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=VG= Ingo

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Ingo

  1. Hey, il join for old times sake, infantry preferred
  2. just a headsup dying light doesnt run really smoothly on my gtx 970 its a bad pc port by the looks of it.
  3. all the way from small to capital, but sadly you cant fly the capital ships :(
  4. Would like to test this mission on friday or saturday with a few people to see how it runs and how everyone likes it http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25783 mods needed All In Arma AGM CBA Alive Task force radio Optional Jsrs blastcore sthud
  5. =VG= Ingo

    Hardware upgrade

    Currently looking at a new gpu and a ssd gpu: http://arvutitark.ee/est/TOOTEKATALOOG/ARVUTIKOMPONENDID-Graafikakaardid-VGA-Nvidia-GeForce-GeForce-900-Series/Asus-GeForce-GTX-970-DirectCU-II-4GB-GDDR5-OC-STRIX-STRIX-GTX970-DC2OC-4GD5-130248or this http://arvutitark.ee/est/TOOTEKATALOOG/ARVUTIKOMPONENDID-Graafikakaardid-VGA-Nvidia-GeForce-GeForce-900-Series/GeForce-GTX-970-Gaming-4GB-GDDR5-OC-GTX-970-GAMING-4G-132555 ssd: http://arvutitark.ee/est/TOOTEKATALOOG/ARVUTIKOMPONENDID-Kovakettad-HDD-SSD/OCZ-SSD-SATA25-480GB-ARC-100-ARC100-25SAT3-480G-OCZ-124727 or this http://arvutitark.ee/est/TOOTEKATALOOG/ARVUTIKOMPONENDID-Kovakettad-HDD-SSD/CRUCIAL-SSD-SATA25-512GB-W-ADAPTER-CT512MX100SSD1-107039 what do you guys think? suggestions are welcome :P
  6. ciro should have a working VG arma 3 squad xml, you should ask him.
  7. pvp is where the fun (frustration) is at. coop is just a turkey shoot :P
  8. have they edited the insurgency since last time?
  9. its running great and it would all be red and black but my ram is yellow :D
  10. thats my carpet that is probably from the 70s :D
  11. ITS ALIIIIVEEEE https://www.dropbox.com/s/mcucyi6h0iuvukw/IMG_3247.JPG
  12. im gonna go with the formula. thanks for the help ciro
  13. buying a 4670k soon and im open for suggestion for a motherboard price range is around 300 euros http://arvutitark.ee/est/TOOTEKATALOOG/ARVUTIKOMPONENDID-Emaplaadid-LGA-1150-emaplaadid305 thats the list of motherboard available for me.
  14. anything i can do to help get the servers back up? i know im not a tech wizard but how hard can it be to install a game on a server lol :D
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