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Everything posted by Vanillapop

  1. Go through comments, looks at dates, sees 12..... keeps reading, wait a min 2012? Damn lol
  2. If our server goes up and running I'd be happy to be apart of the organization and enforcing some sort of team play, if every squad leader was a VG member for a bit until people get how the server runs that would be awesome. We will probably also be the people who transform squad into a game where it is supposed to be.
  3. If VG needs any help in sourcing products and companies I can definitely help with that, I have a couple of years of experience running shopify stores and building them for others.
  4. In real life Canada does not have any attack helicopter that fit the role of what a cas heli is, the griphon was designed in two types one to transport and one to provide Aerial escorts to other helicopter dropping off troops or for evacs, it's a defensive role. That's why it doesnt fit well in pr because we just kill and dont provide real life scenarios. For the game tho it is a cas helicopter, it's simple for me, if it has a cas symbol in the map loading screen or drop down menu its cas.
  5. Made a little compilation of some of my cas runs, hope you enjoy.
  6. Go with your gut if the system you buy lasts you another 5 to 7 years definitely go for that.
  7. If you live in the United states you probably have crazy black Friday deals going on rn, so you should shop around a little, also I'm more of a person who leans on amd systems, since the cpu is great and also cheap, if you pick amd dont go lower then a ryzen 5 3200, ryzen 7s are at a great price rn for getting a deal but it's not needed, if you find a system with a good graphics card and a ryzen 5 under your budget you can upgrade to a 7.
  8. No game is good if you cant build a giant penis in it
  9. Can you some transport helos? Some great foreplay might take place.
  10. I've heard it many times from players but when I run a map with a supposed server crashers and it is set it does not crash.
  11. Point taken guys I'm getting a couple of marketers to write up a description for me and I'd love some help on how to write it too, today im off to some metal shops to get see if they can make the prototype.
  12. http://kck.st/2ITJ4Z8 Hey guys kickstarter is up and running I hope you guys like it.
  13. Not up and running yet but hopefully in a week everything is set up.
  14. Lol sorry just got a little too busy, I went with the rod and retractable hooks
  15. So I got someone on fiverr to draw a simple product design for me, now I'm in the process of getting it drawn it autocad, kickstarter is under review and contacted a few manufacturers who are waiting on the autocad design so far so good just finishing up a website in a few days.
  16. Thanks for the legal stuff semler, I am in the process of forming the company and getting my idea on paper so I can go get it a patent hence why I'm not disclosing too much info on here
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