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VG Clan Members 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= STRONTIUM-DOG

  1. Hay CNJ dead hopping, well i hope you don't have to, eat the passengers MREs hahah, have fun flying about : ) good pilots, will be missed xx A gift for the cockpit, hope it makes things easier HatcoUGFF Ultra-Glo" Portable French Fry Warmer Price$345
  2. nothing new..... then all's well, : ) see ya sooner Robocop xx
  3. Looks like it will be a nice clean by the book round, i'm in good, form and all SQs functioning, give me a hard on. : )
  4. WOW complicated interesting, uploading ??? what happened to blowing it all up ?
  5. Never laugh at another mans mule. haha
  6. Drives are cheap, a full head of hair is expensive hahaha i built my PC for PR its all computers are good for : ) Hows the beast Burt, did you get her running yet. My best option is 2 Nvidia cards with cross fire, so you can double up. they split the work load and run well. Ya Gotta get Win 10 or life will be made hard for you by the Gates foundation, If your OS ever looks at you side ways hit the built in factory reset button, there just like cell phones now. resetting the OS is like a clean install. then only install PR : ) IT COWBOY forever i went to the Gates Foundation once.
  7. I say dump the bugged maps, i think we just have 2. and they wont be missed.
  8. I'm going with dedicated drive, OS settings for PR only. then its easy to workout any bugs, and then its stable for the next up date. lol BOOT PR DRIVE- head bending wire gimp brain lock eek eek hahah. i'm a simple man
  9. LOLSSS i had to use that air port lots for 5 years, it undulates as well as bends hahah the other ones , near by end at the sea, and start at the sea, splash woof
  10. Love to fly, as you can jump out of the aircraft and go weeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee like a bird. As a pilot do you still have to eat the same food as the passengers, and do you get to sleep with more of the cabin crew, than the passengers, ? im working on a jet pack hahahah
  11. HO HO Ho Double 

    Try to go easy on the Weaklings, some have thin skin and fluffy tails. hahah 


    You Omnipotent Brain :)

    VG SD     




    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      WOW a new religion, i'm in, i could do the psyops, and recruit models for better hides. : )    

    3. Double_13


      Nono child prostitution is not allowed. And remember no touching the children. 



      LOLZ hell has no bounds then. 

  12. Merry Christmas,,,, cipher bot node calculators Best wishes for the coming year of PR joy A special gift for Double 69
  13. That will keep your back straight Jarsons, This is mine, its my mood music hahahah
  14. And the temple of the psychic youth, and BOB and the temple of the sub genius Genesis P-Orridge hahahahah Hell has no bounds as well. so under ground the moles don't even know about him. I prefer Catholic girls, Pray with me )10010010001010001010 Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death Amen. Joy and room to maneuver. : )
  15. Metal is RAW poetry............... And you have to see this funny film about British metal hahah where amps go to 11 , not 10
  16. Radio =VG= 


    Needs some  South African heart beats 

  17. From my GF Subject: Where is my Elvis?... hahah so hes been my role model, i will skip the death by loo burgers tho, 1010101000110011. lolz Lets start a PR Radio Station, page/playlist. there will be less moaning, pages : ) The beauty is in the difference...
  18. As i see it, if you die then the next man, can get an upgraded kit, and take out the tank. so its better not to die at all than play swap my pants in a war zone hahahaha.... LOL,look just all give up the its mineeee thing and adopt the if you die say goodbye rule. goodbye to your own patch and frags and nube tube, its just better for the fight. Its a numbers thing. nothing personal. hahahhaha And no SQ likes rat bot players, running all over taking the better kit and full ammo and max points hahah thats enough payback. : )
  19. As a militant anarchist i am a fan of any non main stream, Jedi rebel scum stuff. I might suggest another road,,,,, with more women : ), more light, like the Yard Birds or the Bettles PUNK is way tooo spiky for me but i know all the bands, from the oldddd days. Here are, some for better or worse. "God save the Queen",,,,,,,,,"and her fascist regime," LOVE MUSIC all music And i know you love french things that are a bit weird hahahaahh so this will keep you occupied.... lols x 3 For rehabilitation and reorientation.....
  20. Need more goats and chickens, but a nice off grid set up : )
  21. Im late back, but not to late to wish Vince, eternal peace with his maker, he was a good man, dependable, soft spoken, and hard working. i'm sure he got a first class thicket, to heaven. and one day we will all see him again. REST IN PEACE James I Love you always.
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