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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. FRAPS is also a free tool you can use to take screenshots. You can designate a folder for the pics, and any button you wish to use for it. http://www.fraps.com/
  2. Not glossing over your new question, but you are a friend, and a large bit of reasoning is reliability and quality of metal and machined parts. I will, if forced, post pics of blown .357 cylinders and some blown hands, too. Hard to find pics of that with a S&W revolver. What good is a revolver if you can't shoot boxes and boxes of rounds without worry of catostrophic failure resulting in hand or bodily injury? Besides, if you lost your fingers, I'd never get to game with you again, and that would suck ass... !heart
  3. We will make continued efforts to curb distruptive players from messing with players on the server. There is a key point being brought up in this thread, and then glossed over - the PLAYERS have the power, not the teamkillers and asshats. It is 3:30am PST US right now, and I see several =VG= members in the TS3 server. My point is, as the player, you don't need to be an admin. If you poke one of us, we'll nab them. If you screen shot the event, the name, you can be an undercover agent yourself! Your report of flashjack or whoever was great! You can say so much more with a picture, and you'd have no problem continuing to play, not worrying about remembering some dicks stupid ass name. We'll clear it up asap!
  4. I don't like the use of cheap and .357 in the same paragraph. Is this your first handgun, Jarema? Also, I am a S&W fan, and will be for life. Taurus is the only company other than S&W that I would spend money on. But I don't mess around with "cheap" guns, like, no off brand pawn shop iron is gonna grace my hands. Knowing my luck, I'm the guy it will blow up on. My Uncle swore by the S&W .357 with a 4" barrel when he was an MP, and owned it until the mid-90's when some prick robbed the house and stole it. Told me it was designed to be shot at the engine block of an oncoming automobile. He used to tell me his MP stories from the 70's: "First you'd raise your hand at 200 feet, with your right hand on the gun. If he doesn't stop by 100 feet, you pull it and aim it at the grill. At 75 feet, if he still doesn't stop, you put your other hand on the gun, take aim at the grill, and fire. The engine block will crack, and the vehicle will grind to a halt before it reaches you."
  5. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Quick question... how is the frame rate on the server with all this stuff in the mission? Does it still run smooth? Frame Rate is not dictated by number of stuff in mission, but how it exists and where. None of this effects frame rate on the server, because as far as it's concerned, nothing has changed except 20 empty Game Logic Locations have been added. As I've come to understand scripting, that should not affect any change. Most ever single fix and addition runs on player side, and runs well. Some of these scripts are very correctly named that, scripts. They conduct like a musical piece, in time, (one at a time) on the players machine as he interacts with the world that is CLAfghan. When they are finished, they move to the next script or terminate. Most have self fixing segments and redundancy to ensure smooth running over the course of, say, a 20 hour gaming session. I am indeed making this mission with a passion to play it as well. !spite I've gone back and applied these methods to my graceful teleport scripts, here's an example of where the player is teleported to the "SEFlag" which is the Blackhawk MEV. Now, before that happens, the server grabs the "SEFlag" and put's it where it's supposed to be, the new Game Logic "SEFlag_1" placed where it spawns: titleCut ["", "BLACK OUT", 4];<br />sleep 5;<br />player action ["getOut", TCFlag];<br />sleep 1;<br />SEFlag setPos [(getpos SEFlag_1 select 0)+0,(getpos SEFlag_1 select 1)+0,(getpos SEFlag_1 select 2)+0];<br />sleep 1;<br />SEFlag setDir ((direction SEFlag_1) +0);<br />sleep 2;<br />player setPos [(getpos SEFlag select 0)+0,(getpos SEFlag select 1)+2,(getpos SEFlag select 2)+0];<br />sleep 1;<br />player action ["getInCargo", SEFlag]; All these Game Logics merely allow us to add so much Dynamics to the mission, without needless enemy units placed in the editor that the server has to handle. The allow us to add items that don't exist on the server when it starts, and even to add client-side items, too. A good self-fixing script knows when the player is outside it's parameters, "off-script" i guess, and removes all markers or necessary parts that script was to use, were the player to go through it (land, move to created marker, etc.) I look forward to uploading it as soon as I have these last tidbits added (civis, my bandage script, ...)
  6. How about the Finnish language? As I said, multi-lingual support is desired, and you are not the only Finn I've seen play Arma... How about giving them direction in their own language? Can't do it without you... [EDIT: Stereo Mic's are not necessary - ALL sounds must be converted to Mono .ogg files eventually. Just record regularly]
  7. Pastrami =VG= LAN_WROTE ... This sounds pretty cool. I?ll give it a go. Is this just background sound effects, or actual orders the player is expected to understand and follow? Orders, ATC Orders... It recognizes the player, for example, Pilot player slot 1, gives them a wing name and wing numbers, waits until they are in an aircraft and identifies it, assigns a callsign, and directs the player through takeoff, mission direction (away from the main AO), and directs them through the pattern entry upon return to the airfield. There, it checks fuel and damage levels (to offer emergency landing option if appropriate), and if the approach is clear of other aircraft, directs them through landing, service or parking, and back to takeoff. If the approach is not clear, it directs the player back through the ATC pattern, until the it becomes clear. All current "contact" with ATC is via text, but as soon as I publish voice scripts, and get volunteer content, this will be handled by multi-lingual vocalization, like most flight/fighter sim games. Direction even a new player can follow, and that flight sim vets will appreciate!
  8. Calling All Voice Actors! We are looking for volunteers to provide voices for the Air Traffic Control sound effect in our Arma 2 CLAfghan Mission. Sound can be recorded in any fasion, and in any file type. Please do not use any filters or sound effects modifications, as this will be done upon editing for a radio coms effect. There are 45 different lines, and we would welcome entries in English (any accent/dialect), German, and Russian. Further languages will be added later, and implemented as they are submitted. If you would like to participate, please download the .zip file that contains the script in text format below. It includes instructions and directions. Again, record all sounds in one continuous recording, including marked pauses. If you fumble a line, just say it again, (and again if needed) DO NOT restart, and continue reading the script in order. We will have no problem selecting the correct one on the "editing floor". When finished, please package your sound file into a .ZIP or .RAR file and attach it to a PM to me (SemlerPDX). You can also just message me in the VG Chatbox if I'm online, and transfer the file through the chat. *Serious entries only, please! No "fake" accents, or "acted voices" please, just speak naturally. atc_sfx_script.rar I look forward to your submissions, and Thank You!
  9. NEWEST UPDATE!! Air Traffic Control and Sub-Mission Tasking framework complete! Final testing tomorrow morning, live server testing to follow shortly thereafter! It recognizes the player, for example, Pilot player slot 1, gives them a wing name and wing numbers, waits until they are in an aircraft and identifies it, assigns a callsign, and directs the player through takeoff, mission direction (away from the main AO), and directs them through the pattern entry upon return to the airfield. There, it checks fuel and damage levels (to offer emergency landing option if appropriate), and if the approach is clear of other aircraft, directs them through landing, service or parking, and back to takeoff. If the approach is not clear, it directs the player back through the ATC pattern, until the it becomes clear. All current "contact" with ATC is via text, but as soon as I publish voice scripts, and get volunteer content, this will be handled by multi-lingual vocalization, like most flight/fighter sim games. Direction even a new player can follow, and that flight sim vets will appreciate! Upon landing and before takeoff, a pilot data sheet is displayed including number of sorties flown, and other dynamic information. Helpful options are now available during flight, including view distance and terrain detail adjusment, and upon takeoff, you will not "accidently" be able to eject when trying to put your gear and flaps up anymore!! ;) No pilot is grouped with any other pilot, you will never see "flying green diamonds" in the air, this is one tiny level of realism I would like to enforce on our server and our mission, only for pilots. I will have the "voice actors" script written up and posted on the VG forums first thing tomorrow morning, and at this time, more realistically, I can say we'll have a full working "next" version up in less than 48 hours, even if we have to continue with text and not voice acting while that is implemented. Here's a picture of the scripts that make it happen, the meat of it: Landing:
  10. ? MRAP will be added. Did you miss something? Vanilla version cannot support such file size, so it will be part of the addon version. Have you played the mission barclay? Artillery usage is via Platoon Leader, chain of command calls up to him. No point and click artillery will be included. Could use some help with the heavy lifting, as I've blown right past the estimated release date. Minor setbacks compound other minor setbacks, but is learning experience for certain. Further projects will have the benefit of knowledge and past techniques. This is a sort of framework, afterall. The sooner this framework is finished, it can be ported to ACE, ACRE, made to use addons instead of stock vehicles and AI's, all that... First things first. back to work....
  11. and I'm over an hour and a half late....lol. Best leave it to yall and get back to the scripting of CLAfghan...so close!!!
  12. brad0131 wrote ... (on Project Reality's Public Forums) These guys are stupid. They will play with you like their your friends then randomly ban you and not tell you why. Not just from the server but the website to so you can't talk to them or anything. Bunch of assholes cept for Chris and Kiwi. "You can please all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but never all of the people all of the time." I found VETERANS-GAMING well over a year ago, when I was looking for a proper COOP server to bridge the gap between Project Reality Training and Project Reality Deployment in an active "for the win" server. And, now, when I deploy, it is only with them. On COOP, they play with a degree of teamwork and cooperation that makes you forget the enemy is (just) AI. As a matter of fact, the PR AI aren't pushovers, as they will always have numbers that need to be matched with tactics - give them an inch, and they take a mile! I've had my best gaming experiences here, and something more than that because of their rules, structure, and fairness. As stated, a very friendly bunch, welcoming and encouraging to all players no0b or Vet, young or old. Big focus on social networking and losing oneselves in the atmosphere of the game Project Reality has created for us all, and many others, too. It was truly fun and games until I met a different kind of player, the "Turd". On more than one occasion, I was teamkilled for an asset, or just for no reason at all. Needless to say, in a PC game that can take more than 10 minutes to set up and arrive at the front with an organized group, such disruptions can really be a fun killer. As we all know, travel times alone are far longer in PR than the average PC military shooter, even in COOP. Not long after, I began to notice another kind of "Turd". The kind that merely "pushes" the rules, and their boundaries. The type who rely on others and "The Man" to keep them in check - those who have the nerve to "kindly request after-action reports of their language, political correctness, behaviors, and interactions with their fellow man". Basically, the kind who require everyone and anyone else to "parent" them. Yet, just as swiftly as reported teamkillers were removed, other players on VETERANS-GAMING COOP, say arguing or spamming, or any continued disruptors, disappeared from play - only to be replaced with the next online PC gamer to fill the slot. As I began to get to know the members of =VG=, I learned that they have, at all times, an important side mission, beit Mutrah, Jabal, Kashan, or wherever. They are on a perpetual Search and Destroy mission for brad0131. All the brad0131's of the world. To date, =VG= has banned more "brad0131's" than most any server, or website, in the world. They do so with such mechanical precision and practiced methodology that it gives one the impression they are all telepathically linked, and could sense such disruptions before they happen. Obviously, this is not the case - but how could so few give the impression of so many, with such percieved omnipotence? Many would point to the clear and well thought out Rules of Conduct clearly prevelant on the VETERANS-GAMING site, servers, and the beginning of this thread, but the truth is far less superficial. In =VG=, you will find REAL people. Plain and simple. That is the big secret - no mystery, no instant conference, no far-fetched psycic abilities. Just real people that really know each other, and share a common goal of disruption free gameplay, cooperation, and teamwork - a true clan. Not just friends, not just admins enforcing rules, not just gamers with "=VG=" before their online avatar nicks. Many clans have many well run servers, but few clans have as many as VETERANS-GAMING, who push to re-define the lines and definitions of a clan, almost ahead of their own vision if only so much as to witness it's emergence. Military COOP's, Flight/Fighter-Sim COOP's, Source Engine COOP's... After getting to know each and every one of them, I began to make some real friends there. We know each other on a first name basis. Eventually, they invited me into their clan, and I proudly accepted. Only now do I fully understand the drive and passion that keeps the =VG= PR COOP Server clean and populated. It is just that - passion. I am a gamer, we are all gamers, and who among us enjoys having their game time de-railed by non-sensical, lashings out and rantings of those who would rather "push buttons" than truly play the game? Not all comprised of Military Veterans, as some may say the name suggests, but this clan is filled with Veterans of it all - games, life, servers, websites, as well as many true Military Veterans of upstanding nature. They, we, bring it all together because VETERANS-GAMING COOP is not for us, it is for all of you as well. It is to be the "place" we all dream of, to game and joke and laugh, and leave the serious bull of the world back in the world. Join the VETERANS-GAMING COOP Servers and you will be walking into the domicile of your good neighbor. Bring your best manners, as this is the world's stage, and get your game face on! Leave the politics at the door, and think first of the team, as you are now a part of it. For those who choose to bring opposing attitudes through the door, there is only one route, and no amount of appeal to peers local or throughout the entirity of the PC Gamers social networks will re-open that door to you. As reference, I invite you (age permitting) to view the opening scene of the movie "The Dirty Dozen". Play the game, if you mess up, apologize, we take it all in stride. But past that, there is no "I'm sorry". To quote the single greatest speaker of our time: "fool me once, shame on..... shame on you. Fool me...... ..... ...you can't get fooled again."
  13. Wow...sounds like there's plenty available in Friendswood, TX. !drag Used to be the main opponents of legalization were the textiles and paper industry...odd that a digital company (google/youtube) would care about written news and clothing fibers hurting their profits. Why do they even have a stance? Bastards!
  14. No shit. I ain't got no fuckin skirt and purple hair! My e-Soldier rocks BDU's and a Mk17 EGLM RCO!
  15. WOW! I though you were gonna bite it at about 8 min! Exciting!
  16. Well said, PITN! AK for the bug out bag is priority! And a few good field manuals won't hurt, either!
  17. Better than coffee? I gotta check this out... !coffee
  18. I couldn't do better myself if I put a piece of white paper on my monitor and traced the guns images.
  19. Wow, thats some cool music, too! I though he was coming in a bit fast, but he was pulling a touch and go, not a full landing. Love the green lights on the tail and body! Futuristic!
  20. From CLAfghan Project Docs: Here is our project team list of to-do's. I decided to make it public on the off chance that someone other than PITN, Savage, or Poffadder may wish to work on a part of our project. Have fun! SemlerPDX is working on: ILS system, Snipers can take off/put on Ghillie suit(unit type switch between FAC and Sniper/Spotter class) Adding tasking system to Aircraft. Squad Compositions and start locations (including RESPAWN WEST location) completely changing, along with ?teleport flags?. SemlerPDX would rather work on/get onto: If you would like to help, grab one of these and have some fun! Pick one, copy paste to your ?is working on?: The ?simultaneous side missions? project for Crewmen and Pilots (and maybe snipers, too!! IED?s ; Add ?puzzle solve? diffuse to IED?s instead of just scroll menu click Tanks to have uphill ?turbo? : examine STO scripts and apply to tanks in such that tank can always accelerate to 40 and after that speed the turbo kicks off again (if needed, set it as a scroll menu switch i.e.: Uphill Turbo On, and it just turns off after a bit). Tanks to have FLIR for Driver, only while inside, not 3rd person. Vehicle FLIR script on Armaholic is good example. Tank Gunner to have control of ?parking brakes? - make it so he can inhibit driver from moving while he?s aiming Tank missions for sub-tasking (dTRON and Que): what, where, how many? Same for snipers - what where, how many? Keep it simple - loc = random logic location per task type; (already added the just assume each has 6-10, I?ll paste in their names into your scripts= make an array with dummy names forthe loc types); spawn _x typeOf _y; create marker and task for local player, give the spawned enemies a waypoint or not depending on task/player type. Increase the bleedout time - players dying just as help arrives cuz map is so big - give it another 30-45 seconds The Littlebird is the ?new? scout chopper for the vanilla version, obviously we?ll be using the Kiowa in the addon version. For now, I think we could script some fun additions to the AH-J6. If we can?t script a LASER as a weapon, how about giving the Co-Pilot or Pilot use of the SOFLAM designator? Just a thought...check in the LDL systems for ideas and proof of concept testing. JETS to have Retro Rockets or Brakes - examine STO script for examples of velocity manipulation Mid Air Refuel Tanker with flagpole out it?s bum to simulate the refuel boom. can be animated using a loop and increasing ?setPos? to extend it from C-130 Switch for A-10 textures. This is for the Addon Version, as tex files are as big as the entire mission. Need a switch menu, though. eventually. All can construct basic burm or sand bag emplacement More construction options basedon #players near SL? Check camo deploy scripts under scripts for ways and means RMM_NVG Still not working?! Add as addaction when button "N" pushed for fuck sake! or something....geez! Player IR Strobes are disappearing after RSPWN Vehicles to have Tire Repair Scripts Tanks can be fixed to some extent by Crewmen - not engine! Players can bandage, lasts for 5? minutes, then health returns to previous or at least 30%(use if/then or switch). example: Make it an ?addaction? if health is at/above 0.01?. _player = this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _remHealth = player (get his health syntax); player setDamage 0; sleep 300; player setDamage _remHealth; remove action _id; BlackHawk Down Mission - make wreck burning, give pilot smoke at pos or ir strobe at/near pilot Apache no ammo unless 2 pos are MP players - i may need to do this one, as you guys don?t have dTron and Que scripts yet (and a mission sqm with their logics) BAF Aircraft - lets get a few on the list for the BAF enthusiasts. I don?t really care about ceiling and crap, they can use valleys at their own risk. Change deploy distance of Rally Points from AO: current 600; proposed: 300 Addon Version Note: As soon as these taskings and Que memory functions are complete, addon version is getting built - as in within 1 month. Need to finalize our content for the ?VGMod? pack. which Fighter Jet to use, necessary weapons functions and loadouts chosen, and any other mod type addon. We will have our own custom skins addon pack for all air and land vehicles, and will be increasing use of voice actors , music and sound effects to replace many hints, parsetext formats, and title cut messages.
  21. Great to hear you have access to Arma. Sounds like you really know what you're doing, certainly way more than I would! People are gonna be blown away when they see teeth on the A-10! Sorry I haven't got those terrain color pics to you, I totally spaced on it (I should always write these things on a Post-It note, or at least win7 Sticky Note so I don't forget) TTYS!
  22. Welcome to the site, bro! Hop on to TeamSpeak3 and look for flyboys in any Falcon/BMS channel - you'll be joined eventually if no one is yet on. Also, our global chatbox and VG Chatrooms are a great way to talk to people here who are online (and you can connect it to facebook, too!). Hit up BLuDKLoT, I see him post up in the chatbox when trying to organize an MP Flight. Good luck! !cheers
  23. Bugger likes to blast his burners on a BARCAP...what a bastard. lol. give him 3 drop tanks and 6 slammers - maybe he'll last the full 32 min. Isn't "artificial intelligence" such a presumtuous term? The intelligence part, I mean... !pilot
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