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=VG= kovac

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= kovac

  1. So, now I'll have to see you here too? When life gives you grief, make the best of it... Welcome, banana eater:
  2. Hi everyone!!! Yes, I miss old granadier, like they said: It requires players to have some type of strategy to avoid dying when the grenades fly (from the most novice to the most experienced), improving the sniper would have the same function: to stop running around the field like crazy. I think these changes are important because it radically changes how to attack or defend. The issue of CAS or TRANS flights, because if you fly over enemies or over AR/AA it is and should remain very risky.
  3. Hello, I played with you, welcome to this wonderful group. I see you on the battlefield.
  4. My favorites maps Gulf of Oman, Daqing Oilfields and Zatar Wetlands See you guys!!!!
  5. Amiguito este servidor es el de Veterans-gaming coop y estas pidiendo desbaneo de server [ESP] LATAMSQUAD ?

    no es lo mismo hermano, nosotros no tenemos server en deployment solo en cooperativo, verifica primero desde donde no puedes jugar.

  6. Hey fellas. I have installed arma 3 today, so I am ready when you need my "skills", I ask you for a little patience I have little time and I am trying to know the game well. So, we'll see you for the next event!!!
  7. Welcome GLassboy, will we see in the field
  8. Hello everyone, in January I changed my cpu for a new one, and it was updated to windows 11 and since this has happened the game crashes more frequently than normal. I don't know if they have something to do with that.
  9. Hello everyone, is the installation of Arma 3 is the standard one or do I also have to install some additional mod of equipment or vehicles to be able to play with you? Thanks for the answers!
  10. Hola dani, solo para recordar esto: [2022-11-27 02:59] !BAN performed by '=VG= 0100011000101' on ' Dani_warrior': tk in main [2022-11-27 02:55] !RESIGN performed by '=VG= 0100011000101' on ' Dani_warrior': You have a duplicate squad, please join the first squad created [2022-11-26 19:39] !KILL performed by ' hellcruizer' on ' Dani_warrior': not complying [2022-11-26 19:39] !WARN performed by ' hellcruizer' on ' Dani_warrior': RETURN TO BASE & WAIT FOR GUNNER NOW! [2022-11-26 19:38] !WARN performed by ' hellcruizer' on ' Dani_warrior': Your vehicle needs 2 people to operate! Return to base now! [2022-11-26 19:37] !RESIGN performed by ' hellcruizer' on ' Dani_warrior': You are not in the correct squad to use that vehicle! [2022-11-26 19:36] !WARN performed by ' hellcruizer' on ' Dani_warrior': only apc or mechanized can use that asset [2022-11-26 01:56] !RESIGN performed by '=VG= 0100011000101' on ' Dani_warrior': You have a duplicate squad, please join the first squad created [2022-11-25 21:32] !RESIGN performed by ' nabil999' on ' Dani_warrior': You have a duplicate squad, please join the first squad created [2022-11-23 16:38] !WARN performed by ' hellcruizer' on ' Dani_warrior': useless inf squad [2022-11-21 00:23] !WARN performed by '=VG= Kavelenko' on ' Dani_warrior': You are not in the correct squad to use that vehicle! [2022-10-18 16:20] !RESIGN performed by ' EuroStep' on ' Dani_Warrior.net': join infantry hiciste un tk en la base, por tu comportamiento te sugiero y muy seguramente te van a repetir esto: Lee las reglas del servidor con mucho cuidado!!! https://veterans-gaming.com/server-rules-project-reality-co-op/ suerte con tu petición de desbaneo
  11. It raises the level a bit, but nothing that cannot be countered with greater caution when taking shelter inside a building or another place (thus leaving the overconfidence for being only "bots"), I was surprised with the change (hell, what aim of these guys, I said to myself), the same subject of the manpads.
  12. Some time ago I had a conversation with alucardednoc (it is not a violation of his trust) about the IA of the bots, his opinion and in which I totally agree is, you can raise the bot as much level as you want, the problem is that that means that the bot can do things that you as a player cannot, example: it is at 100 (or less) walking and raises the rifle shoots and hits your head, the same example is for the use of AA and AT. It's hard for us players to stabilize and then shoot (if you're good, you'll hit the target for sure) but that doesn't happen to bots, I think if they had to do the same (I have no idea how, I'm not a programmer, I wish it was) the issue of shooting could be more even. In this you are right =VG= The_Polish_Guy. I am trans and cas (when necessary) and yes, it has become more difficult to fly (although I must confess that I am excited by the challenge), now you have to take more alternative routes, low and fast flight, I see several players who are in TRANS flying at 30 or 50 meters high knowing that there is AA, QUAD, Shillka, the worst of all is that they do not teach a lesson and continue to do so!!!! Wasting the valuable ASSET, (is there a way to filter them? I don't know... Would it be an abuse?) I agree with =VG= TEDF, in the sense that the issue of flares could be seen, for example the cas on the BG alt map, you run out of flares and the AA or Manpad hunts you the same... It hasn't happened to them that on that map? it's frustrating!!!! There is another point that =VG=Kavelenko is right about, it is in the quality of LS and players that they have, less and less communicative between SQ, even worse, not even in their own SQ can they order or communicate. The LS are more and more lazy, they don't report if there is danger for CAS or TRANS or ARMOR, one gets surprised when you are meters away or when he already knocked you down!!!! That makes me very angry!!! It's true what he says =VG= keed, also the ambition of some cas makes them end up dead, I've fallen into that attitude once, mea culpa!!! In summary: 1- I think adjustments could be made to the flares, the initial fire stability of the bots as all the players have (it's already a damn advantage that they can shoot you through the vegetation, it's a nightmare on maps with a lot of foliage, " good morning Vietnam!") - What can be done about LS's lack of communication? - What can be done about the quality of CAS or TRANS pilots who deliberately waste ASSET? Yes, there are already rules to kick them or ban them, but there is another group that is in the middle, they fulfill their role but have a high mortality rate precisely because of these risky attitudes... (it has not happened to them that they are in the penultimate flag of muthra, the trans fulfilled his role until that moment and on the last flight to the fortress he goes directly and dies by the QUAD, known story, I also did that once...) Hopefully something can be done about it, I know it must be difficult, I'm not a programmer, and this is true, any change won't be able to keep everyone happy...
  13. From what I've seen so far, your graphics look great (does that mean they will be small maps?), I like the audio. I'm disappointed that the guns don't seem to kick, you shoot like 5 bullets and they hit the target at 30 meters, how is that possible?
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