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About SerEvergreen

  • Birthday 04/12/1990

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  1. Wow that was so unfortunate. And the Su-25 wasn't even flaring, nor were you guys technically in a furball.
  2. Actually saw Cap'n Cook flying in Deployment the other day, so I guess he learned well and graduated from coop, at least for trans.
  3. With those patterns above having real chances of being replicated, this is definitely useful information to know. I'll keep this in mind.
  4. Them hashtags are very important for the quick inquiries of useful information! ## At any rate, looks like what happened might have been a string of unlikely coincidences that I was "lucky" enough to encounter. Here's to hoping I don't run into such events again.
  5. There was no discernible pattern in time or which map ran before Jabal Al Burj - Alt in my instances.
  6. Recently, I have personally encountered server crash on loading Jabal Al Burj - Alt multiple times. I would like to know if anyone else has experienced this frequently and consistently, and if so, maybe we should remove it from the map rotation until we can investigate the cause and fix it.
  7. Gotta say, the fact that they have dedicated a lot of time and effort these past years in order to reverse engineer Frostbite 3 and write a wrapping editor for it, from what I can see, is much credit to them. I really hope that EA/DICE do not aggressively go after them legally in the future, and that their endeavor can bear fruit for all of us to enjoy.
  8. Per Double_13's request from another thread: Observed two maps where flying out to the South-West, South and South-East borders of the map crashes the server: Bamyan and Bijar Canyon.
  9. "Sahel" is correct, since Its supposed to be sahel_beta gpm_coop 64, which is this map layout. Strange to not see it on our maplist.
  10. While these are all fun and valid criticisms of the game engine's limitations, regarding the original "invisible bug" point, due to the scripted requirement to be in a squad in order to man assets, it does in fact make it easier to know who is one-manning. Unless you have proper knowledge of which asset type is strictly for bots/players on a given map, by scanning through the players manning asset(s) and accounting for them on the map, you can tell immediately that a player is one-manning if they appear manning an asset but cannot be located through choosing them on the map or squad management panel. I have been using this method, since first noticing the related limitation, to effectively pinpoint one-manners and encourage them to go back and man assets properly, or take administrative actions against them if they become uncooperative.
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