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=VG= Ingo

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Ingo

  1. also whats the final verdict on some of the RH weapon packs?
  2. a paradrop with a t-10 would mean a safe lz far away from our objective and we had a hot lz when we did this
  3. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?96247-Mraps&highlight=maxxpro what do you guys think about that big ugly thing
  4. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17246&highlight=RESHMAAN reshmaan really big and really nice map
  5. celle looks kinda cool, wonder what kind of performance it will get
  6. what do you guys think about trying out faysh khabur for MSO ?
  7. if we get our own server and get people playing then i am willing to play with you and DIE FOR MY FREEDOM! lol
  8. yes we have an army and nothing special about it lol
  9. thanks guys and its a logo of one of our army platoons or what you call it lol
  10. Hi guys i have this image that i need a bit bigger and sharpened up, can anyone help me? resolution should be 377x377
  11. aah killing floor and its twisted events, LOL at brother sparky :D
  12. well it was fun playing with you dman, hope you dont disappear and drop by sometimes.
  13. in steam right click on your operation arrowhead then go properties, set launch options and put -mod=@VTE;@UNS;@MBG_NAM;@ACRE;@JayArma2Lib;@brg_africa;@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA
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