=VG= BLuDKLoT Posted February 23, 2020 at 08:22 PM Report Share Posted February 23, 2020 at 08:22 PM Ok so I stumbled across this lady that is getting crazy vids from space using an i8 and a lense. Can she really do this and wtf is she getting? This is wild. Anyone else think so? 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
=VG= SemlerPDX Posted February 23, 2020 at 11:05 PM Report Share Posted February 23, 2020 at 11:05 PM Ooh that's pretty freaky man! Did you see the one where a large rectangle seemed to come up to the sun and then dart off? Gotta be something up there! No way we're alone I'm no expertamitizer -- but that thing she focuses on seems to change features in time with the image in the center -- like it's a miniature version or echo of the thing in the middle... but I dunno ..... they are out there! I'm a believer - but not sure if this gal is onto something or if it's just some light aberration on the lens like when you get those smaller rings. Early in the vid - the sun upper/right edge and the object: A little bit later: And then a bit later than that: I dunno - maybe I'm seeing it wrong. Was also thinking it could be one of those huge arcs or whatever, but it stays around for so long... if it was a planet far away or close, you'd think it would be dark on the right side and lit up on the left... crazy shit, for sure. If it's something cool like a structure, a space station of that size would be almost as big as the planet Jupiter unless it's closer to us and not really that close to the sun - cuz the sun is freaking huge: 1 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
=VG= Acro1 Posted February 24, 2020 at 02:13 AM Report Share Posted February 24, 2020 at 02:13 AM I'm also a firm believer in extraterrestrial life, but this video is not proof of anything at all The woman uses bias and forced belief to try and convince us that she's seeing space ships and docking stations, but her methods are simply BS. Most of the 'aliens' she shows are mere photo artefacts, which she produced herself by editing low-quality images. - The telescope outputs a super compressed image full of artefacts. Look at the sun, and you see it's very blocky. She takes a screenshot of this, then inverts it and works some contrast magic (all on her phone, super professional) and BOOM, full-detail space docking station. This is the same as those NCIS episodes where Gibbs says 'sharpen that photo' and the 4x4 pixel grid becomes a 400MP DSLR image. Digital photos don't work that way. She's creating detail where it wasn't before, so the 'space ships' are just bunches of pixels generated by her own editing. Why do they look like space ships? Because their shape resembles space ships like we know them from science fiction. Our brains have that primed image, so we make the association. - The photo is a giant mipmap. Mipmaps are essentially 'blurry pixels'. At 3:40 she's in the editor and you can see the image doesn't consist of nice square pixels. Phone cameras make mipmaps to give an illusion of greater detail, even when taking a screenshot. You don't want this in scientific photography, since it can skew the result. Click here to see an example of mipmapping. - The 'docking station' consist of super static pixels. This is a first red flag that point to a camera glitch. a body this close to the sun should be in orbit, or using constant thrust to not be sucked in by the sun's gravity. Either way we would see some movement, which we don't. - The photos at 8:45 are pictures of asteroids, taken with a low shutter speed. It's like your phone's camera taking blurry photos in low light. You can even see the curvature of their orbit in the lower half of the picture. If they were spaceships, they wouldn't all look exactly the same size despite being 1000s of kilometers apart. -She mentions an iPhone 8 with a clip-on lens, but I don't know why. All these photos come from a NASA camera probe. Perhaps she's confused and think the camera is used to take screenshots too? Gina isn't exactly a model scientist either... - Her videos are all about chemtrails, bullshit UFO theories and conspiracies. - She constantly talks about herself and her excitement, referring to previous discoveries she has made. This kind of egocentrism is rarely seen in true scientific spotters. - Her video description is basically all her social media links + her postal box. Again, pure egocentrism. No link to original photos or the NASA satellite. - The comments on her video are 70% unconditional love for her amazing work, 20% conspiracies and 10% crop circles. This kind of sugar sweet support is common in niche groups like UFO spotters and the essential oil moms. Professional astronomists are analytical, not spraying lovely compliments around. She's not trying to sell anything afaik, but nonetheless her video is a total hoax. I don't think she's intentionally doing it but she definitely craves the attention that comes from her achievements. 2 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
=VG= SemlerPDX Posted February 24, 2020 at 05:07 AM Report Share Posted February 24, 2020 at 05:07 AM ouch... meow Meh - ya gotta take it all with a grain of salt, some people jump at shadows, but other stuff it's pretty interesting. Like that ancient aliens guy with the crazy hair - I swear every time I watch him, I'm thinking "sure, that could be possible" then he says something so crazy I pull my own hair out about that far, and I keep it short This stuff is fun, take it for what it is - BS or truth (or BS mixed with truth). Then again, maybe she's completely bat shit insane, one toke over the line. TBH, haven't watched any of her other vids yet, but that confirmation bias thing is strong with a lot of these sorts of vids, hard to ignore if you're just looking for the substance or the point of the vid... which I still think might be one of those lens flares, but makes me wanna get one of those solar telescopes someday to see those arcs and flares. Pretty sure that was a cell phone vid, or digital camera either way, and would get far clearer pics with a solar telescope and those insane filters. If she's not selling anything, just laugh and move on - it's those assholes selling fake cures that need to be set on fire IMHO. Alien shit is either funny, cool, fake, or just downright chilling. Not worth the effort to tear to shreds 1 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
=VG= STRONTIUM-DOG (Inactive Duty) Posted February 24, 2020 at 07:41 AM Report Share Posted February 24, 2020 at 07:41 AM Yeeeerrrr mannn i have been into this for a while theirs lots of people filming this stuff, with computer enhanced hi tech DIY home rigs http://hgn53k.blogspot.com/2008_10_11_archive.html Share Our Stories! - Click Here Space Ships Parked In Orbit Around Earth - Photos And Video By Jeff Rense 5-17-2019 Extraordinary British researcher John Lenard Walson has spent the better part of 2 decades observing space and objects in earth orbit. John has been a guest on the program many, many times in years past. His work has caused him to be severely harassed and even large Chinook helicopters taking flash photos of him and his home have been sent to intimidate him...flying just a couple hundred feet over his head. Here are just some of the large machines parked in earth orbit he has photographed with his telescope on many a cold, dark night in the English countryside. The more you look at these space craft, the more detail begins to become discernible. Keep in mind that in space, no sleek aerodynamics are necessary, so these craft might look 'different than many might expect. The late Bill Tompkins was very impressed with these photos and told me they were entirely legitimate. Ever wonder where all this missing trillons of dollars have gone over the years? Here's at least one answer...the deep black above top secret US space program. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
=VG= Kavelenko Posted February 24, 2020 at 11:03 AM Report Share Posted February 24, 2020 at 11:03 AM Its the Battle Star Galactica fleeing from the Cylons!! ROFL! FFS! 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
=VG= 0100011000101 Posted February 24, 2020 at 11:26 AM Report Share Posted February 24, 2020 at 11:26 AM the video is no nonsense! I have made my own recordings that clearly confirm that ufos are out there. good to see in the enlargement: 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
=VG= Fastjack Posted February 24, 2020 at 11:44 AM Report Share Posted February 24, 2020 at 11:44 AM On 2/24/2020 at 11:26 AM, =VG= 0100011000101 said: the video is no nonsense! I have made my own recordings that clearly confirm that ufos are out there. good to see in the enlargement: Expand LOL 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
=VG= 0100011000101 Posted February 24, 2020 at 12:14 PM Report Share Posted February 24, 2020 at 12:14 PM btw: the cute aliens near the sun are not the problem, i have a lot more to worry about what is happening on the dark side of the moon... 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
=VG= Acro1 Posted February 24, 2020 at 12:47 PM Report Share Posted February 24, 2020 at 12:47 PM Another favourite of mine are health quacks If you want some good eyes-stretched-wide-open Youtube shenanigans, check out Sun Fruit Dan and Happy Health. The stuff these people promote is downright dangerous, but it's a good testimony to good ol' Darwinism . You'll notice the same kind of praise and anti-corporate-system speech in the comment sections here. People drowned in bias, kinda sad. 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
=VG= Fastjack Posted February 24, 2020 at 08:40 PM Report Share Posted February 24, 2020 at 08:40 PM On 2/24/2020 at 12:14 PM, =VG= 0100011000101 said: btw: the cute aliens near the sun are not the problem, i have a lot more to worry about what is happening on the dark side of the moon... Expand The world is sick and we are the doctors. @Sausag3 : That's what i call mod for WWII !!! 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
=VG= STRONTIUM-DOG (Inactive Duty) Posted February 25, 2020 at 05:06 AM Report Share Posted February 25, 2020 at 05:06 AM Their in the Trees mannn their in the fu#&*@$ing trees man their going to get us all mannnn OK OK OK kidding aside .................. 1 know one knew about the first nuke even tho a whole, city with parks and shops was made to house nuke workers, that were oblivious to that they were working on 1000s of them working in the same fake city, made just to house nuke workers. DUHAaaa lol 2 so if there is a real interstellar space ship being made NOOOO one will know abut it until the ruling class, are sitting on a new rock with blue chicks, unambitium, and organic food lol and a big gun facing earth with the words " piss off " stamped on the side of it. LOL there are no aliens.......... we are it we are the aliens ..........and were going to eat you and take all your stuff lol That is my take on UFOs Uniformed Flying Officers : ) 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zero_tolerance_s Posted February 25, 2020 at 07:34 AM Report Share Posted February 25, 2020 at 07:34 AM First of all there is no way she can catch that with an iphone. Lol! She is using images from a public website. With a bit of effort, I've also found a picture where we can see Volod shooting his laser machine gun (and missing ) at the Klingon space ship. Disclaimer: aliens do exist. So far, I've seen 2 UFO with my own eyes. No joke. This is the website: https://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov/IswaSystemWebApp/ And this is Volod: 1 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
=VG= STRONTIUM-DOG (Inactive Duty) Posted February 26, 2020 at 09:12 AM Report Share Posted February 26, 2020 at 09:12 AM Yep its him alright IF you soon in more you can see him smoking in the cockpit hahaha, as soon as i get some blue puntang im a UFO fan : ) On 2/25/2020 at 7:34 AM, zero_tolerance_s said: 2 UFO with my own eyes. Expand 2 USA black op space ships freaking out the Eurasians lol for giggles 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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