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Everything posted by =VG= STARK

  1. Yep , thanks was good fun, the minefield was a nice touch : )
  2. Can i go Charlie Reserve Rifleman please if ok.
  3. Thanks for setting up was good fun , enjoyed it. The briefing was hilarious like being back at school. Polish had to fire a round in the briefing area to gain some order lmao.
  4. Rifleman for Franklin 2 reserve please if possible.
  5. Basic rifleman if possible thanks don`t mind which squad .
  6. Thanks for setting up the training, sorry i dropped out so quick , not enough prep work my end and some mental issue's : )
  7. Do i leave TS3 set to push to talk or change to voice activation to use TFAR coms . Bit confused , thanks.
  8. Can i jump in as a basic role Rifleman or Marksman also please if possible. Many Thanks.
  9. Nice to see the old maps , thanks .
  10. VGAF 120th VFS (Virtual Flying Squadron). =VGAF= 120th VFS (Virtual Flying Squadron) =VGAF= 120th VFW (Virtual Flying Wing)
  11. Logistical Support role if possible , thanks Pew for setting up.
  12. Hi SteelRonin! Welcome , see you on the battlefield.
  13. Map : Sebeneh STD. Issue : Shilka AA now spawns under the canopy at Main base . There is no headroom to enter vehicle. Need to push shilka away from the canopy with truck to make room to enter.
  14. Standard Rifleman for Alpha please if possible .
  15. A few of us crashed to desktop multiple times yesterday on Ascheberg map . Was fine when next map loaded.
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