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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. The CEO of BI, "snYper", posted a request to players of BI games to help evaulate development efforts in their many games. He has posted a short 5-10 minute survey which will help them direct their team towards what the players want so as to deliver more desireable games.

    This is our chance as players to tell this company what we think and how best to improve new games and game updates we receive from them. Let's take advantage of this excellent opportunity to let the dev's know how we feel about their products.

    spYder wrote ...

    Hi, as most of you are already aware, Bohemia Interactive creates both games for entertainment (e.g. ArmA2, Take On: Helicopters) and also for serious uses (e.g. VBS2).

    To shape our serious game development efforts we are asking people to complete a short survey. The questions are about military games, including VBS2 http://www.bisimulations.com/products/vbs2 which is our military tactical training and mission rehearsal game.

    The survey is at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MRHRZQ5 and anyone is welcome to answer, even if you have never seen or used VBS2.

    We thank you for your assistance!
  2. Here's a cool teleport I found when I couldn't find Savage to get his. This is great for editing in 2D map, as when you go to preview the map, you can move anywhere without reloading the preview.

    This allows you to click on the map while in preview and teleport anywhere.

    The file is an .rar containing an init.sqf and the script file teleport.sqf, and a text file with the Initialization line that you must copy and paste into your unit's init field.

    Contact me if you have any questions!

    Make a script file in notepad called "init.sqf" that has this line:
    execVM "Teleport.sqf";

    Make a script file in notepad called "Teleport.sqf" that has these lines:
    if!(local player) exitWith{};<br />hintSilent "Click anywhere on the Map you wanna Teleport to";<br />openMap [true, true];<br />onMapSingleClick "vehicle player setPos _pos;openMap [false, false];true;"; <br />sleep 1;<br />hintSilent "";

    Then, open editor, load your map, and bring up the "Edit Unit" menu for your primary player unit on the map. Write this into his Initialization field:
    this addAction["Teleport","Teleport.sqf"];

  3. This isn't meant to be a shameless promotion, but it is no matter how I/we write it. I am motivated by a desire to get the word out to the great cooperative teamplayers in the PC gaming world who may not know about the =VG= community and how we run servers. Heck, half the Falon 4 flyer's come here and say, "In all these years, I didn't know people played this online!"

    Bones had me thinking about this "why" a few months back. What can I say? I'm a "fanboy", or man, as it be.
    This was something I was writing for my Steam profile page so's people could understand that, like many online PC game players, I wear clan tags - but for us at =VG=, it means so much more. I thought I'd copy it to a thread here, and us gamers could have a chance to pitch in as to why they also choose this community and these servers for their PC gaming time. For those of us who also play PvP PC games, why also do you choose to play COOP with us at =VG=?

    Please feel free to submit a testimonial, if you wish, as to why you play at VETERANS-GAMING and with players like this. Few can argue that this is something different, and unique; not just a clan, but a gaming community. A fair one, at that. Hell, I'm more interested in the posts here than on my own facebook, but then again, I'm a PC wargamer...

    I started playing with VETERANS-GAMING Clan almost a year ago because they focus on open, public servers specializing in many different Player vs. AI PC games. This immediately removed the nasty "smack-talking, base camping, and disproportionate skill-levels" that plague the Player vs. Player online wargame experience. A few games, and a few servers run PvP right; I don't knock that - I've probably logged many hours there.

    Simply put, in VETERANS-GAMING COOP servers, I get to focus on more of the different aspects that make up a particular game, be it a modern warfare game, or older era wargames, focusing on an AI enemy that is consistantly acting in a "military like" sense. For harder AI, I turn to ArmA 2 and it's AI mod's and addons - but I play against them with my =VG= brothers. Here you will find a very welcoming group of PC gamers who take the time, and patience, to include others; new players and veterans alike.

    When I think VETERANS-GAMING, I don't just think of real life military veterans, though we have many, but veterans of gaming. A great mix of people proficient in so many different multi-player online games, running so many online COOP servers - like I said, more than your standard "gaming clan".

    If I wasn't in =VG=, though, they'd welcome me the same, and I'd enjoy playing with them just the same. I'm proud to be part of such a group!
  4. I've played with Dslyecxi before, he's a cool dude. Actually, those ShackTac guys are all great - brothers in Arms (I mean Arma).

    A little over the top with realism, but that's what their all about. They make some of the coolest mods that we use, too.

    FYI, this video can benefit a Cobra crew in more than just Arma - he talks about communication and tactics that can apply to any (cobra) game.

    Nice find, Clippy!! !cheers
  5. Awesome cave, BLuD! Is that a whip-style vaporizor?
    I love an excuse to throw up some gun pics! !gundown
    Let me introduce you all to Mr. Saturday Night Special
    He's a Llama XVI .22 LR mini replica of the Colt 1911
    Fully plated in sterling silver, with a polished wood hand grip overlaid with mother of pearl, the weapon weighs about as much as a fully loaded Glock 19c (25oz.), and shoots just as accurately!

    This baby is a melon popper, accurate, and good at it's job - probably wouldn't want to try to drop an assailant with center mass shots anyway with a close range pistol like this:

  6. Yea. I'd say the killer for your speed is your net connection, combined with the distances you are trying to connect to (across the Pacific, then across the US, then across the Atlantic).

    Here's some info about your router. Not the best in the modem world, but probably isn't the problem.

    ADLS may just not cut it for the way we use the internet for gaming over such distance. Maybe we should try to see if you can connect to Arma if I host a mission from West US.
  7. I have a huge package with them, including a phone line for the fax, but it has free nationwide long distance, and of course, the HD Cable TV with dual DVR's makes the bundle deal a bit more than $90.
    $90 is the price without the bundle deal.

    Here's a local test:

    Apparently, only 7% of the US have a connection with these speeds on the residential level, but I game all freakin day sometimes, so it's way worth it for me. Plus I web-cam/video phone with my family across country which is priceless.
    (researching your parts now, among other things, murder... !drag will get back to you)
  8. What they said. Direct connect, not wireless for PC gaming due to the constant stream of packets. Modems are now on a DOCSYS3 standard - perhaps you have a DOCSYS2 modem, and aren't experiencing the modern technology available. If you do get a router, don't cheap out. This is your life line to the game - for around $75US, routers start to get decent.

    Make sure all your ports are in line, look up UPnP settings, and google about it. Perhaps your modem can be adjusted to allow game traffic through better.

    Let's get a list and model numbers of the devices you have for starters, and find out the rated internet speeds you are paying for from your ISP. Dial-up is old, slow, and you definetly don't have that. DSL and ADSL go through the phone line as well, but the difference is night and day. ADSL is acceptable for online gaming, as is a cable internet connection which comes in through a coaxial cable line (like cable TV). If you also have cable TV, the actual cable most likely splits to the modem and cable box respectively.

    The absolute worst, most inconsistant connection is Satellite. Everything from weather to sunspots can cause problems with PC gaming when the stream of packets are interrupted for too long.

    Most of these options have their own speed levels based on pricing brackets - for about $50/month, cable ISP's offer 6-8MBit connections. I pay extra for the 11th or 12th bracket my cable company offers - 22MBit for a choking price of $90/month. But I also had them hook me up with a Aris Modem (DOCSYS3) and a good router, and had a good technician set me up for internet gaming. We even tested it while he was there. Well worth it, as this is one of my only 2 major hobbies, and camping is nearly free.

    Let's get that list of model numbers of your parts, including your PC (specifically the MotherBoard and manufacturer)
    Most are on little stickers somewhere....happy hunting!

    Click here to test your internet speed. Test locally first, then test your connection to, say, London, where many servers are located
  9. Murderface0151 LAN_WROTE ...

    i think im going to frame my 4850, and preserve its memory for the ages to come. then in 20 years i can compare technologies and hopefully be mildly impressed by the new stuff

    I am more than mildly impressed with the differences from my "Wall of Ages". That floppy disk could only ever hold something like 1500-3000kB, and today I have a MicroSD chip I bought for my cell phone that is about the size of the fingernail on my little finger, about as thick, and holds 16GB!! (in the pic also: MSI M950 Mainboard and nVidia 370XT 256MB PCI Video Card)

  10. Ok. I just had a dumbass moment. I saw this thread again at the top of the list, "1.60 Patch", my heart began beating heavy as I started yelling "YES! YES! YES!"........ !yahoo

    Ahh, just another update saying "anytime now". Coming back down to Earth now. (breath, Semler, breath)

    Still, I am so stoked that this is coming in a matter of days/weeks now. The MP is so fun I play through that crap, but it isn't really "playing" now is it? I've been up against humans lately, as I am learning the game mode "Takistan Life" and the internet bullshit is just about killing the tactics (imagine trying to P.I.T. a badguy's car with your police vehicle through that desync!).
  11. I didn't believe you at first, till I fired up vanilla BF2 and saw the 40 most popular servers all at an avg. of 50 players. That's 2000 players just in the top 40 - the list keeps scrolling. I didn't know that many people still put up with dolphin divers, bunny hoppers, and nade spammers.
    "it hasn't gotten wierd enough for me yet"
  12. Murderface0151 LAN_WROTE ...

    i refuse to use any other browser good sir.

    I can understand a preference, but not a 100% boycott. If you have a problem, and using IE for the task is the main workaround/fix for it, you should feel confident to open IE, perform the task, and close it again. (Delete it's history, etc. at end of session if you wish). There is a big difference in using a certain browser for one task, and using it as your main web portal. !wife

    Think like Spec Ops: "Surgical Insertion; Stealth Recon; Clandestine Extraction"

    I promise you, it is HIGHLY improbable that you will compromise the integrity of your PC security, or get some "virus" or spyware and crap by visiting VETERANS-GAMING.COM via IE just long enough to access your profile and upload a song.
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