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v1.6.7.0 Post any bugs here please

=VG= m823us

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PR:BF2 v1.6.7.0 Changelog (2021/07/09)

Updated main menu to show kick reason after getting kicked.

Updated spawn logic to be unable to spawn on wrong rally points.

Updated squad logic to allow joining squads while dead. If you joined while dead, you cannot spawn on the squads rally point.

Updated kit requesting and dropping kit to switch kit instantly.

Updated reviving to pick up your last kit before death unless it is in use.

Removed commander placed laser.


Fixed smoke pushing players.


Fixed German commo rose using wrong voice for "get in".


Updated spawn menu kit selection to switch special item icons when choosing between STD/ALT.

Updated kit request menu to show buttons for STD/ALT selection.


Added PP-87 Mortar to PLA.

Fixed SPG-9 frag rounds spawning behind the weapon.

Fixed ZSL-92B driver not showing ammobox counter.

Fixed crash related to WW2 ammoboxes.

Fixed MG42 firing sound.

Removed QJY88 MG. Replaced it with PKP.

Spoiler for Reason: 

Updated all long range air-to-air missiles to 1 second lock time (up from 0.1 seconds).


Fixed Stormer flipping to quickly.

Fixed LAV-25 and Stryker being too quiet.

Fixed ZSU-57-2 and Fennek MG not showing black side bars.

Fixed PGZ-04 SPAAG named incorrectly.

Fixed M113 ACAV not requiring crewman as driver.


General:Added new Game Mode for low population server: Gungame. Available maps:

Black Gold 16 & 64

Wanda Shan 16

Dovre 16

Asad Khal 16

Al Basrah 16

Al Basrah:

Updated west village to be not destructible.

Bijar Canyons:

AAS/CNC 16: Revised assets.

AAS/CNC 32&64: Swapped 30mm MTLB with BMP-2.

AAS/CNC 128: Added PL vs MEC.

Burning Sands:

Updated view distance to 1.5 km up from 1.1 km.


COOP32: Fixed no human spawn point on USA.


Fixed crash when destroying Argentinian base defences.


Updated west village to be not destructible.

AAS128: Added US Army vs Insurgents.

Operation Bobcat:

Moved carrier to the south east corner of the map.

Operation Soul Rebel:

Fixed crash when destroying Russian base defences.

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COOP32: Fixed no human spawn point on USA.


i wonder if it is my fix and i did not get credited :P




Fixed Stormer flipping to quickly.

Fixed LAV-25 and Stryker being too quiet.

Fixed ZSU-57-2 and Fennek MG not showing black side bars.

Fixed PGZ-04 SPAAG named incorrectly.

Fixed M113 ACAV not requiring crewman as driver.


Did they fixed the WZ-150 on adak ? that thing is supposed to float but does not float and just sinks to bottom without getting damaged.

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13 hours ago, =VG= Kavelenko said:

I've heard several people mention "Gun Game" is this a thing now and how do we set it?

It's only a PvP mode Kav, and you have a few maps only:

General:Added new Game Mode for low population server:
Gungame. Available maps:
Black Gold 16 & 64
Wanda Shan 16
Dovre 16
Asad Khal 16
Al Basrah 16
I guess the command would look like !setnext black gungame inf (gpm_gungame seems to be the name of the mode)

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15 minutes ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

Which map and which faction and kit you played?


It's on all maps, shows up periodically.
On the other hand I got a real good one: today on Khami Std we couldn't kill any of the quads, bombed quad on chemical twice, fired 200 cannon rounds at it, tank shot at it 3 times with HE, it was still alive. Same for other quads on that map.

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6 minutes ago, System said:

It's on all maps, shows up periodically.
On the other hand I got a real good one: today on Khami Std we couldn't kill any of the quads, bombed quad on chemical twice, fired 200 cannon rounds at it, tank shot at it 3 times with HE, it was still alive. Same for other quads on that map.


6 minutes ago, =VG= 0100011000101 said:

I cant say. it came a few times every 3-5 maps... I will pay attention to it and report.


I think you all should report this asap to the PR forums and i'Äm sure the Devs will take care of it. :big_boss:

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5 minutes ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

I think you all should report this asap to the PR forums and i'Äm sure the Devs will take care of it. :big_boss:

I don't have an account on the forums (I gave up on it since the restrictions there) - you on the hand I am sure will relay this immediately (so I don't have to make an account) :D

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Thanks for the really true answer my friend.

You mean the shit that you have to make at least 10 post to make a post right?

I hope the right guys seeing this and understand why things like this got posted on our forums.

@System: You made my day. Thank you (one day i will tell you). 

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10 minutes ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

You mean the shit that you have to make at least 10 post to make a post right?

Yeah, long time ago I tried making one for stuff like suggestions, but then I just gave up because of the restrictions, nowadays I just read them to see what the devs are up to/changelogs.

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2 minutes ago, System said:

Yeah, long time ago I tried making one for stuff like suggestions, but then I just gave up because of the restrictions, nowadays I just read them to see what the devs are up to/changelogs.

You will laugh, i had the same problems as i signed up.

I bypassed this by pm'ing a Dev if he could give the requirements because i told him why they forcing me to make stupid posts only to post a good one.


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Just now, =VG= 0100011000101 said:

lol, I have one but they don't like me there... I posted there once and it backfired extremely. ^^

You mean the incident where Mineral called you by your realname? 


Gib mir bitte eine passende Antword und ich werde den Devs diese dann mal vor den Füßen werfen und mal fragen was die sich anmassen den ich habe mir heute diese Frage anhören müssen.

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2 hours ago, System said:

It's on all maps, shows up periodically.
On the other hand I got a real good one: today on Khami Std we couldn't kill any of the quads, bombed quad on chemical twice, fired 200 cannon rounds at it, tank shot at it 3 times with HE, it was still alive. Same for other quads on that map.

There are really 3 undestructible quadguns in the GPO. Only one of them is destroyable. The other ones are  _atc versions and those are designed to defend mainbases or carriers. Good luck on Khami till sunday pilots.

About Binaries error. R-Dev Mats391 said we can ignore this. Its DEBUG.


Edit: The quadguns shouldn't be a threat. Its missing its main pco or can someone report different?


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