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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Games should be more clear about whether or not they are "another chapter" or a whole new game.
    i.e. Operation Arrowhead is not Arma III; that is coming out this next summer. The Civ Series did this very well, their wikipedia entry of Main Entries to the series is neat and tidy, and no release was ever misleading about it's engine or features set improvements. For some reason, I cannot post a link to it here. !dntknw
  2. Yea, this is an administrative problem from EA, not DICE and their development team. The got raped just as bad as the people who were charged twice for the game, who upon calling to complain, were promptly kicked out of the sleezy motel room without even getting cab fare or a decent chance to reapply their lipstick and eyeliner.

    This is just like what happened to Indiana Jones in Peru.
  3. Looks awesome, man!! So the RAM slots on that Mobo are paired 1&2 and 3&4? I noticed you have your 2 sticks side by side, and many Mobo paired RAM slots are 1&3 and 2&4.
    Of course, you probably know your system better than I.

    Love the big-ass graphics card. It's a shame that she's near the end of her usable life, but just as amazing that it still works well enough to game righteously.
  4. Well recieved from critics.....
    The critics of the game I listen to are players, and many of them have problems, some still.

    I also hear rumors about many who pre-ordered and had more than payment to Origin for the game, and that when they complain about this overcharging/duplicate charging, they come back to find they have been banned by Origin from every Origin game, and their accusations are called lies.
  5. I still love the AMD Blacky's and always will! What a great testament to the beauty of the Quad-Core! Yes, you do NOT need an iCore processor to have great game performance with many, many games that are available right now.

    I can't give you a cross-comparison as I am also running an AMD Phenom II x4 - the 910 at 2.6GHz/core. I can tell you that with a system like that, your 4850 GPU, though still able to "hang w/the big boys", will become your "performance bottleneck" before anything else (provided you have 2-4GB of RAM).

    I used that GPU for a long time with great success, and only this past Spring upgraded to a 6770 w/DDR5 GRAM. Also, for the game ArmA, some here have added a SSD as a second hard drive and installed the game there - this vastly improves load times, and may increase game performance as we all suspect Arma accesses the HDD often during the game.

    Congrats on the new system! Can't wait to get some ArmA ops going again, bro!
  6. Okay. This is a "sig check V2" problem. You are not alone. I also have it, and unfortunately, the options are few. You can try to install and run the Beta patch (found here); I must say, this does not work for me. Perhaps the server would also need to be running Beta patch version?

    I dunno. You won't have this problem on the Domination server, I can tell you. The work around for this, and this DOES work for me, is to rename your BAF and PMC folders to something like "BAFzzz" and PMCzzz". Now, when you load the game, you will be able to enter the Insurgency server, albeit without the nice textures that the BAF and PMC DLC's add to their items. It sucks, I know, but aparently, those of us with this problem need to use this workaround until the official 1.60 patch is released. Sorry, but we do keep security tight on that server, and a random few do not pass verification checks with their Downloadable Content (BAF/PMC).

    You will find that the Insurgency server runs the S.O.A.R. map more than the BAF and PMC versions, so you aren't missing much most of the time by loading without your DLC packs.

    Let me know if any of this works for you.
  7. Wow! What a story! So, turns out he was not a mechanic, but a soldier on the front? My hat's off to this hero. WWII was the last great war, where so many citizens of so many countries felt obligated to the nations of the planet to stand up to facism and genocide and fight the "good fight".

    Your story touches home for me.
    My maternal Grandfather was also in the South Pacific - a cook on the Submarine Tender USS Sparry. He told me so many stories as a child, so many tales of being out to sea, I swear I thought he was in the war for 20 years.

    His "general quarters" battle station was on what I believe may have been a small deck gun with one other person. One of them would turn cranks to aim the barrel, the other would say the command "Pinch" and they'd fire.

    Of course, I grew up and learned that the war didn't last 20 years, but his stories were just so numerous it seemed that way. I also learned that he had a medical condition at sea and lost all his teeth (very odd, I must say). He was given an HonDisc after 3 years of service, and I am happy he was around for 20 years of my life. I remember going to his house in '99 when I was married just to sit and listen to the same stories I'd heard a million times before (knowing as an adult does the mortality of a loved one). We sat and drank his beer, The Champaigne of Beers - Miller High Life, which he delivered throughout Southern Oregon in the years following the war.

    By sharing stories with others, our passed loved ones live forever.
  8. I'm a fan of the MW2 single player storyline. I will certainly get this, though no where near release - just when I can afford it. No interest in Multiplayer.

    But as far as story goes, I was BLOWN away by MW2 and the intensity of war hitting suburban USA! If MW3 is anything like it, I have a feeling it will be the best (modern) singleplayer PC Military FPS to date.
  9. I talked with CCCode about this one day, and I agree with him. Yes vote here, but I like the above ideas about putting it at end of rotation.

    We can try to promote the maps to the players more, but the fact that you can see on GameTracker the times when a certain SP Map Pack Map loads because the server empties for 2 hours or so, then jumps back up to ~20 players again.

    It's killing server numbers; gotta do something!
  10. Actually, Terremer, that almost seems to suggest rolling back graphics card drivers as a fix.

    I'm not a fan of buying a first run of anything, though, as it just raises my blood pressure in mean ways. I'm sure it'll all get sorted before long.

    I'll get this game when I stop seeing polls like this, cause I'm only intersted in good, stable MP and COOP play; SP is for people without internet connections in the middle of Montana or something....but even they cannot play SP!!
    Internet connection is required at all times!
    Slippery slope......
  11. Here's how:
    For embedding a youtube player, use just the bit of code at the end of the YouTube share link - just the alphanumericals. Test the size as well, I found medium is best, so write it like this:

    I already fixed it for you.
    ( = [ and ) = ] in the example, of course.

    images to use in forums; I use PhotoBucket, but many use image shack. There you can upload your photos and get a link to the image.

    Then, use the forum tool Insert Image in this form (it will have brackets around it so I will insert ( and ) where start and end brackets go for this example).

    (img=small)PASTE IMAGE URL HERE(/img)
    if it's too small, try "=medium" - and you can also center it: (center)(img=small)PASTE IMAGE URL HERE(/img)(/center)

    REMEMBER - ( = [ and ) = ] in the above examples!!
    If you use HTML embedding, you should scroll through and find the height/width and set it to: width = 775 height = 453

    Good luck and good posts! See you around!
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