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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Wasssup Murder!! Yea, post up here asap about this connection problem - we'll get you sorted out.

    We're still on the 1.59 Patch version, and nothing has changed with Insurgency, and in Domi, you can get in with vanilla or with CBA v7, JSRS Sound Mod, BlastCore Visuals Mod, and even ACRE (which comes with and needs jayarma2lib mod).

    Great to have you back!
  2. The A-10 can be tricky, and you should learn where the stationary SAM site is between the north and south bunkers. Also, those "Missle Spandrels" are your worst enemy. Fly low and fast with a keen eye to the small enemy vehicle with 4 tubes on top.

    Check out this A-10 landing video I made a ways back. Over a thousand people have used it to learn the basics and the advanced tricks:

    And welcome to the servers, bro!
  3. If you very much desire to play on the Insurgency server, you still can, but you will have to disable your DLC. I have the same issue and am patiently awaiting the 1.60 patch. To temporarily disable your PMC content, just rename the folder "PMC" to something random like "PMCzzzzz" and the game will load without it.
    Like PITN said, you'll be able to use your DLC on VG Domination, as well as the killer sound mod JSRS and the Blast Core Visuals mod. Makes it into a whole new experience.

    Good Luck!
  4. Using currently available technology, a PC gaming rig has been assembled to create a working human interface for Battlefield 3 that is nothing short of amazing:

    The Ultimate Battlefield 3 Simulator

    You may have already seen the video here, or somewhere. A person steps into the center of a large pad in what looks like a room designed to capture the motions of an actor for a CG scene of a movie. He picks up a "gun" in the center of the room and begins to play Battlefield 3. Quickly we see his motions are transfered into the game as he crouches, walks, shoots, and gets shot - by one of 12 paintball guns covering the area of the pad!


    What you are seeing is an innovative creation set in motion in July of 2011 by Jason Bradbury and Suzi Perry of The Gadget Show. Produced by North One TV (Midlands), part of the All3Media Group in the United Kingdom, The Gadget Show has been around since 2004 and is currently on it's 16th season. They have made over 200 episodes and, in the UK, broadcast on Channel 5 on Monday nights at 8pm (GMT). The episode that features this astounding mechination is set to air October 24th, 2011 in the UK, called: ?Immersive Gaming Simulator Build?

    Before you start scrambling for your checkbook or making out that list to Santa, you should know that this build consists of over $650,000 in parts, technologies, and softwares. Makes that new EyeFinity setup sound downright affordable, doesn't it?

    When the people at The Gadget Show got the idea that the high-end graphics games we play are so greatly limited by the single, static monitor we all look at, they had the idea to change the way they are played. As a PC gamer who uses the NaturalPoint TrackIR 5 and TrackClip Pro for everything from the Falcon 4: Allied Force F-16 simulator to the ArmA 2 military simulator, I am used to the feel of my head motions being translated onscreen. This takes it to a whole new level wherein the "gun" you hold in your hands aims the crosshairs and your body itself turns the character around. They brought together a fantastic team of design and computer experts and challenged them to invent this one of a kind interface and make it into a reality.
    A true First Person Shooter Simulator is born.


    The first, most notable gadgets are the gigantic 360 degree screen and the pad you stand on while playing. The screen has a 18 foot circumference and is 12 feet high with 5 projectors casting the images onto the dome screen. Imagine turning around, physically and in-game, at the same time - but the monitor constantly rotates with your body so that your center-line is synced with the huge monitor's center-line, around the 360 degrees.


    The omni-directional pad was made by MSE Weibull, of Sweden, and is pretty much a series of tredmills that run in all directions from the player. They, along with infra-red tracking cameras, translate real movements into game actions. This is made possible by an "XBOX Kinect camera hack" that makes such actions as crouching and jumping part of the data sent through the PC to the Battlefield 3 game engine. In addition to this, various LED's fill the room with lighting colored appropriate to the in game pixels via an ambient pixel-mapping software.


    In his hands is a gun with 4 motion tracker balls, and it appears to be mounted with a small LCD display that shows an image similar to that on the screen, but cropped around the crosshairs. He moves the gun so seemlessly with his body and head, it's hard to tell whether the crosshairs actually move with the gun, his head, or his body orientation. I guess we'll have to wait until October 24th to find out more.


    The 12 painball guns are arranged in groups of three around the player, at 4 points. Depending on where he is hit from in the game, and where he is currently on the pad, dictates which paintball gun fires and when. The player is wearing a full paintball helmet, and the "gun" he carries is completely wireless but doesn't fire paintballs itself. It looks like it has 2 triggers as well, with the second close to the end of the barrel.


    Clearly this is an interface that could not only transfer over to many FPS style games, but also to military simulators such as Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead, or Combined Operations. I can only dream of playing ACE, the Advanced Combat Environment Mod, using this rig. Muscle memory could be learned in this fashion, as well as a healthy fear of getting shot!!!


    From the Press Pack ...


    The Gadget Show ?Immersive Gaming Simulator Build? will premiere in the UK on Monday 24th October 2011 @ 8pm on Channel 5.

    The episode will be repeated on 5* at 8pm on Tuesday 25th October and on Channel 5 at 10 am on Saturday 29th October.

    Please visit www.channel5.com/thegadgetshow for more information on the show.


    A video trailer of the simulator is available for embedding (for worldwide use) via http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQR49JGySTM.


    THE GADGET SHOW is a UK consumer technology programme that is currently in its 16th series. It has produced over 200 episodes since 2004. It broadcasts on Channel 5 at 8pm on Monday nights.


    NORTH ONE TV (MIDLANDS) is the production company that makes The Gadget Show. North One TV is part of the All3Media group.

  5. Those little ones are almost scarier.
    I think if they added creepy rubber monster faces, strapped a pound or two of C4 to 'em and released them by the 1000's into enemy territory...
    Half the bad guys would die of fear induced heart attacks, and the rest would learn how the big-boys take out their enemies with proper "suicide-bomber" tactics!
  6. Happy to get the word out! Tell the masses!

    And special thanks to poffadder for making it all possible! He and SavageCDN made this new domi what it is with their ArmA magic. Way to implement these ideas, guys! !cheers

    We do know about a few minor issues, such as the ACRE PRC-117 error, or the Jet Service station fix we have - they will be fixed properly in time. The WarFX BIKEY and BISIGN keys in the BlastCore Visuals mod need to be replaced with the following keys in order to gain access to Multi-Player Servers running them:


    Also, copy the "WarFXPE BIKEY" into your ArmA program file "Keys" folder as well.
  7. The BigDog by Boston Dynamics is the creepiest looking robot I've ever seen. I can't believe how well it can stay on it's feet, even when kicked. These guys have a lot of cool videos with amazing robots they're developing. This video is a compilation by them showing the BigDog at various developmental stages, it's evolution.
    You gotta see this crazy thing!!

    Thank's to Robotfungus for the links! !cheers

  8. I must be doing something wrong here. I have connection problems to Insurgency Server since I installed the PMC and BAF dlc. The procedure I took was to simply install the two .exe's as I obtained them; on top of my currently patched Arma 2: Combined Operations (DVD-ROM) Install.

    This is the screenshot:

    (also, this screenshot would say all BAF key errors if I disable PMC as described below. Both have problems.)

    Like I said, perhaps I'm doing something wrong here. The only way I can connect to Insurgency now (workaround-style) is to rename the two folders BAF and PMC to something random like BAFZZZ and PMCZZZ. Then, when I load any game .exe, I can connect to Ins, though I'm back to low texture BAF and PMC items, of course. (thanks Iffn, for the idea!!)
  9. Works for me, man. I don't know what you're doing wrong. What does the error message say? If it's anything ACRE related and you can get past it and onto the server, with your sound and visuals mods working, you're fine.

    EDIT: *was solved: SixUdater may grab a more recent update of these mods - Jager had a newer CBA. Use links at top for the proper versions of CBA, JSRS, and BlastCore. Read further posts here for the BlastCore MultiPlayer Fix you must apply to get online with this mod. Post here for help.
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