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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Welcome and good luck, EagleIII!
    Say, it does sound like you are gonna need to create a profile for that X36. I feel for you, HOTAS set-up in Falcon/BMS can take awile. This, of course, is why we are trying to assemble the largest section of Downloadable Joystick Profiles on the internet.

    As we do not have your X36 version, might I ask that you upload your Joystick Profile and add it to the DownLoads when you are done?

    This will ensure that the very next person that asks about an X36 Profile has a chance to DL a Preset Example to use/modify.

    Thanks in advance, and have fun with BMS!
  2. then why, clippy, did you ask me for info on how to manually and completely uninstall your Arma game so you can reinstall it proper?


    Oh wait, it was someone else who did....lololol Really, though, I'd meant to post this info up for some time as it gets redundant walking people through it as I have more than a few times to repair installations.

    Was for our good friend, tankmaster, specifically. And any who need to reinstall in the future.
  3. We need a post specifically about Arma 2 lauchers, preferably with screenshots, and featuring instructions and pics for most the popular ones, or at least the most popular one.

    This would be a great news item, but I am a bit busy at the moment, and when I'm done I'll be busy connecting all my social network/blog/YouTube things so I can cross post all the info and vids from the new CLAfghan mission and for VG.

    Also, I still need to contact Raptor to see where he left off before he left VG, and perhaps get the files from him or re-do the whole thing myself.
  4. then poke me, or message me on Steam. geez...lol.

    Run Combined Operations. I have since weeded out all Arma 2 elements that accidentally got included when I added Ft. Irwin Training Center elements and UNA Target Boards to the CLAfghan COOP Mission.

    Will have the rest sorted before dawn.

    Till then, run the game as Combined Operations as I told you, and you won't have a problem.

    It's that you have Steam that I don't know how to do these things. You should have me as a friend on Steam through VG Members, and if you message me, Steam beeps. So does TeamSpeak if you poke me.
  5. I found that trying to get the damn video to render with good settings was the HARDEST thing about Vegas. That particular part is so foreign to me, I had to watch some 15 year old kid on YouTube describe the process through endless "um um, yea, then you...wait a minute" but it finally worked.

    I saved it as my "YouTube" render profle, and never messed with it again. Then, upon reinstall, I lost it. So, now even I don't know how to best render a video. That little bit of my Arma teleport script example is crappy, blurry, and it's size is way to big.

    Took me over an hour and a half to upload it to YouTube for that tiny clip.

    To summarize, I do not know about Vegas Render Settings, and look to YouTube for instruction.

    Step One: Run Arma 2 Uninstaller or use Window Add/Remove Programs to Remove Arma 2

    Step Two: Restart if required; Open Programs Folder and delete any remaining Bohemia Interacitve folders

    Step Three: Open My Documents and Delete any/all Arma 2 or Arma 2 OA folders

    Step Four: (Thanks to CCCode!! !hi ) At the top of the My Documents Explorer window, in the address bar, type %appdata% and press enter.

    --If you wonder where this is physically, open your Root C: drive; Open Users, "YOUR NAME", AppData (if not shown, enable Show Hidden Files and Folders under Folder Properties)

    ---Under AppData, there are 3 folders Local, LocalLow, and Roaming. Ensure no Arma Folders exist in any, delete any Arma folders found. TO BE CLEAR: Do not delete the Folders: Local, LocalLow, or Roaming.

    Advanced - If you have advanced problems, you can delete the BI Studio registry entries using Regedit. This is advanced, and not necessarily required for all uninstall/re-install needs. You can try all the above steps, then re-install. If your issues are not resolved, follow the above steps again, and include Step 5 here:

    Step Five: Delete Registry Keys left over

    --Open Start Menu, type: regedit and press enter

    --Unexpand all the folder trees so it's easy to look at and navigate. You will be dealing with 2 folders:




    (If you have a 64-bit version of Windows, some of the Bohemia Interactive Studio folders will be found under the Wow6432Node, otherwise the folder is called Software)

    Here is a self explanitory picture. Delete the Bohemia Interactive Studio folder. I have another for my editing tools, you will not.


    Next, Collapse the Folder Tree HKEY_CURRENT_USER with the small triangle to it's left.

    Now, open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder, and again, navigate as in the image below. Delete the Bohemia Interactive Studio folder. Ensure you check for these folders in the Wow nodes if 64-bit, and Software folders.


    Use this process at your own risk. If I didn't say such, I wouldn't be fair. Any time you mess with your Registry as an uniformed computer tinkerer, you risk permanent damage to your operating system.

    I have tested and perfomed the above procedure several times on my own system, and directed many others through the process. It is safe, but if you mess something up while in the registry you will regret it.

    PM me with any questions. Include a screenshot if helpful.

    Current Install Order for Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead:
  7. @SavageCDN = Well, I'd certainly make it available to port to other islands. Shouldn't be a problem, but is a bit of work, as in MASSIVE, to port it now after the hundreds of hours I've put into it. We're talkin around 12-20 hours a day scripting every single day (except for several around Xmas) since 12/9/2011. EVERY SINGLE DAY. I added it up...

    If I were doing this for a company, I'd have 80+ of overtime each week for the past 4.

    So, yea, if you want to port, go ahead. I'm focusing on Afghanistan. If you do port, you may need to remove the Ft. Irwin Training Center elements. Was hard enough to get it to fit on this massive 450sq. km map.

    And that CQC map you mentioned, great idea! Should be run with ShackTac Movement and ShackTac HUD in that version, though. MOUT is all fun and games in Arma till you have to enter a doorway with your gun draw. ShackTac makes CQC possible in Arma, and only ShackTac.

    Final quirks will be worked out this afternoon.
  8. Sorry Bob, the reason I haven't posted up a version for you to download is that there are just one or two kinks involving "locality" that cause said things to not work when map is on a dedicated server vs. hosted privately or played offline.

    Right now, there is a basic hot fix on the server, I threw it up this morning, called v0.90. But even that one I don't feel comfortable giving to you Bob, or distributing just yet. I will have it all sorted in the next few hours even.

    This is my MAIN task at the moment - freakin locality "if(isServer) exitWith FUCKING RUN MY SCRIPT....lol something like that needs to be added to a few key functions I wrote.

    One big change from 0.89 to 0.90 is the "teleport" or relocation between the South Airfield, Camp Branca in the NE, and the Kunar Regional Training Center.

    Inspired by Oniblood's (helpful) remark about the original teleport, which simply consisted of the following lines:

    player globalChat "Relocating to South Airbase...";<br />player setPos [(getpos SEFlag select 0)+3,(getpos SEFlag select 1)+3,(getpos SEFlag select 2)+0];

    So, in response, I wrote 10 scripts to handle "simulated" transportation between Camp Branca, the South Airfield, and the Kunar Regional Training Center. It is a very gracefull teleport where the teleport "flag" is a static AI Blackhawk MEV, it unlocks, spins up the rotar, forces you in, Fade to Black, teleports you to the Blackhawk at the destination, forces you in that one, Fade from Black Back In, forces you out, turns off all engines, locks back up, and welcomes you to new area personally.

    Now if I could just get it to work on the dedicated server!! He'll teleport, fading through black and all, but the rotar never spins up, or tries and fails, and doesn't seem to lock/unlock well. Probably needs one of those MP lines like "if not local player exitWith" or "if(isServer) exitWith". I'll have it sorted this evening.

    Worked out a problem with the parachutes before it became one. They are classified as "Air'.

    In this mission, you cannot pilot/use lead position in "Air" unless you are a p?ilot. People would have been droping like rocks, only to look up at their deployed chute sans parajumper, as if the straps were cut from him. Therefore, in the line that said if not Pilot eject his ass, I basically added "(andand if !isKindOf "parachute_blahblahEP1") then eject his ass".

    ! means not in this crazy language. not is kind of parachute. Fun fun fun, this scritping is, as you can see...

    Here's the code I just wrote for my ambient and gracefull teleport to the ParaJump Training Range:

    //Ambient Graceful Teleport to HALO Training Script//<br />//by =VG= SemlerPDX; 1st new NoOb script of 2012//<br />//inspired by =VG= Oniblood's comment on my former 2 line teleport script//<br /><br />//-------TCFlag is Name of Static AI Blackhawk UH60M MEV at Traning Center-------//<br />TCFlag action ["engineOn", TCFlag];<br />sleep 2;<br /><br />TCFlag setvehiclelock "unlocked";<br />sleep 1;<br /><br />player action ["getInCargo", TCFlag];<br />SEFlag action ["engineOn", SEFlag];<br />TCFlag action ["LightOn", TCFlag];<br />SEFlag action ["LightOn", SEFlag];<br />sleep 2;<br /><br />player globalChat "Relocating to South Airfield...";<br /><br />//-------Ambient False Take-Off-------//<br />3 fadeSound 0.1;<br />6 fadeMusic 0.1;<br />titleCut ["", "BLACK OUT", 4];<br />sleep 6;<br />SEFlag setvehiclelock "unlocked";<br /><br />//-------Ambient and Graceful Teleport-------//<br />//-------SEFlag is name of Static AI Blackhawk UH60M MEV at South Airfield-------//<br />player setPos [(getpos SEFlag select 0)+0,(getpos SEFlag select 1)+3,(getpos SEFlag select 2)+0];<br />sleep 2;<br />player action ["getInCargo", SEFlag];<br /><br />//-------Fade Back In, and Variable Personalized Welcome Message-------//<br />6 fadeSound 1;<br />6 fadeMusic 1;<br />sleep 4;<br />titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 6];<br />sleep 1;<br /><br />if((round random 5) > 1) then {<br />    titletext [format ["Welcome to Prozakhar Airfield, %1.", name player], "PLAIN DOWN", 2];<br />} else {<br />//-------on the chance that a 0 or 1 comes up, it will say:-------//<br />    titletext [format ["Welcome back, %1. We kept the home fires burning...", name player], "PLAIN DOWN", 2];<br />};<br />player action ["getOut", SEFlag];<br /><br /><br />//-------Resetting Ambient Static Blackhawks-------//<br />sleep 6;<br />TCEFlag action ["engineOff", TCFlag];<br />SEFlag action ["engineOff", SEFlag];<br />SEFlag setvehiclelock "locked";<br />TCFlag setvehiclelock "locked";<br />TCFlag action ["LightOff", TCFlag];<br />SEFlag action ["LightOff", SEFlag];<br />//-----AND THEY ALL LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER. THE END-----//

    Here is what the teleport between bases should look like (note: the engine turns off much sooner now):

  9. The proper procedure for installing Arma is as follows, steam may be slightly different, but order must be followed:

    Current Install Order for Arma 2:
    1. Install Arma 2

    2. Install Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead

    3. Run Arma 2 at least once; exit back to desktop.

    4. Run Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead at least once; exit back to desktop.

    5. If you have BAF DLC Addon Pack, install it.

    6. Run BAF at least once; exit to desktop.

    7. If you have PMC DLC Addon Pack, install it.

    8. Run PMC at least once; exit to desktop.

    9. Install the 1.60 Patch (or run Steam update) now.

    10. Spend a fair amount of time removing key bindings you will never use for the 20 redundant Arma buttons !lol

    Hope this helps someone, cuz it would have helped me get into servers with V2 checks back in the day.....

    It's all about the install order!
  10. Also, I might add, the fix for the above problem is to reinstall, THEN install BAF and PMC addons, then patch. If you patch before installing BAF and PMC DLC, you get V2 sig check errors like that... This was pre - 1.60 patch that I fixed that. Just wanted to updated this if anyone else has that problem.
  11. We will try to add the "second primary weapon" that slings on your back, but I'm not sure how that will work with both LEA and with the Preset loadout script that manages all this in the mission.

    For now, just create a standard custom loadout with one primary, a secondary if you wish, and a backpack, or other back weapon. Remember, we are pushing Operation Arrowhead, so if certain weapons are specific to Arma 2 only, the team will need to swap them for OA equivalent gear. Also, MG gunners cannot carry a backpack - the slot is null. Same for others, like Medics. Respect this when creating kits, or we'll be contacting you for revisions.

    As soon as we can get the second primary "slung on back", I will simply announce it, and add to the already existing customs for each player - no sweat.

    I want second primarys too, just need to nail down the method. Domi's sucked, and was like a magic "bag of holding" that sent players into the field with enough gear to supply a small faction... This new mission sports some nifty suppy drop and support modules so, I actually want soldiers to run out of gear after so long in the field. Gives the commander, the C-130 Pilot, and other logistics roles a point of existence.
  12. If you want to see some serious improvement, I strongly suggest you read all about the new malloc function.


    Since 1.60 patch, BI has included 6 memory allocators and allows for the use of custom malloc's.

    Basically, for MANY users but not all, this will improve how the game uses the RAM it has available to it. It's not gonna start using more RAM, but it should use RAM better. You enable it via a command line launcher, as in, make a shortcut desktop icon to your Arma game, then right click on it to view Properties.

    You should see something similar to this:

    This is the one I am currently trying out, and I gotta say WOW!:

    Load times improved, things popping in/up faster like menus, things I click, and in game, I notice less "struggling to pop in textures" for items even moreso than simply installing the game on another hard drive. I finally feel like I'm using a PC with tons of fast RAM! I recommend trying them all out for yourself, and see if you don't get improvements.

    Insert the line after the "Target" path in quotation marks:

    And while we're on the subject of shortcut launchers, remember that you can also use these start up command lines with those nifty Arma 2 launcher apps that everyone raves about.

    Try this one, it will very quickly launch your game, and take you directly to your favorite server via it's IP address:

    -malloc=tbb4malloc_bi -skipIntro -nosplash -connect= -port=2302

    It will look like this, and when you double click the icon, provided you also have your CLAfghan Map addon enabled, the very first Arma menu you will see is the "Choose Your Role" menu in the new VG CLAfghan COOP Arma 2 Server. Works with any persistant server you have the IP for. I have one for each VG server:

    For some added fun, you can make or use custom icons with that "Change Icon" button there. Arma 2 includes many, but here's one for the VG Fanboys:

    Semler's handy-dandy desktop icon set:

    Good luck, and if you have any questions, shoot me a PM or post it here. Merry Christmas!
  13. Murderface LAN_WROTE ...

    they sanction the steamapps moving method on their site. i followed their steps to the T. but it not happen like they said it would lol. oh well, i'm over it. had 12 hours of raging and cursing and thats pushed it through lol. still...102GB of games.. -___-

    ...and if those don't work, you always got sheep. !giveheart

    (just kidding mate! Merry Christmas!)
  14. Now, this will not/should not work on the current project CLAfghan because it is like Project Reality, in that your kits are slightly restricted to your class. Snipers cant get/shoot machine gun, etcetera.

    Therefore, I would like to hereby personally offer to install Personal Custom Loadouts onto the CLAfghan COOP mission for anyone who asks!!
    This way, just like this program does, you can choose your favorite kit/loadout depending on what you want.

    You will still be restricted, as in, no sniper rifles for medics, etc. BUT - I am phasing out the "monster arma crate" that has everything in it. It will be moved to the ARMORY by supplies and command, not right in front of players stalling gameplay till everyone sets up 50 items and takes 15 minutes to get ready for deployment.

    So, download this. Make kits. Save them, find the save files, rename them (YOUR VG WEBSITE MEMBER NAME) and submit a download link or attach an rar file to posts in THIS thread.

    I will translate that into scripts in game that you have a scroll menu list to choose your kit/s from that is specialised to you. If you, say, chose a non-class kit you made, and you are the wrong class (medic/sniper/etc) it will not load to you.

    Sorry, but I'm done with complaints from people about Arma being hard to get into cuz everything takes too long. I hope you'll appreciate my efforts to make it more streamlined, without killing options or fully removing the massive choice of weapons we have here.

    I am a cat hair away from removing all weapons from crates that drop into the field from Air Drops, so that it only includes ammo for every single weapon, and ordinance.

    Input is appreciated, but not in this thread. Keep this thread all about LEA and it's usage. Please post CLAfghan concerns here:
    CLAfghan COOP Mission Thread
  15. Re-posted with permission from my new friend, Major_Shephard:
    Major_Shepard wrote ...

    Loadout Editor For ArmA 2 Combined Operations and ACE 2
    By the [S.o.E] Team - Sons of Exiled, [link]
    Current version 1.1.38

    --- Overview ---

    LEA is a standalone application with goal to simplify the customisation of player's loadout and mission edition. The software uses a full graphical interface and maximum automatised processes to help mission-makers and team players waste as less as possible time in editing loadouts. To do so, LEA has the capability to read and rewrite mission.sqm as well as generate SQF scripts into ArmA 2 mission. The software is provided with @LEA addon for players to make their loadout at mission start-up with LEA whatever the mission running on server. LEA can also help ArmA 2 team play thanks to its capability to easily share user profiles and missions through FTP.

    LEA has been developed foremost to run with ACE 2 for OA/CO. However LEA can be used without ACE 2 (see FAQ).

    LEA for Players:
    - Creation of an unlimited number of profiles see applicable ingame, at mission start. see
    - Many Weapon Addons supported, included ACE 2, ACRE, all Robert Hammer's pack and more. see
    - Possibility to share profiles by FTP, using LEA Client Interface. see

    LEA for mission makers:
    - Edition of all units (playables & AI), of all side. see
    - Edition of vehicule cargos, ammunition boxes, and all objects having cargo in the mission. see
    - Usable with any unit and vehicle addon.
    - Quick edition commands by using predefined profile or by quick creation. see
    - Edition of Name and Descritpion units attributes. see
    - Extraction and Compression *.pbo (Windows only). see
    - Possibility to share missions by FTP, using LEA Client Interface. see

    LEA for ArmA 2 Teams:
    - FTP Auto config file generator, to easily share profiles and missions. see

    --- Downloads ---

    LEA has been developed in Java language, which allows software to be executed on most of the OS such as Windows or Linux, having graphic interface. LEA is usable by ArmA 2 OA/CO players under Windows as well as ArmA 2 OA/CO dedicated server with Windows Server see or Linux Debian see. Installation could be done manually or automatically (Windows users only).

    DOWLOAD the Windows automatic installer: CLICK HERE

    Manual installation archive: here

    --- Requirements ---

    - LEA requires Java Runtime Environment 6 or 7.
    - LEA has been developed foremost to run with ACE 2 for OA/CO. However LEA can be used without ACE 2 (see FAQ).
    - @LEA addon requires @CBA.

    --- Docmentation ---

    See the LEA Wiki here

    --- Credits ---

    [S.o.E] Major_Shepard: Software Conception & Script
    [S.o.E] Matt2507: Graphic Conception & Web Development
    [S.o.E] ETBSMorgan: Mission Making Conception
    [BWF] Le_Culto: Script Help
    [BWF] & [F27] members: Testing

    [S.o.E] team - Sons of Exiled, [link]http://www.sonsofexiled.fr[/url]
    [BWF] team - Blackwater France, [link]http://www.blackwater.fr[/url]
    [F27] team - Force 27, [link]

    --- Terms of use ---

    LEA is a free software distributed under the GNU Global Public Licence (GPL), version 3.
    Authors and the [S.o.E] team reject any responsibility in the use of this software.
    For non commercial purpose only.

    --- FAQ ---

    Q. How to use LEA without ACE 2?
    R. In the Help menu select Manage Addons then uncheck ACE. Note that current version of LEA does not support vanilla ArmA 2 OA backpack.

    Q. What if I want to add some more addons into LEA?
    R. Next version of LEA will be provided with the capacity to import automatically an addon into the database. For the time being it is however possible but require some manual work. Contact us for more details.

    --- Changelog ---

    - Fixed: addition of magazines/weapons into vehicles cargo doesn't work when ACE mod is disable in the Addon Manager.
    - Fixed: ACRE PCR343 is not added into loadout from Preferences panel since LEA 1.1.
    - Fixed: error message "a refferal was returned from the server" with Windows UAC sets to High.

    - Added: error message when try to generate loadout scripts and mission folder does not exists.
    - Added: error message when LEA is launched without Administrator privileges on Windows Vista & Seven.
    - Fixed: @LEA, keys signature
    - Fixed: Make mission.pbo fails with large mission file size (corrupted mission.sqm, anormal pbo file size).
    - Fixed: loadout of AI playable units not properly initialized when loaded into choppers and planes.
    - Fixed: RH SMG, TDI vector weapons variants have bad magazines.

    -Added: support for ACE 1.13 stable
    -Added: support for OFrP 3.1 (1)
    -Added: support for ASR v10
    -Added: support for ArmA 2 OA backpacks (2)
    -Added: support for respawn and team switch into @LEA
    -Added: .bikey and .besign files into @LEA
    -Changed: no more auto addition of ACE wounds stuff into loadouts
    -changed: ArmA 2 missions folder path is made default choice
    -Fixed: no firing weapon after loadout initialization
    -fixed: RH HK416 AG36 type tifles missing magazines
    -Fixed: incorrect weight of M2 Slam, M4A1 CCO SD and Strela Mag
    -Fixed: Paladin magazines displayed even if not selected in faction filter

    (1): user will see his unit die when using OFrP 3.1 units with R3F weapons. Ask OFrP'authors about this "feature".
    (2): ArmA 2 OA backpacks don't work with ArmA 2 units and unit addons based on it. This is an ArmA 2 limitation.

    - Fixed: mission.sqm corrupted after re-assignation caused by init field instructions.
    - Fixed: CLU moved to the "Optical" list.
    - Fixed: Javelin magazine missing.

    Let's all get this installed ASAP! Any Problems, contact me and I'll personally help you.
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