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VG Dedicated Server Upgrade Plans

=VG= SemlerPDX

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It's time for an upgrade...


For the past few months, I've been occasionally looking at potential upgrades on offer through Hetzner, mostly keen on the Ryzen 3700X build - base version has 2TB NVMe (2x1TB in RAID-1) for a total usable space of over 900GB, 4x what we currently have (and we're now sitting at only 45GB free space after the Arma 3 SOG server DLC upgrade of 25GB, plus mods), and doubling our current available cores.

We like to give online servers their own pair of cores when able, with nothing else using them, but that's not always possible and technically not always necessary.  Though it can be beneficial when able, so we do.  Having twice this many would again allow us to have 2 cores per server, dedicated, even when not fully utilized, and plenty more for other server ideas in the future such as an alternate theater for Falcon BMS (if we can get headless client version of that sim to work).

Costs will be around 60 Euro (~$72 USD) for one-time setup, plus the 63 Euro (~$76 USD) for the first month rental fee, on top of a current month rental fee for current box of 63 Euro.  Basically, need to drop 186 Euro in one month (about $225 USD), then after that it's back to the same monthly fee we pay now, though with vastly superior hardware.

I'm discussing when this will be possible time-wise with my fellow Tech Team member =VG= Ciro and we have to buffer it so that we have plenty of time left before the billing month for the current box runs out for the migration.  This way, everything can remain online while we work in the background over the course of a week or even two, at most, until we finally transfer over the IP address and spin up the current servers on the new box.  I'll get together with our leader =VG= BLuDKLoT when it's time to pull the trigger and we'll get it paid.

Looking forward to a great rest of the year, and to upgraded server hardware for VG! :hi: 

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2 hours ago, deadxangelqc said:

Are you guys renting a server on location or renting VPS?

if you build your own and ship it for hosting it is usually way cheaper that having a VPS or renting a node?

We rent a dedicated server, it's not managed - very affordable that way.  And I pay for a web panel called TCAdmin for server management so I can hand out limited permissions to anyone without giving them root access.  (That TCAdmin has been my 'monthly donation' of $16 for years, I keep that one tied directly to my personal credit card cuz its my baby, and I'm happy to do it for the peace of mind and not having to be "the only guy(s)" who can restart a porked server, and to add a new button or command line option or game server whenever someone needs it, etc.)

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On 5/17/2021 at 5:57 AM, =VG= 0100011000101 said:

how was the old saying again? ...never run a changing system...no wait, never chase a running system... 😛


Oh shit, that reminds me when i was working in internet cafee, it was basically a game club, hell did i loved it there.





Everyone knew me everyone, i was walking down the fucking city and every single dude called me by my gamer tag lol.

And gaming chairs became beds.

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we were nonstop, i had nights always so yeah good times, hell i was like vampire, sleeping in day playing at night, it was 12 hour shift so yeah we were switching with my friend. But as i said sometimes we were closed and since we had keys we just time to time played only with us. 



This is what happens when you play for a whole week.

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2 minutes ago, =VG= Acro1 said:

But Starbound 2D 🤮

ye many games that come 2D have way more features than a minecraft mate, can you imagine us playing minecraft ? like we are playing realistic stuff and shit and suddenly we be like yo bro i got two diamonds bearing 100 -5, copy that iron pickaxe inbound.

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43 minutes ago, LangMaster said:

ye many games that come 2D have way more features than a minecraft mate, can you imagine us playing minecraft ? like we are playing realistic stuff and shit and suddenly we be like yo bro i got two diamonds bearing 100 -5, copy that iron pickaxe inbound.

Mods make everything better



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