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Future of VG Coop events


Events (see post)  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Picks

    • Vehicle Warfare PvP:Same assets for everybody
    • Vehicle Warfare PvP: Mixed assets on both sides (both sides have same assets but the selection is now APC/TANK/CAS)
    • Vehicle Warfare Multiteam: Each squad is a team on itself you will be able to see all the enemys on the map and you and your squad have to survive/capture an asset and bring it back but so do others have to.
    • Extraction
    • Opfor (please post name and playing factions below)

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As me (Double_13) and melon are the last remaining PR editors within VG. I guess I shall now have to host the VG events.

I would like to see if it would be possible to host an event every 2 weeks. While this is mainly my challenge, I would like to know what you guys want to see.

For start I am not going to touch any NON-PR map as it will cause to many problems getting them running stable. 

The options are

  • Vehicle warfare
  1. PvP:Same assets for everybody
  2. PvP: Mixed assets on both sides (both sides have same assets but the selection is now APC/TANK/CAS)
  3. Multiteam: Each squad is a team on itself you will be able to see all the enemys on the map and you and your squad have to survive/capture an asset and bring it back but so do others have
  4.  all of the above but with extra bots for more chaos. 


  • Opfor Events
    I am not able to port all the maps to OPFOR on a short notice but I could do some special opfor maps that can be reused. the more often we do the bigger the pick is on the next opfor event.


  • Extraction
    You have to recover a person/asset and bring him back while having to fight off bot hordes.


  • Testing new maps/layers
    This should speak for itself. Basically testing the new maps for official PR.


If you guys have any more suggestions please share them. Please also inform me what you would like to see so I can start producing them.

the poll will be reset after each event without the last ran event.

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Looks like you beat me to this! I was thinking having mini events embedded into the actual list of maps playable (not sure the feasibility on the technical side). Think it would be cool if we had mini events that we could run with easy rules to change up the daily map cycles. I like the idea of having a smaller map with a "VIP" style mission like rescuing a hostage on Muttrah for example. Either way, all the ideas above are great and will gladly support the production any way I can!

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Ehm. I am little lost in this question... It's probably me. What, for us idiots are you talking about? 



28 minutes ago, =VG= Orracis said:

Looks like you beat me to this! I was thinking having mini events embedded into the actual list of maps playable (not sure the feasibility on the technical side). Think it would be cool if we had mini events that we could run with easy rules to change up the daily map cycles. I like the idea of having a smaller map with a "VIP" style mission like rescuing a hostage on Muttrah for example. Either way, all the ideas above are great and will gladly support the production any way I can!

Dude you VG now? 

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On 7/26/2018 at 3:09 PM, =VG= Orracis said:

Think it would be cool if we had mini events that we could run with easy rules to change up the daily map cycles. I like the idea of having a smaller map with a "VIP" style mission like rescuing a hostage on Muttrah for example. Either way, all the ideas above are great and will gladly support the production any way I can!

It's a server license thing holding us back from doing crazy stuff on the normal day-to-day public server.  If game modes such as that get hard-coded into the maps that release with an Update, we are free to run them ... but as for the custom stuff, we gotta stick with the meat and potatoes vanilla standard when we roll without a password.

Second thing to note is that people aren't so responsive to "schoolyard rules" style where gameplay concepts are called out and not hard coded; you'll get your regulars and those paying attention to fall in line, but the rest (and those joining mid-mission) will be like herding cats, don't you think?


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You could tie in extraction and vehicle warefare together into an operation, on ramiel the vehicles can clear prop roadblocks and heavy fighter resistence and checkpoints then in the second part the infantry can come in for an extraction, thought this would be a cool idea got the insiration from a syrian operation that took place on April 19 2018- liberating yarmouk of isis etc. Ps shahada or sbneh might be a better map for this.

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I can not really vote because I like all the game modes, or it would be fun to play all of these. only Extraction I do not find so interesting because I think it does not work so well.
I also find it very interesting to test new maps or new layouts. but you need experienced players and a good team - like the last time with jabal - otherwise it goes down in choas.

In any case, I like such events  because they reduce the daily routine a bit and create new incentives.
Therefore, many players still have problems with shadhahahahahaha (or something similar ^ ^)  because this map does not work normal and you have to work together, if you do it the map is not difficult. but if you have 5 sqds that do not talk to each other and you deduct your thing, you will not have any anti-tanks after 10 minutes and you will not get your old kits. If you do not hold flags and just run to the next one, you are constantly overrun by the bots and the game lasts 2 hours. if you talk to each other and have teamplay the game take not much more than a half hour.
But you learn something like that at events and special maps. all the pros also play differently and do not do their thing, most of them are open to help others, and the non-pros accept that because it's an event.

I can not explain that well, but I have the feeling that events are much more game oriented than in normal games. pros and new players are more "together" to play. and in the best case you take that into the normal game.

Anyway ... I think it would be cool if there were more such events and I think it's great that you're working so hard with it.

but above all: mUtTrAh 24/7 !!! ;p

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2 hours ago, 0100011000101 said:

Therefore, many players still have problems with shadhahahahahaha (or something similar ^ ^)  because this map does not work normal and you have to work together, if you do it the map is not difficult. but if you have 5 sqds that do not talk to each other and you deduct your thing, you will not have any anti-tanks after 10 minutes and you will not get your old kits. If you do not hold flags and just run to the next one, you are constantly overrun by the bots and the game lasts 2 hours. if you talk to each other and have teamplay the game take not much more than a half hour.

I'd like to see that happen 5 sqds communicating using smart 'push-defend-push' tactics. In my experience it's usually 1 or 2 'elite' teams and the rest that go about their plans of pushing as hard as they can with pretty big and unnecessary losses. 

I'm definitely up for a "Double's maps Event" in a few months and do real coordination and teamwork. 

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3 hours ago, 0100011000101 said:

I can not really vote because I like all the game modes, or it would be fun to play all of these. only Extraction I do not find so interesting because I think it does not work so well.
I also find it very interesting to test new maps or new layouts. but you need experienced players and a good team - like the last time with jabal - otherwise it goes down in choas.

In any case, I like such events  because they reduce the daily routine a bit and create new incentives.
Therefore, many players still have problems with shadhahahahahaha (or something similar ^ ^)  because this map does not work normal and you have to work together, if you do it the map is not difficult. but if you have 5 sqds that do not talk to each other and you deduct your thing, you will not have any anti-tanks after 10 minutes and you will not get your old kits. If you do not hold flags and just run to the next one, you are constantly overrun by the bots and the game lasts 2 hours. if you talk to each other and have teamplay the game take not much more than a half hour.
But you learn something like that at events and special maps. all the pros also play differently and do not do their thing, most of them are open to help others, and the non-pros accept that because it's an event.

I can not explain that well, but I have the feeling that events are much more game oriented than in normal games. pros and new players are more "together" to play. and in the best case you take that into the normal game.

Anyway ... I think it would be cool if there were more such events and I think it's great that you're working so hard with it.

but above all: mUtTrAh 24/7 !!! ;p

Well I kinda agree with you, the extraction missions are more a test on how to make it and does it work. I have huge doubts about it due to the bots and the fact others (non regulars) can/should join). I know ted made one but i never had the chance to play it and No clue how to set it up yet

The vehicle warfare are quite easy to make (30 min) orso. The main advantage of this is that i can generate 10 of them in 2/3 days and then we have sufficient for a saltysunday. The main advantage is that i can recycle them and on sundays you can just pick one of X number of them because they dont need an admin to explain the rules and so.

Specialised events are less likely going to happen due to the time i have to spend on them. The only special events that might happen are playing non official PR maps. However currently i am busy enough with all the fixes i have to make for PR. (redo all the coop maps/ remake all the assets to bot compatible not even to mention WW2)

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4 hours ago, Vanillapop said:

Youd have my donation support if it was made in a different server that ran every weekend.

its not about donations or server its about the config in the game itself. If you wish to contribute then contribute to the community. 
another good way to contribute without paying is work out ideas/maps that I could make. 
The ideas do not need o be limited to only events but can also be about remaking the current maps.

on falklands deployment has air warfare. Because of the bots do not care about the navmesh in air vehicles I should be able to copy the entire map and make it run bots on the other side. However in practice this is not working yet. 

Falklands is an exception because the entire map is not playable with inf due to the terrain details been set to ULTRA LOW due to its size. This allows me to make the ONLY official vehicle warfare map on coop

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