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=VG= Ingo

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Ingo

  1. =VG= Ingo

    The Walking Dead

    it was good but some places got boring i mean every episode had a few places exactly the same like the guy talking to his wife and son lol
  2. how the bloody hell can it land on 2 wheels :D the view was amazing
  3. 24 is more than enough on the new cod maps cuz they are smaller :D i remember playing mw2 18 players hardcore was a mess lol
  4. how about you post your complete computer specs first to see what graphics card it can handle
  5. since the gamespy thing alot of player loose connection when the map changes. i think thats the main reason why its empty
  6. VG has now got a Steam group : http://steamcommunity.com/groups/veterans-gaming? join it :)
  7. guys please add me i can't add you cuz i dont have any games lol its : darkdude1992
  8. tip tip please make the survivor spawns so that they dont dissapear lol will be more coop then
  9. The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable.
  10. i was hungry and was looking for a banana
  11. oh damn lol may the force be with you :D
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