mimic the actual F-16 HOTAS and all it's functions so the tradeoff is nothing for me. I'll look around for the links to the instructions, let me know if this is something you are interested it. Otherwise, good luck with your battle with Saitek STT Programming Software. !hi
  16. From one BMS pilot to those who only dream when they see this - let me tell you: You don't play this game - you experience it. !cp You will spend your time, for sure, learning your controls whether they match the real HOTAS of the F-16 or whether you find a mouse/keyboard combo that gets you up to Angles 20 - but you will also spend your time experiencing THE MOST REALISTIC F-16 Simulator that any of us PC gamers can get our hands on. This is no DCS - this does indeed have older graphic qualities than modern games have. But I restate: This is THE MOST REALISTIC F-16 Simulator that any of us PC gamers can get our hands on - There exists no other of this calibre. Take my endorsement to heart - if you like flight sims, you owe it to yourself to learn the Falcon. I bet I could walk onto a runway (if cleared) and step into a cold F-16 and bring it not only to life, but to 20,000 feet, and then safely back to earth. This is THE SIM! OOORAH!! !pilot
  17. ^ !lol if a poll could be changed once made, I'd ensure that answer would be added...
  18. from chatbox tankmaster58 =VG=[05 Jun : 17:53] those that fought all over the world we thank you Lest We Forget !medal from chatbox SemlerPDX =VG=[05 Jun : 17:53] Well said. I met one person that was present at the Normandy Invasion on D-Day. Robert Behee - he was at Omaha. He stepped on a land mine. It fizzled. A dud. He was the father to one of the best humans I have ever known, my step-mother Bonnie Behee-Semler. I was young, but I remember Robert - he was very nice, and along with his wife, Mickey, he was a Trapeze Artist for the Greatest Show on Earth, Barnum and Bailey's Circus. Thank you to all those from all nations who fought for freedom! So I thought maybe we could make this into a thread. If anyone has any stories to share or interesting things they can share about D-Day to keep it going, that would be great. The storming of Normandy is so iconic in the minds of us gamers even moreso than the general public as it's been duplicated in our games so many times. Although nothing could ever compare to the real life horror of that heroic push, it can be said that it helps one to appreciate how absolutely terrifying yet absolutely neccessary that historic amphibious assault was. Thank you, Marines! !hi Semper Fi
  19. It is complicated - only thing you can do is read all about it and do some tests yourself. I just don't know how, myself - only with DCS A-10C, not BMS. !hi
  20. The best info on how to connect to the VG BMS is in the TeamSpeak channel for BMS - look in the description to the right of the channel, and it will describe what you need to do to ensure a successful connection. If you continue to experience problems, make a support thread and we will try to troubleshoot your issues there. Good luck and see you around!
  21. *and any war updates, too!! Those who don't fly will still read the headlines on anything going on in the digital war....I know I will!
  22. I LOVE that there is a persistant war going on at VG that anyone ready to fly can pop into. I wish I had the time (and gear at present) to enjoy it. You'll need to enjoy it for me for awhile, so keep the pics coming, and help get the word out that VG has a persistent public Korean War going on for any BMS pilots who want to support freedom in the digital theatre. Feel free to keep the photos coming!! We more than appreciate it! !cp
  23. Wassup! Yea, it's up and running. Report any issues here. !cp
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