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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Poffadder, Savage, Tortia, kiwirambob, Jarema, dman, Iffn, and myself (and others) have been discussing and working on improvements for the VG Domination map. In order to get everyone on the same page, here are the ideas we've had, including some that may never be possible and those that simply need scripting.

    Please keep this post productive and on subject.

    We've taken the stance of not detracting from the current realism level, unless it's a matter of maintaining playability. A key debate on this subject is the Chinook's and their lifting ability. They have a ~14 ton lift capacity and Bradleys and other heavy armor start weighing in at ~27 tons. Of course, we can make the video game defy this, but...
    Jarema has an excellent point on this: "Since when are we trying to run a realism server?"

    The other side of the debate is: "Whenever possible, lets work around realism limitations with playability additions"

    We have a plan to add a FOB like area near Rasman airbase (or somewhere in the North half of the map) where some side mission bonus armored vehicles can be made to appear as they are unlocked, and a few of each unliftable armor type will begin stationed there at the start of the game near a jump flag.

    On the argument of Jump Flags; though these are completely unrealistic, removing them would detract from playability too much. On the other hand, when the server has 20-30 players, removing these would add to the cooperation and teamwork playability of the map.

    We have a plan to add a few changes that will allow jump flags or any such ability we choose, to be dependant on the current number of players in the server. It could be variable. This is also an example of one of our ideas that may not pan out, but is worth brainstorming.

    Current ideas in no order, some already implemented:
    -UAV with Remote Station and "admin unlockable" or Squad Role based ability to launch it's Guided Missiles
    -Chinook: Lift ability for all but MLRS, Bradley, and Abrams
    -Chinook can load ammo boxes
    -Attack Helicopters have emergency supply box (ammo crate with minimal supplies; field dressing, colored smoke, etc)
    -Harrier with GBU's
    -T-90 for use by BLUFOR (in small town SE of main base, by howitzers)
    -Backpacks Added
    -Many Attack Air Assets can be scripted to begin locked; admin can unlock
    -ACRE!!! We can and should add ACRE (without ACE) and use it in standard Domination alongside those who do not. It will add an additional level of playability for those with it and encourage others to join us on TeamSpeak.
    -TS3 Domination Channel Page should show header with active link to our Server Rules page on the site
    -Personalized custom loadouts for registered members by request
    -Ghille Suits for Snipers

    More lofty, and iffy, long term ideas:
    -AC-130 Spooky (preferably fully manable; Pilot, Co-Pilot, 2 Separate Gunners)
    -Longbow Apache's can LAZ
    -SOAR Passengers can aim and shoot Primary weapon while flying
    -2 Side Missions at any given time; One similar to current Side Missions, Another more geared to Spec Ops Infantry style Side Missions
    -Completely new and different Side Missions to replace all old Side Missions
    -New Bonus Vehicle Unlocks with a different Unlock Message (i.e. "High Command has Issued Your Platoon a (vehicle type). Use it well!")
    -Apache with Aim-9 Sidewinder Missiles and the ability to pull Stinger Launcher out of landed Apache and use remaining AA missiles as it's ammo (as per real life procedure)
    -Special Armor unlocks at Northern FOB Vehicle Spawn
    -Examine and modify Main AO objectives to add fresh new challenges
    -Air Traffic Control Space and Pattern subtly drawn on Map
    -Customized Notes, Controls, and Mission Description Additions/Modifications under in-game Map Page
    -More vehicle varients i.e. A-10 with no GBU's and more Mavericks, etc.

    Those of us actively scripting, modifying, or discussing changes to this Domination mission we are working on, post it here and keep change logs of all additions you have made so far. It will be best in the end if we have one scripting person compiling everything, and it looks like Poffadder has volunteered to step up to the plate. All final scripts should to go through him, and we will need to test on a regular basis. We will need to limit how often we upload a map revision to the server, so testing must be thorough, obviously.

    For those hoping to get some personalized custom loadouts, get them ready and PM SavageCDN. We should, once final testing is finished on this custom loadout option for our server, offer it to the public via a more easy to follow public post with instructions, as well as announcements on other ArmA 2 fan sites. We could update the server weekly, or perhaps a few times a month.

    Poffadder (or Savage), if you could, post a change log here after you submit the first map to BLuDKLoT for upload to the server. !cheers
  2. If you have the Insurgency ACE/ACRE map that had the issue fixed, email it to me or something....I'll work on it. Thinking about setting up ACE/ACRE on an event basis at least, perhaps on a private server. But Insurgency isn't going anywhere soon, it rocks! And Domi will too, when we're finished here.
  3. Calv wrote ...

    But instead of looking at what ARMA has, and building on that, they have instead just transplanted the BF2 PR style directly into ARMA.
    They could have achieved so much more by getting the ACE/ACRE guys onboard and combining all their efforts.
    PR + ACE + ACRE would be close to perfection.

    I just finished watching the ARMA PR tutorial videos. This mod is clearly attempting to make ArmA more playable to the types of players who are used to more structure, smaller "maps", and less free-form planning. Objectives are even more clear and linear (in a good way) for those who enjoy playing on their favorite "map" and trying different methods on the same battlefield with the same objectives, using different tactics or even different players on their squad.

    This will certainly help the learning curve, as area navigation will be consistant, and players will learn "the best ways" to attack or defend on a particular "map" or "mission" in PR. Unlike Domination or Insurgency, the start point and objective points begin rather close together, negating the neccessity for long travel, large scale force buildup and logistical deployment of assets to the mission objective area. Vehicles refuel, repair, and rearm with the MVTR truck same as before, but with different levels of each with time factors(50% refuel; 2% refuel...etc).

    =VG= Suomi wrote ...

    it quite simply makes the communication more ''Realistic'' you see you dont have to start kicking your keyboards ass to find the correct key

    Communication is exactly the same as in original ArmA. You have several channels, Global, Side, Team, Vehicle, Direct, etc; and they are switched between with < and > buttons (, and .), making your standard PTT button change between channels. You also have the option, as in original ArmA, to set any one of those to it's own button, no needless switching channels all the time! I use this now in ArmA, on my flight stick, I have 4 PTT's all separate: Side Channel; Team Channel; Vehicle Channel; TS3 PTT. Keep's my eyes and mind on my flying...

    The included medical system seems to be taken directly out of ACE Mod, as is the "radar", which looks like the ShacTac Hud with more in game GUI options. Downed teammates first require "Diagnosis" to determine the proper item or procedure to apply; CPR, Field Dressing, Morphine, Adrenaline. In ACE, we could lose consciousness but still be healthy, requiring the Adrenaline item to be used.
    Looks to be the same here, but I haven't seen anyone pass out from carrying too much weight. I am pretty sure that dynamic is not implemented, as I watched a single player drag a MASSIVE crate filled with heavy equipment over to a truck and load it in himself.

    Another reason carrying too much weight is not possible is the Kit System. I'll try to contain my distain, but I enjoy thoroughly the ability in standard ArmA to take and try out whatever weapon I wished or was available into battle. I look back to my BF2:PR days and recall filling only 3 roles because they had the weapon varient I required to perform well. I also like how PITN was able to make certain weapons limited in supply in our Insurgency map so we don't have 15 powerful snipers at one time. PR ArmA achieves this with the Kit System, and each kit has 2-3 varients to choose from while keeping the realism of a Medic not able to carry a huge Sniper Rifle.

    The map system has been given a new set of tools to work with. Now, instead of having to double-click on the map and write out the marker name, change the marker type, and color, you simply click on the map, activate your Commo Rose, choose the marker type from menus and sub-menus of actions and markers (Enemy Units Here; Need Transport Air/Vehicle; Need Ammo Box; Need Air Strike/Artillery Strike).
    The marker is then placed on the map with text describing it. Perfect for those who don't know how to place markers in ArmA.

    Finally, the Forward Outpost. This Project Reality item is the Massive Crate that must be dragged by one person and loaded via Commo Rose into a basic transport vehicle, and then driven to the deployment area. There you can deploy the Forward Outpost, but....It must be far from the engagement area, and this is determined by an arbitrary large circle around the enemy AO. Basically, regarless of terrain features, roads, mountains, valleys and passes, you will always be a set distance from the enemy.

    When deployed, small boxes start appearing around the Outpost, and these can be dragged into position, and a whole list of shape for walls and sandbag emplacements can be accessed. You simply choose the shape you want, and instantly, it appears where you want it (10 second deployment). Looks like there are a dozen of these crates around the Outpost. Also, the Project Reality Massive Crate is filled with many emplacement weapons (it's packed very well, so it can hold a lot of things and still be light enough to drag).
    You can grab out a TOW, or say, a Ma Deuce, already assembled, on it's tripod, and drag it into place around your Forward Outpost.

    Project Reality.Reality Project. Reality. Reality. REALITY!
  4. My door's always open to you, brother!
    Screw the LAN party, let's take a day trip up to Mt. Hood Nat'n Forest and do some shootin!

    You bring that kick-ass airsoft pistol and I'll bring my Mossberg and a box of clay pigeons! !huh
    Nuthin' builds confidence like shooting skeet from the hip with a pistol grip!!
  5. =VG= SemlerPDX wrote ...

    Nice...but all I have to say, and I think someone will back me up on this, Arctic Silver 5 thermal compound all the way!!!

    WhiteWolf wrote ...

    sorry but NEVER!, Arctic Silver is Conductive so no way !

    Oh I'm sure your computer will run just fine regardless of the paste between your Sandy and cool master.

    Have fun with the build; I always love building a new PC.

    I apologize, I wasn't trying to spark a debate! I can assure you that any conductive properties of any thermal compound are a non-factor unless it's applied improperly. Most everything in a computer is conductive, but the metal cap on your Sandy isn't "connected" to any circuit. If one doesn't put so much compound on the metal cap, it won't have it coming out it's ears to somewhere that it can cause a problem.

    There is a reason the pro's use Arctic Silver, however, and I would certainly scrape it off my Phenom x4 in the next 5 minutes if I felt that it was a dangerous trade-off between thermal performance and electrical safety.
  6. Nice...but all I have to say, and I think someone will back me up on this, Arctic Silver 5 thermal compound all the way!!!
    And what kind of CPU cooler is gonna go on that Sandy?
    Whatever you do....don't use spread method when you afix your heat sink to the processor! Look up the method for that particular Sandy.

    Good luck!
  7. Yea, no, ridDle - I wasn't "in the pit" for 22 hours....I was literally jumping head first into the shit!

    Teamwork at all times, and many, many well coordinated HALO jumps...

    Day, and night...

    With many, many extracts

    out of THEE shit

    We all completed countless side missions, capturing enemy leaders and even rescuing 11 hostages at once...

    High Command promoted both Poffadder and myself to the rank of Colonel and gave us whole wings of A-10's to use

    and entire divisions of tanks, strykers, and armored vehicles with which to wage our special brand of war:

    We all used every last piece of equipment with coordination and teamwork

    ....every last piece

    Oh, and....I did get some time in the pit, too:

    All in all, it was an amazing day and we had more fun than most people can fit into 22 hours. We were soldiers!

    [ EDIT: Spelling ]
  8. Restarted Domi server at 6am PST (set to 2am in game) and just finished a 22 hour tour of duty at 4am the next day. 18 AO's, countless sidemissions, and had to respawn many times (not really 64 deaths by enemies, but still)...yea, I had nothin else to do today. Amazing time on the server, we had around 10 people on at most times, and more than half were new players!

    Here's the scoreboard after 22 hours, between us, we killed over 1,000 of those damn dirty bots:
  9. I do think about them as I walk alone at night very far from camp to high cliffs or forest clearings so sit and watch the stars.
    I wonder about ancient aliens, if there were indeed several different "factions" taking advantage of our ignorant ancestors, posing as gods or worse.
    I've seen the evidence throughout history and it seems they have great interest in us for some reason. I would love to say I believe its all for good and they may be "overseers" but I fear the truth is far more dark and terrifying that any of us would wish to acknowledge.

    Ignorance is truly bliss. I like PITN's sig. Translated: "Live for the day, putting as little faith as possible in the future."

  10. Ooh! I get to vote again...wierd...I'm going with CTD/BSOD this time....I've only had 6 ever with this current build, and more frequently recently. Something is amiss somewhere, and I gotta track it down.

    Worst part, one of the BSOD's reset all my profile controls in ArmA to default. Spent 3+ hours re-doing it with all my customs (Nostromo Speedpad + Cyborg-X stick)
  11. I really think this could be our special =VG= niche. Offering preset loadouts, perhaps we require pubbers to join the website and post/send their info, and we do monthly/ bi-monthly updates to the server maps.

    People would play on our servers more often if they got used to that awesome feature!!! It may be time consuming, but it could be our "hook".
  12. Great first project, buddy! All the sound crossovers were smooth with no popping and your video fades were so clean, too. I can respect the little things, being a vegas addict, cause they are what make it!
    Here's a pic of my render settings. Try these out and see if you can't get the full HD out of Vegas HD for your YouTube uploads:

    Make your Project Properties the same (video/audio/HD settings). Hit me up if you have ?'s.

    Remember to remain true to your concept and goal. The intro makes me picture lots of people playing many games online together, and then the video is a single person solo'ing an Apache on a barron server. Don't even sweat it!! It's your first video, and we'll get that server full yet! We could get lots of shots together.

    The music is what pulls it off, though, especially in the intro. Good choices!

    You already know, cause it was said above, length is one of the only criticisms. But, take it with a grain of salt...there is a learning curve and you're already a little ahead of it with your first video. !hi

    It's all a learning experience!! Keep it up! !2cool
  13. Yea....it is. They have been making some serious modifications these past months since the conflict has been raging.
    I saw a special inside the "factory" where they A-Team up a bunch of trucks and vehicles with whatever they could find...18+ hours a day, welding, chopping, repairing.

    Good luck boys!!! Just don't replace him with another dick!!
  14. @Eclipse, Yep! Just need something to capture and something to assemble the bits with titles and transitions....after that, your imagination is the limit.

    Where's the videos Chaz and Bones were gonna submit back in May?! I would love to put my Insurgency video up for this contest. Please, bring some more submissions asap!!


    The file is 345MB and is MP4. I would prefer to provide the download link of the original file to BLuDKLoT securely, and have the public that can view this thread watch it through YouTube, if that's okay.

  15. I hope you all enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed making it. It was truly a labor of love.

    I couldn't fit everything into one video, so I plan to do a separate tribute video to all my actors (including the bits where I had you all salute).

    Really, I couldn't have done this without the help of my friends.

    Special thanks to PITN, ridDle, Calv, Lt. Spears, and SavageCDN.

    Thank you! !cheers

  16. @Harry:

    Interactive Media Presents: World of Ford Pinto!!!

    Carefully start your Pinto, don't flood it now!! Drive 8 blocks to get a 40oz from the corner store in 98 F degrees of California heat, while trying to keep the engine from sputtering and shutting off when stopped at intersections!

    Avoid overheating the engine by having the heater on full blast at all times! Attempt to see the road through the sweat dripping in your eyes as you race to get home before your 40oz is piss warm!

    Coming Winter 2011
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