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Everything posted by Vanillapop

  1. Sometimes it feels like I'm playing against bots lol
  2. Always makes me chuckle when people shoot at anything with 4 wheels and get blasted in the face with he
  3. I'm talking about when you call the laze and a marker shows up on the map, but it doesnt on coop
  4. Is there anyway we can have markers to stick longer? I like to play as a spotter for cas and the markers dont stick when you request an action, same for when you spot tanks or infantry.
  5. We got downgraded from an ssd to a floppy disk.
  6. Exactly what I thought, I dont know why these guys though this way, probably dont have a clue about life in the army. If anything it's more benfitial then most civilian jobs, medical/dental 20 vacations days for a private right off the bat, paid education, and alot more with a minimum 35k (CAD) starting salary while you're in basic and it just goes up from there.
  7. So I am currently in the process of joining the canadian forces, communications reserch operator, combat engineer & intelligence officer are the three postings I applied for. The weird thing is what my friends and family think of it, for one alot of them thought that the military does not pay you when you become a member, I was baffled when I heard that and then I asked more and more people if they thought so, and yup they thought you dont get paid. Just wondering if any of you had friends who thought so too? Maybe this is why alot of people are not intrested and are just miss-informed?or it's just a canadian culture thing. Alot of my friends also though the only thing the military does is infantry stuff and killing and that just scared the shit out of some people, like there are alot of trades and jobs in the military then just fighting. Have any of you vets or military members experienced this?
  8. Y'all really be missing out on some awesome moments
  9. No problem man I'll see if I can get an event started to run every weekend and will get a calendar going.
  10. Any VG member or just any of our players intrested in playing on deployment? I'd like to run a squad with people ik and it makes it more fun since we are chill here. I'll be on discord deployment whenever I'm on.
  11. Vanillapop

    Boom boom

    Havent posted a video in a while so I decided to pull some footage together. Enjoy
  12. Damn ccp taking over beating them too much on the server.(im a criminal now)
  13. To ad to this I did see this posted in pr bug forums, and was basically told to suck a nut. I too had a crash on bamyan twice while flying the a10 both crashes happened immediately after firing the brt brt gun.
  14. Traffic makes absolutely no sense in this game, mostly due too the commercials and services provided, like there are hundreds of garbage trucks moving around my city all throughout the day. And the industrial guys are sending out more then a 100 vehicles on the streets every day
  15. I think I figured it out, it was downloading mods on the background so it had to wait for that.
  16. Any fix too the black loading screen at the start? Been stuck on it for an hour
  17. Yaaaa, I got a channel too, vanillapop games We can all collab our footage for events
  18. Sign me up for red for squad lead, also steam I'd is vanillapop. I'm on the VG steam group @=VG= Vanillapop you got mail, I need to confirm your SteamID is correct. Kav.
  19. The problem was you were shooting AA missiles in main in the first place. while you wait for the banning admin to reply, I'd strongly suggest you take a look at our rules. https://veterans-gaming.com/index.php?/server-rules-project-reality-co-op/
  20. The drag body stuff is for squad, so I think someone just took squads updates and pasted it there, plus that isnt posted on prs forms.
  21. Got a new video going took advantage of the title w
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