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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. For the record, though already posted in chatbox, the campaign has been restarted. Situation: Poor The DPRK have push South to Seoul, but hope is not yet lost. The entire peninsula of Korea is modeled in Falcon BMS, with every single Airport and Airstrip functioning. An active war rages sometimes up to a week long, yes that is how fast an entire country could be overtaken! This is the main draw of this very old Sim. Anyone intrigued by the idea should check out some videos and give it a shot - but like the 780 page F-16 Flight Manual says, "You wanted realism, you got it!". Good luck and good flying! !cp
  2. We did it! More than 200lbs (90kg) lifted to the ceiling like a monument...damn, my arms hurt.
  3. So you see why I've not been gaming or online really at all lately. Sorry I haven't been around. This thing was supposed to be finished by September! It's already getting too cold for another winter in this "garage office" I have. This morning, it was 33 degrees F (1 C?) SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Nice work... guess the jacuzzi got scrapped? Well, you say that... but... in that final picture, outside the door - if the clematis leaves on that green trellis were trimmed, you'd see the jacuzzi behind it. Don't hate me bro! !lol Pic from outside the ManCave: (note the frost on the jacuzzi lid) It's been off for days cuz we've been doing electrical overhaul, giving the 30 Amp circuit a GFIC upgrade, and replacing all the breakers with same brand circuit breakers to match the brand of the main panel (some home owner's insurance thing that was never done, in case of electrical fire). Here's a pic of my desk as I'm writing this morning:
  4. Thank you for that. We are honored to have had such a kind individual among us, he will be missed. From our family to yours, our deepest condolences and warmest thoughts go out to you. RIP Bottom
  5. First pics are from past months.... 210 CFM Carbon Filter Chamber ;) I took these just a few minutes ago...
  6. That blows, PITN!!! Seriously! I hope you find a way to keep online, cuz there's no way the Eagles Club Bingo Night could compare to a nice war game session... They have us Americans over a barrel, just like Robot's news link says, and they know it, too. Well, I bet you will still get email on your phone, right? I may start buggin you every few weeks with what's happening just so you don't feel too left out. !crying
  7. Just got word from Belgriffin - "restarting server on saved campaign" So, everything should be fine now. I am sure he is more familiar with that procedure than I was... Thanks, Bel! !cheers
  8. Sorry about that! I am in training to admin that server. I was able to restart the campaign to about 7 days back - same campaign; but I lost my notes and couldn't recall how to start up a fresh campaign. Hell, I hope what I just did works cuz it was a little different than when Belgriffen showed me. I have contacted him already and will be doing another session to learn how to keep this server up and running. It's the only one that we have "outsourced" on a friend of the clan's personal server. Good luck! !pilot
  9. Hate to quote myself, but I'd like to reitterate - sure we want a realistic experience, but in training especially, some cues would help cuz: SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... .... but this is a game, a simulator style game, but still a game. At the very least, the Trainer should get a private "all clear" cue when his trainees have finished key parts of a course. How else could you evaluate them??? ..... Good luck and keep up the scripting - it's the only way to get good at it. Like, if it's to be just a blank training mission ready for human input and instruction, it still could use a little guidance in that area. I know it's all crazy hard work, and that feedback can put one on the defensive at times, just know that a clear understanding of "what to do" and when it is "done" is always gonna be an essential aspect in training players. I'm still a big fan of Calv's warm up area mission with the kill houses and pop up red targets. I felt I knew how to run a group through and train them on the procedures, formations, etc. because I knew when I went room to room, and then out of the kill house, that we had finished the little course. I was ran through it myself before becoming a "trainer" at it, and therefore knew what to do, and when my group was done. This is the point people are trying to make, and I feel they are getting frustrated trying to convey their reasoning behind it to the point of this all becoming some kind of flame warish thread. Example: "Once, there was a little bird flying South for the winter. It was too late in the season, and it crashed frozen in a field. It sat there yelling, 'PEEP - PEEP - PEEP'. In the pasture, there was a cow who saw the little bird freezing and PEEPing. The cow then turned around a took a giant shit on the little bird. What a terrible day for the bird....but then the warmth of the cow shit started to warm the little bird up, and it started PEEPing againg. 'PEEP - PEEP' Not far off, a fox heard the noise. He promply came over, found the bird, and ate him. The moral of the story is, not everyone who puts you through shit is trying to hurt you; and when you do find yourself neck deep in the shit, know when it's best to just keep quiet." People are gonna have opinions that differ, and some are gonna have good advice worth following - let's just keep it cordial and productive. If someone trys to get 'yer goat, don't give it to them - i.e. ignore stupid and unhelpful things, don't get drawn into defensive/offensive statements, and when you want to act condescending and defensive, just bite your tongue. It's all good - just video games here, and a lot of good hearted input. !cheers
  10. Nope. No magical player cap either. never heard of that before, so no worries there. Any issues due to that were server side or due to excessive AI and bad spawn handling. Just look at A3 ALiVE - perfect way to handle dynamic combat.
  11. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enableRadio "Tank Spotted 200 Meters" = lame *many things can be done either via module or script line. best to look at a good framework for examples, such as F2: http://ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/index.php?title=Main_Page BIS High Command sux - that is why DAC is there. and believe it or not, it's easier to set up and use - if you learned HC, you can learn DAC. They are respectable AI. enjoy Halloween - Have some pumpkin pie:
  12. Maybe add these lines: enableRadio false; player switchmove ""; player setskill 0; {player disableAI _x} foreach ["move","anim","target","autotarget"]; player setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true]; *it is super easy to have DAC do your enemies for you by making a small zone. no biggie at all to add it to the ace/acre mod list
  13. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Some of those lines are there to add the possibility of changing your view distance so people with less powerful computers can play it with ease. ____________________________ ......I can only use the basic ACE/ACRE mods in this one. These are the lines (and it was the init, not the description.exe - my bad) : ace_sys_wounds_no_medical_gear = true;
  14. SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I have reviewed the scripts and mission.sqm and only have a few comments. EDIT: oops - posted - will edit this and add more... The briefing specifically can have certain words as links that when clicked move the map to a pre-placed marker for better understanding. Also, the section on equipment should move out of the WIP stage asap and include the step by step procedure involved in linking the DAGR to the Vector 21B, and then the operation of the Vector itelf, to bring up the end data on the DAGR (the stuff you would transmit to, say, a Paladin Commander, or other arty with such precision ammo) - basically a run down of the operation of those two units and their step-by-step usage in the field. Also, you may expand the expaination of the Vector as you did with the SOFLAM, and add some of the buttons that interact with the SOFLAM and/or how to maintain a designation on a target, changing view modes. If the Equipment Section is not to have any controls instructions or step-by-step (meaning that those are left to the Trainer to teach) then it should either not be in the briefing, or it should impart a complete set of content describing each item's use in the game and what it can do - the Vector description is sorely lacking that. All of this info can be found on the ACE Wiki for each individual item or ACE concept (like ACE Eject System) http://wiki.ace-mod.net/Overview And Objectives are not as hard as you'd imagine to add - they are not too "video gamey" in that they are needed for a concept of end resolution. Sure, no one really "knows" when a vil is fully clear, shit - somone could have hidden under some floor boards.... but this is a game, a simulator style game, but still a game. At the very least, the Trainer should get a private "all clear" cue when his trainees have finished key parts of a course. How else could you evaluate them??? Anyway, last thing I saw was some use of the call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers calls where usually a simple Variable ExecVM "script.sqf" call is made. Not that it matters that much, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Also, there are redundant and repeated ace functions listed in your description.exe that you should review - again, no big deal, it doesn't hurt anything. But I will note that you should use the IFAK funtion to allow the soldiers to have those items added. A simple value of 1,1,1 would be what a normal soldier in most any military would have on his/her person at any given time. No one does not have those items - no war soldier would go out without them. Good luck and keep up the scripting - it's the only way to get good at it.
  15. I have reviewed the scripts and mission.sqm and only have a few comments. EDIT: oops - posted - will edit this and add more... The briefing specifically can have certain words as links that when clicked move the map to a pre-placed marker for better understanding. Also, the section on equipment should move out of the WIP stage asap and include the step by step procedure involved in linking the DAGR to the Vector 21B, and then the operation of the Vector itelf, to bring up the end data on the DAGR (the stuff you would transmit to, say, a Paladin Commander, or other arty with such precision ammo) - basically a run down of the operation of those two units and their step-by-step usage in the field.
  16. The one PITN was playing was most def the stock one provided - not the one Savage tweaked. Savage's seems to work pretty well, I saw incoming Arty I believe. I sat around for a few hours in Savage's version, then loaded the stock version, and watched the bots battle it out. Very cool. FPS never dropped below 20, even when I was in a large battle in a town. *EDIT: When you are logged in as the Admin in game, you can select to view ALL units, and get a better tracking picture of what is happening on the virtual battlefield. Then, admin commands like Ghost Mode and Teleport allow you to pop around and see the battle with actually spawned units. But the stock one, I dunno - when I saw things spawn at sea, it took less than 2 minutes for the engine to fix it and then they appeared on the nearest coastal road just fine. (Note - when at sea, I teleported there and did not see the units spawn in on the map - even tho the map said they were there at that spot) Way cool missions - and I didn't know about the app keys - gonna try that today. Thanks again, Savage, for finding this and getting us early access!!
  17. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I did - when you want to link to a YT video click on the Share tab on Youtube (beside the About tab) - it will give you a shorter link that works on webpages That is 2 funny - I did as well (made it medium), I bet we were editing it at the same time, Savage! !lol But I saw just a link (click me) so turned it into a player. For that you just copy the code part of their Share Link: Just the highlighted code part - paste that into your post, highlight it with your cursor, and click the little YouTube Icon JMVvr3UjLqA Like this: Which will then look like this: and here's the damn video already: (aww! Pigly 2...)
  18. Keep it up and running. People pop in from time to time.
  19. Here's a link to older version TS3 installers that can be downloaded (64-bit): http://www.filehippo.com/download_teamspeak_client_64/changelog/11489/ (32-bit): http://www.filehippo.com/download_teamspeak_client_32/
  20. Recently, a lot of gamers have been having issues with TeamSpeak 3 and keyboard or mouse controls for push to talk. The problem is that TeamSpeak will not allow a button to be set for PTT - or that ts3 will not recognize the input of the button at all. Oddly, this doesn't seem to be related to a client update or anything on the user's part - it just changes and they can only use Voice Activation Detection settings. **NOTE: Arma 2 users who play with the ACRE mod should NEVER update TeamSpeak 3 until it is confirmed that the current build is supported. To fix this problem, TeamSpeak 3 needs to be forced to recognize the keyboard, mouse, or controller input inside it's Hotkey settings. Access TeamSpeak 3 Settings by pressing Alt + P or just clicking Settings -> Options on the top menu bar. In Options, select the Hotkeys tab on the left. Now set your input for your Hotkeys to Direct Input instead of Default or Keyboard/Mouse as shown in the image below. Be sure to click Apply and then OK. If this problem ever happens again, just come back to this screen and ensure Direct Input is enabled in this manner. If TeamSpeak 3 does not allow a button to be set for Push to Talk: Settings->Options->Hotkeys-> Direct Input
  21. Pigeon LAN_WROTE ... Zulu is gmt brah. Not bst. "Lol" The difference between Zulu and cet is 1 hour not two. It's semantics I know but I'd rather not e an hour early/ late. I know ZULU is GMT - hell, Greenwich is in Britannia... but then I realized that daylight savings time thing is the screwy part here, my bad. And then, I looked up details about Greenwich, which itself isn't even following GMT until October 27th. So delightfully confusing. Vetala LAN_WROTE ... So really it would be 1900 as we are on BST? which is GMT +1 for day light savings. ^What he said is correct (and will be for the first 3 events of this 5 part campaign) until part 4 which is after the 27th. The rest of the year, we get to just quote ZULU as it will match time in Britain. [EDIT: My new favorite app - better for these questions cuz you can move a slider bar in real time and see how the times adjust... Android App called Time Predict https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gideondsouza.timepredict&hl=en - I gotta say, it's got an odd way to add a new time zone to the display, but I've used it for the last few events I've been in and it works great]
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