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=VG= Ingo

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Ingo

  1. So most of you know we used to have a ace insurgency server and i am asking here if it would be possible to put it back up since it was kinda popular and not many people play the I44 mod anymore
  2. honestly we dont need a new mod for our servers. We need ACE back! that shit was fun and popular.
  3. thats right modern combat is released moddb link : http://www.moddb.com/mods/company-of-heroes-modern-combat download it install it and play it :D
  4. yes. but will the arma servers stay on the uk box?
  5. =VG= Ingo

    New phone

    so yeah i need a new phone because my old nokia broke lol :D(yep i broke a nokia) right now im looking at a Samsung Galaxy S, it has a good price and nice performance but if you guys know anything better suggest :P
  6. to any mmorpg fans Aion is going free to play in february ! http://www.aionfreetoplay.com/website/
  7. blud you should move to Estonia nice little country :D so when sopa gets passed what happens? im sorry havent reade much about it.
  8. =VG= Ingo

    New System

    SSD's in raid 0 dont get much performance increase since they have a really high read and write speed. im running my windows and some of my games on my SSD and the first thing you notice is your startup time and arma runs so damn smooth.
  9. =VG= Ingo

    New System

    since you're an arma player i suggest you get a nice SSD for your games or your windows and games.
  10. from what i know crossfire works whit the same series only like you can crossfire a hd6970 whit a hd6950. and a quote from wikipedia : However GPU's not in the same hundred series cannot be crossfired successfully. (e.g. a 5770 cannot run with a 5870)
  11. ok then lol :P was just saying it because the hot air from the cpu might overheat the gpu but then again the cpu doesn't get that hot .
  12. i think you put the cpu cooler the wrong way lol the hot air is supposed to go up or i might be wrong :D
  13. you should be able to join both of the servers whitout any mods running oh and the to join the domination server you have to have arma 2 combined ops
  14. yes you can toggle the flashlight whit T i dont know about the laser :P
  15. bot flipped a T-34 and semler chillin :D
  16. so anyone will be able to play is since its open beta?
  17. =VG= Ingo

    GPU advice

    then how about a hd 6970 or 6950 , gtx 560 or 570
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