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=VG= Arma3 Alpha Server

=VG= SavageCDN

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yeah there are still a lot of issues with certain scripts especially AI scripts.

that insurgency mission is OK but it's no pogoman/Fireball version :) hopefully that is still being worked on (I am assuming they are waiting for game to be more stable before doing it).
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Bohemia has mentioned 5 factions, and we already know of NATO, CSAT, AAF and Civilians ((which is that really a faction?)) but on their countdown page, it mentions "FIA [Independent], so does anyone have any speculation as to who exactly they are and if they will be on the Dev Build tonight/tomorrow?
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updated the OMG Altis mission last night:

-trimmed down # of vehicles at base
-added more slots, UAV operators, pilots, crewman, etc
-added UAV/UGVs at base
-added EOS enemy system - insurgency-style red squares (turn to green when clear).. only some near airfield can add more later
-fixed unable to respawn at main base (hopefully)

I also added a racing mission for Altis check it out.. you can race PvP or TvT with gunner.... different race modes, etc.

Tutorial for drones:
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I used the attachto command.

I named the trawler. In my case I used traw1

player attachTo [traw1,[0,19,1.5]]; // I think that is the position I used. Just play with the numbers until you find a good spot. To attach other objects name them aswell. i.e. Gun1 attachTo [Car1,[0,0,0]];


Now I just need to adds some velocity modifiers and see if I can cheat it into moving.
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