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Everything posted by System

  1. I'm not sure, played a bit today, and for now only the "old phone" intel seemed to give me the option to gather it, the rest just gave me the options to move them around. After dying I kept loosing my rifle and gaining an extra laser designator (without batteries lol) each time - I was the JTAC and had 6 designators in my backpack in the end, and kept losing side-arm ammo as well on each death - even though I saved my load out at the arsenal I also kept getting the mission pop-up from time to time, but without any letters on the pop-up or mission actually happening edit: also the m72 ammo seems to be bugged and has an inventory weight of 0 edit2: something weird is also going on with vehicles, I keep finding groups of them parked in a areas and the ones that are populated are enemy
  2. I'm playing right now, having trouble with the intel, I can pick it up and move it around, but can't use it to get a cache marker. @=VG= .Blizzard.
  3. It's online 24/7 now, so if you gather up people on your spare time we can play whenever. You can make a discord post for example.
  4. Sq1 medic, will lead if no one else wants to
  5. melon can we get... NOOEOEOEOEOEO but seriously it's nice to know you are working on it (or are you?)
  6. Idk, ask melon, I think he wanted to put kits without smoke to make the maps a little tougher, but forgot about the deployment style kits, or just wanted to experiment with them. @=VG= Melon Muncher
  7. This was intended. This was also probably intended - idk if the kit's smoke grenade is an SP or MP one, might want to check that out.
  8. The terrain there is awful, the only real cover you have is the bunker, and the only way to it from the north (the side with the least bots) has a valley where they shoot at you from above, and even if you reach it it requires a lot of firepower to neutralize. Yes, the ramp doesn't move at all, and it starts in the open position, I've played on deployment and their boats work normal. (this issue has been around for a few patches now - feels like it was "made" so that the bots can exit the boats) Yeah, my bad, Castle Road has some cover in the form of rocks and they come from only one direction so it is a little tough but doable, but there is 0 cover when moving to the Barn, only bushes, and the terrain doesn't help either. Usually dump a lot of smoke so that we could even get near it.
  9. edit: Guys, don't just spam the thread with "this map sux, bushes blah" - think of:
  10. On question no9 there's is no "none" option and it say's "this field is required"
  11. Bamyan Lrg - broken spawn on VCP (K3kp2 south side) makes the enemy spawn near our main continually during the match even though we are progressing through the flags @=VG= Melon Muncher
  12. Ours is the only one that looks like this, the rest look fine, it's registering that the players are there, but it can't verify that it is them
  13. It means that somewhere in between our server and the PR master server (MS) there is no connection, meaning that it can't verify accounts that are linked to our steam accounts, it's also the reason why the server looks empty on PR SPY Try restarting it, maybe it'll fix it, if that doesn't work contact @=VG= m823us
  14. Was gonna say this^^ Also most of the time the randomizer does most of the job, we usually just pick maps when we have either a good enough team/good enough people for harder maps or don't have enough for a hard map so we change it for a lower pop one Also the numbers still don't tell the story of how good each layer is, Beirut may have an all round good selection of layers, but the Alt layer is pure garbage basically, and admins only ever set the large layer - most of the time Beirut only ends up being played cause of the randomizer Marlin and Grozny are actually quite good maps, all of the layers that we have there - Vadso on the other hand is the single most boring map I've played too many times My suggestion: remove all of the current starter maps except for maybe Pavlovsk and put in maps like Shahadah Inf and Alt, Falcon Alt, Qwai Alt, Al Basrah Std and Alt, Reichswald, Black Gold Std and Alt and see what happens to the numbers then for a month Can we get the stats for layers and not just maps?
  15. @=VG= Melon Muncher Kozelsk Alt bleed broken Barracuda Lrg bleed broken Pavlovsk is broken due to render distance I guess edit: maps with new off-map airbases like Bamyan and Khamisiyah have the bots spawn less frequently in their armor/cas in main, leading to less resistance in general
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