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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. That is great work, Fox!!! I see you included the VG Crest, as well! I know you don't have Arma, but if you need some test images, send me the texture file, I'll load a demo mission, and snap some screens for you with it on the Hog. !2cool
  2. Wishlist considerations and update: RE: British vehicles for BAF Pilots - I'd rather cater to the desires of players rather than default on "what was deployed where IRL". BAF air vehicles officially added to Wishlist and will be incorporated somehow, if only just one or two or British varients (CH-47). Addon version (i.e. to include F16/F18/GLT/Mando and whatever else we agree on, is a BIT far off READ: more than 2 weeks) Current Version *update* (RC 0.95) is the current WIP, requires NO addons, should only require Operation Arrowhead, and map CLAfghan; no Arma 2 vanilla elements (sadly, no USMC units or Cobra) [EDIT: I love the Cobra, trivia nut on it's history, and WILL be making a USMC version of this map in the future eventually. Original goal was for MOST open "joinability" version with the public masses in mind, barring no one via game version] RELEASE ESTIMATE RC 0.95: Weekend of 1/27/2012 And, YES, the Camp Branca "teleport flag" UH60 has been locked in an Iron Maiden during the WIP for his crimes; will be released upon version release - if he survives my torture. !crazy Many of your wishlist items are incorporated, non-addons that is. Keep it comin, guys! !hi
  3. Negative - Every marker is present from village to City Center - per conversation with Bon_Inf*. Please continue to investigate, Savage.
  4. Here's the A-10C skin templates example. Read the enclosed readme. This is for everyone, as in, you do not need Arma to work with these texture files. The RAR includes the editing tools pack for Arma and .paa image files. It is called TexView2. Good Luck and Have Fun! Thanks for all the support! armajetskin.rar
  5. Seems very fair. This is if you give them a banner on the site, right? Still - good deal. 3 servers, that many slots....great deal!
  6. @Murder - NWS (nose wheel steering) isn't in the cockpit, it's on the pilot's stick if I'm not mistaken, so you need to press a keyboard button to engage/disengage it. same with Dogfight Mode, Medium Range Missile mode, and Clear Dogfight/MRM mode. (C button - took me too long to find that one!!!)
  7. Wishlist Incorporation Status Report: C130J has been vastly improved. It has nosewheel steering now, can seat every player in the server as well as load a vehicle into it's bay to be paradroped into the field. Soon, it's bluish-green "cabin light" in the rear will be switchable by pilot to Red, Blinking Green, and Solid Green on command. It currently has a RATO system, but sadly I haven't found a way to animate this without a mod (yet). It kicks in when your ground speed is >45 and boosts you just like STO should. turns off after TO. It has ILS (instrument landing system) approach for Runway 33 currently, but is not the way it will be in final version - just a taste. Tested, built, and soon to be added: ILS is pretty much like Falcon 4, or any flight sim; but is also optional (nothing is gonna stop you from violating ATC procedure, but "Que" will know, and tell you!) Tasking for "cargo drop side missions", and all such things are now being routed through my dynamic tasking and resource operations network script. It works in conjunction with queried user elements scripts ("Que") which remember everything about any player that joins and plays on the mission while it is running. (in future, Que will remember all even upon Server Restart) Am about 1200 lines into tasking script, only a page or two into Que's scripts, and ILS/ATC overhaul is nearly just plug-and-play once I wrap up a few other contingent scripts for it. example of Pilot/PlayablePilotSlotID/UserID/SessionID for server to remember about each Pilot slot:  //check if player has already recieved data disc<br />if(time > 60) then {<br />    [player] execVM (Task_Aperture+"checkForDisc.sqf");<br />    waitUntil {(checkForDisc = true)};<br />    if((checkForDisc = true) && (hasDisc = true)) exitWith {<br />        [player] execVM (Task_Aperture+"processDisc.sqf");<br />    };<br />};<br /><br />//Flight Number Assignment<br />_wingNumbers = "";<br />if(_diffP1 == 0) then{<br />    _wingNumbers = "11";<br />    _sessionID = round (random 999999);<br />    _playerUID = (parseNumber(getPlayerUID player));<br />    _discNumber = (_playerUID + _sessionID);<br />    Assigned_Disc = [player, _discNumber, time];<br />}else { I could add some other Heli's after a bit of testing, like the Lynx. You could do this testing, too! Open Single Player Editor, with CLAfghan as the Map. Place down a player(Officer is BEST! has GPS), and a Lynx, or any chopper. Go on a flight. Find it's true ceiling. If you press Map, you can see a GPS unit that shows Direction and Above Sea Level altitude. The sea level altitude of South Airfield is 641m. The Chinook performs well, and has many S to N routes, other heli's are restricted to certain valleys. PMC to be added after current factions and tasking is stable and established. Will have a Squad/Group system in the spirit of Domi, and awesome team games like Project Reality. Is part of the tasking scripts and Que - current WIP. (have been working on this one for some time, as I want to be able to see who is who, and their roles ingame) I wish to have Civilians. Just this standard BIS Module is fine, I got the animals to work,but.... ANYONE! PLEASE! HELP! DL the mission, get the damn civi's to work! From what I hear, something must be done for each "MAP", as in CLAfghan. I hit a wall, moved on to more important things. CANNOT use the GLT F-16; it has been pulled from public download at request of authors, and we'd be dicks to use it and require it. We will use his FA-18 Hornet Addon instead for the Addon version of this mission. And the MRAP, too! Pilot Missions will be separate from main AO. BUT - Soldiers can call for CAP, CAS, TRANS, and MEDIVAC. If no Human Pilots, will be AI responding, otherwise, current pilots (in appropriate vehicle) will recieve the notice (like a supply request as Platoon Leader gets) to respond, and waypoints will be added/tasks added to Pilot. (90 percent done with this script) You wished for it, I did too. Coming this week or next: FULL ATC - From taxi to takeoff, to your return to the outer marker and subsequent landing, ATC will guide you through the pattern, and place you in order of Landing; ATC will fully orchestrate all pilots in a dynamic and ambient automated system - multi-lingual voice over radio, or text only. If you are in a A-10 as the UK Pilot Team Leader, your callsign will change to Hog31. If you switched to a Chinook, you will then be refered to as Buffalo31 by ATC. Outside the outer marker, you will interact with AWACS who can direct you (or warn you) of the nearest known threat, Identify Friend or Foe, Get weather Info, or direct you to the Tanker for Mid-Air refueling. --->Why are you going to the armory Murderface, why is this on the wishlist? You already have a wicked set of Preset Loadouts available where you spawn, I just added pistols to many, and new backpacks. AND all the ammo crates in the Armory are the same: have 247 of each and every weapon, ammo, and item in the game. Make a proper bug report elsewhere if you truly cannot arm at the armory, not here. If you have a Loadout Wishlist item, tell me what kit you use, each item - I'll add it to the current Preset Loadouts available. Chances are, others will also like that kit setup. If you wish it, I will make it happen. Thank you all for the continued input and ideas! This is gonna be the BEST mission! s/f
  8. I love em both! But, I watched that video Murderface posted OVER AND OVER. In fact, I'm gonna watch it a few more times. I don't care what side you are on in a riot, but if you are stupid enough to think you are tougher than the man in full riot gear, rockin a shorty loaded with (hopefully) beanbag rounds, you fucking deserve to get shot point blank in the chest. Seriously, what a fool. I love how the cop keeps walking, just BAM, ok see ya. (might wanna put some ice on that, asshole)
  9. Are you properly installed/patched with Arma 2? Do you also have Operation Arrowhead (or do you have Combined Operations) ? Combined Operations (or Operation Arrowhead) are also required to join VG Arma Servers. From the Arma 2 MultiPlayer Menu, you can see a colored indicator that will let you know which servers you can join based on your current version and addon set. Green is Good to Go, Yellow is Unknown (just try, and if it kicks you, a message will tell you what you are missing), and Red is of course Cannot Join/Version Mis-Match. Check how ours is displayed to you. You will need the Addon Map CLAfghan for the CLAfghan Server Mission, it is far from stock - BlastCoreVisuals, JSRS Sound Mod, and CBA are merely optional. Insurgency Server requires no addons, and allows none. Additionaly, when you click one time on a server, the information at the bottom will tell you details: Current Patch Version running on Server; Online Player Names; Current Addons Active on Server; etc. If you are able to screenshot, it may help me help you better, but try some of the things listed above - let me know how it works. Current Install Order for Arma 2: 1. Install Arma 2 2. Install Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead 3. Run Arma 2 at least once; exit back to desktop. 4. Run Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead at least once; exit back to desktop. 5. If you have BAF DLC Addon Pack, install it. 6. Run BAF at least once; exit to desktop. 7. If you have PMC DLC Addon Pack, install it. 8. Run PMC at least once; exit to desktop. 9. Install the 1.60 Patch (or run Steam update) now. Downloads for BI can be found here, or in our DL section: Arma Patches 9b. Run Arma 2/OA/CO at least once; exit to desktop. 9c. Install the 1.62 Patch (or run Steam update) now. 10. Spend a fair amount of time removing key bindings you will never use for the 20 redundant Arma buttons !lol Complete and Manual Arma Uninstall Order (prep for a clean install): http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?20735.0 s/f
  10. new mission is live. And let me say, the deployable net for MHQ is SICK! I love it! Nap time now....online later.
  11. Already been fixed. Wrapping up a 20 hour session, long overdue hotfixes and incomplete ideas now implemented. Final mission testing as of this writing; v0.94 should be live on the server within the hour. New Changelog: <br />---- 1/17/2011 v0.94 by (TFOR) =VG= CLAfghan COOP Project Team: =VG= SemlerPDX;<br /> =VG= Poffadder; =VG= SavageCDN; and cuel.<br />- FIXED: C130J and CH-47 Statics Were respawning in multiple numbers<br /> - Added if(!isServer) to respawn init<br />- FIXED: Players All teleported to Sniper Training Range, PushBack Teleport Triggers Removed<br />- FIXED: Spelling, Grammer on all texts, notes, and notice boards<br />- REMOVED: bon_settings For pressing T to change View Distance <br />- Not working 100%, and conflicts with RMM NVG<br />- ADDED: View Distance and Terrain Detail Scripts by Sinky. Copyright (C) 2011 Sinky<br />- ADDED: RMM NVG by Rommell; is NVG Brightness Adjuster on PgUp, PgDwn.<br /> End toggles Auto-Adjust Mode<br />- ADDED: Officers can Skip current Mission via Map Radio Command<br />- ADDED: New Config Class: tfor_canExtract is Snipers, Crewmen, Pilots, Officers - <br />can use Map Radio 002 for teleport "extract" to South Airfield,<br /> must be high in hills, >1000m and on ground.<br />- FIXED: Tank Mission spawned tanks on hillsides; will now drive to AO, sometimes long travel time.<br />- FIXED: NEFlag "UH60M MEV" was flying off when current mission AO was also Camp Branca.  <br />  Removed Camp Branca from Mission Possible Locations List.<br />- FIXED: Helicopters weren't servicing fully at Service Stations. see next:<br />- ADDED: Xeno's Vehicle Service Script<br />- FIXED: Ammo Boxes did not dispense ammo/weapons<br />- ADDED: Pistols to many preset weapons kits like snipers, riflemen, and AT soldiers.<br /> SD Kits will have SD pistol. (only one type available in mission)<br />- ADDED: Graceful Teleport to MHQ via South Airfield UH60M MEV;<br /> goes to current location of Stryker MEV<br />- ADDED: Above Sea Level Meter (in feet) to ParaJumpers Altimeter<br />- ADDED: Small Side Missions Hidden throughout Map;<br /> effect certain available skills/assets of OPFOR side<br />- MOVED: Lightpole at Camp Branca - todo: add on/off switches<br />- ADDED: Many Ambient and Functional Base items to South Airfield<br />- ADDED: Ability for Camo Net to be deployed over MHQ; this makes it invisible to OPFOR,<br />  and Vehicle Fuel is 0 when Net Deployed<br />- ADDED: Gcam by Gigan; Only available to certain Admins who produce Arma Videos<br />
  12. Wow! That is awsome! If I were rich, I'd have one in my house, within a week (as declassified as they could make it)! !cp
  13. fa sho. But they are coming down in price rapidly. Watch for sales (or freebies....again, Savage's lucky arse!)
  14. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Just checked mine is OK (667 hours in Arma?? I need a life..lol) Me too...858 hours in Arma and avg. 29+ hours per week. I think it's pretty clear that Arma (and VG) is my life....lol After my family stops playing Monopoly and sells that piece of shit dump on Baltic Avenue, I imagine I'll have even more time to play and improve my favorite PC game. At least I had the good sense to purchase it as a DVD-ROM, as I'm sure I'd go ape-shit if I had session logging problems like you are having, Sarge. I'll keep my "ears" open, but sounds like it could be a personal problem. Perhaps the Steam port got closed again on modem/router? Very odd.....try checking there first, then firewall ports, etc. You can speed tests and route traces online. Good luck, brother. !cheers
  15. Depending on the games you play, there are some specific hardware upgrades that will do well. For Arma, 8GB of data streams off the Hard Drive during gameplay, so many have installed another hard drive, like me, and installed the game there. Some have even used a OCZ SSD (hard drive) to install Arma too, like Savage's lucky arse. I would also add that the hard drives I use for my OS in RAID-0 are Seagate Barracuda's, and their beauty lies in their 16MB buffer and 7200RPM speed. IMO the best consumor priced hard drives for a RAID setup. (RAID-0 is striped array, half data on one drive, half on the other for a 2x read/write performance boost) Summary: A new GFX card is a great idea, and will show instant improvement, but also examine how the data gets to it. You have a great CPU for now, RAM is fine, but can you increase the stream of data beween the 3 key parts up to the limits of the Mother Board? Guess it depends on the games you play. After building an Arma system, I realize that it eats all other games for breakfast...Arma is THE system pusher to date. \
  16. Too bad you can't hold out for the Lumia. Just won an award at the CNET's CES Awards. Nokia Rocks! The Nokia Lumia: http://ces.cnet.com/8301-33370_1-57355595/nokia-lures-photographers-with-new-lumia-900/?tag=mncol%3bcontentBody.4 The CNET CES Awards: http://ces.cnet.com/best-of-ces/?fb_ref=fbrecT&fb_source=profile_oneline
  17. Perhaps your wife would enjoy the Flash Games at the VG Arcade? I know I've lost several hours, for some reason I can't explain, playing those quirky little flash games. That one with the arrow shooting is fun! Good luck on your new system, looks like you have a great direction!
  18. =VG= SemlerPDX

    my rig.

    Nice system! I see the desk has a PC coffin on the lower left. Time to get out the skill saw and give it a 120mm fan in the back, perhaps cut out a slat or two on the door and mount filter foam.... Then again, maybe your PC won't overheat in there... I WANT THAT VID CARD! Timing was bad when I got the 6770, two weeks later, they were all gone and 6870 was nearly the same price! !cheers
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