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=VG= Ingo

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Ingo

  1. if we open up the server i would like to see a only pilots can fly script getting kinda tired when trying to lead a infantry squad and then someone just flies off
  2. who needs body armor when you have swag #yolo :D
  3. it looks beatiful :D at first the movement and stuff was weird but after a fer hours you get used to it and it feels really smooth.
  4. =VG= Ingo


    i would suggest putting the age limit to 18+ just so we dont seem like some underage noobs :P
  5. what server are you trying to join and are you running any mods?
  6. alright get back on topic the loadouts are for quickly getting gear and sorting your stuff out if you dont want to use it then dont, like wooz said there is a weapon box with the mk16 and mk17.
  7. also removing the flashbangs and pistols would be a good idea since not a lot of people use them and can be picked from the crate and nvram your loadout is too "specops" like and regular army guys don't get silencers
  8. well one way to go would be without the loadout thing since a lot of people have their own "custom" loadout and get most of their stuff from the box anyway (and forcing people to use preset things will just result in angry people) like some carry extra medic supplies and others just carry lots of grenades or remove all the "crap" the loadout thing gives you and just keep the rifle, backpack, a few medical supplies and some ammo and let the people customize it and add the stuff they want from the crate.
  9. pitn what server were you on testing it the database one?
  10. there are some big ass size hescos called warfare walls i think.. we could ad a few of those in also looks like the NOMAD is the cause for most of the low server fps issues
  11. quick hint building a fob with requesting everything in by choppers kills the server in 3 minutes ...
  12. the removing planes is not an attack on you guys it just when we were playing yesterday at the start of the game someone took off with the A-10 and 5-10 minutes later the server fps went down from 49 to 35, when nobody is flying that drop usually takes about and hour. I know some of you guys like flying but maybe just add a few more restricted rules to the planes :P also what did you guys think about the new weapons box? any reasonable "ranger" weapons missing?
  13. i know this suggestion might come weird but i think we should remove the jets as they are not being used correctly and pretty much just lag the server when someone just flys off and activates most of the AI.
  14. its all good lol :P i was searching the internet about mgo attach but i didnt find anything..
  15. the weapondesk only works with the m4a1, a quick suggestion would to just add all the weapons we wanna use in a scripted box and remove all the attachment scripts and magic box
  16. looks promosing especially this Changed: MP: Dayz servers are now visible if and only if the Dayz mod is active.
  17. so what does the beta patch really do? make it smoother? break already broken and fixed stuff or does it fix anything lol
  18. so is the database up and is it running the proper missions?
  19. yeah i made a ammocrate for reshmaan with m4, m16, saws, mk16, mk17 and some snipers and marksman rifles so we have a limited weapon choice.
  20. oh lol i didnt know faysh was smaller than reshmaan but it has less mountains and citys lol also is it possible to edit the MGO attachment script to not allow players to pick TWS scopes? because when playing yesterday i realised how many people use them and it kinda makes it too easy
  21. faysh is a good map but i think it is too big for mso and a good idea would be to have 2 maps one would be reshmaan with the ranger and the other one maybe podagorsk, celle 2 or some kind of woodland map with the marines to keep it interesting also is it possible to use the upsmon AI script on mso?
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