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Project Reality "V.W." Event


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"VEHICLE WARFARE" - 30th July 2016 / 1900 h PRT (project reality time)

Gamemode description : 

Two teams roll out from their respective main bases in their armored vehicles to battle each other on 3 different maps. Each team has different kind of vehicles, from light scout vehicles to heavy battle tanks. The objective of both teams is simple - Destroy the enemy team and capture the flag. 

Winning conditions : 

First team to reach 50 points wins. (may change depending on how the first round goes.

Scoring :

1. A kill will earn the team 1 point

2. Killing enemy Command Tank earns the team 10 points.

Logistics :

Each team will be given access for emergency repairs and transport back to main for crewmembers. Emergency repairs are only for vehicles that have lost their tracks and are stuck on the map. In order to apply for logistical support, team leaders have to contact the observer of their respective team.

Rules : 

1. Standard Veterans Gaming server rules (with certain exceptions)

2. Only vehicle combat is allowed! 

3. Crew members must immediately proceed to the closest evacuation zone (given later) for extraction. Crew members are not allowed to remain in the combat area to scout or to fight with enemy crew members. Crew is not allowed to request kits from APCs or any other logistical sources. Crew is not allowed to move / remain inside the capzone when vehicle has been lost. 

4. Both teams will have 5 - 10 minute warmup time at the start of each round. In that time, everyone must remain in their respective main bases until green light is given.

5. Observers may call in CEASE FIRE / HOLD command. When that command has been issued, all vehicles and crews must immediately stop and disengage from any current activities. That command is  used to investigate any kind of misbehave or cheating / rule breaking.

6. Additional rules may be added

7. Only the observers are allowed to use admin / rcon commands!

8. Any kind of offence will earn a penalty either to the offending player or for the whole team.


Roster : 

Observer 1 - TED(F)

Observer 2 - XXXXXX

Team Blue :

1. Team Leader - Double_13 - T72 Command Tank ( no respawn)

2. T62 - Sledgehammer

3. T62 - Lordvlad

4. T62 - SerEvergreen

5. T62 - Jersans

6. LAV25 -  Silverstorm

7. LAV25 - 

8. Scorpion - Sydney

9. Scorpion - JCLA

10. BMP2 - Sharpshooter234

11. BMP2 - Sergeant_Esteban

Team Red : 

1. Team Leader - FPSGeraud - T72 Command Tank ( no respawn)

2. T62 - Ranger_12

3. T62 - I3RY4N

4. T62 - .Blizzard,

5. T62 - Protech

6. LAV25 - Blud

7. LAV25 - JarVin007

8. Scorpion - 

9. Scorpion -

10. BMP2 - BrakeGamer

11. BMP2 - GoldenEagle


Additional Info :

1. Additional slots may be added if current ones are filled. Vehicles may be swapped with 2 mans in case of huge increase in sign ups.

2. Maps will be added 24h prior to the event

3. Signup will be closed 24h prior to the event

4. Additional rules / info may be added in the future ( look for yellow colored notes)

5. In case of server failure, extra offerings will be sent to lady PR. If that doesn't help then the event will be rescheduled. 

6. Some of the maps may be cancelled if previous ones take too much time.

7. If not enough players have signed up then the event will be cancelled / replaced with something else

8. Server will be locked 1 - 2 hours prior to the event with the custom maps for anyone to check if they got it correctly installed. To get the password, poke TED(F) on TS.


MapsClick Here


To install, simply extract the folders from vehicle_warfare.zip (grozny / hades / shija) to your project reality/mods/pr/levels folder. If it asks to overwrite anything, abort immediately and consult with me.

To uninstall, just delete the folders that you added.

Some of those maps have few broken assets, which shouldn't be a problem as I can spawn in additional vehicles when needed. I noticed this after the upload, so I'd rather type in few commands to get the asset instead of spending another 2 hours trying to get the maps uploaded.


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PRT TIME (Project Reality Tournament time) is equal to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), also known as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), 1900 PRT/GMT/UTC equals to following times:

UTC (Time Zone)                      Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 7:00:00 PM    UTC  UTC          
Los Angeles (USA - California)       Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 12:00:00 Noon PDT  UTC-7 hours  
Houston (USA - Texas)                Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 2:00:00 PM    CDT  UTC-5 hours  
New York (USA - New York)            Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 3:00:00 PM    EDT  UTC-4 hours  
London (United Kingdom - England)    Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 8:00:00 PM    BST  UTC+1 hour   
Berlin (Germany - Berlin)            Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 9:00:00 PM    CEST UTC+2 hours  
Helsinki (Finland)                   Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 10:00:00 PM   EEST UTC+3 hours  
Moscow (Russia - Moscow)             Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 10:00:00 PM   MSK  UTC+3 hours  
Jerusalem (Israel)                   Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 10:00:00 PM   IDT  UTC+3 hours  
Sydney (Australia - New South Wales) Sunday, July 31, 2016 at 5:00:00 AM      AEST UTC+10 hours 
Seoul (South Korea)                  Sunday, July 31, 2016 at 4:00:00 AM      KST  UTC+9 hours  
Honolulu (USA - Hawaii)              Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 9:00:00 AM    HAST UTC-10 hours 

P.S) I have used Time Zone Converter, which you can access in the link below:


P.S) Please forgive me if i forgot to put your city/country in the table. Out of 195 soverign nations in this planet, these are the cities I recognized their name the most. In case you live near the big city I listed, please don't be upset. I don't expect any of you to know that I live in a city called Shoreline, and less than 1% of USA population remember our city because Seattle is right next to it. And yes, Seattle sucks.

P.S) Yes I did put 4 USA regions because FREEDOOM not every city in this nation is under the same time zone.

P.S) This post is getting longer because I am starting to put stuff that isn't either funny or necessary. Okay, I will stop now.


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